Post by JackBut what's the answer to the question?
The basics of creation and existence
By Atélo (Henning O. Lutz)
Aug 28, 2007, 06:3
The following piece is a summary of a telepathic “Course in the basics
of creation and existence”. I got it from CM during the night (08/26
to 08/27) by means of telepathy in a mix of images and words which I
can’t totally describe. But I DO have a clear remembrance of the
Some other parts came through telepathically today when writing this
stuff down. So here we are.
Christ Michael: To understand what it means that WE ARE ALL ONE – and
I AM ALL, imagine my entity as a kind of energy you cannot sense today
and is “below” all energies and matters your physicists and
astrophysicists know today. Imagine that the whole local universe of
Nebadon IS ME. This energy. All other entities within Nebadon are
“culmination points” of this energy - and the culmination was
initiated by my intention.
All things which exist do so as a trinity of creation, potential and
thought/will. This is an important thing to understand about the local
universes: They exist in this creational trinity. So my “counterpart”
if you will is Nebadonia - the 'culimination' of all potentials and
ideas, all of the things which would be possible in Nebadon.
And all “beings” - regardless of physical or spiritual dimension
represent an individual “amount” of will and potential – their
specific signature. This is the explanation why consciousness is
power: You don’t need to work on the “material” level – regardless of
density or dimension – you just can work on the “potential level” by
changing probabilities. You do this by utilizing the Universal Law of
Resonance – as so many entities have told you. Including ME.
And with this, you get an idea how the duality in the local universes
is composed – they all exist in duality. (In contrast, the super-
universes exist in trinity.) We have two ‘hierarchies’ – the Universal
one, which is represented by Immanuel Esu Kumara, the Planetary
Prince. And on the ‘Spiritual One’: The head of this “hierarchy” is
the Planetary Logos, Gautama Buddha.
I have asked Henning to set several words in quotes, as I try to
explain the concepts in a way that they can be easily understood.
It is important to understand that all is relative. There is no entity
(or “energetic culmination point”) which is totally “material” or
totally “spiritual”. There is only one point in creation where one can
exist in unity, and that’s Paradise Island. So any entity has parts of
thought/will and potential. On Urantia, you often label these two
masculine and feminine, which is in a sense true. The most “relevant”’
comparison of this is the chinese Yin and Yang.
If you try to imagine these concepts, the picture of energy vortexes
is a suitable one. Folks, you know one specific of these: The photon
belt is of course a vortex of energy which holds a specific signature
and allows a specific bandwith of creation. It’s origin is Alcyone, a
specific “culmination point” of will and potential I created. And I
also determined that this culmination point should send out an energy
vortex to clean and lift up all objects passing it.
Understand that there are countless vortexes in my creation – of which
you only sense a minor part. They exist on countless densities and
dimensions. Even you are specific “culmination point” – an individual
creation of ME – and even you are the origin of countless vortexes –
your thoughts and feelings. This is an ability all my creatures have
and this is the main reason for you being my co-creators – whether you
are conscious in doing that or not.
Let’s come back to the hierarchies. You all know that creation has to
be well-organized to work. So my creation of Nebadon is “structured”
in several ways. Many of you have read parts of the Urantia book which
presents a meaningful amount of the structure of my creation (and the
699,999 others). So, yes, as there are countless vortexes as I told
you, there are countless entities, too – both on the “universal” and
the “spiritual” level.
As the spiritual Earth – Gaia – has a Planetary Logos – also all the
other planets have one. The sun has one, and of course it’s central
sun has one. And so it continues. The same is true for the universal
level, too, but we talk of other mechanisms of “organizing”. So we
talk about systems and constellations, and – at the level of the super
universes – little and big sectors. Each of these have specific
sovereigns who are responsible for their “area” of MY creation and
executing MY WILL.
On a higher level – which you cannot totally understand today – all
this different levels of existence I just described are specific
levels of energy, nothing more, nothing less. So even the things you
currently consider as “solid” are energy only. Potentials are energy,
thoughts and will are energy. So in pondering this, you get an
imagination of how powerful the Universal Law of Attraction is. In
fact, it is the most important thing in the creation process.
Notice that I AM always active, and Nebadonia is active, too. And so
all the other countless entities are – even you. The energy pattern of
thought/will and potential always changes – surely by intent,
resonance and reaction. The reason for this is MY INTENT to experience
and KNOW all possibilities – as the Eternal Father does.
So, yes, all religions are correct in the assumption that there is
someone with power and intent. ME. But they all are also wrong in the
teaching that YOU are LESS THEN ME. You are my co-creators, and I WANT
YOU TO CREATE, TOO. Thinking is creating – and the ability of thinking
is MY GIFT to you as my beloved co-creators. So use it wisely.
Namasté, Aton/Christ Michael.
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