(too old to reply)
Bill M
2008-08-10 19:13:06 UTC
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.

There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???

Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
2008-08-11 01:15:53 UTC
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Hi Bill, here's a answer. Take your time to read it carefully.


Evolving mortal creatures experience an irresistible urge to
symbolize their finite concepts of God. Man's consciousness of moral
duty and his spiritual idealism represent a value level--an
experiential reality--which is difficult of symbolization.

Cosmic consciousness implies the recognition of a First
Cause, the one and only uncaused reality. God, the Universal Father,
functions on three Deity-personality levels of subinfinite value and
relative divinity expression:

1. Prepersonal--as in the ministry of the Father fragments,
such as the Thought Adjusters.

2. Personal--as in the evolutionary experience of created
and procreated beings.

3. Superpersonal--as in the eventuated existences of certain
absonite and associated beings.

GOD is a word symbol designating all personalizations of
Deity. The term requires a different definition on each personal level
of Deity function and must

Page 4be still further redefined within each of these levels, as this
term may be used to designate the diverse co-ordinate and subordinate
personalizations of Deity; for example: the Paradise Creator Sons--the
local universe fathers.

The term God, as we make use of it, may be understood:

By designation--as God the Father.

By context--as when used in the discussion of some one deity
level or association. When in doubt as to the exact interpretation of
the word God, it would be advisable to refer it to the person of the
Universal Father.

The term God always denotes personality. Deity may, or may
not, refer to divinity personalities.

The word GOD is used, in these papers, with the following

1. God the Father--Creator, Controller, and Upholder. The
Universal Father, the First Person of Deity.

2. God the Son--Co-ordinate Creator, Spirit Controller, and
Spiritual Administrator. The Eternal Son, the Second Person of Deity.

3. God the Spirit--Conjoint Actor, Universal Integrator, and
Mind Bestower. The Infinite Spirit, the Third Person of Deity.

4. God the Supreme--the actualizing or evolving God of time
and space. Personal Deity associatively realizing the time-space
experiential achievement of creature-Creator identity. The Supreme
Being is personally experiencing the achievement of Deity unity as the
evolving and experiential God of the evolutionary creatures of time
and space.

5. God the Sevenfold--Deity personality anywhere actually
functioning in time and space. The personal Paradise Deities and their
creative associates functioning in and beyond the borders of the
central universe and power-personalizing as the Supreme Being on the
first creature level of unifying Deity revelation in time and space.
This level, the grand universe, is the sphere of the time-space
descension of Paradise personalities in reciprocal association with
the time-space ascension of evolutionary creatures.

6. God the Ultimate--the eventuating God of supertime and
transcended space. The second experiential level of unifying Deity
manifestation. God the Ultimate implies the attained realization of
the synthesized absonite-superpersonal, time-space-transcended, and
eventuated-experiential values, co-ordinated on final creative levels
of Deity reality.

7. God the Absolute--the experientializing God of
transcended superpersonal values and divinity meanings, now
existential as the Deity Absolute. This is the third level of unifying
Deity expression and expansion. On this supercreative level, Deity
experiences exhaustion of personalizable potential, encounters
completion of divinity, and undergoes depletion of capacity for self-
revelation to successive and progressive levels of other-
personalization. Deity now encounters, impinges upon, and experiences
identity with, the Unqualified Absolute.

Christopher A. Lee
2008-08-11 01:24:25 UTC
On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 18:15:53 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Hi Bill, here's a answer. Take your time to read it carefully.
Evolving mortal creatures experience an irresistible urge to
symbolize their finite concepts of God. Man's consciousness of moral
duty and his spiritual idealism represent a value level--an
experiential reality--which is difficult of symbolization.
A liar as well as an idiot.

[bullshite deleted]
2008-08-11 07:25:20 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 18:15:53 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Hi Bill, here's a answer. Take your time to read it carefully.
Evolving mortal creatures experience an irresistible urge to
symbolize their finite concepts of God. Man's consciousness of moral
duty and his spiritual idealism represent a value level--an
experiential reality--which is difficult of symbolization.
A liar as well as an idiot.
[bullshite deleted]
Christopher A Lee,

IN THE MINDS of the mortals of Urantia--that being the name of your
world--there exists great confusion respecting the meaning of such
terms as God, divinity, and deity. Human beings are still more
confused and uncertain about the relationships of the divine
personalities designated by these numerous appellations. Because of
this conceptual poverty associated with so much ideational confusion,
I have been directed to formulate this introductory statement in
explanation of the meanings which should be attached to certain word
symbols as they may be hereinafter used in those papers which the
Orvonton corps of truth revealers have been authorized to translate
into the English language of Urantia.

It is exceedingly difficult to present enlarged concepts and
advanced truth, in our endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and
enhance spiritual perception, when we are restricted to the use of a
circumscribed language of the realm. But our mandate admonishes us to
make every effort to convey our meanings by using the word symbols of
the English tongue....

Read all the content at http://www.urantia.org/papers/toc.html

We all have the Spirit of Truth that Jesus has spread.

Christopher A. Lee
2008-08-11 08:26:32 UTC
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 00:25:20 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 18:15:53 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Hi Bill, here's a answer. Take your time to read it carefully.
Evolving mortal creatures experience an irresistible urge to
symbolize their finite concepts of God. Man's consciousness of moral
duty and his spiritual idealism represent a value level--an
experiential reality--which is difficult of symbolization.
A liar as well as an idiot.
[bullshite deleted]
Christopher A Lee,
Crawl back under your rock, moron.
Post by Orange
IN THE MINDS of the mortals of Urantia--that being the name of your
What a fuckiung moron.
2008-08-11 10:38:32 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 18:15:53 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Hi Bill, here's a answer. Take your time to read it carefully.
Evolving mortal creatures experience an irresistible urge to
symbolize their finite concepts of God. Man's consciousness of moral
duty and his spiritual idealism represent a value level--an
experiential reality--which is difficult of symbolization.
A liar as well as an idiot.
[bullshite deleted]
Christopher A Lee,

IN THE MINDS of the mortals of Urantia--that being the name of your
world--there exists great confusion respecting the meaning of such
terms as God, divinity, and deity. Human beings are still more
confused and uncertain about the relationships of the divine
personalities designated by these numerous appellations. Because of
this conceptual poverty associated with so much ideational confusion,
I have been directed to formulate this introductory statement in
explanation of the meanings which should be attached to certain word
symbols as they may be hereinafter used in those papers which the
Orvonton corps of truth revealers have been authorized to translate
into the English language of Urantia.

It is exceedingly difficult to present enlarged concepts and
advanced truth, in our endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and
enhance spiritual perception, when we are restricted to the use of a
circumscribed language of the realm. But our mandate admonishes us to
make every effort to convey our meanings by using the word symbols of
the English tongue....

Read all the content at http://www.urantia.org/papers/toc.html

We all have the Spirit of Truth that Jesus has spread.


No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.

'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?

Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.

Christopher A. Lee
2008-08-11 15:47:31 UTC
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.

God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.

Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.

These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.

And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside their
Post by Greywolf
2008-08-11 15:52:53 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
Syd M.
2008-08-11 20:09:08 UTC
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do  that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.

PDW, better late then never.
2008-08-11 20:15:21 UTC
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.

Oh well the people at alt.Christian.religion, alt.religion.gods, & etc
probably feel the same way about Chris going on and on about imbeciles &
2008-08-11 22:43:34 UTC
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
Oh well the people at alt.Christian.religion, alt.religion.gods, & etc
probably feel the same way about Chris going on and on about imbeciles &
Any perceived mud-slinging on the part of either side does nothing to
address whether deity actually exists or not.

Now one could postulate that there really is a 'God' out there somewhere
who is nothing like the 'God' of mankind's religions. But then again, maybe
*close* to one of em'. There could conceivably be a God observing the
universe and doing nothing to reveal 'His' presence in any detectable way.
But if that were to be the case, why the need for mankind to worship and
adore such a remote figure who cares not a whit to reveal himself to man?

Again, I've beaten this into the ground, but if still remains fact: Not a
human being has ever provided irrefutable proof a 'God' exists in actuality.
If there were such a creature, would you not think He'd be as obvious as
the noon-day sun? But we're told by the theists stories that should get them
laughed off the planet, instead. Three Gods who occupy different regions
of space, who clearly are not the very same 'being' for they're sent to
perform certain duties independently of each other. Yet we atheists are
told they're all One 'God'; and with not even the eensiest, teensiest, bit
of credible proof to back that claim up. Are we to assume a circle is
simultaneously a circle AND a square? After all, they *are* geometric
patterns, both of them. Throw in a triangle and we have One 'True' circle,

Yeah, the dissing could be tempered a bit. But at least it's dissing and not
something far worse. At least in this newsgroup it isn't.

Syd M.
2008-08-12 08:05:28 UTC
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
Oh well the people at alt.Christian.religion, alt.religion.gods, & etc
probably feel the same way about Chris going on and on about imbeciles &
Maybe so, Jerk, but the Christer posted here first. And Chris was
responding to him.

Christopher A. Lee
2008-08-12 13:00:23 UTC
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 01:05:28 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
Post by Syd M.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
Oh well the people at alt.Christian.religion, alt.religion.gods, & etc
probably feel the same way about Chris going on and on about imbeciles &
Maybe so, Jerk, but the Christer posted here first. And Chris was
responding to him.
You don't understand. These sanctimonious morons are exempt from
reaping what they sow.
Post by Syd M.
Syd M.
2008-08-12 19:19:42 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 01:05:28 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
Post by Syd M.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
Oh well the people at alt.Christian.religion, alt.religion.gods, & etc
probably feel the same way about Chris going on and on about imbeciles &
Maybe so, Jerk, but the Christer posted here first. And Chris was
responding to him.
You don't understand. These sanctimonious morons are exempt from
reaping what they sow.
Oh, from their behavior, they sow off more then they can chew...

Christopher A. Lee
2008-08-11 22:02:59 UTC
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:09:08 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do  that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
A liar as well as an idiot.

What part of "can't think outside their box" is the liar pretending he
doesn't understand?

I encountered my first stupid question-begging Christian when I was
eight - which was the first time I had the word "God" (capitalised) as
anything other than the label for characters in myths and legends.

The teacher who tried to convert an eight year old kid was just as
question-beggingly stupid as the in-your-face stupid theists we get
here 58 years later.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
The imbecile knows this and was just being stupid - but then it is
Jackoff the Jerkoff jerking off in our faces, so it is expected of

But _any_ theist who brings up their beliefs where they are irrelevant
it a sociopath, rude and an idiot.

Even more so when they presume their doctrines as fact to people
outside their religion.
Post by Syd M.
PDW, better late then never.
Syd M.
2008-08-12 08:06:52 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:09:08 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do  that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
A liar as well as an idiot.
What part of "can't think outside their box" is the liar pretending he
doesn't understand?
I encountered my first stupid question-begging Christian when I was
eight - which was the first time I had the word "God" (capitalised) as
anything other than the label for characters in myths and legends.
The teacher who tried to convert an eight year old kid was just as
question-beggingly stupid as the in-your-face stupid theists we get
here 58 years later.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
The imbecile knows this and was just being stupid - but then it is
Jackoff the Jerkoff jerking off in our faces, so it is expected of
But _any_ theist who brings up their beliefs where they are irrelevant
it a sociopath, rude and an idiot.
Even more so when they presume their doctrines as fact to people
outside their religion.
Really. Do they honestly think harrasing people like this is gonna win

Christopher A. Lee
2008-08-12 13:07:15 UTC
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 01:06:52 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:09:08 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do  that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
A liar as well as an idiot.
What part of "can't think outside their box" is the liar pretending he
doesn't understand?
I encountered my first stupid question-begging Christian when I was
eight - which was the first time I had the word "God" (capitalised) as
anything other than the label for characters in myths and legends.
The teacher who tried to convert an eight year old kid was just as
question-beggingly stupid as the in-your-face stupid theists we get
here 58 years later.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
The imbecile knows this and was just being stupid - but then it is
Jackoff the Jerkoff jerking off in our faces, so it is expected of
But _any_ theist who brings up their beliefs where they are irrelevant
it a sociopath, rude and an idiot.
Even more so when they presume their doctrines as fact to people
outside their religion.
Really. Do they honestly think harrasing people like this is gonna win

That's the last reason they do it.

The two main ones are unthinking stupidity, and cowardly bullying to
put us in our place. Either way the result is the same: in-your-face
rudeness and stupidity.

Which being sanctimonious hypocrites they expect us to put up with.
Syd M.
2008-08-12 19:22:21 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 01:06:52 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:09:08 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God'
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do  that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
A liar as well as an idiot.
What part of "can't think outside their box" is the liar pretending he
doesn't understand?
I encountered my first stupid question-begging Christian when I was
eight - which was the first time I had the word "God" (capitalised) as
anything other than the label for characters in myths and legends.
The teacher who tried to convert an eight year old kid was just as
question-beggingly stupid as the in-your-face stupid theists we get
here 58 years later.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
The imbecile knows this and was just being stupid - but then it is
Jackoff the Jerkoff jerking off in our faces, so it is expected of
But _any_ theist who brings up their beliefs where they are irrelevant
it a sociopath, rude and an idiot.
Even more so when they presume their doctrines as fact to people
outside their religion.
Really. Do they honestly think harrasing people like this is gonna win
That's the  last reason they do it.
The two main ones are unthinking stupidity, and cowardly bullying to
put us in our place. Either way the result is the same: in-your-face
rudeness and stupidity.
Which being sanctimonious hypocrites they expect us to put up with.
That's about what I thought. Some people just enjoy being bullies.
I put up enough with them in school.

Christopher A. Lee
2008-08-12 19:24:24 UTC
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:22:21 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 01:06:52 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:09:08 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God'
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do  that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
A liar as well as an idiot.
What part of "can't think outside their box" is the liar pretending he
doesn't understand?
I encountered my first stupid question-begging Christian when I was
eight - which was the first time I had the word "God" (capitalised) as
anything other than the label for characters in myths and legends.
The teacher who tried to convert an eight year old kid was just as
question-beggingly stupid as the in-your-face stupid theists we get
here 58 years later.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
The imbecile knows this and was just being stupid - but then it is
Jackoff the Jerkoff jerking off in our faces, so it is expected of
But _any_ theist who brings up their beliefs where they are irrelevant
it a sociopath, rude and an idiot.
Even more so when they presume their doctrines as fact to people
outside their religion.
Really. Do they honestly think harrasing people like this is gonna win
That's the  last reason they do it.
The two main ones are unthinking stupidity, and cowardly bullying to
put us in our place. Either way the result is the same: in-your-face
rudeness and stupidity.
Which being sanctimonious hypocrites they expect us to put up with.
That's about what I thought. Some people just enjoy being bullies.
I put up enough with them in school.
What bugs me is the way they start whining when they don't like the
result of treating us like shit.
Post by Syd M.
Syd M.
2008-08-13 19:41:44 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:22:21 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 01:06:52 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:09:08 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God'
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do  that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
A liar as well as an idiot.
What part of "can't think outside their box" is the liar pretending he
doesn't understand?
I encountered my first stupid question-begging Christian when I was
eight - which was the first time I had the word "God" (capitalised) as
anything other than the label for characters in myths and legends.
The teacher who tried to convert an eight year old kid was just as
question-beggingly stupid as the in-your-face stupid theists we get
here 58 years later.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
The imbecile knows this and was just being stupid - but then it is
Jackoff the Jerkoff jerking off in our faces, so it is expected of
But _any_ theist who brings up their beliefs where they are irrelevant
it a sociopath, rude and an idiot.
Even more so when they presume their doctrines as fact to people
outside their religion.
Really. Do they honestly think harrasing people like this is gonna win
That's the  last reason they do it.
The two main ones are unthinking stupidity, and cowardly bullying to
put us in our place. Either way the result is the same: in-your-face
rudeness and stupidity.
Which being sanctimonious hypocrites they expect us to put up with.
That's about what I thought. Some people just enjoy being bullies.
I put up enough with them in school.
What bugs me is the way they start whining when they don't like the
result of treating us like shit.
It's that persecution complex, I tell you!
They have to feel persecuted because the bible says they should.
Self-fulfilling prophecy.


2008-08-14 13:13:54 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:22:21 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 01:06:52 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:09:08 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 05:38:32 -0500, "Greywolf"
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the
Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other
cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity
other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near
future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God'
being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is
about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God'
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's
time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will
kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief
in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if
one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an
evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
A liar as well as an idiot.
What part of "can't think outside their box" is the liar pretending he
doesn't understand?
I encountered my first stupid question-begging Christian when I was
eight - which was the first time I had the word "God" (capitalised) as
anything other than the label for characters in myths and legends.
The teacher who tried to convert an eight year old kid was just as
question-beggingly stupid as the in-your-face stupid theists we get
here 58 years later.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
The imbecile knows this and was just being stupid - but then it is
Jackoff the Jerkoff jerking off in our faces, so it is expected of
But _any_ theist who brings up their beliefs where they are irrelevant
it a sociopath, rude and an idiot.
Even more so when they presume their doctrines as fact to people
outside their religion.
Really. Do they honestly think harrasing people like this is gonna win
That's the last reason they do it.
The two main ones are unthinking stupidity, and cowardly bullying to
put us in our place. Either way the result is the same: in-your-face
rudeness and stupidity.
Which being sanctimonious hypocrites they expect us to put up with.
That's about what I thought. Some people just enjoy being bullies.
I put up enough with them in school.
What bugs me is the way they start whining when they don't like the
result of treating us like shit.
It's that persecution complex, I tell you!
They have to feel persecuted because the bible says they should.
Self-fulfilling prophecy.

Stop whining.
Syd M.
2008-08-14 17:36:58 UTC
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:22:21 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 01:06:52 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:09:08 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 05:38:32 -0500, "Greywolf"
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the
Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other
cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity
other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near
future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God'
being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is
about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's
time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many
people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will
kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief
in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if
one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an
evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that
'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should
be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to
make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
A liar as well as an idiot.
What part of "can't think outside their box" is the liar pretending he
doesn't understand?
I encountered my first stupid question-begging Christian when I was
eight - which was the first time I had the word "God" (capitalised) as
anything other than the label for characters in myths and legends.
The teacher who tried to convert an eight year old kid was just as
question-beggingly stupid as the in-your-face stupid theists we get
here 58 years later.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people shout at
them about stuff they are not interested in.
The imbecile knows this and was just being stupid - but then it is
Jackoff the Jerkoff jerking off in our faces, so it is expected of
But _any_ theist who brings up their beliefs where they are irrelevant
it a sociopath, rude and an idiot.
Even more so when they presume their doctrines as fact to people
outside their religion.
Really. Do they honestly think harrasing people like this is gonna win
That's the last reason they do it.
The two main ones are unthinking stupidity, and cowardly bullying to
put us in our place. Either way the result is the same: in-your-face
rudeness and stupidity.
Which being sanctimonious hypocrites they expect us to put up with.
That's about what I thought. Some people just enjoy being bullies.
I put up enough with them in school.
What bugs me is the way they start whining when they don't like the
result of treating us like shit.
It's that persecution complex, I tell you!
They have to feel persecuted because the bible says they should.
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
Stop whining.
Stop acting like an asshole and whining when your called on it and I

2008-08-14 19:07:25 UTC
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:22:21 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 01:06:52 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:09:08 -0700 (PDT), "Syd M."
Post by Syd M.
Post by Jack
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 05:38:32 -0500, "Greywolf"
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the
Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other
cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity
other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near
future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God'
being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is
about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's
time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many
people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will
kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief
in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if
one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an
evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that
'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should
be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to
make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
A liar as well as an idiot.
What part of "can't think outside their box" is the liar
doesn't understand?
I encountered my first stupid question-begging Christian when I was
eight - which was the first time I had the word "God"
anything other than the label for characters in myths and legends.
The teacher who tried to convert an eight year old kid was just as
question-beggingly stupid as the in-your-face stupid theists we get
here 58 years later.
Post by Syd M.
No, Jack. It's as if he met his hundred thousandth christian who
shouted at him about "god" and got in his face with it despite
repeated requests to stop. Some people get angry when people
them about stuff they are not interested in.
The imbecile knows this and was just being stupid - but then it is
Jackoff the Jerkoff jerking off in our faces, so it is expected of
But _any_ theist who brings up their beliefs where they are irrelevant
it a sociopath, rude and an idiot.
Even more so when they presume their doctrines as fact to people
outside their religion.
Really. Do they honestly think harrasing people like this is gonna win
That's the last reason they do it.
The two main ones are unthinking stupidity, and cowardly bullying to
put us in our place. Either way the result is the same: in-your-face
rudeness and stupidity.
Which being sanctimonious hypocrites they expect us to put up with.
That's about what I thought. Some people just enjoy being bullies.
I put up enough with them in school.
What bugs me is the way they start whining when they don't like the
result of treating us like shit.
It's that persecution complex, I tell you!
They have to feel persecuted because the bible says they should.
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
Stop whining.
Stop acting like an asshole and whining when your called on it and I

Okay, we'll see about that.

2008-08-11 22:22:29 UTC
Post by Jack
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Greywolf
No 'we' don't. Jesus was a 1st-century Jew crucified by the Romans. He
uttered sayings and parables which human beings of other cultures and at
differing times have stated -- while embracing belief in deity other than
the 'God' of Israel, in large measure. The Jesus of the gospels believed
that life as man knew it was coming to an end in the very near future. So
did Paul, so did John of Patmos. All three were wrong. That is wrong;
meaning they were in error. And that silliness about 'God' being three
supernatural entities all rolled up into one 'True' one is about as 'true'
as trying to maintain circles are squares.
'God' is a concept which has no basis in reality. It is an artificial
construct. 'He
should be treated as such'. If millennia of theists insisting a 'God' exists
have failed miserably to prove It/He/They actually *does*, it's time to
finally put that notion to rest and move on. Far too many people have
suffered due to religious strife. Far too many theists will kill those who
do not accept their particular brand of 'faith'. Fervent belief in a 'God'
breeds religious intolerance in far too many instances. And if one were to
insist a 'God' really and truly exists, He would have to be an evil one.
There can hardly be anything more evil in all of existence than the
'Intelligent Designer', the 'Creator' of evil. Now could there?
Call 'God' whatever you will. Bottom line, however, is that 'He' is a
man-made, make-believe product of man's imagination. End of story.
I don't understand these idiots.
God is part of the theist's paradigm. Not that atheist's.
Yet the imbecile talks at us about what _our_ view of something
utterly irrelevant outside his masturbation fantasies should be, as
though it were real.
These idiots don't understand just how much work they have to make us
see it the way they do starting with making us think it is relevant
from _our_ point of view, etc.
And they will _never_ do that because they can't think outside their
It's as if you just arrived from Mars and met your first Christian
A visitor from Mars taking the time to fully understand the Christian
faith, along with the differences the numerous splinter-groups and
factions within the Christian 'umbrella' possess, then observe the
contempt and disdain Christians in general hold the atheist in, would
quickly conclude the Christians to be the Martian equivalent of 'nuts'.
As in 'crazy', loopy, and cuckoo. Oh, and quite irrational, too.

Then the Martian himself would go insane trying to fathom how so
many 'Christians' could be so opposite in thought, behavior, and
'nature' from one another.

bob young
2008-08-11 08:59:01 UTC
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Hi Bill, here's a answer. Take your time to read it carefully.
Evolving mortal creatures experience an irresistible urge to
symbolize their finite concepts of God. Man's consciousness of moral
duty and his spiritual idealism represent a value level--an
experiential reality--which is difficult of symbolization.
Post by Orange
Cosmic consciousness implies the recognition of a First
Cause, the one and only uncaused reality. God, the Universal Father,
functions on three Deity-personality levels of subinfinite value and
1. Prepersonal--as in the ministry of the Father fragments,
such as the Thought Adjusters.
2. Personal--as in the evolutionary experience of created
and procreated beings.
3. Superpersonal--as in the eventuated existences of certain
absonite and associated beings.
GOD is a word symbol designating all personalizations of
Deity. The term requires a different definition on each personal level
of Deity function and must
Page 4be still further redefined within each of these levels, as this
term may be used to designate the diverse co-ordinate and subordinate
personalizations of Deity; for example: the Paradise Creator Sons--the
local universe fathers.
By designation--as God the Father.
By context--as when used in the discussion of some one deity
level or association. When in doubt as to the exact interpretation of
the word God, it would be advisable to refer it to the person of the
Universal Father.
The term God always denotes personality. Deity may, or may
not, refer to divinity personalities.
The word GOD is used, in these papers, with the following
1. God the Father--Creator, Controller, and Upholder. The
Universal Father, the First Person of Deity.
2. God the Son--Co-ordinate Creator, Spirit Controller, and
Spiritual Administrator. The Eternal Son, the Second Person of Deity.
3. God the Spirit--Conjoint Actor, Universal Integrator, and
Mind Bestower. The Infinite Spirit, the Third Person of Deity.
4. God the Supreme--the actualizing or evolving God of time
and space. Personal Deity associatively realizing the time-space
experiential achievement of creature-Creator identity. The Supreme
Being is personally experiencing the achievement of Deity unity as the
evolving and experiential God of the evolutionary creatures of time
and space.
5. God the Sevenfold--Deity personality anywhere actually
functioning in time and space. The personal Paradise Deities and their
creative associates functioning in and beyond the borders of the
central universe and power-personalizing as the Supreme Being on the
first creature level of unifying Deity revelation in time and space.
This level, the grand universe, is the sphere of the time-space
descension of Paradise personalities in reciprocal association with
the time-space ascension of evolutionary creatures.
6. God the Ultimate--the eventuating God of supertime and
transcended space. The second experiential level of unifying Deity
manifestation. God the Ultimate implies the attained realization of
the synthesized absonite-superpersonal, time-space-transcended, and
eventuated-experiential values, co-ordinated on final creative levels
of Deity reality.
7. God the Absolute--the experientializing God of
transcended superpersonal values and divinity meanings, now
existential as the Deity Absolute. This is the third level of unifying
Deity expression and expansion. On this supercreative level, Deity
experiences exhaustion of personalizable potential, encounters
completion of divinity, and undergoes depletion of capacity for self-
revelation to successive and progressive levels of other-
personalization. Deity now encounters, impinges upon, and experiences
identity with, the Unqualified Absolute.
2008-08-12 00:05:13 UTC
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Hi Bill, here's a answer. Take your time to read it carefully.
Evolving mortal creatures experience an irresistible urge to
symbolize their finite concepts of God.
I dont.

2008-08-12 00:10:01 UTC
Post by Richo
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Hi Bill, here's a answer. Take your time to read it carefully.
Evolving mortal creatures experience an irresistible urge to
symbolize their finite concepts of God.
I dont.
Hello Mark,

Mark, be serious! It's the humanity in general.

Good day.
2008-08-12 00:21:36 UTC
Post by Orange
Post by Richo
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Hi Bill, here's a answer. Take your time to read it carefully.
Evolving mortal creatures experience an irresistible urge to
symbolize their finite concepts of God.
I dont.
Hello Mark,
Mark, be serious! It's the humanity in general.
Good day.
So I am not human?

Isn't that the way of it - when you don't agree with someone you have
to make them out as inhuman or less than human.
Shame on you!

2008-08-11 05:16:13 UTC
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
What does "eleious" mean?
2008-08-11 10:46:23 UTC
Post by Peacenik
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
What does "eleious" mean?
It's the word 'religious' in it's original Koine Greek form based on an
version of the word with its roots in a long-vanished Canaanite dialect.
Hope that helped.

Bill M
2008-08-11 10:06:50 UTC
Its a typo error of religious.
Post by Peacenik
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
What does "eleious" mean?
2008-08-11 11:35:30 UTC
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Bill, we have to know that there are the naturals religions or
beliefs , natural or evolutionar. They have began with the fear of
spirit or ghost. But there is beliefs from revelations from higher
beings and we call this religion of revelation.

The Truth exist and many seek sincerely for it and they find some.
The false God that you talk about are in our head, by knowing the real
God we have no more problem with the false gods. It's to us to seek
for the truth and the real God.

bob young
2008-08-11 13:29:03 UTC
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Bill, we have to know that there are the naturals religions or
beliefs , natural or evolutionar. They have began with the fear of
spirit or ghost. But there is beliefs from revelations from higher
beings and we call this religion of revelation.
The Truth exist and many seek sincerely for it and they find some.
The false God that you talk about are in our head, by knowing the real
God we have no more problem with the false gods. It's to us to seek
for the truth and the real God.
Get yourself a shrink and tell him all about it,
whilst there is still time
Christopher A. Lee
2008-08-11 16:02:07 UTC
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 04:35:30 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Bill, we have to know that there are the naturals religions or
beliefs , natural or evolutionar. They have began with the fear of
spirit or ghost. But there is beliefs from revelations from higher
beings and we call this religion of revelation.
A liar as well as an idiot.

Because evolution isn't a "belief" but a well-understood scientific

Which won't go away no matter how many imbeciles like you want it to.
Post by Orange
The Truth exist and many seek sincerely for it and they find some.
The false God that you talk about are in our head, by knowing the real
God we have no more problem with the false gods. It's to us to seek
for the truth and the real God.
What "real God", question-begging moron who is too stupid to
understand that it is his presumption, not ours?
Post by Orange
2008-08-11 17:48:25 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 04:35:30 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Bill, we have to know that there are the naturals religions or
beliefs , natural or evolutionar. They have began with the fear of
spirit or ghost. But there is beliefs from revelations from higher
beings and we call this religion of revelation.
A liar as well as an idiot.
Because evolution isn't a "belief" but a well-understood scientific
Which won't go away no matter how many imbeciles like you want it to.
Post by Orange
The Truth exist and many seek sincerely for it and they find some.
The false God that you talk about are in our head, by knowing the real
God we have no more problem with the false gods. It's to us to seek
for the truth and the real God.
What "real God", question-begging moron who is too stupid to
understand that it is his presumption, not ours?
Post by Orange
Here Alexander:

Belief may not be able to resist doubt and withstand fear, but faith
is always triumphant over doubting, for faith is both positive and
living. The positive always has the advantage over the negative, truth
over error, experience over theory, spiritual realities over the
isolated facts of time and space. The convincing evidence of this
spiritual certainty consists in the social fruits of the spirit which
such believers, faithers, yield as a result of this genuine spiritual
experience. Said Jesus: "If you love your fellows as I have loved you,
then shall all men know that you are my disciples."

and you have a parcel of the Father within you and the liberty to
chose if you want to know him or not.

Christopher A. Lee
2008-08-11 19:27:55 UTC
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 10:48:25 -0700 (PDT), Orange
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

What part of "atheist" are you pretending you are too stupid to
understand, in-your-face rude, sociopathic village idiot?
Post by Orange
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 04:35:30 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Bill, we have to know that there are the naturals religions or
beliefs , natural or evolutionar. They have began with the fear of
spirit or ghost. But there is beliefs from revelations from higher
beings and we call this religion of revelation.
A liar as well as an idiot.
Because evolution isn't a "belief" but a well-understood scientific
Well, moron?
Post by Orange
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Which won't go away no matter how many imbeciles like you want it to.
Well, moron?
Post by Orange
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Orange
The Truth exist and many seek sincerely for it and they find some.
The false God that you talk about are in our head, by knowing the real
God we have no more problem with the false gods. It's to us to seek
for the truth and the real God.
What "real God", question-begging moron who is too stupid to
understand that it is his presumption, not ours?
Post by Orange
Belief may not be able to resist doubt and withstand fear, but faith
What a fucking moron.
Post by Orange
is always triumphant over doubting, for faith is both positive and
What are you pretending people in the real world outside the deluded
fantasies of your religion, are doubting, liar?
Post by Orange
living. The positive always has the advantage over the negative, truth
You wouldn't know truth if it bit you, moron.
Post by Orange
over error, experience over theory, spiritual realities over the
What are "spiritual realities", imbecile?
Post by Orange
isolated facts of time and space. The convincing evidence of this
spiritual certainty consists in the social fruits of the spirit which
What "convincing evidence" of what "spiritual certainty", moron
Post by Orange
such believers, faithers, yield as a result of this genuine spiritual
What "genuine spiritual experience", in-your-face li9ar?
Post by Orange
experience. Said Jesus: "If you love your fellows as I have loved you,
then shall all men know that you are my disciples."
Who gives a flying fuck what your imaginary hero is alleged to have
said in a book of religious propaganda, question-begging moron who is
too stupid to understand that it is only granted inside Christianity?
Post by Orange
and you have a parcel of the Father within you and the liberty to
chose if you want to know him or not.
What "Father within me", lying imbecile who needs to stop rudely and
stupidly begging the question?
Post by Orange
What a maroon.
2008-08-11 19:33:35 UTC
But what's the answer to the question?
2008-08-11 21:31:06 UTC
Post by Jack
But what's the answer to the question?
The basics of creation and existence
By Atélo (Henning O. Lutz)
Aug 28, 2007, 06:3

The following piece is a summary of a telepathic “Course in the basics
of creation and existence”. I got it from CM during the night (08/26
to 08/27) by means of telepathy in a mix of images and words which I
can’t totally describe. But I DO have a clear remembrance of the

Some other parts came through telepathically today when writing this
stuff down. So here we are.

Christ Michael: To understand what it means that WE ARE ALL ONE – and
I AM ALL, imagine my entity as a kind of energy you cannot sense today
and is “below” all energies and matters your physicists and
astrophysicists know today. Imagine that the whole local universe of
Nebadon IS ME. This energy. All other entities within Nebadon are
“culmination points” of this energy - and the culmination was
initiated by my intention.

All things which exist do so as a trinity of creation, potential and
thought/will. This is an important thing to understand about the local
universes: They exist in this creational trinity. So my “counterpart”
if you will is Nebadonia - the 'culimination' of all potentials and
ideas, all of the things which would be possible in Nebadon.

And all “beings” - regardless of physical or spiritual dimension
represent an individual “amount” of will and potential – their
specific signature. This is the explanation why consciousness is
power: You don’t need to work on the “material” level – regardless of
density or dimension – you just can work on the “potential level” by
changing probabilities. You do this by utilizing the Universal Law of
Resonance – as so many entities have told you. Including ME.

And with this, you get an idea how the duality in the local universes
is composed – they all exist in duality. (In contrast, the super-
universes exist in trinity.) We have two ‘hierarchies’ – the Universal
one, which is represented by Immanuel Esu Kumara, the Planetary
Prince. And on the ‘Spiritual One’: The head of this “hierarchy” is
the Planetary Logos, Gautama Buddha.

I have asked Henning to set several words in quotes, as I try to
explain the concepts in a way that they can be easily understood.

It is important to understand that all is relative. There is no entity
(or “energetic culmination point”) which is totally “material” or
totally “spiritual”. There is only one point in creation where one can
exist in unity, and that’s Paradise Island. So any entity has parts of
thought/will and potential. On Urantia, you often label these two
masculine and feminine, which is in a sense true. The most “relevant”’
comparison of this is the chinese Yin and Yang.

If you try to imagine these concepts, the picture of energy vortexes
is a suitable one. Folks, you know one specific of these: The photon
belt is of course a vortex of energy which holds a specific signature
and allows a specific bandwith of creation. It’s origin is Alcyone, a
specific “culmination point” of will and potential I created. And I
also determined that this culmination point should send out an energy
vortex to clean and lift up all objects passing it.

Understand that there are countless vortexes in my creation – of which
you only sense a minor part. They exist on countless densities and
dimensions. Even you are specific “culmination point” – an individual
creation of ME – and even you are the origin of countless vortexes –
your thoughts and feelings. This is an ability all my creatures have
and this is the main reason for you being my co-creators – whether you
are conscious in doing that or not.

Let’s come back to the hierarchies. You all know that creation has to
be well-organized to work. So my creation of Nebadon is “structured”
in several ways. Many of you have read parts of the Urantia book which
presents a meaningful amount of the structure of my creation (and the
699,999 others). So, yes, as there are countless vortexes as I told
you, there are countless entities, too – both on the “universal” and
the “spiritual” level.

As the spiritual Earth – Gaia – has a Planetary Logos – also all the
other planets have one. The sun has one, and of course it’s central
sun has one. And so it continues. The same is true for the universal
level, too, but we talk of other mechanisms of “organizing”. So we
talk about systems and constellations, and – at the level of the super
universes – little and big sectors. Each of these have specific
sovereigns who are responsible for their “area” of MY creation and
executing MY WILL.

On a higher level – which you cannot totally understand today – all
this different levels of existence I just described are specific
levels of energy, nothing more, nothing less. So even the things you
currently consider as “solid” are energy only. Potentials are energy,
thoughts and will are energy. So in pondering this, you get an
imagination of how powerful the Universal Law of Attraction is. In
fact, it is the most important thing in the creation process.

Notice that I AM always active, and Nebadonia is active, too. And so
all the other countless entities are – even you. The energy pattern of
thought/will and potential always changes – surely by intent,
resonance and reaction. The reason for this is MY INTENT to experience
and KNOW all possibilities – as the Eternal Father does.

So, yes, all religions are correct in the assumption that there is
someone with power and intent. ME. But they all are also wrong in the
teaching that YOU are LESS THEN ME. You are my co-creators, and I WANT
YOU TO CREATE, TOO. Thinking is creating – and the ability of thinking
is MY GIFT to you as my beloved co-creators. So use it wisely.

Namasté, Aton/Christ Michael.

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2008 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Detailed explanation of AbundnatHope's Copyright's are found here

We can always believe more than what we know.
Christopher A. Lee
2008-08-11 21:53:24 UTC
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 14:31:06 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Jack
But what's the answer to the question?
The basics of creation and existence
By Atélo (Henning O. Lutz)
Aug 28, 2007, 06:3
The following piece is a summary of a telepathic “Course in the basics
of creation and existence”. I got it from CM during the night (08/26
to 08/27) by means of telepathy in a mix of images and words which I
can’t totally describe. But I DO have a clear remembrance of the
What a fucking moron.

2008-08-11 22:25:57 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 14:31:06 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Jack
But what's the answer to the question?
The basics of creation and existence
By Atélo (Henning O. Lutz)
Aug 28, 2007, 06:3
The following piece is a summary of a telepathic “Course in the basics
of creation and existence”. I got it from CM during the night (08/26
to 08/27) by means of telepathy in a mix of images and words which I
can’t totally describe. But I DO have a clear remembrance of the
What a fucking moron.

I see that you know very well the word morron.

Christopher i reapet it, you have a part of the Source of All in you.
If you do stillness every day, you will connect more with him.

He is there and love you and what to become one with your true you,
your soul-

Good lock.

2008-08-13 00:59:31 UTC
Orange, on 11 Aug 2008, in alt.atheism, decided this was a worthy use of
Post by Orange
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 14:31:06 -0700 (PDT), Orange
Post by Orange
Post by Jack
But what's the answer to the question?
The basics of creation and existence
By Atélo (Henning O. Lutz)
Aug 28, 2007, 06:3
The following piece is a summary of a telepathic “Course in the basics
of creation and existence”. I got it from CM during the night (08/26
to 08/27) by means of telepathy in a mix of images and words which I
can’t totally describe. But I DO have a clear remembrance of the
What a fucking moron.
I see that you know very well the word morron.
Too easy. Pass.
Post by Orange
Christopher i reapet it, you have a part of the Source of All in you.
Yes, a vanishingly small fraction of the energy from the Big Bang did
become Mr. Lee. Cool, isn't it?
Post by Orange
If you do stillness every day, you will connect more with him.
I do my hand at least every other day. That gonna get me anywhere?
Post by Orange
He is there and love you and what to become one with your true you,
your soul-
Sorry, Egon Spengler has scanned everybody in here, and we're none of us
Post by Orange
Good lock.
Schlage, then?
Post by Orange
I loved you in those cartoons where Frisky would sneak up behind you and
bark and you'd leap in terror and be stuck to the ceiling!
J. B. Mashburn, the sad left tail of the bell curve
alt.atheist #2295
EAC Chief Of Maintenance for God's cloaking device - 14 billion years and
not one glitch!
"What a day, when you can look it in the face and hold your vomit." -
Faith No More
No S-P-A-M in my email.
2008-08-12 00:03:53 UTC
Post by Orange
Post by Jack
But what's the answer to the question?
The basics of creation and existence
By Atélo (Henning O. Lutz)
Aug 28, 2007, 06:3
The following piece is a summary of a telepathic “Course in the basics
of creation and existence”. I got it from CM during the night (08/26
to 08/27) by means of telepathy in a mix of images and words which I
can’t totally describe. But I DO have a clear remembrance of the
Some other parts came through telepathically today when writing this
stuff down. So here we are.
Christ Michael: To understand what it means that WE ARE ALL ONE – and
I AM ALL, imagine my entity as a kind of energy you cannot sense today
and is “below” all energies and matters your physicists and
astrophysicists know today. Imagine that the whole local universe of
Nebadon IS ME. This energy. All other entities within Nebadon are
“culmination points” of this energy - and the culmination was
initiated by my intention.
All things which exist do so as a trinity of creation, potential and
thought/will. This is an important thing to understand about the local
universes: They exist in this creational trinity. So my “counterpart”
if you will is Nebadonia - the 'culimination' of all potentials and
ideas, all of the things which would be possible in Nebadon.
And all “beings” - regardless of physical or spiritual dimension
represent an individual “amount” of will and potential – their
specific signature. This is the explanation why consciousness is
power: You don’t need to work on the “material” level – regardless of
density or dimension – you just can work on the “potential level” by
changing probabilities. You do this by utilizing the Universal Law of
Resonance – as so many entities have told you. Including ME.
And with this, you get an idea how the duality in the local universes
is composed – they all exist in duality. (In contrast, the super-
universes exist in trinity.) We have two ‘hierarchies’ – the Universal
one, which is represented by Immanuel Esu Kumara, the Planetary
Prince. And on the ‘Spiritual One’: The head of this “hierarchy” is
the Planetary Logos, Gautama Buddha.
I have asked Henning to set several words in quotes, as I try to
explain the concepts in a way that they can be easily understood.
It is important to understand that all is relative. There is no entity
(or “energetic culmination point”) which is totally “material” or
totally “spiritual”. There is only one point in creation where one can
exist in unity, and that’s Paradise Island. So any entity has parts of
thought/will and potential. On Urantia, you often label these two
masculine and feminine, which is in a sense true. The most “relevant”’
comparison of this is the chinese Yin and Yang.
If you try to imagine these concepts, the picture of energy vortexes
is a suitable one. Folks, you know one specific of these: The photon
belt is of course a vortex of energy which holds a specific signature
and allows a specific bandwith of creation. It’s origin is Alcyone, a
specific “culmination point” of will and potential I created. And I
also determined that this culmination point should send out an energy
vortex to clean and lift up all objects passing it.
Understand that there are countless vortexes in my creation – of which
you only sense a minor part. They exist on countless densities and
dimensions. Even you are specific “culmination point” – an individual
creation of ME – and even you are the origin of countless vortexes –
your thoughts and feelings. This is an ability all my creatures have
and this is the main reason for you being my co-creators – whether you
are conscious in doing that or not.
Let’s come back to the hierarchies. You all know that creation has to
be well-organized to work. So my creation of Nebadon is “structured”
in several ways. Many of you have read parts of the Urantia book which
presents a meaningful amount of the structure of my creation (and the
699,999 others). So, yes, as there are countless vortexes as I told
you, there are countless entities, too – both on the “universal” and
the “spiritual” level.
As the spiritual Earth – Gaia – has a Planetary Logos – also all the
other planets have one. The sun has one, and of course it’s central
sun has one. And so it continues. The same is true for the universal
level, too, but we talk of other mechanisms of “organizing”. So we
talk about systems and constellations, and – at the level of the super
universes – little and big sectors. Each of these have specific
sovereigns who are responsible for their “area” of MY creation and
executing MY WILL.
On a higher level – which you cannot totally understand today – all
this different levels of existence I just described are specific
levels of energy, nothing more, nothing less. So even the things you
currently consider as “solid” are energy only. Potentials are energy,
thoughts and will are energy. So in pondering this, you get an
imagination of how powerful the Universal Law of Attraction is. In
fact, it is the most important thing in the creation process.
Notice that I AM always active, and Nebadonia is active, too. And so
all the other countless entities are – even you. The energy pattern of
thought/will and potential always changes – surely by intent,
resonance and reaction. The reason for this is MY INTENT to experience
and KNOW all possibilities – as the Eternal Father does.
So, yes, all religions are correct in the assumption that there is
someone with power and intent. ME. But they all are also wrong in the
teaching that YOU are LESS THEN ME. You are my co-creators, and I WANT
YOU TO CREATE, TOO. Thinking is creating – and the ability of thinking
is MY GIFT to you as my beloved co-creators. So use it wisely.
Namasté, Aton/Christ Michael.
All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2008 AbundantHope - All rights reserved
Detailed explanation of AbundnatHope's Copyright's are found here
We can always believe more than what we know.
Beloveds, the evolutionary planetary Man is disrespectful of the
fundamental universe principles of the Fatherhood of God and the
Brotherhood of all Man and therefore God's Paradise trinity spirit
personalities, and man's present individual and collective
dipensational evolutionary status will be adjudicated as such and in
accord with man's current state of evolutionary mind.
2008-08-12 00:24:51 UTC
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Bill, we have to know that there are the naturals religions or
beliefs , natural or evolutionar. They have began with the fear of
spirit or ghost. But there is beliefs from revelations from higher
beings and we call this religion of revelation.
The Truth exist and many seek sincerely for it and they find some.
The false God that you talk about are in our head, by knowing the real
God we have no more problem with the false gods. It's to us to seek
for the truth and the real God.
Hi Claude, If you seek truth then are you prepared to find that it is
true that there is no God?
Or would you reject that truth because you really really really *want*
there to be a God?

Are you open to the possibility of there being no God?

2008-08-12 01:15:11 UTC
Post by Richo
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Bill, we have to know that there are the naturals religions or
beliefs , natural or evolutionar. They have began with the fear of
spirit or ghost. But there is beliefs from revelations from higher
beings and we call this religion of revelation.
The Truth exist and many seek sincerely for it and they find some.
The false God that you talk about are in our head, by knowing the real
God we have no more problem with the false gods. It's to us to seek
for the truth and the real God.
Hi Claude, If you seek truth then are you prepared to find that it is
true that there is no God?
Or would you reject that truth because you really really really *want*
there to be a God?
Are you open to the possibility of there being no God?
Mark, i am 51 and i have began to seek truth and God when i was very
I have found my truths and i feel very good. God is a person more then
a thing,
i can say that i know Him, i feel Him, His love for me and everyone.

It's like a human friend that you realy know, what will you say if i
ask you if you are open to the possibility that your friend does not
There is no question with that.

2008-08-12 01:31:13 UTC
Post by Orange
Post by Richo
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Bill, we have to know that there are the naturals religions or
beliefs , natural or evolutionar. They have began with the fear of
spirit or ghost. But there is beliefs from revelations from higher
beings and we call this religion of revelation.
The Truth exist and many seek sincerely for it and they find some.
The false God that you talk about are in our head, by knowing the real
God we have no more problem with the false gods. It's to us to seek
for the truth and the real God.
Hi Claude, If you seek truth then are you prepared to find that it is
true that there is no God?
Or would you reject that truth because you really really really *want*
there to be a God?
Are you open to the possibility of there being no God?
Mark, i am 51 and i have began to seek truth and God when i was very
I have been seeking the truth all my life.
I gave up on God after not finding him in my teens.

I believe in many things of course.
I believe in love and justice and freedom.

I also want to believe and know true things and not false things and
so I think carefully before accepting as true anything put to me.
Like: "There is one true god and I speak for him.Send money."
People say stuff like that all the time - they cant all be right can
Post by Orange
I have found my truths and i feel very good. God is a person more then
a thing,
i can say that i know Him, i feel Him, His love for me and everyone.
I find some truths comforting, inspiring and some disturbing and even
I have no relationship with any god or deamon - just life and reality.
Post by Orange
It's like a human friend that you realy know, what will you say if i
ask you if you are open to the possibility that your friend does not
I suppose I would check and see if it made any sense.

Bill M
2008-08-12 09:34:26 UTC
Richo. You are apperently dealing with a serious sychopath whom even a
professional psychiatrist could probably not help.

I commend you for trying.
Post by Orange
Post by Richo
Post by Orange
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Bill, we have to know that there are the naturals religions or
beliefs , natural or evolutionar. They have began with the fear of
spirit or ghost. But there is beliefs from revelations from higher
beings and we call this religion of revelation.
The Truth exist and many seek sincerely for it and they find some.
The false God that you talk about are in our head, by knowing the real
God we have no more problem with the false gods. It's to us to seek
for the truth and the real God.
Hi Claude, If you seek truth then are you prepared to find that it is
true that there is no God?
Or would you reject that truth because you really really really *want*
there to be a God?
Are you open to the possibility of there being no God?
Mark, i am 51 and i have began to seek truth and God when i was very
I have been seeking the truth all my life.
I gave up on God after not finding him in my teens.

I believe in many things of course.
I believe in love and justice and freedom.

I also want to believe and know true things and not false things and
so I think carefully before accepting as true anything put to me.
Like: "There is one true god and I speak for him.Send money."
People say stuff like that all the time - they cant all be right can
Post by Orange
I have found my truths and i feel very good. God is a person more then
a thing,
i can say that i know Him, i feel Him, His love for me and everyone.
I find some truths comforting, inspiring and some disturbing and even
I have no relationship with any god or deamon - just life and reality.
Post by Orange
It's like a human friend that you realy know, what will you say if i
ask you if you are open to the possibility that your friend does not
I suppose I would check and see if it made any sense.

2008-08-11 15:22:42 UTC
Why is it that NO religious pesrson has ever answered this question.
The answer is: they have but didn't tell you about it.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why
does he not destroy all the false gods???
Maybe it's not such a big deal.
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Maybe being misled isn't so bad.
2008-08-11 15:56:45 UTC
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-12 01:54:10 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have. Not even God.
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Sorry, but we're not buying anything you're selling, duke.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
2008-08-12 03:17:59 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have.  Not even God.
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Sorry, but we're not buying anything you're selling, duke.
*          DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226          *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it?                                    *
Let's let Duke see a movie!
2008-08-12 21:11:10 UTC
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have. Not even God.
The living God created the universe and everything in it.
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Sorry, but we're not buying anything you're selling, duke.
Satan is sucking you in.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-13 00:34:36 UTC
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have. Not even God.
The living God created the universe and everything in it.
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Sorry, but we're not buying anything you're selling, duke.
Satan is sucking you in.
Duke is thinking about altar boys again...
bob young
2008-08-13 11:30:04 UTC
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have. Not even God.
The living God created the universe and everything in it.
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Sorry, but we're not buying anything you're selling, duke.
Satan is sucking you in.
Duke is thinking about altar boys again...
"The Pope has called all the U.S. cardinals back to the
Vatican. He's going to have Italy's top soccer coach talk to
them. I believe the topic is how to do your job without
using your hands."
- Jay Leno
2008-08-13 15:52:47 UTC
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have. Not even God.
The living God created the universe and everything in it.
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Sorry, but we're not buying anything you're selling, duke.
Satan is sucking you in.
Duke is thinking about altar boys again...
But you're the one being sucked.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Syd M.
2008-08-13 19:45:50 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have.  Not even God.
The living God created the universe and everything in it.
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Sorry, but we're not buying anything you're selling, duke.
Satan is sucking you in.
Duke is thinking about altar boys again...
But you're the one being sucked.
Nope. Yet again, your wrong, Dork.

2008-08-13 21:11:58 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Sorry, but we're not buying anything you're selling, duke.
Satan is sucking you in.
Duke is thinking about altar boys again...
But you're the one being sucked.
Wrong again. I'm not a priest.
2008-08-14 12:05:30 UTC
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Sorry, but we're not buying anything you're selling, duke.
Satan is sucking you in.
Duke is thinking about altar boys again...
But you're the one being sucked.
Wrong again. I'm not a priest.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-13 01:47:52 UTC
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have. Not even God.
The living God created the universe and everything in it.
No. That was the Great Green Arkleseizure.
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Sorry, but we're not buying anything you're selling, duke.
Satan is sucking you in.
Nope. That's another thing that we're not buying.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
2008-08-13 15:53:32 UTC
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have. Not even God.
The living God created the universe and everything in it.
No. That was the Great Green Arkleseizure.
There is no evidence for the gga.
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Satan is sucking you in.
Nope. That's another thing that we're not buying.
You're getting it for free?

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-14 00:58:38 UTC
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have. Not even God.
The living God created the universe and everything in it.
No. That was the Great Green Arkleseizure.
There is no evidence for the gga.
All evidence demands the existence of the GGA.
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Satan is sucking you in.
Nope. That's another thing that we're not buying.
You're getting it for free?
No. I'm not receiving or accepting.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
2008-08-14 12:06:17 UTC
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have. Not even God.
The living God created the universe and everything in it.
No. That was the Great Green Arkleseizure.
There is no evidence for the gga.
All evidence demands the existence of the GGA.
Name that evidence in 3 musical notes or less.
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Satan is sucking you in.
Nope. That's another thing that we're not buying.
You're getting it for free?
No. I'm not receiving or accepting.
I think you are.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-14 12:26:12 UTC
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
None of them have. Not even God.
The living God created the universe and everything in it.
No. That was the Great Green Arkleseizure.
There is no evidence for the gga.
All evidence demands the existence of the GGA.
Name that evidence in 3 musical notes or less.
This is what I'm asking of YOU for "God".
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Satan is sucking you in.
Nope. That's another thing that we're not buying.
You're getting it for free?
No. I'm not receiving or accepting.
I think you are.
You're wrong.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
bob young
2008-08-12 04:22:01 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.

Humanist, atheist, realist, sentimentalist, Brit.

Man creates gods in his own image;
and then spends the rest of his life
manipulating them to his heart's content.
Post by duke
duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-12 21:11:46 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-13 00:37:20 UTC
Post by duke
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
We atheists are not as gullible as you are...
2008-08-13 15:54:56 UTC
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
We atheists are not as gullible as you are...
Which means you are really, really stupid.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-13 21:17:27 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by bob young
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
We atheists are not as gullible as you are...
Which means you are really, really stupid.
Believing outrageous fantasies with no compelling evidence is what's
2008-08-14 12:08:05 UTC
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by bob young
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
We atheists are not as gullible as you are...
Which means you are really, really stupid.
Believing outrageous fantasies with no compelling evidence is what's
Prove you have thoughts.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-14 12:26:48 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by bob young
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
We atheists are not as gullible as you are...
Which means you are really, really stupid.
Believing outrageous fantasies with no compelling evidence is what's
Prove you have thoughts.
It's already been proven. Now, keep your outrageous fantasies to yourself.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
2008-08-14 00:59:02 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
We atheists are not as gullible as you are...
Which means you are really, really stupid.
We're stupid because we're not gullible like you?

* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
2008-08-14 12:09:15 UTC
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
We atheists are not as gullible as you are...
Which means you are really, really stupid.
We're stupid because we're not gullible like you?
Your gullibility will be revealed to you one moment after you die when you stand
before God in judgment.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-14 12:27:27 UTC
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
We atheists are not as gullible as you are...
Which means you are really, really stupid.
We're stupid because we're not gullible like you?
Your gullibility will be revealed to you one moment after you die when you stand
before God in judgment.
Again, this is YOUR gullibility. There is "me" a moment after I die.
"I" don't exist anymore.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
2008-08-13 01:49:12 UTC
Post by duke
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
Oh, you most DEFINITELY have something to lose. Let me know how Azkaban
is when the Dementors visit you. What are you going to tell them?

Oh, that's right, you can't tell them ANYTHING!
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
2008-08-13 15:55:36 UTC
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
Oh, you most DEFINITELY have something to lose. Let me know how Azkaban
is when the Dementors visit you. What are you going to tell them?
Oh, that's right, you can't tell them ANYTHING!
I'm putting my money on the Living God.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-14 00:59:28 UTC
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
Oh, you most DEFINITELY have something to lose. Let me know how Azkaban
is when the Dementors visit you. What are you going to tell them?
Oh, that's right, you can't tell them ANYTHING!
I'm putting my money on the Living God.
It's your life....what's left of it in Azkaban.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
bob young
2008-08-13 10:51:03 UTC
Post by duke
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
Such as what ? My sanity ?

Anything else that is tangible and/or verifiable ?

Failing that ............. you are the loser

Humanist, atheist, realist, sentimentalist, Brit.

Man creates gods in his own image;
and then spends the rest of his life
manipulating them to his heart's content.
Post by duke
duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-13 15:56:30 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by duke
I have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
Such as what ? My sanity ?
Anything else that is tangible and/or verifiable ?
Failing that ............. you are the loser
Not a chance, bobbie.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Syd M.
2008-08-13 19:43:07 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology handbook.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose.  You have everything to lose.
No matter how many times you repeat this, it is still not true.

Cary Kittrell
2008-08-13 19:45:54 UTC
Post by Bill M
Post by bob young
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God w=
hy does
Post by bob young
Post by Bill M
he not destroy all the false gods???
Because the others never made it out of the index to the mythology han=
Post by bob young
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
The only ones buying in are the atheists.
Don't wast your time Dook yours is a lost cause, same as all
the rest.
I have nothing to lose. =A0You have everything to lose.
No matter how many times you repeat this, it is still not true.
With Bast sadistically toying with him for eternity? Boy, I'll say!

--- cary
William Wingstedt
2008-08-11 20:04:00 UTC
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
I think it did. Gods are like queen bees and they will fight for
supremacy. The real god must've gone around dispatching the false
ones, until, oops, it ran into a false god with an attitude and much
like the gigham dog and the calico cat, they ate each other up. And
that's why, to this day, there are no gods. Good night.
Post by Bill M
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Alex W.
2008-08-11 23:28:16 UTC
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why
does he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
You presume that such a god is benevolent and caring.
Now ask yourself that question again but on the basis that this god is an
uncaring shit, or that he is a practical joker who likes to mindfuck his
2008-08-12 23:01:49 UTC
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.

I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-13 00:41:11 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
I didn't get my freedom of choice from any imaginary sky fairies...
2008-08-13 15:56:47 UTC
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
I didn't get my freedom of choice from any imaginary sky fairies...
Neither do I.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-13 21:19:13 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
I didn't get my freedom of choice from any imaginary sky fairies...
Neither do I.
...and you call atheists stupid!
2008-08-14 12:10:51 UTC
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
I didn't get my freedom of choice from any imaginary sky fairies...
Neither do I.
...and you call atheists stupid!
Yep. You're in a lose/lose situation.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-14 12:27:44 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by Stan-O
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
I didn't get my freedom of choice from any imaginary sky fairies...
Neither do I.
...and you call atheists stupid!
Yep. You're in a lose/lose situation.
Just like you.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
2008-08-13 00:43:42 UTC
duke, on 12 Aug 2008, in alt.atheism, decided this was a worthy use of a
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God
why does he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
God could have created humans such that they had free will but never
sinned. He didn't, thereby causing limitless suffering for no reason.
Causing suffering for no reason is evil. Therefore God is evil.

Fish in a fucking barrel.
J. B. Mashburn, the sad left tail of the bell curve
alt.atheist #2295
EAC Chief Of Maintenance for God's cloaking device - 14 billion years and
not one glitch!
"What a day, when you can look it in the face and hold your vomit." - Faith
No More
No S-P-A-M in my email.
2008-08-13 01:57:28 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
Duke, look up the meaning of a "Hobson's Choice" and/or "extortion".
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
2008-08-13 16:02:55 UTC
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
Duke, look up the meaning of a "Hobson's Choice" and/or "extortion".
But willie still can't remember anything.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Syd M.
2008-08-13 19:48:11 UTC
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
Duke, look up the meaning of a "Hobson's Choice" and/or "extortion".
But willie still can't remember anything.
Because you never say anything worth remembering, Dork.
Just stupid religious dribble.

2008-08-14 01:00:52 UTC
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
Duke, look up the meaning of a "Hobson's Choice" and/or "extortion".
But willie still can't remember anything.
Did you look up the meaning of the two terms?
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
2008-08-14 12:11:21 UTC
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
Duke, look up the meaning of a "Hobson's Choice" and/or "extortion".
But willie still can't remember anything.
Did you look up the meaning of the two terms?
No need to.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-14 12:28:10 UTC
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by DanielSan
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
Duke, look up the meaning of a "Hobson's Choice" and/or "extortion".
But willie still can't remember anything.
Did you look up the meaning of the two terms?
No need to.
You're right. You KNOW that God is an extorter presenting us with a
Hobson's choice.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* Can God create a Thai dish so spicy that even He *
* can't eat it? *
bob young
2008-08-13 11:27:01 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
You have no verifiable proof that any god exists
let alone one that is supposed given society something.

Do you think it is really very intelligent to make
unverifiable claims
the origins of which are handmedowns from early history,
created by very simple people ?

Those desert dwellers Dook? Were it possible for one of
them to appear here and now from those early times, would
you feel comfortable taking him out for dinner to a classy
restaurant in your town? How do you think it might go ? !!!!

Please 'think'

Humanist, atheist, realist, sentimentalist, Brit.

Man creates gods in his own image;
and then spends the rest of his life
manipulating them to his heart's content.
Post by duke
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-13 16:00:44 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
You have no verifiable proof that any god exists
let alone one that is supposed given society something.
Do you think it is really very intelligent to make
unverifiable claims
the origins of which are handmedowns from early history,
created by very simple people ?
Those desert dwellers Dook? Were it possible for one of
them to appear here and now from those early times, would
you feel comfortable taking him out for dinner to a classy
restaurant in your town? How do you think it might go ? !!!!
Please 'think'
Humanist, atheist, realist, sentimentalist, Brit.
Man creates gods in his own image;
and then spends the rest of his life
manipulating them to his heart's content.
Post by duke
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
For sixty years we see UFO's, Crop Circle etc persons recieve
telepatics messages. Here part one of a video from a brother from

Only believe.
2008-08-13 16:03:28 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by duke
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
You have no verifiable proof that any god exists
let alone one that is supposed given society something.
Proof doesn't need verification.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2008-08-13 16:43:24 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Hi every one again,

About the origine of the Urantia Book:

The Urantia Book (a.k.a. "The Urantia Papers", "God's Bible", the
"Revelation"), consisting of 2,097 six by eleven inch pages, was
complied in 1934-35 and first copyrighted in 1955. It is a collection
of 196 apocryphal "papers" (i.e. so-called revelations) said to be
communicated by various "authors"--i.e. spirit beings who names are
listed in the papers. The book's theme consists of highly detailed,
mythology-like descriptions of (our) universe, surrounding universes,
numerous extraterrestrial spirit beings which are said to inhabit
these universes, the spiritual evolutionary history of planet earth
(Urantia), and the life and teaching of a "Jesus", also called "Christ
Michael", a "Creator Son". The Urantia Foundation has provided
multiple copies of the cultic Urantia Book to libraries across the
United States and world.

The group began in Chicago during the early 1930's among high-ranking
members of the heretical Seventh Day Adventist1 sect. The cult gained
increasing popularity during the hallucinogenic 1960s, as the
interrelationships between mind-altering drugs, the occult,
metaphysics, and the New Age movement were being forged. Urantia is
one of several esoteric New Age religious efforts to create
spirituality within the context of the philosophic naturalism and
modernism that pervades Western culture.2

Failing to understand the biblical concepts of canonical revelation
and dispensation divisions, Urantia substitutes and applies the
naturalistic concept of evolution to the realm of spirituality and
religion. Judaism is not seen as God's special theonomic order among
an elect, earthly people during ancient times, but rather a form of
primitive religious consciousness. Later, Christianity evolves beyond
Judaism in much the same way that Darwinist theory sees humans
evolving from apes. Thus, the Urantia and its followers promotes
itself as the most "evolved" form of religious consciousness, which to
them is still in progress. Accordingly, biblical Christians are often
contemptuously viewed as unenlightened Neanderthals......

2008-08-13 18:18:17 UTC
Post by Orange
Post by duke
Post by Bill M
Why is it that NO eleious pesrson has ever answered this question.
There are hundreds of different god beliefs. If there is a REAL God why does
he not destroy all the false gods???
Why does he permit billions of his creations to be so misled?
Freedom of choice was one thing that God gave his creation.
I've told you that lots of time, willie, but you're too stupid to remember.
duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Hi every one again,
The Urantia Book (a.k.a. "The Urantia Papers", "God's Bible", the
"Revelation"), consisting of 2,097 six by eleven inch pages, was
complied in 1934-35 and first copyrighted in 1955. It is a collection
of 196 apocryphal "papers" (i.e. so-called revelations) said to be
communicated by various "authors"--i.e. spirit beings who names are
listed in the papers. The book's theme consists of highly detailed,
mythology-like descriptions of (our) universe, surrounding universes,
numerous extraterrestrial spirit beings which are said to inhabit
these universes, the spiritual evolutionary history of planet earth
(Urantia), and the life and teaching of a "Jesus", also called "Christ
Michael", a "Creator Son". The Urantia Foundation has provided
multiple copies of the cultic Urantia Book to libraries across the
United States and world.
The group began in Chicago during the early 1930's among high-ranking
members of the heretical Seventh Day Adventist1 sect. The cult gained
increasing popularity during the hallucinogenic 1960s, as the
interrelationships between mind-altering drugs, the occult,
metaphysics, and the New Age movement were being forged. Urantia is
one of several esoteric New Age religious efforts to create
spirituality within the context of the philosophic naturalism and
modernism that pervades Western culture.2
Failing to understand the biblical concepts of canonical revelation
and dispensation divisions, Urantia substitutes and applies the
naturalistic concept of evolution to the realm of spirituality and
religion. Judaism is not seen as God's special theonomic order among
an elect, earthly people during ancient times, but rather a form of
primitive religious consciousness. Later, Christianity evolves beyond
Judaism in much the same way that Darwinist theory sees humans
evolving from apes. Thus, the Urantia and its followers promotes
itself as the most "evolved" form of religious consciousness, which to
them is still in progress. Accordingly, biblical Christians are often
contemptuously viewed as unenlightened Neanderthals......
Every one here's an example of a faith woman.

Only believe.

2008-08-14 00:12:22 UTC
Orange, on 13 Aug 2008, in alt.atheism, decided this was a worthy use of a

Post by Orange
Hi every one again,
<what the hell ever>

J. B. Mashburn, the sad left tail of the bell curve
alt.atheist #2295
EAC Chief Of Maintenance for God's cloaking device - 14 billion years and not
one glitch!
"What a day, when you can look it in the face and hold your vomit." - Faith
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