Re: Who are the 144000?
I'm trying to understand and clarify some things concerning the 144000 that
is described in revelations. The 144000 can't be those living on earth and
still be considered to be from the 12 tribes of Israel. The two terms are
not synonymous. I don't believe that this number relates to those that have
been conceived either. And, they don't need to be marked. The reason I say
that the members of the 144000 do not need to be marked is because they are
already gone by that day. Another reason they do not need to be marked is
because they are of the chosen people.
The Bible shows TWO outcomes of salvation for righteous ones. One
group lives forever in Heaven with Jesus and God, the other group
lives forever on earth. For example, Jesus talked about that latter
group at Mt 5:5,
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." (NIV)
Also notice Ps 37:29,
"The upright will have the earth for their heritage, and will go on
living there for ever." (The Bible in Basic English)
God clearly tells us that made this planet to have people living on
it. Isa 45:18,
"For this is what the LORD says-- he who created the heavens, he is
God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not
create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited--..." (NIV)
Jesus referred to these two groups of people (those going to Heaven
forever and those living on earth forever) at John 10:11-16. Notice
verses 11-15 are talking about Jesus' sheep. (He refers to this same
group of sheep again at Luke 12:32 as a "little flock" who gets the
"kingdom") Then in verse 16 he talks about another group of sheep
which are not of the "fold" of 11-15. But these also are accepted by
Jesus so that he will be the "one shepherd" over both of them. (verse
16) Who compose this 2nd group of sheep?
Notice in Re 14:1-3 that these 144,000 who came "from the earth" are
with Jesus on the heavenly Mount Zion. This same 144,000 is mentioned
in Re 7:4. But in verse 9 it talks about "a great multitude that no
one could count" who are "from every nation" and who get salvation
because of God and "the lamb". That great crowd is different from the
one mentioned at Re 19:1,6. This other great crowd are angels. They
did not come from the earth, nor does it mention that they owe their
salvation to the lamb.
This "great multitude" of Re 7:9 could not be referring to the "little
flock" because the "great multitude" are described as a very large
group. ("no one could count") So these must be the "other sheep" of
John 10:16. They will be the ones who "inherit the earth".
But doesn't it say in Re 7:9 that this great multitude are "standing
before the throne and in front of the Lamb."? Doesn't this mean they
are in Heaven? The word "stand" can mean an approved condition and not
just location. (see Re 6:17; Lu 21:36) The words "before the throne"
are translated from the Greek "enopion tou thronou" which literally
means "in sight of the throne". Thus the Greek vocabulary from which
these words are translated from do not require this "great crowd" to
be up in heaven, but only "in sight" of it. We are "in sight" of God
even while here on earth. (see Acts 10:33)
These 144,000 that are "kings" in Heaven also have a job to do. As
kings, they need subjects to rule over. Who are these? As 1 Co 6:2
says "the saints will judge the world?" But how could they judge
anyone on earth if everyone has gone to Heaven, Hell or Purgatory?
In summery, the Bible shows that God will have 144,000 chosen from the
earth to be in Heaven forever with Jesus and God, and to rule over
mankind. God also will have perfect righteous people living forever on
a paradise earth just as He originally intended with Adam and Eve and
their offspring.
I hope this has helped you.
Sincerely, James
**If you wish to have a discussion with me, please use email since I
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