Bill M
2008-07-27 09:32:47 UTC
Humans waste billions of dollars building fancy churches, mosques and
temples. All this for gods housing.
Now god supposedly created this huge complex Universe from nothing. There is
NO objective verifiable evidence that any god ever visits these millions of
churches, mosques and temples. Why would this powerful creator waste his
time in this worthless time wasting function?
There is no evidence that the people that visit these houses of god live any
longer, healthier or wealthier lives than those that do not.
Christian churches all have crosses on their steeples. Why would this
Christian god like and enjoy being reminded of his brutal and painful death
on a cross? I would think he would find this both insulting and painful.
Oh I see. They pay this admission fee so they can go to there glorious
imaginary Heaven when they die.
temples. All this for gods housing.
Now god supposedly created this huge complex Universe from nothing. There is
NO objective verifiable evidence that any god ever visits these millions of
churches, mosques and temples. Why would this powerful creator waste his
time in this worthless time wasting function?
There is no evidence that the people that visit these houses of god live any
longer, healthier or wealthier lives than those that do not.
Christian churches all have crosses on their steeples. Why would this
Christian god like and enjoy being reminded of his brutal and painful death
on a cross? I would think he would find this both insulting and painful.
Oh I see. They pay this admission fee so they can go to there glorious
imaginary Heaven when they die.