(too old to reply)
Bill M
2008-07-27 09:32:47 UTC
Humans waste billions of dollars building fancy churches, mosques and
temples. All this for gods housing.

Now god supposedly created this huge complex Universe from nothing. There is
NO objective verifiable evidence that any god ever visits these millions of
churches, mosques and temples. Why would this powerful creator waste his
time in this worthless time wasting function?

There is no evidence that the people that visit these houses of god live any
longer, healthier or wealthier lives than those that do not.

Christian churches all have crosses on their steeples. Why would this
Christian god like and enjoy being reminded of his brutal and painful death
on a cross? I would think he would find this both insulting and painful.

Oh I see. They pay this admission fee so they can go to there glorious
imaginary Heaven when they die.
2008-07-27 15:42:04 UTC
Post by Bill M
Humans waste billions of dollars building fancy churches, mosques and
temples. All this for gods housing.
Now god supposedly created this huge complex Universe from nothing. There is
NO objective verifiable evidence that any god ever visits these millions of
churches, mosques and temples. Why would this powerful creator waste his
time in this worthless time wasting function?
There is no evidence that the people that visit these houses of god live any
longer, healthier or wealthier lives than those that do not.
Christian churches all have crosses on their steeples. Why would this
Christian god like and enjoy being reminded of his brutal and painful death
on a cross? I would think he would find this both insulting and painful.
Oh I see. They pay this admission fee so they can go to there glorious
imaginary Heaven when they die.
Sure, let's sell them something, that we don't have to deliver until after
they die. That'll work. What a racket that's better than any snake oil
salesman scheme. If you don't recieve your heaven reward, we will give you
all of your money back, just show up and claim your money and time.
The dead unhappy customers must claim their funds in person.
If God existed, he would be laughing his ass off. I know that the snake oil
religion hawkers are laughing all the way to the tax exempt bank. He
he.....$$$$$$$$ Thank you imaginary God...Amen.
2008-07-27 16:36:55 UTC
Post by Bill M
Humans waste billions of dollars building fancy churches, mosques and
temples. All this for gods housing.
You have to gather people and collection plates together somewhere.
Post by Bill M
Now god supposedly created this huge complex Universe from nothing.
There is NO objective verifiable evidence that any god ever visits
these millions of churches, mosques and temples. Why would this
powerful creator waste his time in this worthless time wasting
He needs a convenient place to duck into if it rains. Rain makes His hair
frizzy, and you know how vain He is.
Post by Bill M
There is no evidence that the people that visit these houses of god
live any longer, healthier or wealthier lives than those that do not.
Sure there is. They feel the holy spirit making them warm and fuzzy
inside whenever the pastor tells them about the eternal torment those
people in the other churches are going to suffer. And feelings are
evidence, aren't they?
Post by Bill M
Christian churches all have crosses on their steeples. Why would this
Christian god like and enjoy being reminded of his brutal and painful
death on a cross? I would think he would find this both insulting and
Ever listen to "Glory Days" by the Boss?
Post by Bill M
Oh I see. They pay this admission fee so they can go to there glorious
imaginary Heaven when they die.
Yeah, but when Christians cease to be at death, they will enjoy a happier
oblivion spending an eternity not existing with a non-existent Jesus. We
non-believers have to suffer an eternity not existing in a non-existent
hell, suffering eternal torment from a non-existent Satan.

Do you understand it now?
Enkidu AA#2165
EAC Chaplain and ordained minister,
ULC, Modesto, CA

It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its
creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so, and will
follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize
early the minds of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving
underground all heretics.
-Robert A. Heinlein
John Locke
2008-07-27 17:50:02 UTC
Post by Bill M
Humans waste billions of dollars building fancy churches, mosques and
temples. All this for gods housing.
Now god supposedly created this huge complex Universe from nothing. There is
NO objective verifiable evidence that any god ever visits these millions of
churches, mosques and temples. Why would this powerful creator waste his
time in this worthless time wasting function?
There is no evidence that the people that visit these houses of god live any
longer, healthier or wealthier lives than those that do not.
Christian churches all have crosses on their steeples. Why would this
Christian god like and enjoy being reminded of his brutal and painful death
on a cross? I would think he would find this both insulting and painful.
Oh I see. They pay this admission fee so they can go to there glorious
imaginary Heaven when they die.
It must be humorous to "God" to watch all the cowering little human
insects running around, butting heads and competing to see who can
build the most gaudy, wasteful structures on the planet. In fact, I
find it rather amusing myself.

"If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal
giver of life would be my god." - Napoleon Bonaparte
2008-07-28 22:15:07 UTC
Post by Bill M
Humans waste billions of dollars building fancy churches, mosques and
temples. All this for gods housing.
Now god supposedly created this huge complex Universe from nothing. There
is NO objective verifiable evidence that any god ever visits these
millions of churches, mosques and temples. Why would this powerful creator
waste his time in this worthless time wasting function?
There is no evidence that the people that visit these houses of god live
any longer, healthier or wealthier lives than those that do not.
Christian churches all have crosses on their steeples. Why would this
Christian god like and enjoy being reminded of his brutal and painful
death on a cross? I would think he would find this both insulting and
Oh I see. They pay this admission fee so they can go to there glorious
imaginary Heaven when they die.
What do you believe? Do you believe in Crystals? Trees? Science? Strings?
Do you believe you are an accident of nature nothing more than an assembly
of molecules?
What do YOU believe YOUR fate is - an eternal recycling of quarks scattered
throughout the universe?

Where is your hope, your optimism?

Your belief system must make you sad. According to your philosophy, you
have but a short existence. Yet, you choose to spend your time insulting
others on a computer? I don't see much logic in that!

Cary Kittrell
2008-07-28 22:59:30 UTC
Post by RJBJr
Post by Bill M
Humans waste billions of dollars building fancy churches, mosques and
temples. All this for gods housing.
Now god supposedly created this huge complex Universe from nothing. There
is NO objective verifiable evidence that any god ever visits these
millions of churches, mosques and temples. Why would this powerful creator
waste his time in this worthless time wasting function?
There is no evidence that the people that visit these houses of god live
any longer, healthier or wealthier lives than those that do not.
Christian churches all have crosses on their steeples. Why would this
Christian god like and enjoy being reminded of his brutal and painful
death on a cross? I would think he would find this both insulting and
Oh I see. They pay this admission fee so they can go to there glorious
imaginary Heaven when they die.
What do you believe? Do you believe in Crystals? Trees? Science? Strings?
Do you believe you are an accident of nature nothing more than an assembly
of molecules?
What do YOU believe YOUR fate is - an eternal recycling of quarks scattered
throughout the universe?
Where is your hope, your optimism?
Where is our crushing burden of sin, our constant of sense unworthiness,
our fear of damnation?

(where, for that matter, is our fear of spending forever and ever and
ever and ever and ever reassuring God how cool He is?)

-- cary
Post by RJBJr
Your belief system must make you sad. According to your philosophy, you
have but a short existence. Yet, you choose to spend your time insulting
others on a computer? I don't see much logic in that!
2008-08-03 13:47:09 UTC
you're forgetting tax exempt status too.

religion, one of the biggest scams around, and hey, it's all tax free

