(too old to reply)
Bill M
2007-10-03 20:38:01 UTC
There is NO OBJECTIVE VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE that any real gods actually exist.
There is even stronger evidence that NO GODS exist
except in the imaginations of man.

The god believers claim that god created the world and everything in it. He
is all loving, all caring and all powerful creator of man in his image.

Because the world is so magnificent and complex it had to have a creator. By
this same logic, god has to be even more powerful and complex and would have
to have a creator. Complexity in no way is proof or evidence of a god
creator. it is only evidence of complexity.

Supposedly man after he dies lives on in gods eternal heaven in eternal

If this is true, why did he create so much sin and punishment on Earth? Why
did he create Hell? Why not create a world with men that are motivated to be
all caring and loving beings, just like him, with no desire to be selfish,
greedy and mean?

Religious fanatics claim that man has chosen to be evil because of his 'free
will'. This is totally specious. 'Free will' does not imply or require the
existence of evil conduct.

free will n. 1. The ability or discretion to choose; free choice: chose to
remain behind of my own free will. 2. The power, attributed especially to
human beings, of making free choices that are unconstrained by external
circumstances or by an agency such as fate or divine will.

Free will is a vicious two edged sword. Rapists, murderers, Stalin, Hitler
and other brutes had the free will to abuse and even murder millions of
innocents. Why does any real god provide free will to all these brutes to
kill, maim, and punish millions of innocents?

Does this look like a 'loving god'???

A good benevolent god could have created man as a loving caring creature
with free will but without any desire or ability to commit evil.
He already created other limitations on man's 'free will'.

He created hunger pains to force man to eat and drink, suffocation panic to
force man to breathe, and a powerful sex drive to force man to procreate.
(Frequently in excess of mans ability to feed and care for his creations!)

Why create greed and selfishness which encourages man to steel, lie,
subjugate and even kill other men?

This is supposedly to keep man in line and force him to follow god's wishes
and commands. This is characteristic of a dictator and slave master not the
characteristics of a loving god.

Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Floods,
Wars, Earth Quakes, Cancers and hundreds of debilitating diseases and
serious body malfunctions? There are 12,000 known diseases that affect and
punish mankind indiscriminately. Why does he permit millions of both young
and old to starve to death or die of miserable diseases? Why punish millions
of INNOCENT CHILDREN in this horrible way?

Why does this all powerful and caring god permit totally "innocent children"
to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a fully developed
brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.? Why are some born idiots and
others with super intelligence? Why are some born into wealth and others
pauper poor? Why are his human creations designed to deteriorate into a
miserable and devastating old age regardless of their religious affiliation?

God supposedly created the world like it is to punish man for Adam and Eve's
'original sin'. Why does he also punish supposedly innocent animals with
thousands of diseases, birth defects, starvation and to be eaten alive by
other animals?

Why did this all powerful and loving creator create things like sharks,
jelly fish, octopus, lions, tigers, rhinoceros, Wolves, poisonous snakes,
stinging and poisonous insects, poisonous plants etc.? Why did this caring
benevolent god create animals (including man) that need to painfully kill
and eat other animals to survive?

World War I claimed 9,000,000 lives of people of many religious faiths.

World II indiscriminately claimed over 20,000,000 lives of people of all
ages and religious faiths, plus a vast destruction of property and more
millions maimed for life.

The recent Asian Tsunami has claimed the lives of 200,000 men, women and
children of all AND NO religious persuasions. Over 100,000 of these were
totally INNOCENT children!

There were three major epidemics of the Bubonic Plaque - in the 6th, 14th.
and 17th centuries. The death toll was over 137 million men, women and
totally innocent children.

The influenza of 1918-1919 killed at least 25 million men, women and
innocent children indiscriminately.

Diseases like malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis, etc. maim and kill millions
indiscriminately every year. More millions die of starvation and

These indiscriminately afflicted the young and old, atheists and those of
all religious persuasions.

Meanwhile MAN, not god, has developed defenses and cures for hundreds of
serious diseases. Man has learned to create shelter, heat and cooling,
purify water, world wide electronic communications, power and transportation
systems including flying through the air.
Man has created a wonderful medical and drug system and improved housing and
food production. The result of MAN'S inventiveness has
DOUBLED the average life span. None of this was created by any gods.

Perhaps your loving and caring god is actually a cruel, heartless, mean and
torturing tyrant. If he treats us so cruelly during life, why do you think
he will let us enjoy peace and eternal happiness in his Heaven? And why does
he keep all this a secret by preventing communication with our dead parents,
siblings and friends? (Or this god?)

There are thousands of religious and god beliefs but NO OJECTIVE VERIFIABLE
EVIDENCE for the actual existence of ANY of these gods. ALL god beliefs are
based on the unsubstantiated 'opinions' of errant men.

The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created gods!

I challenge god believers to supply ANY objective verifiable evidence that
their god actually exists except in their over active imaginations.
bob young
2007-10-05 05:45:02 UTC
Post by Bill M
There is NO OBJECTIVE VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE that any real gods actually exist.
There is even stronger evidence that NO GODS exist
except in the imaginations of man.
A terrific post that is well worth reading right thru to the bottom line

humanist Brit.
Post by Bill M
The god believers claim that god created the world and everything in it. He
is all loving, all caring and all powerful creator of man in his image.
Because the world is so magnificent and complex it had to have a creator. By
this same logic, god has to be even more powerful and complex and would have
to have a creator. Complexity in no way is proof or evidence of a god
creator. it is only evidence of complexity.
Supposedly man after he dies lives on in gods eternal heaven in eternal
If this is true, why did he create so much sin and punishment on Earth? Why
did he create Hell? Why not create a world with men that are motivated to be
all caring and loving beings, just like him, with no desire to be selfish,
greedy and mean?
Religious fanatics claim that man has chosen to be evil because of his 'free
will'. This is totally specious. 'Free will' does not imply or require the
existence of evil conduct.
free will n. 1. The ability or discretion to choose; free choice: chose to
remain behind of my own free will. 2. The power, attributed especially to
human beings, of making free choices that are unconstrained by external
circumstances or by an agency such as fate or divine will.
Free will is a vicious two edged sword. Rapists, murderers, Stalin, Hitler
and other brutes had the free will to abuse and even murder millions of
innocents. Why does any real god provide free will to all these brutes to
kill, maim, and punish millions of innocents?
Does this look like a 'loving god'???
A good benevolent god could have created man as a loving caring creature
with free will but without any desire or ability to commit evil.
He already created other limitations on man's 'free will'.
He created hunger pains to force man to eat and drink, suffocation panic to
force man to breathe, and a powerful sex drive to force man to procreate.
(Frequently in excess of mans ability to feed and care for his creations!)
Why create greed and selfishness which encourages man to steel, lie,
subjugate and even kill other men?
This is supposedly to keep man in line and force him to follow god's wishes
and commands. This is characteristic of a dictator and slave master not the
characteristics of a loving god.
Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Floods,
Wars, Earth Quakes, Cancers and hundreds of debilitating diseases and
serious body malfunctions? There are 12,000 known diseases that affect and
punish mankind indiscriminately. Why does he permit millions of both young
and old to starve to death or die of miserable diseases? Why punish millions
of INNOCENT CHILDREN in this horrible way?
Why does this all powerful and caring god permit totally "innocent children"
to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a fully developed
brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.? Why are some born idiots and
others with super intelligence? Why are some born into wealth and others
pauper poor? Why are his human creations designed to deteriorate into a
miserable and devastating old age regardless of their religious affiliation?
God supposedly created the world like it is to punish man for Adam and Eve's
'original sin'. Why does he also punish supposedly innocent animals with
thousands of diseases, birth defects, starvation and to be eaten alive by
other animals?
Why did this all powerful and loving creator create things like sharks,
jelly fish, octopus, lions, tigers, rhinoceros, Wolves, poisonous snakes,
stinging and poisonous insects, poisonous plants etc.? Why did this caring
benevolent god create animals (including man) that need to painfully kill
and eat other animals to survive?
World War I claimed 9,000,000 lives of people of many religious faiths.
World II indiscriminately claimed over 20,000,000 lives of people of all
ages and religious faiths, plus a vast destruction of property and more
millions maimed for life.
The recent Asian Tsunami has claimed the lives of 200,000 men, women and
children of all AND NO religious persuasions. Over 100,000 of these were
totally INNOCENT children!
There were three major epidemics of the Bubonic Plaque - in the 6th, 14th.
and 17th centuries. The death toll was over 137 million men, women and
totally innocent children.
The influenza of 1918-1919 killed at least 25 million men, women and
innocent children indiscriminately.
Diseases like malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis, etc. maim and kill millions
indiscriminately every year. More millions die of starvation and
These indiscriminately afflicted the young and old, atheists and those of
all religious persuasions.
Meanwhile MAN, not god, has developed defenses and cures for hundreds of
serious diseases. Man has learned to create shelter, heat and cooling,
purify water, world wide electronic communications, power and transportation
systems including flying through the air.
Man has created a wonderful medical and drug system and improved housing and
food production. The result of MAN'S inventiveness has
DOUBLED the average life span. None of this was created by any gods.
Perhaps your loving and caring god is actually a cruel, heartless, mean and
torturing tyrant. If he treats us so cruelly during life, why do you think
he will let us enjoy peace and eternal happiness in his Heaven? And why does
he keep all this a secret by preventing communication with our dead parents,
siblings and friends? (Or this god?)
There are thousands of religious and god beliefs but NO OJECTIVE VERIFIABLE
EVIDENCE for the actual existence of ANY of these gods. ALL god beliefs are
based on the unsubstantiated 'opinions' of errant men.
The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created gods!
I challenge god believers to supply ANY objective verifiable evidence that
their god actually exists except in their over active imaginations.