(too old to reply)
2005-11-11 01:11:40 UTC
There is only one true God, the creator of heaven and Earth, He is the God
of the bible.
He revealed Himself in the form of a trinity: God the Father, the Word of
God (also called God the son who became a man in form of Jesus Christ) and
the Spirit of God, called the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost.

God, the creator has inspired certain men, that He chose, to right down what
men are supposed to believe and do. The true teachings of God are in the
King James version bible. It is translated from the real unaltered texts
that were copied word for word and handed down through the centuries.
The New Testament of the King James Version bible shows the truth of God and
what God wants people to do and believe.
According to the bible, the inspired writings from God, after people die
they will either go to heaven or hell. In heaven they will be happy forever.
In hell they will suffer painful punishment for being bad forever. A person
must get saved from hell in order to go to heaven.
This shows how to get saved.

This is the most important question of your life.

The question is: Are you saved?

It is not a question of how good you are,
nor if you are a church member, but are you saved?

Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die?

The reason some people don't know for sure if they
are going to Heaven when they die is because they
just don't know.

The good news is that you can know for sure that
you are going to Heaven.

The Holy Bible describes Heaven as a beautiful
place with no death, sorrow, sickness or pain.

God tells us in the Holy Bible how simple it is
to be saved so that we can live forever with Him
in Heaven.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and
shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou
shalt be saved.
Over 2000 years ago God came from Heaven to earth
in the person of Jesus Christ to shed His blood
and die on a cross to pay our sin debt in full.

Jesus Christ was born in Israel supernaturally to
a virgin Jewish woman named Mary and lived a sinless
life for thirty-three years.

At the age of thirty-three Jesus was scourged and
had a crown of thorns pressed onto His head then
Jesus was crucified.

Three days after Jesus died on a cross and was
placed in a grave Jesus rose from the dead as Jesus
said would happen before Jesus died.

If someone tells you that they are going to die and
then three days later come back to life and it
actually happens then this person must be the
real deal.

Jesus Christ is the only person that ever lived a
perfect sinless life.

This is why Jesus is able to cover our sins(misdeeds)
with His own blood because Jesus is sinless.

The Holy Bible says,
Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness
of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
If you would like God to forgive you of your sins just ask, Jesus Christ to
your Lord and Saviour, and then start trying to not sin. If you do sin, ask
God to forgive you and continue trying to not sin. {Try to not do anything
that the New Testament calls a sin.}
The Bible says this:
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us
[our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Start reading the New Testament of the Bible to find out what God wants you
to believe and do. [The King James version is the most accurate version of
the bible, but it does have middle English or Old English in it.]
You can use a big dictionary if you have trouble with the old English.

It doesn't matter how old you are or how many bad
things that you have done in your life including
lying and stealing all the way up to murder.

Just pray the prayer below with your mouth and mean
it from your heart and God will hear you and save you.

Dear Jesus Christ, I want to be saved so that I can
have a home in Heaven with You when I die. I agree
with You that I am a sinner. I believe that You love
me and want to save me. I believe that You bled and
died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins and
that You rose from the dead. Please forgive my sins
and come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour.
Thanks Lord Jesus Christ for forgiving me and saving
me through Your merciful grace. Amen.

Welcome to the family of God if you just allowed God
to save you.

Now you are a real Christian and you can know for
sure that you will live in Heaven forever when this
life comes to an end.

As a child of God we are to avoid sin(wrongdoing),
but if you do sin the Holy Bible says,
1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin
not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ
the righteous:
Start trying to not sin. If you do sin, ask God to forgive you and continue
trying to not sin. {Try to not do anything that the New Testament calls a
The Bible says this:
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us
[our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Those of you that have not yet decided to place your
trust in the Lord Jesus Christ may never get another
chance to do so because you do not know when you
will die.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no
man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
This means that if you die without trusting in Jesus
Christ as your Lord and Saviour you will die in your
sins and be forever separated from the love of God in
a place called Hell.

The Holy Bible descibes Hell as a place of eternal
torment, suffering, pain and agony for all those who
have rejected Jesus Christ.

The good news is that you can avoid Hell by allowing
Jesus Christ to save you today. Only then will you
have true peace in your life knowing that no matter
what happens you are on your way to Heaven.

Here is some more information about obeying God, and going to heaven:

The New Testament of the Christian Bible is the real way that leads to
heaven and to God. (The King James version is the most accurate.) You can
read the New Testament for free online at this website:
You can listen to the New Testament being read by someone else and read
along with it, for free online at this website:
http://www.audio-bible.com/bible/bible.html Start with Matthew and go
all the way through to Revelation.
It is good to ask God to teach you what the New Testament really means
before you read it or listen to it.

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this
the judgment:
This website describes it fairly well; allow the page to load.
When you meet Jesus Christ on the judgement day, He will be sitting on a
white throne; you will be judged according to the words of the New
Testament. Eternal happiness in heaven, will be your reward; or eternal
suffering in hell, and the lake of fire, will be your punishment. Choose
where you will spend eternity, in one place or the other.

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2005-11-11 07:32:14 UTC
OhmaGODDD! A Jack Chick follower! No wonder he hates Catholics and
other "cults." Tee hee.

2005-11-11 22:54:42 UTC
death to the mass murdering christian god
2005-11-12 03:14:09 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
death to the mass murdering christian god
I couldn't agree more! I will make you God's official Assassin! Now go
out and get 'im!

2005-11-12 07:24:22 UTC
Hello, stone!

I think the actual question is...

'Do you believe everything you read ?'

Also, to be saved is to be good - however what is 'good'? Is good just a
perspective ? Lets face it, your god is not a merciful god, so will he be
saved or not ? again, depends on your perspective. If god was 'good' would
he not banish evil and prevent recent mass deaths ? Obviously not - so
either there is no god, or god is not a nice person.

Believe in yourself, and not something you have been told to believe in..

Have a great day and one day I will see you on the 'otherside' when we may
be able to answer many questions of such ilk...

You wrote on 11 Nov 2005 01:11:40 GMT:

s> God, the creator has inspired certain men, that He chose, to right down
s> what men are supposed to believe and do. The true teachings of God are
s> in the King James version bible. It is translated from the real
s> unaltered texts that were copied word for word and handed down through
s> the centuries. The New Testament of the King James Version bible shows
s> the truth of God and what God wants people to do and believe.
s> According to the bible, the inspired writings from God, after people die
s> they will either go to heaven or hell. In heaven they will be happy
s> forever. In hell they will suffer painful punishment for being bad
s> forever. A person must get saved from hell in order to go to heaven.
s> This shows how to get saved.

s> This is the most important question of your life.

s> The question is: Are you saved?

s> It is not a question of how good you are,
s> nor if you are a church member, but are you saved?

s> Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die?

s> The reason some people don't know for sure if they
s> are going to Heaven when they die is because they
s> just don't know.

s> The good news is that you can know for sure that
s> you are going to Heaven.

s> The Holy Bible describes Heaven as a beautiful
s> place with no death, sorrow, sickness or pain.

s> God tells us in the Holy Bible how simple it is
s> to be saved so that we can live forever with Him
s> in Heaven.

s> Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
s> shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
s> thou shalt be saved.
s> Over 2000 years ago God came from Heaven to earth
s> in the person of Jesus Christ to shed His blood
s> and die on a cross to pay our sin debt in full.

s> Jesus Christ was born in Israel supernaturally to
s> a virgin Jewish woman named Mary and lived a sinless
s> life for thirty-three years.

s> At the age of thirty-three Jesus was scourged and
s> had a crown of thorns pressed onto His head then
s> Jesus was crucified.

s> Three days after Jesus died on a cross and was
s> placed in a grave Jesus rose from the dead as Jesus
s> said would happen before Jesus died.

s> If someone tells you that they are going to die and
s> then three days later come back to life and it
s> actually happens then this person must be the
s> real deal.

s> Jesus Christ is the only person that ever lived a
s> perfect sinless life.

s> This is why Jesus is able to cover our sins(misdeeds)
s> with His own blood because Jesus is sinless.

s> The Holy Bible says,
s> Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the
s> forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
s> If you would like God to forgive you of your sins just ask, Jesus Christ
s> to be
s> your Lord and Saviour, and then start trying to not sin. If you do sin,
s> ask God to forgive you and continue trying to not sin. {Try to not do
s> anything that the New Testament calls a sin.}
s> The Bible says this:
s> 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us
s> [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
s> Start reading the New Testament of the Bible to find out what God wants
s> you to believe and do. [The King James version is the most accurate
s> version of the bible, but it does have middle English or Old English in
s> it.] You can use a big dictionary if you have trouble with the old
s> English.

s> It doesn't matter how old you are or how many bad
s> things that you have done in your life including
s> lying and stealing all the way up to murder.

s> Just pray the prayer below with your mouth and mean
s> it from your heart and God will hear you and save you.

s> Dear Jesus Christ, I want to be saved so that I can
s> have a home in Heaven with You when I die. I agree
s> with You that I am a sinner. I believe that You love
s> me and want to save me. I believe that You bled and
s> died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins and
s> that You rose from the dead. Please forgive my sins
s> and come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour.
s> Thanks Lord Jesus Christ for forgiving me and saving
s> me through Your merciful grace. Amen.

s> Welcome to the family of God if you just allowed God
s> to save you.

s> Now you are a real Christian and you can know for
s> sure that you will live in Heaven forever when this
s> life comes to an end.

s> As a child of God we are to avoid sin(wrongdoing),
s> but if you do sin the Holy Bible says,
s> 1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye
s> sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus
s> Christ the righteous:
s> Start trying to not sin. If you do sin, ask God to forgive you and
s> continue trying to not sin. {Try to not do anything that the New
s> Testament calls a sin.}
s> The Bible says this:
s> 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us
s> [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
s> Those of you that have not yet decided to place your
s> trust in the Lord Jesus Christ may never get another
s> chance to do so because you do not know when you
s> will die.

s> John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
s> man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
s> This means that if you die without trusting in Jesus
s> Christ as your Lord and Saviour you will die in your
s> sins and be forever separated from the love of God in
s> a place called Hell.

s> The Holy Bible descibes Hell as a place of eternal
s> torment, suffering, pain and agony for all those who
s> have rejected Jesus Christ.

s> The good news is that you can avoid Hell by allowing
s> Jesus Christ to save you today. Only then will you
s> have true peace in your life knowing that no matter
s> what happens you are on your way to Heaven.

s> Here is some more information about obeying God, and going to heaven:

s> The New Testament of the Christian Bible is the real way that leads to
s> heaven and to God. (The King James version is the most accurate.) You
s> can read the New Testament for free online at this website:
s> http://www.usaquality.com/bible/list_bcv/all.html
s> You can listen to the New Testament being read by someone else and read
s> along with it, for free online at this website:
s> http://www.audio-bible.com/bible/bible.html Start with Matthew
and go
s> all the way through to Revelation.
s> It is good to ask God to teach you what the New Testament really means
s> before you read it or listen to it.

s> Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after
s> this the judgment:
s> This website describes it fairly well; allow the page to load.
s> http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0001/0001_01.asp
s> When you meet Jesus Christ on the judgement day, He will be sitting on a
s> white throne; you will be judged according to the words of the New
s> Testament. Eternal happiness in heaven, will be your reward; or eternal
s> suffering in hell, and the lake of fire, will be your punishment. Choose
s> where you will spend eternity, in one place or the other.

With best regards, buzza72. E-mail: ***@hotmail.com

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