(too old to reply)
2005-08-17 18:17:46 UTC
All religions are based on a foundation of deception and myth.

Take the Christian religion and its beliefs;

Their God always was and always will be. He - it created the Universe and

He is all powerful and omnipotent. God is a trinity of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Ghost.

How do you have a father and no mother?

This trinity God created Adam and Eve and caused them to sin by having a
talking snake encourage them to eat a forbidden fruit. They did this and
they and their posterity (- us -) were doomed to eternal punishment for this
rather minor sin.

Why would any real God punish ALL of mankind for thousands of years because
of a rather minor infraction, by Adam and Eve, caused by Gods own created
temptation? The punishment seems ridiculously out of proportion to the
crime. And why punish all of mankind over thousands of years for this rather
minor infraction by Adam and Eve?

If a man is jailed for robbery or executed for murder do we similarly punish
all of his progeny from then on?

After man suffered on earth for over 100,000 years, God sent his son Jesus
to earth as a baby born of the virgin Mary in the freezing winter in an open
manger built for cattle.

Jesus then lived the life of a poor child and worked as a lowly carpenter
after his maturity. Then when he was in his thirties he announced that he
was the son part of the tripartite God and that he was sent to earth to
preach the rules and desires of this God. He only preached in a small area
of the Middle East that reached less than 5% of the worlds human population.
This was before the printing press and electronic communication so very few
people heard his message.

Why would the God creator of Universe, and everything in it, find it
necessary to announce his wishes so late in his creation and in such a crude
and inefficient manner? In addition, he never wrote ANY of his sermons and
preachments for the rest of the world and future generations! Further,
followers didn't write any documents about the contents of his preaching
until 70 years AFTER his death. Because these documents were hand written
and copied before the invention of the printing press. No originals exist.
We have no way of knowing the accuracy of the existent copies.

Much of the contents of these documents are inconsistent, contradictory and
appear to be more myth and legend than fact. This God has never confirmed in
any clear objective and verifiable fashion that these documents are an
accurate representation of his will.

Why would this all powerful God creator of the Universe communicate with his
flock in such a grossly inefficient, ineffective and confusing manner?

Man is capable of communicating with the whole world via TV, Radio, and
Phone. There are thousands of God beliefs. Why does the all powerful real
God not have an efficient communication system to inform everyone in the
world of his wishes and commands and show who is the real God and which are
fakes? God refuses or is incapable of speaking directly to his subjects!?

This all powerful God creator, punished all of mankind over a period of more
than 100,000 years but then felt it necessary to have God the son die a
cruel and sadistic death on a cross with two criminals to save mankind from
the sins he himself created ( or at least allowed to occur). Why didn't he
just announce from his heaven that mankind was being forgiven for these sins
and skip the blood, gore and theatricals.

In addition, the evidence is that mankind is no better off after Jesus'
arrival and death than before. What did he save us from?

He permits a world where totally INNOCENT CHILDREN are dead at birth or are
born with all sorts of painful, incapacitating and crippling handicaps. His
subjects are born with a wide range of intelligence ( or lack of brains )
and capacities to either live a reasonably enjoyable life are suffer
throughout their lives. Over two million children die horrible deaths from
starvation and diseases every year. Why did he create and maintain a world
like this? Why does this all loving omnipotent God permit this punishment of
totally INNOCENT CHILDREN? Is he sadistic and enjoys the suffering of his

Millions of people are born in countries with relentless and life long
poverty, disease and hunger. Millions are born in countries that do not
provide knowledge of the so called "true God" so they can be saved. Millions
live brutal, painful and fortunately very short lives.

All of his human creations suffer the diseases, pain and suffering of old
age and frequently very painful deaths.

He creates a world that kills millions of both innocent and sinful people
indiscriminately via floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, wars,
tornadoes, earth quakes, fires, train wrecks, thousands of diseases,
pestilence's and other natural disasters. He creates a world with animals
that must brutally kill other animals in order to eat and survive.

If this God is our all powerful loving creator, why does he create and
permit this gross indiscriminant suffering?

Those that dance to his tune get an eternity of boredom in his heaven. The
rest suffer perpetual punishment in hell.

This God either does not exist or is an extremely cruel and heartless SOB.

The evidence is rather strong that God did not create man, but quite the
contrary, that man created Gods.
I don't believe in atheists
2005-08-17 19:14:42 UTC
Post by Bill
All religions are based on a foundation of deception and myth.
Take the Christian religion and its beliefs;
And watch it wax circles around the beady eyed God-Hating fools
• Ninure Saunders
2005-08-17 23:10:48 UTC
In article <r0MMe.254$***@news.uswest.net>, "I don't believe in
atheists" <***@Fool.com> wrote:

-"Bill" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
-> All religions are based on a foundation of deception and myth.
-> Take the Christian religion and its beliefs;
-And watch it wax circles around the beady eyed God-Hating fools

While you, on the other hand, tell Jesus to FOAD by your "actions" in
these newsgroups.

Matt. 5:22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will
be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ŒRaca, ¹ is
answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ŒYou fool!¹ will be in
danger of the fire of hell.

James 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons
believe that ‹and shudder.

James 1:26 If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a
tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is
this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep
oneself from being polluted by the world.

Pax Christi,
• Ninure Saunders aka Rainbow Christian

Jesus is my Shepherd and He knows I'm Gay

My Yahoo Group

Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches

The Bible Site - help provide free scripture

To send e-mail, remove nohate from address
2005-08-18 19:46:17 UTC
Post by I don't believe in atheists
Post by Bill
All religions are based on a foundation of deception and myth.
Take the Christian religion and its beliefs;
And watch it wax circles around the beady eyed God-Hating fools
Your comments are so profound!

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