Conditions of Forgiveness
(too old to reply)
Panembahan Tulung Agung
2008-02-18 21:13:26 UTC
Conditions of Forgiveness

Now let's take a closer look at this first step marked Sins Forgiven.
How does one obtain the requisite pardon for those sins that have become
such a common lot for every human being We need to understand from the very
beginning that there are three conditions to having our sins
forgiven-repentance, confession, and restitution. Please do not let those
long theological terms confuse you. We shall break them into such simple
language that all will know what they mean and how to fulfill their
What about the first condition What is repentance, and what are we to
repent of The Bible says, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of
God" (Romans 3:23). The meaning of these inspired words is very clear.
Regardless of our wealth, sex, or station in life we have all made personal
choices to break God's law. The Bible calls it sin. No resolute human effort
has been sufficient to overcome the inherited tendencies to have our own
way. The results of that original sin by Adam and Eve have been passed along
to every succeeding generation, ours included. The inability to meet God's
standard is a part of the carnal nature that has marked every member of the
human family since the fall of our first parents.
We can better understand how "all have sinned" when we look at the
beautiful, innocent little baby throwing a tantrum when its will is crossed.
There is no age when the fallen nature has power of itself to control the
life and modify the behavior. The Bible declares, "The carnal mind ... is
not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be" (Romans 8:7). Jeremiah
made the interesting observation: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the
leopard his spots then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil"
(Jeremiah 13:23).
In other words, not one of us has the ability to change this lost and
dying condition into which we have been thrust. We cannot lift ourselves by
our own bootstraps. Not even education, culture, or any of the other
amenities of society are able to reverse the consequences of our sinful
After recognizing the fact that our yielding to the propensities of our
genetic natures has condemned us all, we are next confronted with the result
of our transgressions. Paul describes it very succinctly in these words:
"The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). With this shocking line, the full
horror of our situation appears before us. Not only are we all guilty, but
we also have been sentenced to die for our sins. Every member of the human
family is consigned to a death-row status as a consequence of our willful
Is it not more than alarming to be confronted with our own death
sentence, realizing that there is not a court or judge in the universe that
will declare us "not guilty" The fact is, of course, that we are just as
guilty as sin. Furthermore, the penalty is absolutely irreversible, and God
Himself could not cancel it without contradicting His own character and law.
Is there a solution to our dilemma Someone may suggest that our only
recourse is to go ahead and pay the penalty for what we have done wrong. By
dying for our sins, we can uphold the justice of God and satisfy the demands
of a broken law at the same time. We could do that all right, but where
would it leave us Since we have no power to raise ourselves from the dead,
we would be eternally cut off from life, with no hope of a resurrection.
Certainly that course does not seem to be a very satisfactory answer to our
Finally, we have to face the truly disturbing fact that we owe
something we cannot pay. We owe our very lives for our sin-debt and have no
way to pay without forfeiting all future existence. It is as though a man
bought all of his month's groceries on credit and then had no way to settle
the $200.00 account at the end of the month. Out of embarrassment and shame,
the man avoided the store with his delinquent account. But then his best
friend heard about the poor man's financial problem. Immediately the friend
went to the store and counted out the full $200.00 to settle the account.
Wasn't that a wonderful act of friendship and love Now the man has no reason
for feeling shame or guilt. The debt has been paid. His record is clear.
What would you think of that reprieved man if he had refused the kindly act
of his friend Would it not be a gross insult to the one who made such a
magnanimous gesture
Now let's apply that little story to our own case. We also owe
something we can't pay-our very lives. But a friend, in the person of Jesus,
says: "I will assume your debt, suffer death in your place, and put it all
to the credit of your personal account." That offer stands behind all three
of the steps we are considering in the salvation experience. It constitutes
the basis of our receiving forgiveness for our sins. How is the guilt,
condemnation, and death sentence transferred from you and me and placed upon
Jesus, our divine Substitute The answer to that question brings us back to
the three conditions for taking the big step of obtaining forgiveness. The
first condition is Repentance.
David St. Albans
2008-02-19 05:43:38 UTC
On Feb 18, 2:13 pm, "Panembahan Tulung Agung"
Post by Panembahan Tulung Agung
Conditions of Forgiveness
     Now let's take a closer look at this first step marked Sins Forgiven.
How does one obtain the requisite pardon for those sins that have become
such a common lot for every human being We need to understand from the very
beginning that there are three conditions to having our sins
forgiven-repentance, confession, and restitution. Please do not let those
long theological terms confuse you. We shall break them into such simple
language that all will know what they mean and how to fulfill their
     What about the first condition What is repentance, and what are we to
repent of The Bible says, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of
God" (Romans 3:23). The meaning of these inspired words is very clear.
Regardless of our wealth, sex, or station in life we have all made personal
choices to break God's law. The Bible calls it sin. No resolute human effort
has been sufficient to overcome the inherited tendencies to have our own
way. The results of that original sin by Adam and Eve have been passed along
to every succeeding generation, ours included. The inability to meet God's
standard is a part of the carnal nature that has marked every member of the
human family since the fall of our first parents.
     We can better understand how "all have sinned" when we look at the
beautiful, innocent little baby throwing a tantrum when its will is crossed.
There is no age when the fallen nature has power of itself to control the
life and modify the behavior. The Bible declares, "The carnal mind ... is
not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be" (Romans 8:7). Jeremiah
made the interesting observation: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the
leopard his spots then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil"
(Jeremiah 13:23).
     In other words, not one of us has the ability to change this lost and
dying condition into which we have been thrust. We cannot lift ourselves by
our own bootstraps. Not even education, culture, or any of the other
amenities of society are able to reverse the consequences of our sinful
     After recognizing the fact that our yielding to the propensities of our
genetic natures has condemned us all, we are next confronted with the result
"The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). With this shocking line, the full
horror of our situation appears before us. Not only are we all guilty, but
we also have been sentenced to die for our sins. Every member of the human
family is consigned to a death-row status as a consequence of our willful
     Is it not more than alarming to be confronted with our own death
sentence, realizing that there is not a court or judge in the universe that
will declare us "not guilty" The fact is, of course, that we are just as
guilty as sin. Furthermore, the penalty is absolutely irreversible, and God
Himself could not cancel it without contradicting His own character and law.
     Is there a solution to our dilemma Someone may suggest that our only
recourse is to go ahead and pay the penalty for what we have done wrong. By
dying for our sins, we can uphold the justice of God and satisfy the demands
of a broken law at the same time. We could do that all right, but where
would it leave us Since we have no power to raise ourselves from the dead,
we would be eternally cut off from life, with no hope of a resurrection.
Certainly that course does not seem to be a very satisfactory answer to our
     Finally, we have to face the truly disturbing fact that we owe
something we cannot pay. We owe our very lives for our sin-debt and have no
way to pay without forfeiting all future existence. It is as though a man
bought all of his month's groceries on credit and then had no way to settle
the $200.00 account at the end of the month. Out of embarrassment and shame,
the man avoided the store with his delinquent account. But then his best
friend heard about the poor man's financial problem. Immediately the friend
went to the store and counted out the full $200.00 to settle the account.
Wasn't that a wonderful act of friendship and love Now the man has no reason
for feeling shame or guilt. The debt has been paid. His record is clear.
What would you think of that reprieved man if he had refused the kindly act
of his friend Would it not be a gross insult to the one who made such a
magnanimous gesture
     Now let's apply that little story to our own case. We also owe
something we can't pay-our very lives. But a friend, in the person of Jesus,
says: "I will assume your debt, suffer death in your place, and put it all
to the credit of your personal account." That offer stands behind all three
of the steps we are considering in the salvation experience. It constitutes
the basis of our receiving forgiveness for our sins. How is the guilt,
condemnation, and death sentence transferred from you and me and placed upon
Jesus, our divine Substitute The answer to that question brings us back to
the three conditions for taking the big step of obtaining forgiveness. The
first condition is Repentance.
This is pure twaddle. Sorry, but the whole Christian "forgiveness of
sins" thing depends upon us making ourselves feel it is wrong to be
ourselves! We did notthing to God by gaining consciousness of
ourselves. And no man or god ever had to sacrifice himself for all the
rest of us. All this is geared to make the church rich and take power
over the minds and strengths of men and women and make them slaves to
doctrine and and rites based on 100% falsehoods, from the beginning
where snakes talk and women and men walk around naked while tending to
God's orchard, all of it, the entire story is false.

Most people with any real sense understand this now.

Seon Ferguson
2008-02-19 21:49:37 UTC
"David St. Albans" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:29366ed8-2fc4-486c-bfbe-***@e25g2000prg.googlegroups.com...
On Feb 18, 2:13 pm, "Panembahan Tulung Agung"
Post by Panembahan Tulung Agung
Conditions of Forgiveness
Now let's take a closer look at this first step marked Sins Forgiven.
How does one obtain the requisite pardon for those sins that have become
such a common lot for every human being We need to understand from the very
beginning that there are three conditions to having our sins
forgiven-repentance, confession, and restitution. Please do not let those
long theological terms confuse you. We shall break them into such simple
language that all will know what they mean and how to fulfill their
What about the first condition What is repentance, and what are we to
repent of The Bible says, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of
God" (Romans 3:23). The meaning of these inspired words is very clear.
Regardless of our wealth, sex, or station in life we have all made personal
choices to break God's law. The Bible calls it sin. No resolute human effort
has been sufficient to overcome the inherited tendencies to have our own
way. The results of that original sin by Adam and Eve have been passed along
to every succeeding generation, ours included. The inability to meet God's
standard is a part of the carnal nature that has marked every member of the
human family since the fall of our first parents.
We can better understand how "all have sinned" when we look at the
beautiful, innocent little baby throwing a tantrum when its will is crossed.
There is no age when the fallen nature has power of itself to control the
life and modify the behavior. The Bible declares, "The carnal mind ... is
not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be" (Romans 8:7). Jeremiah
made the interesting observation: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the
leopard his spots then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil"
(Jeremiah 13:23).
In other words, not one of us has the ability to change this lost and
dying condition into which we have been thrust. We cannot lift ourselves by
our own bootstraps. Not even education, culture, or any of the other
amenities of society are able to reverse the consequences of our sinful
After recognizing the fact that our yielding to the propensities of our
genetic natures has condemned us all, we are next confronted with the result
"The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). With this shocking line, the full
horror of our situation appears before us. Not only are we all guilty, but
we also have been sentenced to die for our sins. Every member of the human
family is consigned to a death-row status as a consequence of our willful
Is it not more than alarming to be confronted with our own death
sentence, realizing that there is not a court or judge in the universe that
will declare us "not guilty" The fact is, of course, that we are just as
guilty as sin. Furthermore, the penalty is absolutely irreversible, and God
Himself could not cancel it without contradicting His own character and law.
Is there a solution to our dilemma Someone may suggest that our only
recourse is to go ahead and pay the penalty for what we have done wrong. By
dying for our sins, we can uphold the justice of God and satisfy the demands
of a broken law at the same time. We could do that all right, but where
would it leave us Since we have no power to raise ourselves from the dead,
we would be eternally cut off from life, with no hope of a resurrection.
Certainly that course does not seem to be a very satisfactory answer to our
Finally, we have to face the truly disturbing fact that we owe
something we cannot pay. We owe our very lives for our sin-debt and have no
way to pay without forfeiting all future existence. It is as though a man
bought all of his month's groceries on credit and then had no way to settle
the $200.00 account at the end of the month. Out of embarrassment and shame,
the man avoided the store with his delinquent account. But then his best
friend heard about the poor man's financial problem. Immediately the friend
went to the store and counted out the full $200.00 to settle the account.
Wasn't that a wonderful act of friendship and love Now the man has no reason
for feeling shame or guilt. The debt has been paid. His record is clear.
What would you think of that reprieved man if he had refused the kindly act
of his friend Would it not be a gross insult to the one who made such a
magnanimous gesture
Now let's apply that little story to our own case. We also owe
something we can't pay-our very lives. But a friend, in the person of Jesus,
says: "I will assume your debt, suffer death in your place, and put it all
to the credit of your personal account." That offer stands behind all three
of the steps we are considering in the salvation experience. It constitutes
the basis of our receiving forgiveness for our sins. How is the guilt,
condemnation, and death sentence transferred from you and me and placed upon
Jesus, our divine Substitute The answer to that question brings us back to
the three conditions for taking the big step of obtaining forgiveness. The
first condition is Repentance.
This is pure twaddle. Sorry, but the whole Christian "forgiveness of
sins" thing depends upon us making ourselves feel it is wrong to be
ourselves! We did notthing to God by gaining consciousness of
ourselves. And no man or god ever had to sacrifice himself for all the
rest of us. All this is geared to make the church rich and take power
over the minds and strengths of men and women and make them slaves to
doctrine and and rites based on 100% falsehoods, from the beginning
where snakes talk and women and men walk around naked while tending to
God's orchard, all of it, the entire story is false.
Most people with any real sense understand this now.
Just like wars figure out who makes money from them and you will get your

David St. Albans
2008-02-20 01:37:52 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
On Feb 18, 2:13 pm, "Panembahan Tulung Agung"
Post by Panembahan Tulung Agung
Conditions of Forgiveness
Now let's take a closer look at this first step marked Sins Forgiven.
How does one obtain the requisite pardon for those sins that have become
such a common lot for every human being We need to understand from the very
beginning that there are three conditions to having our sins
forgiven-repentance, confession, and restitution. Please do not let those
long theological terms confuse you. We shall break them into such simple
language that all will know what they mean and how to fulfill their
What about the first condition What is repentance, and what are we to
repent of The Bible says, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of
God" (Romans 3:23). The meaning of these inspired words is very clear.
Regardless of our wealth, sex, or station in life we have all made personal
choices to break God's law. The Bible calls it sin. No resolute human effort
has been sufficient to overcome the inherited tendencies to have our own
way. The results of that original sin by Adam and Eve have been passed along
to every succeeding generation, ours included. The inability to meet God's
standard is a part of the carnal nature that has marked every member of the
human family since the fall of our first parents.
We can better understand how "all have sinned" when we look at the
beautiful, innocent little baby throwing a tantrum when its will is crossed.
There is no age when the fallen nature has power of itself to control the
life and modify the behavior. The Bible declares, "The carnal mind ... is
not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be" (Romans 8:7). Jeremiah
made the interesting observation: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the
leopard his spots then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil"
(Jeremiah 13:23).
In other words, not one of us has the ability to change this lost and
dying condition into which we have been thrust. We cannot lift ourselves by
our own bootstraps. Not even education, culture, or any of the other
amenities of society are able to reverse the consequences of our sinful
After recognizing the fact that our yielding to the propensities of our
genetic natures has condemned us all, we are next confronted with the result
"The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). With this shocking line, the full
horror of our situation appears before us. Not only are we all guilty, but
we also have been sentenced to die for our sins. Every member of the human
family is consigned to a death-row status as a consequence of our willful
Is it not more than alarming to be confronted with our own death
sentence, realizing that there is not a court or judge in the universe that
will declare us "not guilty" The fact is, of course, that we are just as
guilty as sin. Furthermore, the penalty is absolutely irreversible, and God
Himself could not cancel it without contradicting His own character and law.
Is there a solution to our dilemma Someone may suggest that our only
recourse is to go ahead and pay the penalty for what we have done wrong. By
dying for our sins, we can uphold the justice of God and satisfy the demands
of a broken law at the same time. We could do that all right, but where
would it leave us Since we have no power to raise ourselves from the dead,
we would be eternally cut off from life, with no hope of a resurrection.
Certainly that course does not seem to be a very satisfactory answer to our
Finally, we have to face the truly disturbing fact that we owe
something we cannot pay. We owe our very lives for our sin-debt and have no
way to pay without forfeiting all future existence. It is as though a man
bought all of his month's groceries on credit and then had no way to settle
the $200.00 account at the end of the month. Out of embarrassment and shame,
the man avoided the store with his delinquent account. But then his best
friend heard about the poor man's financial problem. Immediately the friend
went to the store and counted out the full $200.00 to settle the account.
Wasn't that a wonderful act of friendship and love Now the man has no reason
for feeling shame or guilt. The debt has been paid. His record is clear.
What would you think of that reprieved man if he had refused the kindly act
of his friend Would it not be a gross insult to the one who made such a
magnanimous gesture
Now let's apply that little story to our own case. We also owe
something we can't pay-our very lives. But a friend, in the person of Jesus,
says: "I will assume your debt, suffer death in your place, and put it all
to the credit of your personal account." That offer stands behind all three
of the steps we are considering in the salvation experience. It constitutes
the basis of our receiving forgiveness for our sins. How is the guilt,
condemnation, and death sentence transferred from you and me and placed upon
Jesus, our divine Substitute The answer to that question brings us back to
the three conditions for taking the big step of obtaining forgiveness. The
first condition is Repentance.
This is pure twaddle. Sorry, but the whole Christian "forgiveness of
sins" thing depends upon us making ourselves feel it is wrong to be
ourselves! We did notthing to God by gaining consciousness of
ourselves. And no man or god ever had to sacrifice himself for all the
rest of us. All this is geared to make the church rich and take power
over the minds and strengths of men and women and make them slaves to
doctrine and and rites based on 100% falsehoods, from the beginning
where snakes talk and women and men walk around naked while tending to
God's orchard, all of it, the entire story is false.
Most people with any real sense understand this now.
Just like wars figure out who makes money from them and you will get your
Saint- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
So true! In this case I believe it is the God Halliburton! LOL!

Seon Ferguson
2008-02-20 22:51:03 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
On Feb 18, 2:13 pm, "Panembahan Tulung Agung"
Post by Panembahan Tulung Agung
Conditions of Forgiveness
Now let's take a closer look at this first step marked Sins Forgiven.
How does one obtain the requisite pardon for those sins that have become
such a common lot for every human being We need to understand from the very
beginning that there are three conditions to having our sins
forgiven-repentance, confession, and restitution. Please do not let those
long theological terms confuse you. We shall break them into such simple
language that all will know what they mean and how to fulfill their
What about the first condition What is repentance, and what are we to
repent of The Bible says, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of
God" (Romans 3:23). The meaning of these inspired words is very clear.
Regardless of our wealth, sex, or station in life we have all made personal
choices to break God's law. The Bible calls it sin. No resolute human effort
has been sufficient to overcome the inherited tendencies to have our own
way. The results of that original sin by Adam and Eve have been passed along
to every succeeding generation, ours included. The inability to meet God's
standard is a part of the carnal nature that has marked every member of the
human family since the fall of our first parents.
We can better understand how "all have sinned" when we look at the
beautiful, innocent little baby throwing a tantrum when its will is crossed.
There is no age when the fallen nature has power of itself to control the
life and modify the behavior. The Bible declares, "The carnal mind ... is
not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be" (Romans 8:7). Jeremiah
made the interesting observation: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the
leopard his spots then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil"
(Jeremiah 13:23).
In other words, not one of us has the ability to change this lost and
dying condition into which we have been thrust. We cannot lift ourselves by
our own bootstraps. Not even education, culture, or any of the other
amenities of society are able to reverse the consequences of our sinful
After recognizing the fact that our yielding to the propensities of our
genetic natures has condemned us all, we are next confronted with the result
"The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). With this shocking line, the full
horror of our situation appears before us. Not only are we all guilty, but
we also have been sentenced to die for our sins. Every member of the human
family is consigned to a death-row status as a consequence of our willful
Is it not more than alarming to be confronted with our own death
sentence, realizing that there is not a court or judge in the universe that
will declare us "not guilty" The fact is, of course, that we are just as
guilty as sin. Furthermore, the penalty is absolutely irreversible, and God
Himself could not cancel it without contradicting His own character and law.
Is there a solution to our dilemma Someone may suggest that our only
recourse is to go ahead and pay the penalty for what we have done wrong. By
dying for our sins, we can uphold the justice of God and satisfy the demands
of a broken law at the same time. We could do that all right, but where
would it leave us Since we have no power to raise ourselves from the dead,
we would be eternally cut off from life, with no hope of a resurrection.
Certainly that course does not seem to be a very satisfactory answer to our
Finally, we have to face the truly disturbing fact that we owe
something we cannot pay. We owe our very lives for our sin-debt and have no
way to pay without forfeiting all future existence. It is as though a man
bought all of his month's groceries on credit and then had no way to settle
the $200.00 account at the end of the month. Out of embarrassment and shame,
the man avoided the store with his delinquent account. But then his best
friend heard about the poor man's financial problem. Immediately the friend
went to the store and counted out the full $200.00 to settle the account.
Wasn't that a wonderful act of friendship and love Now the man has no reason
for feeling shame or guilt. The debt has been paid. His record is clear.
What would you think of that reprieved man if he had refused the kindly act
of his friend Would it not be a gross insult to the one who made such a
magnanimous gesture
Now let's apply that little story to our own case. We also owe
something we can't pay-our very lives. But a friend, in the person of Jesus,
says: "I will assume your debt, suffer death in your place, and put it all
to the credit of your personal account." That offer stands behind all three
of the steps we are considering in the salvation experience. It constitutes
the basis of our receiving forgiveness for our sins. How is the guilt,
condemnation, and death sentence transferred from you and me and placed upon
Jesus, our divine Substitute The answer to that question brings us back to
the three conditions for taking the big step of obtaining forgiveness. The
first condition is Repentance.
This is pure twaddle. Sorry, but the whole Christian "forgiveness of
sins" thing depends upon us making ourselves feel it is wrong to be
ourselves! We did notthing to God by gaining consciousness of
ourselves. And no man or god ever had to sacrifice himself for all the
rest of us. All this is geared to make the church rich and take power
over the minds and strengths of men and women and make them slaves to
doctrine and and rites based on 100% falsehoods, from the beginning
where snakes talk and women and men walk around naked while tending to
God's orchard, all of it, the entire story is false.
Most people with any real sense understand this now.
Just like wars figure out who makes money from them and you will get your
Saint- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
So true! In this case I believe it is the God Halliburton! LOL!
Or maybe its just the all mighty dollar.
Barry OGrady
2008-02-22 06:36:16 UTC
"David St. Albans" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:29366ed8-2fc4-486c-bfbe-***@e25g2000prg.googlegroups.com...
On Feb 18, 2:13 pm, "Panembahan Tulung Agung"
Post by Panembahan Tulung Agung
Conditions of Forgiveness
Now let's take a closer look at this first step marked Sins Forgiven.
How does one obtain the requisite pardon for those sins that have become
such a common lot for every human being
If we hate God for making us that way we may not be able to overcome
God's incompetence. However, God shows no sign of changing.

Home page
2008-02-19 09:23:09 UTC
Post by Panembahan Tulung Agung
Conditions of Forgiveness
There are no conditions of forgiveness, but losing one's fear of constant
wrongdoing being celestially Blu Ray'd makes forgiveness, and right actions
towards others a hell of a lot easier, and natural.

2008-02-20 04:22:30 UTC
Post by Panembahan Tulung Agung
Conditions of Forgiveness
Now let's take a closer look at this first step marked Sins Forgiven.
Sin's are the Gaelic Barbarians of the Mountains who did not speak Latin, and
Fought Rome.
The Ones like Vercingetorix who told Caesar, who offered to spare the mans life
if he would but bow to him before the people:
"I Bow to No Man"!
2008-02-20 20:15:23 UTC
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-20 22:51:43 UTC
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
Mark Earnest
2008-02-20 23:19:17 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
Being just a man is what makes Jesus so great:
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
2008-02-20 23:45:18 UTC
Yep, that's what they wrote. Oh and it was wrote 50-years after his death.
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
Mark Earnest
2008-02-20 23:57:31 UTC
Post by Art
Yep, that's what they wrote. Oh and it was wrote 50-years after his death.
That's not what they believe though: they believe Jesus was always God,
and that he never by trial and tribulation became that.
2008-02-24 05:24:42 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Art
Yep, that's what they wrote. Oh and it was wrote 50-years after his death.
That's not what they believe though: they believe Jesus was always God,
and that he never by trial and tribulation became that.
Rev 19:10
Jesus, is not God!
Mark Earnest
2008-02-24 05:39:25 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Art
Yep, that's what they wrote. Oh and it was wrote 50-years after his death.
That's not what they believe though: they believe Jesus was always God,
and that he never by trial and tribulation became that.
Rev 19:10
Jesus, is not God!
All of the fullness of the Godhead.
2008-02-25 02:08:50 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Azure
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Art
Yep, that's what they wrote. Oh and it was wrote 50-years after his death.
That's not what they believe though: they believe Jesus was always God,
and that he never by trial and tribulation became that.
Rev 19:10
Jesus, is not God!
All of the fullness of the Godhead.
But that again is only a "Local God", one who was a "Man" which "Walked
the Earth"!
It is a Violation of the Laws of Moses to Worship that which is not
Jesus said:
When you prey, prey thusley "OUR FATHER. . . . . ."
Jesus spoke of the "Father Often, Jesus by definition is "The Son of
Jesus, "Is Not GOD"!
Neither is Krishna, nor Buddha, nor Rama, nor Apollo, nor Mor, nor
Nemedia, nor. . . . . .
Only "GOD" is "GOD"!
Mark Earnest
2008-02-26 01:41:35 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Azure
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Art
Yep, that's what they wrote. Oh and it was wrote 50-years after his death.
That's not what they believe though: they believe Jesus was always God,
and that he never by trial and tribulation became that.
Rev 19:10
Jesus, is not God!
All of the fullness of the Godhead.
But that again is only a "Local God", one who was a "Man" which "Walked
the Earth"!
It is a Violation of the Laws of Moses to Worship that which is not
When you prey, prey thusley "OUR FATHER. . . . . ."
Jesus spoke of the "Father Often, Jesus by definition is "The Son of
Jesus, "Is Not GOD"!
Neither is Krishna, nor Buddha, nor Rama, nor Apollo, nor Mor, nor
Nemedia, nor. . . . . .
Only "GOD" is "GOD"!
I agree, only God is God.
Yet a rose by any other name, is just as sweet.
2008-02-27 07:15:17 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Azure
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Azure
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Art
Yep, that's what they wrote. Oh and it was wrote 50-years after his death.
That's not what they believe though: they believe Jesus was always God,
and that he never by trial and tribulation became that.
Rev 19:10
Jesus, is not God!
All of the fullness of the Godhead.
But that again is only a "Local God", one who was a "Man" which "Walked
the Earth"!
It is a Violation of the Laws of Moses to Worship that which is not
When you prey, prey thusley "OUR FATHER. . . . . ."
Jesus spoke of the "Father Often, Jesus by definition is "The Son of
Jesus, "Is Not GOD"!
Neither is Krishna, nor Buddha, nor Rama, nor Apollo, nor Mor, nor
Nemedia, nor. . . . . .
Only "GOD" is "GOD"!
I agree, only God is God.
Yet a rose by any other name, is just as sweet.
Jesus is not GOD, by any name!
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-21 01:37:40 UTC
Alleged death.
Post by Art
Yep, that's what they wrote. Oh and it was wrote 50-years after his death.
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
2008-02-24 05:23:54 UTC
Post by Art
Yep, that's what they wrote. Oh and it was wrote 50-years after his death.
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
Your talking the Jacobite Syriac Teachings, Roman Shit came later than
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-21 01:37:13 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
I don't think the resurrection story is true but what makes him great is we
still obey his teachings to this day and he was only some 1st century Jewish
rabbi (if he said what the Bible says he said though).
Mark Earnest
2008-02-21 02:32:09 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
I don't think the resurrection story is true but what makes him great is
we still obey his teachings to this day and he was only some 1st century
Jewish rabbi (if he said what the Bible says he said though).
Actually angelic theory holds that Jesus will not formally be resurrected
until the end of time as we know it. Sure, people saw him after he died,
but notice that he no longer had his sphere of cause and effect, and few
believed it was really him. He must have that back in order to be fully
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-21 03:08:16 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
I don't think the resurrection story is true but what makes him great is
we still obey his teachings to this day and he was only some 1st century
Jewish rabbi (if he said what the Bible says he said though).
Actually angelic theory holds that Jesus will not formally be resurrected
until the end of time as we know it. Sure, people saw him after he died,
but notice that he no longer had his sphere of cause and effect, and few
believed it was really him. He must have that back in order to be fully
Well I don't even believe people even saw him after he died. Someone got
executed by the Romans yeah but I think myths developed around all Religious
leaders. Look at the Buddha or Muhammad.
Mark Earnest
2008-02-21 04:09:11 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
I don't think the resurrection story is true but what makes him great is
we still obey his teachings to this day and he was only some 1st century
Jewish rabbi (if he said what the Bible says he said though).
Actually angelic theory holds that Jesus will not formally be resurrected
until the end of time as we know it. Sure, people saw him after he died,
but notice that he no longer had his sphere of cause and effect, and few
believed it was really him. He must have that back in order to be fully
Well I don't even believe people even saw him after he died.
Is it because you don't think God is powerful enough to resurrect Jesus, or
is it that you do not think Jesus was special enough for God to resurrect?
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-21 22:51:03 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
I don't think the resurrection story is true but what makes him great
is we still obey his teachings to this day and he was only some 1st
century Jewish rabbi (if he said what the Bible says he said though).
Actually angelic theory holds that Jesus will not formally be resurrected
until the end of time as we know it. Sure, people saw him after he died,
but notice that he no longer had his sphere of cause and effect, and few
believed it was really him. He must have that back in order to be fully
Well I don't even believe people even saw him after he died.
Is it because you don't think God is powerful enough to resurrect Jesus,
or is it that you do not think Jesus was special enough for God to
There's no evidence that's all. I think if God is powerful enough to create
the universe he's powerful enough to cause a man to be born of a virgin and
resurrected. The trouble is a. there is no evidence and b. the virgin birth
and resurrection is nothing new. If you researched other myths in the
ancient world you would see the same themes.
However that doesn't mean we shouldn't love our neighbors, not lie, steal or
kill and all of that. Those are all good morals we should all live our lives
by regardless of what Religion we belong to.
Mark Earnest
2008-02-24 01:39:53 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
I don't think the resurrection story is true but what makes him great
is we still obey his teachings to this day and he was only some 1st
century Jewish rabbi (if he said what the Bible says he said though).
Actually angelic theory holds that Jesus will not formally be resurrected
until the end of time as we know it. Sure, people saw him after he died,
but notice that he no longer had his sphere of cause and effect, and few
believed it was really him. He must have that back in order to be fully
Well I don't even believe people even saw him after he died.
Is it because you don't think God is powerful enough to resurrect Jesus,
or is it that you do not think Jesus was special enough for God to
There's no evidence that's all.
No evidence? What about all the people that witnessed him walking around
still doing miracles after his death? It is written down carefully in
historic documents.

That is easily as much evidence as there is that Columbus discovered
or that the Romans conquered Egypt.

If you read the evidence for yourself you will even pick up images of the
experience, held captive in the Akasha for 2,000 years.

I think if God is powerful enough to create
Post by Seon Ferguson
the universe he's powerful enough to cause a man to be born of a virgin
and resurrected. The trouble is a. there is no evidence and b. the virgin
birth and resurrection is nothing new. If you researched other myths in
the ancient world you would see the same themes.
However that doesn't mean we shouldn't love our neighbors, not lie, steal
or kill and all of that. Those are all good morals we should all live our
lives by regardless of what Religion we belong to.
Agree. There is no perfect religion, including modern Christianity.
2008-02-24 07:15:33 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
Agree. There is no perfect religion, including modern Christianity.
Wrong, there is the communion between the self and that which you
internally with out guidance except as God.
This "IS" God, and is what is meant about pluralities.
You can only accept that "God" which your own self knows is the truth.
Not what someone else tells you is God.
Not what they believe.
You can not earn points by going to church and pretending to worship,
especially to worship what your heart knows is a false God.
There is but God, put no face upon it, no name to limit it under.
Do not make God into an image fit for your understanding, God is the
Unknowable, names and images only limit God to that which we can
God is so much More.
The True Communion between self and your true God, is the perfect
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-24 07:08:34 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
I don't think the resurrection story is true but what makes him great
is we still obey his teachings to this day and he was only some 1st
century Jewish rabbi (if he said what the Bible says he said though).
Actually angelic theory holds that Jesus will not formally be resurrected
until the end of time as we know it. Sure, people saw him after he died,
but notice that he no longer had his sphere of cause and effect, and few
believed it was really him. He must have that back in order to be fully
Well I don't even believe people even saw him after he died.
Is it because you don't think God is powerful enough to resurrect Jesus,
or is it that you do not think Jesus was special enough for God to
There's no evidence that's all.
No evidence? What about all the people that witnessed him walking around
still doing miracles after his death? It is written down carefully in
historic documents.
That is easily as much evidence as there is that Columbus discovered
or that the Romans conquered Egypt.
If you read the evidence for yourself you will even pick up images of the
experience, held captive in the Akasha for 2,000 years.
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4 gospels, which
were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years after Jesus
We know the events you talk about happened because we have different
sources. However it looks as though Jesus did indeed get executed by the
Romans I'm not debating against that.
Post by Mark Earnest
I think if God is powerful enough to create
Post by Seon Ferguson
the universe he's powerful enough to cause a man to be born of a virgin
and resurrected. The trouble is a. there is no evidence and b. the virgin
birth and resurrection is nothing new. If you researched other myths in
the ancient world you would see the same themes.
However that doesn't mean we shouldn't love our neighbors, not lie, steal
or kill and all of that. Those are all good morals we should all live our
lives by regardless of what Religion we belong to.
Agree. There is no perfect religion, including modern Christianity.
Yep thats true.
Mark Earnest
2008-02-26 01:45:53 UTC
"Seon Ferguson" wrote...
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Well I don't even believe people even saw him after he died.
Is it because you don't think God is powerful enough to resurrect
Jesus, or is it that you do not think Jesus was special enough for God
to resurrect?
There's no evidence that's all.
No evidence? What about all the people that witnessed him walking around
still doing miracles after his death? It is written down carefully in
historic documents.
That is easily as much evidence as there is that Columbus discovered
or that the Romans conquered Egypt.
If you read the evidence for yourself you will even pick up images of the
experience, held captive in the Akasha for 2,000 years.
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4 gospels,
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years after
Jesus died.
Then it would seem to me Jesus made quite an impression on people, if they
could accurately remember so much about him so many years later.

Kind of the way Albans remembers everything I say, so long ago as ten years
prior, wouldn't you say?
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-26 06:27:55 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
"Seon Ferguson" wrote...
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Well I don't even believe people even saw him after he died.
Is it because you don't think God is powerful enough to resurrect
Jesus, or is it that you do not think Jesus was special enough for God
to resurrect?
There's no evidence that's all.
No evidence? What about all the people that witnessed him walking
around still doing miracles after his death? It is written down
carefully in historic documents.
That is easily as much evidence as there is that Columbus discovered
or that the Romans conquered Egypt.
If you read the evidence for yourself you will even pick up images of
the actual
experience, held captive in the Akasha for 2,000 years.
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4 gospels,
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years after
Jesus died.
Then it would seem to me Jesus made quite an impression on people, if they
could accurately remember so much about him so many years later.
Kind of the way Albans remembers everything I say, so long ago as ten
years prior, wouldn't you say?
At least you really said that (even if it could have been miss quoted). We
cant even be sure if the people who wrote the gospels knew Jesus. They said
they did so I guess we have to take there world for it.
2008-02-27 07:22:31 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
"Seon Ferguson" wrote...
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Well I don't even believe people even saw him after he died.
Is it because you don't think God is powerful enough to resurrect
Jesus, or is it that you do not think Jesus was special enough for God
to resurrect?
There's no evidence that's all.
No evidence? What about all the people that witnessed him walking around
still doing miracles after his death? It is written down carefully in
historic documents.
That is easily as much evidence as there is that Columbus discovered
or that the Romans conquered Egypt.
If you read the evidence for yourself you will even pick up images of the
experience, held captive in the Akasha for 2,000 years.
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4 gospels,
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years after
Jesus died.
Then it would seem to me Jesus made quite an impression on people, if they
could accurately remember so much about him so many years later.
No, the People he was with held a serious belief in "Oral History".
The Story changes and grows but it was fine until Rome on 2 separate
occasion's in the 5th and 7th Century Burned the Direct Teachings of
Christ claiming they were Dangerous to the Church.
Always been the War, appears it always will be.
Orthodox Teachings of the Church vs the Descendants being given
Knowledge by the Hand of God.
Post by Mark Earnest
Kind of the way Albans remembers everything I say, so long ago as ten years
prior, wouldn't you say?
No, Major Events leave indelible Marks.
Not the same.
A story is one thing, Historical Legends are different, especially when
carried by the likes of the Seanashea/ Sensie's(?).
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-28 00:27:59 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
"Seon Ferguson" wrote...
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Well I don't even believe people even saw him after he died.
Is it because you don't think God is powerful enough to resurrect
Jesus, or is it that you do not think Jesus was special enough for God
to resurrect?
There's no evidence that's all.
No evidence? What about all the people that witnessed him walking around
still doing miracles after his death? It is written down carefully in
historic documents.
That is easily as much evidence as there is that Columbus discovered
or that the Romans conquered Egypt.
If you read the evidence for yourself you will even pick up images of the
experience, held captive in the Akasha for 2,000 years.
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4 gospels,
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years after
Jesus died.
Then it would seem to me Jesus made quite an impression on people, if they
could accurately remember so much about him so many years later.
Lots of people's teachings have been remembered throughout the ages. That
just proves he wasn't just some ordinary bloke in a frock.
2008-02-28 09:01:33 UTC
I Never wrote one word of it!
But since you claim I did I will respond!
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
"Seon Ferguson" wrote...
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Well I don't even believe people even saw him after he died.
Apollianis was also claimed to have risen.
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Is it because you don't think God is powerful enough to resurrect
Jesus, or is it that you do not think Jesus was special enough for God
to resurrect?
Jesus was only a man.
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
There's no evidence that's all.
Not a Jesus freak personally.
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
No evidence? What about all the people that witnessed him walking around
still doing miracles after his death? It is written down carefully in
historic documents.
Hysterical Documents, they claim I am "GOD"!
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
That is easily as much evidence as there is that Columbus discovered
or that the Romans conquered Egypt.
No there is evidence of the man just not where you expect.
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
If you read the evidence for yourself you will even pick up images of the
experience, held captive in the Akasha for 2,000 years.
The Odo!
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4 gospels,
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years after
Jesus died.
Yeah I know about the Syriac Texts, my family are the Jacobites Rome fed
to the Lions.
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Mark Earnest
Then it would seem to me Jesus made quite an impression on people, if they
could accurately remember so much about him so many years later.
Ancient Oral Text teachings.
same as say the Tales of Shaharerizhad(?).
Kind of like Totemic Carvings, why aren't they more artistic and
It is a Text don't "Play Games".
Post by Seon Ferguson
Lots of people's teachings have been remembered throughout the ages. That
just proves he wasn't just some ordinary bloke in a frock.
Apollo was "The Son of God" before Jesus.
A'Pollo, love it.
"The Chicken".
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-29 00:31:11 UTC
Post by Azure
I Never wrote one word of it!
But since you claim I did I will respond!
there's a lot in there I didnt say but i will respond to what I remember
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Seon Ferguson
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4 gospels,
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years after
Jesus died.
Yeah I know about the Syriac Texts, my family are the Jacobites Rome fed
to the Lions.
Wow you can trace your heritige back that far? my Grandpa only traced my
family back to the 10th or 11th century.
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Lots of people's teachings have been remembered throughout the ages. That
just proves he wasn't just some ordinary bloke in a frock.
Apollo was "The Son of God" before Jesus.
A'Pollo, love it.
"The Chicken".
Many others were born of virgins or resurrected. Like Hornus the son God. My
view is when Jesus died his followers wanted people to think he was God so
his teachings would survive and people would follow his teachings so through
these recycled myths his teachings (or what's left of them) live on through
the mythology created about him. Or at least that's my take.
2008-03-01 04:57:55 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
I Never wrote one word of it!
But since you claim I did I will respond!
there's a lot in there I didnt say but i will respond to what I remember
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Seon Ferguson
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4 gospels,
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years after
Jesus died.
Yeah I know about the Syriac Texts, my family are the Jacobites Rome fed
to the Lions.
Wow you can trace your heritige back that far? my Grandpa only traced my
family back to the 10th or 11th century.
Rachtmar was circa 174 AD, and the Mils go back to circa 1500 BCE.
Eponymous were "Of Record", tracked by such as McAlpines Directory.
You either "Are" or "Are Not" "Of the Name"!
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Lots of people's teachings have been remembered throughout the ages. That
just proves he wasn't just some ordinary bloke in a frock.
Apollo was "The Son of God" before Jesus.
A'Pollo, love it.
"The Chicken".
Many others were born of virgins or resurrected. Like Hornus the son God. My
view is when Jesus died his followers wanted people to think he was God so
his teachings would survive and people would follow his teachings so through
these recycled myths his teachings (or what's left of them) live on through
the mythology created about him. Or at least that's my take.
Same as each and every Christos which preceded him!
If I am right, I would love to see what they are saying about me in 300
years, 1,000 would be a scream.
All the idiots cross posting me everywhere......
Why ELPH told me to go and Argue the Truth for though, so.
Seon Ferguson
2008-03-01 07:34:37 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
I Never wrote one word of it!
But since you claim I did I will respond!
there's a lot in there I didnt say but i will respond to what I remember
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Seon Ferguson
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4 gospels,
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years after
Jesus died.
Yeah I know about the Syriac Texts, my family are the Jacobites Rome fed
to the Lions.
Wow you can trace your heritige back that far? my Grandpa only traced my
family back to the 10th or 11th century.
Rachtmar was circa 174 AD, and the Mils go back to circa 1500 BCE.
Eponymous were "Of Record", tracked by such as McAlpines Directory.
You either "Are" or "Are Not" "Of the Name"!
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Lots of people's teachings have been remembered throughout the ages. That
just proves he wasn't just some ordinary bloke in a frock.
Apollo was "The Son of God" before Jesus.
A'Pollo, love it.
"The Chicken".
Many others were born of virgins or resurrected. Like Hornus the son God. My
view is when Jesus died his followers wanted people to think he was God so
his teachings would survive and people would follow his teachings so through
these recycled myths his teachings (or what's left of them) live on through
the mythology created about him. Or at least that's my take.
Same as each and every Christos which preceded him!
If I am right, I would love to see what they are saying about me in 300
years, 1,000 would be a scream.
All the idiots cross posting me everywhere......
Why ELPH told me to go and Argue the Truth for though, so.
I was thinking the same thing. Its like the Chasers song even pricks are top
blokes after death. Or in this case God's.
2008-03-03 01:10:54 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
I Never wrote one word of it!
But since you claim I did I will respond!
there's a lot in there I didnt say but i will respond to what I remember
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Seon Ferguson
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4 gospels,
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years
Jesus died.
Yeah I know about the Syriac Texts, my family are the Jacobites Rome fed
to the Lions.
Wow you can trace your heritige back that far? my Grandpa only traced my
family back to the 10th or 11th century.
Rachtmar was circa 174 AD, and the Mils go back to circa 1500 BCE.
Eponymous were "Of Record", tracked by such as McAlpines Directory.
You either "Are" or "Are Not" "Of the Name"!
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Lots of people's teachings have been remembered throughout the ages. That
just proves he wasn't just some ordinary bloke in a frock.
Apollo was "The Son of God" before Jesus.
A'Pollo, love it.
"The Chicken".
Many others were born of virgins or resurrected. Like Hornus the son God. My
view is when Jesus died his followers wanted people to think he was God so
his teachings would survive and people would follow his teachings so through
these recycled myths his teachings (or what's left of them) live on through
the mythology created about him. Or at least that's my take.
Same as each and every Christos which preceded him!
If I am right, I would love to see what they are saying about me in 300
years, 1,000 would be a scream.
All the idiots cross posting me everywhere......
Why ELPH told me to go and Argue the Truth for though, so.
I was thinking the same thing. Its like the Chasers song even pricks are top
blokes after death. Or in this case God's.
Only works if they remember your name, then your immortal!
Seon Ferguson
2008-03-04 08:29:37 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
I Never wrote one word of it!
But since you claim I did I will respond!
there's a lot in there I didnt say but i will respond to what I remember
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Seon Ferguson
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway) years
Jesus died.
Yeah I know about the Syriac Texts, my family are the Jacobites Rome fed
to the Lions.
Wow you can trace your heritige back that far? my Grandpa only traced my
family back to the 10th or 11th century.
Rachtmar was circa 174 AD, and the Mils go back to circa 1500 BCE.
Eponymous were "Of Record", tracked by such as McAlpines Directory.
You either "Are" or "Are Not" "Of the Name"!
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Lots of people's teachings have been remembered throughout the
just proves he wasn't just some ordinary bloke in a frock.
Apollo was "The Son of God" before Jesus.
A'Pollo, love it.
"The Chicken".
Many others were born of virgins or resurrected. Like Hornus the son
view is when Jesus died his followers wanted people to think he was
his teachings would survive and people would follow his teachings so through
these recycled myths his teachings (or what's left of them) live on through
the mythology created about him. Or at least that's my take.
Same as each and every Christos which preceded him!
If I am right, I would love to see what they are saying about me in 300
years, 1,000 would be a scream.
All the idiots cross posting me everywhere......
Why ELPH told me to go and Argue the Truth for though, so.
I was thinking the same thing. Its like the Chasers song even pricks are top
blokes after death. Or in this case God's.
Only works if they remember your name, then your immortal!
Exactly as long as we remain in people's hearts we never die.
2008-03-05 07:59:56 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
I Never wrote one word of it!
But since you claim I did I will respond!
there's a lot in there I didnt say but i will respond to what I remember
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Seon Ferguson
The only documents that provide these "testimonies" is the 4
which were written 30 or 40 (well the first one was anyway)
Jesus died.
Yeah I know about the Syriac Texts, my family are the Jacobites Rome fed
to the Lions.
Wow you can trace your heritige back that far? my Grandpa only traced my
family back to the 10th or 11th century.
Rachtmar was circa 174 AD, and the Mils go back to circa 1500 BCE.
Eponymous were "Of Record", tracked by such as McAlpines Directory.
You either "Are" or "Are Not" "Of the Name"!
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Lots of people's teachings have been remembered throughout the
just proves he wasn't just some ordinary bloke in a frock.
Apollo was "The Son of God" before Jesus.
A'Pollo, love it.
"The Chicken".
Many others were born of virgins or resurrected. Like Hornus the son
view is when Jesus died his followers wanted people to think he was
his teachings would survive and people would follow his teachings so through
these recycled myths his teachings (or what's left of them) live on through
the mythology created about him. Or at least that's my take.
Same as each and every Christos which preceded him!
If I am right, I would love to see what they are saying about me in 300
years, 1,000 would be a scream.
All the idiots cross posting me everywhere......
Why ELPH told me to go and Argue the Truth for though, so.
I was thinking the same thing. Its like the Chasers song even pricks are top
blokes after death. Or in this case God's.
Only works if they remember your name, then your immortal!
Exactly as long as we remain in people's hearts we never die.
Jesus resurrected is "The Holy Ghost".
Ghosts are Immortal and some very physical.
Especially "A New God".
2008-02-24 05:22:42 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
There is no Death, only the Physical Nature of the Vessel.
Mark Earnest
2008-02-24 05:40:38 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
There is no Death, only the Physical Nature of the Vessel.
That is because he defeated it.
2008-02-25 02:14:10 UTC
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Azure
Post by Mark Earnest
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
that he could defeat death and still be a mortal like any of us.
There is no Death, only the Physical Nature of the Vessel.
That is because he defeated it.
Nope, Letter to Titus, Jesus replaced the Laws of God, until the True
Maassiah Comes at the End of Times.
Testament of Levi, because man through corruption has altered the
teachings to Sell Secrets, they have made it so the world will try to
attack and murder the True Maassiah when he comes.
There can "Never Again" be a New Teaching, how dare anyone insult the
old ways.
Christians do it all the time.
2008-02-24 05:21:29 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus
You are so Stuck Up, Bigoted, and Stupid.
Not everyone who believes in God, is a Jesus Freak.
Jesus "Steals People from God"!

and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.

Jesus was "Only a Man", Rev 19:10, only, God, is "GOD"!
2008-02-24 06:00:04 UTC
Well I'll be damned~! I agree with you~!
Now I'm getting alittle respect for you~! Enjoy it...
Post by Azure
You are so Stuck Up, Bigoted, and Stupid.
Not everyone who believes in God, is a Jesus Freak.
Jesus "Steals People from God"!
and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
Jesus was "Only a Man", Rev 19:10, only, God, is "GOD"!
2008-02-25 02:22:28 UTC
Post by Art
Well I'll be damned~! I agree with you~!
Now I'm getting alittle respect for you~! Enjoy it...
Post by Azure
You are so Stuck Up, Bigoted, and Stupid.
Not everyone who believes in God, is a Jesus Freak.
Jesus "Steals People from God"!
and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
Jesus was "Only a Man", Rev 19:10, only, God, is "GOD"!
Give me a chance instead of jumping to generalized conclusions based on
Brother Billy and Friends, you might just find I am not in the same
Kettle they are.
My side cooks dinner in a Cauldron.
Sethians are Gnostics, Rome tried to Destroy our Church though.
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-24 07:09:55 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Decoder2
Post by Azure
"I Bow to No Man"!
Sure, your gay...
He bows to jesus
You are so Stuck Up, Bigoted, and Stupid.
Not everyone who believes in God, is a Jesus Freak.
Jesus "Steals People from God"!
and Jesus was just a man...if he even existed.
Jesus was "Only a Man", Rev 19:10, only, God, is "GOD"!
Your correct why do people always automatically assume you think Jesus was
the son of God when you start talking about God? its sad really.
2008-02-25 02:48:49 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Your correct why do people always automatically assume you think Jesus was
the son of God when you start talking about God? its sad really.
They start claiming Jesus is God, that really gets me.
That is NOT what the Book says.
Nor does it say to Kill People, even by "STONING".
In fact, the book states that that is "The Mark of Cain" they believe
they have a Covenant from God to Judge their Brethren and "STONE" them.
Thou Shalt not Kill.
It is not debatable, nor alterable, the "BIBLE" does not say Murder, it
like the Krishna Teachings, says "Don't Kill"!
Leviticus, does not Replace the Covenant of Seth, nor call for the
Murder of the Levites.
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-25 02:57:27 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Your correct why do people always automatically assume you think Jesus was
the son of God when you start talking about God? its sad really.
They start claiming Jesus is God, that really gets me.
That is NOT what the Book says.
Nor does it say to Kill People, even by "STONING".
In fact, the book states that that is "The Mark of Cain" they believe
they have a Covenant from God to Judge their Brethren and "STONE" them.
Thou Shalt not Kill.
It is not debatable, nor alterable, the "BIBLE" does not say Murder, it
like the Krishna Teachings, says "Don't Kill"!
Leviticus, does not Replace the Covenant of Seth, nor call for the
Murder of the Levites.
Nope Jesus said he was the son of God and he and God were one but were one
with God as well so that doesnt really prove anything.
The only place in the Bible that I can see mentions stoning was when Jesus
said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I wish Christains
today would obey that teaching!
2008-02-26 04:28:54 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Your correct why do people always automatically assume you think Jesus was
the son of God when you start talking about God? its sad really.
They start claiming Jesus is God, that really gets me.
That is NOT what the Book says.
Nor does it say to Kill People, even by "STONING".
In fact, the book states that that is "The Mark of Cain" they believe
they have a Covenant from God to Judge their Brethren and "STONE" them.
Thou Shalt not Kill.
It is not debatable, nor alterable, the "BIBLE" does not say Murder, it
like the Krishna Teachings, says "Don't Kill"!
Leviticus, does not Replace the Covenant of Seth, nor call for the
Murder of the Levites.
Nope Jesus said he was the son of God and he and God were one but were one
with God as well so that doesnt really prove anything.
The only place in the Bible that I can see mentions stoning was when Jesus
said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I wish Christains
today would obey that teaching!
Leviticus is shoved at me a lot, Stoning is Old Testament stuff,
Christian claim Jesus replaced, until they want to be judgmental bigots.
Many are "One with God" doesn't make them God.
Jesus was only a Sacrifice, that does not make him "GOD"!
Only "GOD", is "GOD"!
2008-02-26 04:49:01 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Your correct why do people always automatically assume you think Jesus was
the son of God when you start talking about God? its sad really.
They start claiming Jesus is God, that really gets me.
That is NOT what the Book says.
Nor does it say to Kill People, even by "STONING".
In fact, the book states that that is "The Mark of Cain" they believe
they have a Covenant from God to Judge their Brethren and "STONE" them.
Thou Shalt not Kill.
It is not debatable, nor alterable, the "BIBLE" does not say Murder, it
like the Krishna Teachings, says "Don't Kill"!
Leviticus, does not Replace the Covenant of Seth, nor call for the
Murder of the Levites.
Nope Jesus said he was the son of God and he and God were one but were one
with God as well so that doesnt really prove anything.
The only place in the Bible that I can see mentions stoning was when Jesus
said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I wish Christains
today would obey that teaching!
Leviticus is shoved at me a lot, Stoning is Old Testament stuff,
Christian claim Jesus replaced, until they want to be judgmental bigots.
Many are "One with God" doesn't make them God.
Jesus was only a Sacrifice, that does not make him "GOD"!
Only "GOD", is "GOD"!
2008-02-27 07:53:13 UTC
Post by Art
Post by Art
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Your correct why do people always automatically assume you think Jesus was
the son of God when you start talking about God? its sad really.
They start claiming Jesus is God, that really gets me.
That is NOT what the Book says.
Nor does it say to Kill People, even by "STONING".
In fact, the book states that that is "The Mark of Cain" they believe
they have a Covenant from God to Judge their Brethren and "STONE" them.
Thou Shalt not Kill.
It is not debatable, nor alterable, the "BIBLE" does not say Murder, it
like the Krishna Teachings, says "Don't Kill"!
Leviticus, does not Replace the Covenant of Seth, nor call for the
Murder of the Levites.
Nope Jesus said he was the son of God and he and God were one but were one
with God as well so that doesnt really prove anything.
The only place in the Bible that I can see mentions stoning was when Jesus
said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I wish Christains
today would obey that teaching!
Leviticus is shoved at me a lot, Stoning is Old Testament stuff,
Christian claim Jesus replaced, until they want to be judgmental bigots.
Many are "One with God" doesn't make them God.
Jesus was only a Sacrifice, that does not make him "GOD"!
Only "GOD", is "GOD"!
Seon Ferguson
2008-02-26 06:31:46 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Your correct why do people always automatically assume you think Jesus was
the son of God when you start talking about God? its sad really.
They start claiming Jesus is God, that really gets me.
That is NOT what the Book says.
Nor does it say to Kill People, even by "STONING".
In fact, the book states that that is "The Mark of Cain" they believe
they have a Covenant from God to Judge their Brethren and "STONE" them.
Thou Shalt not Kill.
It is not debatable, nor alterable, the "BIBLE" does not say Murder, it
like the Krishna Teachings, says "Don't Kill"!
Leviticus, does not Replace the Covenant of Seth, nor call for the
Murder of the Levites.
Nope Jesus said he was the son of God and he and God were one but were one
with God as well so that doesnt really prove anything.
The only place in the Bible that I can see mentions stoning was when Jesus
said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I wish Christains
today would obey that teaching!
Leviticus is shoved at me a lot, Stoning is Old Testament stuff,
Christian claim Jesus replaced, until they want to be judgmental bigots.
Many are "One with God" doesn't make them God.
Jesus was only a Sacrifice, that does not make him "GOD"!
Only "GOD", is "GOD"!
Plus whoever said Jesus came to change it all obviously hasn't read the
Bible. Jesus said he did not come to change the laws of the Prophets but to
fulfill them.
2008-02-27 08:03:42 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Azure
Post by Seon Ferguson
Your correct why do people always automatically assume you think Jesus was
the son of God when you start talking about God? its sad really.
They start claiming Jesus is God, that really gets me.
That is NOT what the Book says.
Nor does it say to Kill People, even by "STONING".
In fact, the book states that that is "The Mark of Cain" they believe
they have a Covenant from God to Judge their Brethren and "STONE" them.
Thou Shalt not Kill.
It is not debatable, nor alterable, the "BIBLE" does not say Murder, it
like the Krishna Teachings, says "Don't Kill"!
Leviticus, does not Replace the Covenant of Seth, nor call for the
Murder of the Levites.
Nope Jesus said he was the son of God and he and God were one but were one
with God as well so that doesnt really prove anything.
The only place in the Bible that I can see mentions stoning was when Jesus
said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I wish Christains
today would obey that teaching!
Leviticus is shoved at me a lot, Stoning is Old Testament stuff,
Christian claim Jesus replaced, until they want to be judgmental bigots.
Many are "One with God" doesn't make them God.
Jesus was only a Sacrifice, that does not make him "GOD"!
Only "GOD", is "GOD"!
Plus whoever said Jesus came to change it all obviously hasn't read the
Bible. Jesus said he did not come to change the laws of the Prophets but to
fulfill them.
Rome replaced them with Jesus.
Mark Earnest
2008-02-21 22:34:09 UTC
"Panembahan Tulung Agung" wrote...
Post by Panembahan Tulung Agung
What about the first condition What is repentance, and what are we to
repent of The Bible says, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of
God" (Romans 3:23). The meaning of these inspired words is very clear.
Regardless of our wealth, sex, or station in life we have all made
personal choices to break God's law. The Bible calls it sin. No resolute
human effort has been sufficient to overcome the inherited tendencies to
have our own way.
And yet the kingdom of God is tight and contracted by pressure, and we
must fight to get through this, and few are those that succeed.

IOW, there is a lot we must do to get to heaven.
BIll M
2008-03-15 19:18:34 UTC
Post by Panembahan Tulung Agung
Conditions of Forgiveness
Now let's take a closer look at this first step marked Sins Forgiven.
How does one obtain the requisite pardon for those sins that have become
such a common lot for every human being We need to understand from the
very beginning that there are three conditions to having our sins
forgiven-repentance, confession, and restitution.
Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.

There is NO objective verifiable evidence that any Gods, Heavens, Sin,
Hells, Devils or Angels exist except in the imaginations of religionists

The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created imaginary gods! (thousands of them!)
2008-03-16 08:17:45 UTC
Post by BIll M
Post by Panembahan Tulung Agung
Conditions of Forgiveness
Now let's take a closer look at this first step marked Sins Forgiven.
How does one obtain the requisite pardon for those sins that have become
such a common lot for every human being We need to understand from the
very beginning that there are three conditions to having our sins
forgiven-repentance, confession, and restitution.
Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.
There is NO objective verifiable evidence that any Gods, Heavens, Sin,
Hells, Devils or Angels exist except in the imaginations of religionists
There is a Lot of Historical Facts which Romans, Vandals and Atheists
There are asserted "Artifacts".
If they are Real, then Gods do walk the Earth.
If there is a Rainbow Bridge, then Heaven Exists.
If there is an Underground Kingdom then Hel exists.
Sin's are what Rome called Barbarians.
Post by BIll M
The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created imaginary gods! (thousands of them!)