(too old to reply)
Bill M
2008-05-08 09:50:31 UTC

This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.

A primary one is that there are thousands of different gods and god beliefs.
Any REAL god would surely make it abundantly clear, that he is the real god
and all the others are fakes. He would surely use his unlimited power to
expose and eliminate all the fakes. Why would he permit his creations to be
misled by all these false gods?

If there was a REAL god, would he not destroy the thousands of false gods

establish his authenticity, wishes and commands directly from his heaven.

If man, created by god, can communicate with the whole world by Phone,
Radio, the Internet and TV it obviously would be no problem for any real god
to communicate directly with his creations without thousands of
intermediates of questionable veracity.

Why would not a real god announce directly and authoritatively from his

that he is the real god and what documents are authentic and which are fakes

destroy them? He certainly should want to prevent his creations from being.

deceived and mislead

Although billions of people have died there is not a single 'authenticated
and proven'

case where anyone of them has ever communicated with their living children,

spouses or friends.

Why would god not allow these souls in his heaven to explain and confirm the

virtues, benefits and even the existence of his heaven? Logic says it is
because they

don't exist except in peoples imaginations!

Religions are ALL based on ancient myths and tales and NO god has directly

Man can directly communicate with the whole world via TV, the Internet,
Phone and Radio and the postal service. IF there is a real god, why does he
not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by at least equally
effective means, that he is the real god and all the others are fakes? And
why does he not tell us clearly and directly what he expects from us instead
of using hundreds of vague, ancient, contradictory, unoriginal documents,
compiled by different religions and hundreds of men of unknown veracity? Why
does he not expose and smite all the false gods and doctrines?

An all powerful creator of this huge Universe would have no need or desire
for people to sing hymns and waste their time on their knees in adulation
and building expensive churches that no god ever visits from his elegant
heaven. This type of thing is the practice of greedy leaders with a need to
satisfy their selfish egos.

An all powerful creator of this huge Universe and everything in it would
have no need or desire to create, Sin, Devils, Evil, Spirits or Hells

There would be no need for basing ones life on 'FAITH' and the preaching's
of errant selfish men because we would have direct communication and
authentification directly from this all powerful REAL god

There is no evidence that any of these gods communicate with any honest or
fully sane persons.

No dead fathers, mothers relatives or friends ever verify there heaven or
hell with their living siblings or friends.

There is an overwhelming multitude of religions and god beliefs.

They can't all be true and no REAL god would permit this massive deception
of his creations.

Major religions;

Baha'i Faith
Jehovah's Witnesses
British Israelism
Southern Baptists
American Baptists


Christina religions - dozens of them
Christian Science
Plymouth Brethren
Twin Oaks
Vodun (Voodoo)
Neopagan Religious Faiths
Asatru (Norse Paganism)
Goddess Worship
Damanhur Community
Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Hare Krishna - ISKCON
Native American Spirituality
Rom, Roma, Romani, Rroma, (a.k.a. Gypsies)
Santeria Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Satanism; The Church of Satan
The Creativity Movement

Any all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent designer, would
not create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Earth Quakes,
Wars, Cancers and hundreds of debilitating diseases, serious body
malfunctions and starvation all of which punish people indiscriminately
regardless of their behavior or religious beliefs. If he did he would not be
an all loving all caring god but a brutal malevolent creature or nothing at
all. There are 12,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. The reality
is that no all loving and all powerful god would create or permit these
diseases to punish men of all religious persuasion and particularly totally

Logic and common sense that refutes the existence of any omnipotent gods;

Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then where does evil come from?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him a god?

Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.

There is NO objective verifiable evidence that any Gods, Heavens, Sin,
Hells, Devils or Angels exist except in the imaginations of man. These
beliefs are held to help people deal with their panic fear of death and what
comes after.

When there is NO objective verifiable evidence for something's existence it
is logical to assume it does no exist. The LACK of evidence is not evidence
of something's existence.

The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created imaginary gods! (thousands of them!)
2008-05-08 16:22:25 UTC
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
prince phillip mate, some south sea islanders say he's a god and ive
seen him on telly!
bob young
2008-05-09 04:43:08 UTC
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
prince phillip mate, some south sea islanders say he's a god and ive
seen him on telly!
They are delusional mate, it is caused by the salty water
they have to drink.
Mike Painter
2008-05-09 06:19:02 UTC
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to
provide objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God
that we need to cater to.
I was interviewed for a job many, many years ago by a guy with the initials
So when he dictated a letter the bottom showed

GOD/hs (where hs was the initials of teh person who took the dictatioin)
That's as close as I can come, except for me. I was the voice of god in the
8th grade.
2008-05-09 11:11:54 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
prince phillip mate, some south sea islanders say he's a god and ive
seen him on telly!
They are delusional mate, it is caused by the salty water
they have to drink.
dunno tho', he's offended just about every "person of colour" on the
planet at one time or another and would probably like to crusify his
first born.

pretty deistic eh?
Ye Old One
2008-05-09 17:06:53 UTC
On Thu, 8 May 2008 09:22:25 -0700 (PDT),
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
prince phillip mate, some south sea islanders say he's a god and ive
seen him on telly!
I've seen him face to face.
2008-05-12 07:12:32 UTC
Post by Ye Old One
On Thu, 8 May 2008 09:22:25 -0700 (PDT),
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
prince phillip mate, some south sea islanders say he's a god and ive
seen him on telly!
I've seen him face to face.
you looked on the face of god and lived...1 up on moses!
bob young
2008-06-04 04:06:03 UTC
Post by Ye Old One
On Thu, 8 May 2008 09:22:25 -0700 (PDT),
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
prince phillip mate, some south sea islanders say he's a god and ive
seen him on telly!
I've seen him face to face.
Then you are a liar or you are delusional.

The other

You never see animals going through the absurd and often
horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves
with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay
for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent
[Aldous Leonard Huxley]
Post by Ye Old One
jerry gg
2008-06-07 17:39:28 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Ye Old One
On Thu, 8 May 2008 09:22:25 -0700 (PDT),
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
prince phillip mate, some south sea islanders say he's a god and ive
seen him on telly!
I've seen him face to face.
Then you are a liar or you are delusional.
Post by Ye Old One
Post by d***@googlemail.com
There is an alternative. Most religious people are not liars. Most
religious people are
not delusional. I have studied my own encounters since 1981.
Throughout history
God is always a dissapointment. He appears to some sensitive souls
but not to most
of mankind. Thus some people have the ability to reach into the Mind
of the Universe
and return with some religious ideals which are flavored by their
God appears to be a creative force at near infinite lightspeed
which initiates the
life process everywhere. We are the ultimate fulfillment of this
force. Some of us
interact with this force. The error or religions is that the common
words from all
religions tend to be true while the specific words are meaningless.
Thus the Prophets
of man enlighten man upward toward the highest ideals of the force
while the priests
and Rabbis, etc merely force meaningless dogma and rituals which
benefit the
priesthood and religious leaders.
If someone sees God, that is a true encounter. However the form
of God is
superimposed upon the person by his upbringing. God is a true entity.
are merely preached falsehoods.

with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay
Post by bob young
for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent
[Aldous Leonard Huxley]
Post by Ye Old One
John Smith
2008-06-07 16:50:55 UTC
Post by jerry gg
Post by bob young
Post by Ye Old One
On Thu, 8 May 2008 09:22:25 -0700 (PDT),
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
prince phillip mate, some south sea islanders say he's a god and ive
seen him on telly!
I've seen him face to face.
Then you are a liar or you are delusional.
Post by Ye Old One
Post by d***@googlemail.com
There is an alternative. Most religious people are not liars. Most
religious people are
not delusional. I have studied my own encounters since 1981.
Throughout history
God is always a dissapointment. He appears to some sensitive souls
but not to most
of mankind. Thus some people have the ability to reach into the
Mind of the Universe
and return with some religious ideals which are flavored by their
God appears to be a creative force at near infinite lightspeed
which initiates the
life process everywhere. We are the ultimate fulfillment of this
force. Some of us
interact with this force. The error or religions is that the
common words from all
religions tend to be true while the specific words are meaningless.
Thus the Prophets
of man enlighten man upward toward the highest ideals of the force
while the priests
and Rabbis, etc merely force meaningless dogma and rituals which
benefit the
priesthood and religious leaders.
If someone sees God, that is a true encounter. However the form
of God is
superimposed upon the person by his upbringing. God is a true
entity. Religions
are merely preached falsehoods.

Antares 531
2008-05-08 17:07:22 UTC
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
It would no longer be a matter of faith if we could empirically prove
God's existence, but we can get closer to a proof than is possible in
many other situations which we accept and get along with. Can you
"prove" that the sun won't super nova soon? My "belief" is that it
won't, and I'll go on living for several more years.
Post by Bill M
A primary one is that there are thousands of different gods and god beliefs.
Any REAL god would surely make it abundantly clear, that he is the real god
and all the others are fakes. He would surely use his unlimited power to
expose and eliminate all the fakes. Why would he permit his creations to be
misled by all these false gods?
How would the one true God teach us to avoid falling into worshiping
these false gods if he imposed the restrictions upon us that you
suggest? The main reason for our participation in this mortal phase of
"hands-on" learning is to mature us into reliable, sovereign, immortal
individuals who won't blunder back into these things again. Learning
by trial and error is a very effective means of developing and
maturing us into the kind of beings God wants us to become.
Post by Bill M
If there was a REAL god, would he not destroy the thousands of false gods
No, He would let us have our go at these false gods and in the process
we are expected to learn and mature. We don't have to become
personally involved in worshiping these false gods, but we do have to
observe and learn from the long term effects upon those who do worship
Post by Bill M
establish his authenticity, wishes and commands directly from his heaven.
If God actually did this, we would be nothing more than puppets. This
isn't what God wants us to be. The goal for each of us is to mature
into absolute sovereign, immortal beings who won't ever want to go
back and explore these false gods and other such things again.
Post by Bill M
If man, created by god, can communicate with the whole world by Phone,
Radio, the Internet and TV it obviously would be no problem for any real god
to communicate directly with his creations without thousands of
intermediates of questionable veracity.
God could indeed communicate with us as you describe, but that would
intimidate us into compliance, reducing us to nothing more than a
bunch of puppets.
Post by Bill M
Why would not a real god announce directly and authoritatively from his
that he is the real god and what documents are authentic and which are fakes
destroy them? He certainly should want to prevent his creations from being.
deceived and mislead
Although billions of people have died there is not a single 'authenticated
and proven'
case where anyone of them has ever communicated with their living children,
spouses or friends.
Why would god not allow these souls in his heaven to explain and confirm the
virtues, benefits and even the existence of his heaven? Logic says it is
because they
don't exist except in peoples imaginations!
Religions are ALL based on ancient myths and tales and NO god has directly
Man can directly communicate with the whole world via TV, the Internet,
Phone and Radio and the postal service. IF there is a real god, why does he
not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by at least equally
effective means, that he is the real god and all the others are fakes? And
why does he not tell us clearly and directly what he expects from us instead
of using hundreds of vague, ancient, contradictory, unoriginal documents,
compiled by different religions and hundreds of men of unknown veracity? Why
does he not expose and smite all the false gods and doctrines?
An all powerful creator of this huge Universe would have no need or desire
for people to sing hymns and waste their time on their knees in adulation
and building expensive churches that no god ever visits from his elegant
heaven. This type of thing is the practice of greedy leaders with a need to
satisfy their selfish egos.
It isn't God who "needs" us to sing hymns to Him. It is we who need
this as a form of emotionally stabilizing influence that will help us
get along from day to day.
Post by Bill M
An all powerful creator of this huge Universe and everything in it would
have no need or desire to create, Sin, Devils, Evil, Spirits or Hells
There would be no need for basing ones life on 'FAITH' and the preaching's
of errant selfish men because we would have direct communication and
authentification directly from this all powerful REAL god
There is no evidence that any of these gods communicate with any honest or
fully sane persons.
No dead fathers, mothers relatives or friends ever verify there heaven or
hell with their living siblings or friends.
There is an overwhelming multitude of religions and god beliefs.
They can't all be true and no REAL god would permit this massive deception
of his creations.
Major religions;
Baha'i Faith
Jehovah's Witnesses
British Israelism
Southern Baptists
American Baptists
Christina religions - dozens of them
Christian Science
Plymouth Brethren
Twin Oaks
Vodun (Voodoo)
Neopagan Religious Faiths
Asatru (Norse Paganism)
Goddess Worship
Damanhur Community
Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Hare Krishna - ISKCON
Native American Spirituality
Rom, Roma, Romani, Rroma, (a.k.a. Gypsies)
Santeria Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Satanism; The Church of Satan
The Creativity Movement
Any all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent designer, would
not create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Earth Quakes,
Wars, Cancers and hundreds of debilitating diseases, serious body
malfunctions and starvation all of which punish people indiscriminately
regardless of their behavior or religious beliefs. If he did he would not be
an all loving all caring god but a brutal malevolent creature or nothing at
all. There are 12,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. The reality
is that no all loving and all powerful god would create or permit these
diseases to punish men of all religious persuasion and particularly totally
Logic and common sense that refutes the existence of any omnipotent gods;
Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then where does evil come from?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him a god?
Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.
There is NO objective verifiable evidence that any Gods, Heavens, Sin,
Hells, Devils or Angels exist except in the imaginations of man. These
beliefs are held to help people deal with their panic fear of death and what
comes after.
When there is NO objective verifiable evidence for something's existence it
is logical to assume it does no exist. The LACK of evidence is not evidence
of something's existence.
The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created imaginary gods! (thousands of them!)
Christopher A. Lee
2008-05-08 17:15:40 UTC
On Thu, 08 May 2008 12:07:22 -0500, Antares 531
Post by Antares 531
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
It would no longer be a matter of faith if we could empirically prove
God's existence,
So what?
Post by Antares 531
but we can get closer to a proof than is possible in
many other situations which we accept and get along with. Can you
"prove" that the sun won't super nova soon? My "belief" is that it
won't, and I'll go on living for several more years.
Equivocation on "believe". A standard Christian dishonest
bait'n'switch from the unevidenced to the reasoned expectation based
on a lifetime of evidence.
2008-05-08 17:53:21 UTC
No, He would let us have our go at these false gods and in the
we are expected to learn and mature. We don't have to become
personally involved in worshiping these false gods, but we do have to
observe and learn from the long term effects upon those who do

ever the loving "one true god" then.

whats your take on the burma cyclone?

"that'll teach em!" or "that'll teach us!"
bob young
2008-05-09 04:56:04 UTC
Post by Antares 531
No, He would let us have our go at these false gods and in the
we are expected to learn and mature. We don't have to become
personally involved in worshiping these false gods, but we do have to
observe and learn from the long term effects upon those who do
ever the loving "one true god" then.
whats your take on the burma cyclone?
"that'll teach em!" or "that'll teach us!"
Reckon it shows the work of a loving god that created us all
in it's own inamge; only to destroy a few of us ahead of time.

Sick isn't it? Man makes up his gods and then manipulates
them to his heart's content.

[And eventually falls flat on his face!] [couldn't resist
that !]
2008-05-09 07:25:58 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Antares 531
No, He would let us have our go at these false gods and in the process
we are expected to learn and mature. We don't have to become
personally involved in worshiping these false gods, but we do have to
observe and learn from the long term effects upon those who do worship
ever the loving "one true god" then.
whats your take on the burma cyclone?
"that'll teach em!" or "that'll teach us!"
Reckon it shows the work of a loving god that created us all
in it's own inamge; only to destroy a few of us ahead of time.
Sick isn't it?  Man makes up his gods and then manipulates
them to his heart's content.  
[And eventually falls flat on his face!] [couldn't resist
that !]
what gets me is that when they made up their god he turned out such a
2008-05-09 08:07:08 UTC
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by bob young
Post by Antares 531
No, He would let us have our go at these false gods and in the process
we are expected to learn and mature. We don't have to become
personally involved in worshiping these false gods, but we do have to
observe and learn from the long term effects upon those who do worship
ever the loving "one true god" then.
whats your take on the burma cyclone?
"that'll teach em!" or "that'll teach us!"
Reckon it shows the work of a loving god that created us all
in it's own inamge; only to destroy a few of us ahead of time.
Sick isn't it?  Man makes up his gods and then manipulates
them to his heart's content.  
[And eventually falls flat on his face!] [couldn't resist
that !]
what gets me is that when they made up their god he turned out such a
What makes me laugh about Christinsanity is the old water-cooler rumor test
about two guys who started a rumor at work just to see how much it would
change because everytime someone retells it they get it wrong or use their
own words which of course changes the original rumor so by the time it got
back to them the next day they barely recognized it was the rumor they
started - lmao...Now take 2000+ years of Christinsanity from the pulpits of
"interpretation" (I prefer the truer form of religious embellishment) an I
have no doubt the story of jesus never could have resembled what ***REALLY***
happened at the time of B.C.-A.D., if at all, because nothing was
penned/documented about the baby bASStyrd until 40-70 years after he
committed suicide...rumorville at the office took all of one day to become
unrecognizable, imagine what 40-2,008 years has ADDED to the BIGGEST FISH
STORY ever sold, err, told? ; )
"Brainscrub some Christinsanity out today - save a nation tomorrow"

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
bob young
2008-05-09 11:12:02 UTC
Post by Crackpots-4-Christ
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by bob young
Post by Antares 531
No, He would let us have our go at these false gods and in the process
we are expected to learn and mature. We don't have to become
personally involved in worshiping these false gods, but we do have to
observe and learn from the long term effects upon those who do worship
ever the loving "one true god" then.
whats your take on the burma cyclone?
"that'll teach em!" or "that'll teach us!"
Reckon it shows the work of a loving god that created us all
in it's own inamge; only to destroy a few of us ahead of time.
Sick isn't it?  Man makes up his gods and then manipulates
them to his heart's content.  
[And eventually falls flat on his face!] [couldn't resist
that !]
what gets me is that when they made up their god he turned out such a
What makes me laugh about Christinsanity is the old water-cooler rumor test
about two guys who started a rumor at work just to see how much it would
change because everytime someone retells it they get it wrong or use their
own words which of course changes the original rumor so by the time it got
back to them the next day they barely recognized it was the rumor they
started - lmao...Now take 2000+ years of Christinsanity from the pulpits of
"interpretation" (I prefer the truer form of religious embellishment) an I
have no doubt the story of jesus never could have resembled what ***REALLY***
happened at the time of B.C.-A.D., if at all, because nothing was
penned/documented about the baby bASStyrd until 40-70 years after he
committed suicide...rumorville at the office took all of one day to become
unrecognizable, imagine what 40-2,008 years has ADDED to the BIGGEST FISH
STORY ever sold, err, told? ; )
The old British Army version of that was:

[Original message, pass it on] "Send reinforcements the
battalion is going to
advance"...........................................after the
message had passed thru a few intermediaries the receiving
officer at the end of the line was told "Send three
shillings and fourpence, the battalion is going to a dance"

Post by Crackpots-4-Christ
"Brainscrub some Christinsanity out today - save a nation tomorrow"
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
Doogie Howitzer
2008-05-10 05:48:45 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Crackpots-4-Christ
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by bob young
Post by Antares 531
No, He would let us have our go at these false gods and in the process
we are expected to learn and mature. We don't have to become
personally involved in worshiping these false gods, but we do have to
observe and learn from the long term effects upon those who do worship
ever the loving "one true god" then.
whats your take on the burma cyclone?
"that'll teach em!" or "that'll teach us!"
Reckon it shows the work of a loving god that created us all
in it's own inamge; only to destroy a few of us ahead of time.
Sick isn't it?  Man makes up his gods and then manipulates
them to his heart's content.  
[And eventually falls flat on his face!] [couldn't resist
that !]
what gets me is that when they made up their god he turned out such a
What makes me laugh about Christinsanity is the old water-cooler rumor test
about two guys who started a rumor at work just to see how much it would
change because everytime someone retells it they get it wrong or use their
own words which of course changes the original rumor so by the time it got
back to them the next day they barely recognized it was the rumor they
started - lmao...Now take 2000+ years of Christinsanity from the pulpits of
"interpretation" (I prefer the truer form of religious embellishment) an I
have no doubt the story of jesus never could have resembled what ***REALLY***
happened at the time of B.C.-A.D., if at all, because nothing was
penned/documented about the baby bASStyrd until 40-70 years after he
committed suicide...rumorville at the office took all of one day to become
unrecognizable, imagine what 40-2,008 years has ADDED to the BIGGEST FISH
STORY ever sold, err, told? ; )
[Original message, pass it on] "Send reinforcements the
battalion is going to
advance"...........................................after the
message had passed thru a few intermediaries the receiving
officer at the end of the line was told "Send three
shillings and fourpence, the battalion is going to a dance"
But did they make it to the dance?
Post by bob young
Post by Crackpots-4-Christ
"Brainscrub some Christinsanity out today - save a nation tomorrow"
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
A vote for a Democrat is a vote for Impeachment, before The USA implodes.
Dummya likes them implosions, keeps them (red state) terrorists in line...

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
2008-05-15 05:10:25 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Crackpots-4-Christ
Post by d***@googlemail.com
Post by bob young
Post by Antares 531
No, He would let us have our go at these false gods and in the process
we are expected to learn and mature. We don't have to become
personally involved in worshiping these false gods, but we do have to
observe and learn from the long term effects upon those who do worship
ever the loving "one true god" then.
whats your take on the burma cyclone?
"that'll teach em!" or "that'll teach us!"
Reckon it shows the work of a loving god that created us all
in it's own inamge; only to destroy a few of us ahead of time.
Sick isn't it?  Man makes up his gods and then manipulates
them to his heart's content.  
[And eventually falls flat on his face!] [couldn't resist
that !]
what gets me is that when they made up their god he turned out such a
What makes me laugh about Christinsanity is the old water-cooler rumor test
about two guys who started a rumor at work just to see how much it would
change because everytime someone retells it they get it wrong or use their
own words which of course changes the original rumor so by the time it got
back to them the next day they barely recognized it was the rumor they
started - lmao...Now take 2000+ years of Christinsanity from the pulpits of
"interpretation" (I prefer the truer form of religious embellishment) an I
have no doubt the story of jesus never could have resembled what ***REALLY***
happened at the time of B.C.-A.D., if at all, because nothing was
penned/documented about the baby bASStyrd until 40-70 years after he
committed suicide...rumorville at the office took all of one day to become
unrecognizable, imagine what 40-2,008 years has ADDED to the BIGGEST FISH
STORY ever sold, err, told? ; )
[Original message, pass it on] "Send reinforcements the
battalion is going to
advance"...........................................after the
message had passed thru a few intermediaries the receiving
officer at the end of the line was told "Send three
shillings and fourpence, the battalion is going to a dance"
But did they make it to the dance?
Post by bob young
Post by Crackpots-4-Christ
"Brainscrub some Christinsanity out today - save a nation tomorrow"
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
THEE American Military Wants YOU!!!

~: O
_ //
<>[]()X()[]>> ><>><>><>>><>><> KKKill-4-KKKhrist ><>><>><>>><>><>
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bob young
2008-05-09 04:49:07 UTC
Post by Antares 531
Post by Bill M
This is both an invitation and a challenge to religionists to provide
objective verifiable evidence that there is some REAL God that we need to
cater to.
It would no longer be a matter of faith if we could empirically prove
God's existence, but we can get closer to a proof than is possible in
many other situations which we accept and get along with. Can you
"prove" that the sun won't super nova soon? My "belief" is that it
won't, and I'll go on living for several more years.
Post by Bill M
A primary one is that there are thousands of different gods and god beliefs.
Any REAL god would surely make it abundantly clear, that he is the real god
and all the others are fakes. He would surely use his unlimited power to
expose and eliminate all the fakes. Why would he permit his creations to be
misled by all these false gods?
How would the one true God teach us to avoid falling into worshiping
these false gods if he imposed the restrictions upon us that you
Loonie, God has not yet imposed anything on humanity. All
we see is what humanity has imposed on itself, all in the
name of the gods they have made up and manipulated


The main reason for our participation in this mortal phase of
Post by Antares 531
"hands-on" learning is to mature us into reliable, sovereign, immortal
individuals who won't blunder back into these things again. Learning
by trial and error is a very effective means of developing and
maturing us into the kind of beings God wants us to become.
You mean like those fellas who burned heretics alive in town
squares for nearly three hundred years? That kind of thing?
Post by Antares 531
Post by Bill M
If there was a REAL god, would he not destroy the thousands of false gods
No, He would let us have our go at these false gods and in the process
we are expected to learn and mature. We don't have to become
personally involved in worshiping these false gods, but we do have to
observe and learn from the long term effects upon those who do worship
Post by Bill M
establish his authenticity, wishes and commands directly from his heaven.
If God actually did this, we would be nothing more than puppets.

Post by Antares 531
isn't what God wants us to be.
AAAAAAH an expert.

One who is privy with a god. I thought we would come down
to that level pretty soon.

Well FYI were there a god that created the entire universe
it would hardly need the likes of you to speek for it -
right ?

The goal for each of us is to mature
Post by Antares 531
into absolute sovereign, immortal beings who won't ever want to go
back and explore these false gods and other such things again.
Post by Antares 531
Post by Bill M
If man, created by god, can communicate with the whole world by Phone,
Radio, the Internet and TV it obviously would be no problem for any real god
to communicate directly with his creations without thousands of
intermediates of questionable veracity.
God could indeed communicate with us as you describe, but that would
intimidate us into compliance, reducing us to nothing more than a
bunch of puppets.
Post by Bill M
Why would not a real god announce directly and authoritatively from his
that he is the real god and what documents are authentic and which are fakes
destroy them? He certainly should want to prevent his creations from being.
deceived and mislead
Although billions of people have died there is not a single 'authenticated
and proven'
case where anyone of them has ever communicated with their living children,
spouses or friends.
Why would god not allow these souls in his heaven to explain and confirm the
virtues, benefits and even the existence of his heaven? Logic says it is
because they
don't exist except in peoples imaginations!
Religions are ALL based on ancient myths and tales and NO god has directly
Man can directly communicate with the whole world via TV, the Internet,
Phone and Radio and the postal service. IF there is a real god, why does he
not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by at least equally
effective means, that he is the real god and all the others are fakes? And
why does he not tell us clearly and directly what he expects from us instead
of using hundreds of vague, ancient, contradictory, unoriginal documents,
compiled by different religions and hundreds of men of unknown veracity? Why
does he not expose and smite all the false gods and doctrines?
An all powerful creator of this huge Universe would have no need or desire
for people to sing hymns and waste their time on their knees in adulation
and building expensive churches that no god ever visits from his elegant
heaven. This type of thing is the practice of greedy leaders with a need to
satisfy their selfish egos.
It isn't God who "needs" us to sing hymns to Him. It is we who need
this as a form of emotionally stabilizing influence that will help us
get along from day to day.
Post by Bill M
An all powerful creator of this huge Universe and everything in it would
have no need or desire to create, Sin, Devils, Evil, Spirits or Hells
There would be no need for basing ones life on 'FAITH' and the preaching's
of errant selfish men because we would have direct communication and
authentification directly from this all powerful REAL god
There is no evidence that any of these gods communicate with any honest or
fully sane persons.
No dead fathers, mothers relatives or friends ever verify there heaven or
hell with their living siblings or friends.
There is an overwhelming multitude of religions and god beliefs.
They can't all be true and no REAL god would permit this massive deception
of his creations.
Major religions;
Baha'i Faith
Jehovah's Witnesses
British Israelism
Southern Baptists
American Baptists
Christina religions - dozens of them
Christian Science
Plymouth Brethren
Twin Oaks
Vodun (Voodoo)
Neopagan Religious Faiths
Asatru (Norse Paganism)
Goddess Worship
Damanhur Community
Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Hare Krishna - ISKCON
Native American Spirituality
Rom, Roma, Romani, Rroma, (a.k.a. Gypsies)
Santeria Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Satanism; The Church of Satan
The Creativity Movement
Any all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent designer, would
not create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Earth Quakes,
Wars, Cancers and hundreds of debilitating diseases, serious body
malfunctions and starvation all of which punish people indiscriminately
regardless of their behavior or religious beliefs. If he did he would not be
an all loving all caring god but a brutal malevolent creature or nothing at
all. There are 12,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. The reality
is that no all loving and all powerful god would create or permit these
diseases to punish men of all religious persuasion and particularly totally
Logic and common sense that refutes the existence of any omnipotent gods;
Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then where does evil come from?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him a god?
Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.
There is NO objective verifiable evidence that any Gods, Heavens, Sin,
Hells, Devils or Angels exist except in the imaginations of man. These
beliefs are held to help people deal with their panic fear of death and what
comes after.
When there is NO objective verifiable evidence for something's existence it
is logical to assume it does no exist. The LACK of evidence is not evidence
of something's existence.
The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created imaginary gods! (thousands of them!)
Claude Hopper (11) 5. ?
2008-05-08 23:18:33 UTC
Prov 6:6 ¶Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.

Prov 6:9 How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out
of thy sleep?

Prov 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the
soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

Prov 20:4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore
shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

Prov 26:16 The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men
that can render a reason.

Isa 4:4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters
of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst
thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.

Nah 3:6 And I will cast abominable filth upon thee, and make thee
vile, and will set thee as a gazingstock.
Claude Hopper :)

? ? ¥
bob young
2008-05-09 04:58:06 UTC
Prov 6:6 ΆGo to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.
Prov 6:9 How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out
of thy sleep?
Prov 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the
soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
Prov 20:4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore
shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.
Prov 26:16 The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men
that can render a reason.
Isa 4:4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters
of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst
thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.
Nah 3:6 And I will cast abominable filth upon thee, and make thee
vile, and will set thee as a gazingstock.
Claude Hopper :)
? ? Ξ
lovely old stuff,
written by ignorant, frightened primitives.
Not a god in sight