Post by Bill MThere are hundreds of different God beliefs.
No, there is but ONE, with thousands of different understandings of it.
But your One God, His One God, her One God and My One God are all the
same "ONE"!
The others are from historical records usually "MY ANCESTORS", which
regardless of our position and assertions of our not being God, Mankind
continues to insist we are!
Buddha, Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed, all taught of "The One God", not
of Self.
Gods and Titans, Titans and Gods, the young always replace the Elder
The Orthodoxy of the "Elder Way" always FIGHT SUCH, they see it as the
DEATH of Their Way of Life!
Post by Bill MWhy would a real God permit his creations to be so deceived and misled???
Doesn't gave dominion over earth to mankind, but comes back it is
claimed every 2,000 years to check in.
Post by Bill MWhy does any real God not communicate directly and clearly with his
creations and authenticate his existence and desires???
Does, those who don't know God can hardly expect to know such in their
life though, can they?
Why should God placate Atheists over the Believers with Proof of God.
We believe, God gives us evidence to support our belief.
Atheists have been abandoned by God, they don't care, why should God.
Post by Bill MGods and their attributes are clearly the myths and fables of man's creative
The "God's" were Hero's and Chieftains of the Ancients!
Their story was told so their memory lived.
According to the teachings it took 300 years to become a Hero, and 1,000
to become a GOD!