2005-07-03 19:21:43 UTC
What is religion? Historically religious beliefs appear to have begun with
belief in magic, thence religious beliefs and now science.
Religion is a particular system, or a set of systems, in which doctrines,
myths, rituals, sentiments, institutions, and other similar elements are
interconnected into an overall, and frequently, nebulous concept.
It is amazing how humans become enamored and intoxicated with their
particular religions and religious beliefs. Without any objective
reproducible and verifiable evidence they assume their religion is the true
correct religion and that all the others are fakes and heretical.
Most people are constantly indoctrinated in their religion starting in very
early childhood and threatened with severe punishment for question the
existence of their god.
Most rely on ancient, vague and contradictory documents myths and legends as
the foundation of their religious beliefs and practices.
Major religious documents:
Baha'i Sacred writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
NO originals exist.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
Here are just the major religions. There are many more minor religions.
Additionally all have different beliefs and factions within their primary
And hundreds of major variations on the beliefs within all these religions.
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one, if
any, and which are fakes? None of these documents are objective evidence.
They are all documents written, copied, recopied and modified by errant men
over the centuries. There is no way to determine authenticity or accuracy.
The objective evidence is that they are a mixture of history, myth, folklore
and legends.
Of the BILLIONS of people on this earth, none have verifiably heard from any
of these gods. There are a relatively few that claim they have heard from
THEIR god but these are likely just the imaginings of neurotic believers and
religious fakers.
Of the billions who have died there is no verifiable evidence that any of
them have contacted or communicated with their living children, siblings,
friends or relatives.
The objective evidence is that there are no gods that have created man but
that man has created gods.
belief in magic, thence religious beliefs and now science.
Religion is a particular system, or a set of systems, in which doctrines,
myths, rituals, sentiments, institutions, and other similar elements are
interconnected into an overall, and frequently, nebulous concept.
It is amazing how humans become enamored and intoxicated with their
particular religions and religious beliefs. Without any objective
reproducible and verifiable evidence they assume their religion is the true
correct religion and that all the others are fakes and heretical.
Most people are constantly indoctrinated in their religion starting in very
early childhood and threatened with severe punishment for question the
existence of their god.
Most rely on ancient, vague and contradictory documents myths and legends as
the foundation of their religious beliefs and practices.
Major religious documents:
Baha'i Sacred writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
NO originals exist.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
Here are just the major religions. There are many more minor religions.
Additionally all have different beliefs and factions within their primary
And hundreds of major variations on the beliefs within all these religions.
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one, if
any, and which are fakes? None of these documents are objective evidence.
They are all documents written, copied, recopied and modified by errant men
over the centuries. There is no way to determine authenticity or accuracy.
The objective evidence is that they are a mixture of history, myth, folklore
and legends.
Of the BILLIONS of people on this earth, none have verifiably heard from any
of these gods. There are a relatively few that claim they have heard from
THEIR god but these are likely just the imaginings of neurotic believers and
religious fakers.
Of the billions who have died there is no verifiable evidence that any of
them have contacted or communicated with their living children, siblings,
friends or relatives.
The objective evidence is that there are no gods that have created man but
that man has created gods.