Post by GreywolfPost by Bill MThe is obvious and basic evidence that no real gods exist and are nothing
more than the creations of man.
There are thousands of different gods and religious beliefs.
If there was a 'real' god he would anounce from his heaven that he is the
'real' god and all the others are fakes. He would also smite all the false
gods so his creations would not be deceived.
Well one would *think* so, wouldn't one? At *best* all the theists can do is
point to 'irreducible complexity', their 'faith', or the 'offensive' idea
that it is incumbent upon we atheists to prove that 'God' *doesn't* exist.
See how pathetic their position is? That's 'Retardville' stuff. And which
makes me seriously wonder if there isn't something diabolically wrong with
the brains of these people. How *obvious* does it have to get before these
people comprehend that they are simply 'wrong'?
In another post, I posed the silly hypothesis that a certain monkey at the
local zoo was 'God'. Well, we all *know* that the monkey is not 'God' --
except for those who would want to believe that anyway -- no matter *how*
absurd it is. Why is it that the theists can't use the same measure of
certitude that the monkey isn't 'God' when it comes to the 'God' *they*
believe exists? There is no more 'proof' for the monkey being 'God' than
*whatever* the theists propose is 'God'. Think about it. They've got NO more
proof that my little hypothetical monkey friend is 'God' than *anything*
they choose to offer up as 'theirs'. Did I say 'Retardville'?
(Dang! I *know* I offend a lot of people with my often scathing remarks and
demeaning 'style', but, damn-it, I am presently being treated in a brutal
manner by certain members of my community who profess to be 'Christians'.
All their despicable and disgraceful behavior is accomplishing is fostering
an intense hatred of Christians that NO amount of psychological 'therapy'
will *ever* distinguish. And, in time, I will say, 'YOU brought this on you
dirt-bags, You and YOU alone! Phooey on every single one of the vile
bastards! (Sick? Yeah, I know. But you have *no* idea what it is like for me
out here. The MF's!)
And all this because I dared challenge their stupid, misguided beliefs.
Try to understand them this way:
Our earlier survival mechanisms were (and for the most part still are)
based on emotion, not logic. Emotional decisions, like fear, were very
successful in keeping our species alive. They are from countless
centuries of both evolutionary and naturally selective processes,
probably inherent in very many species.
A rabbit hears a rustle in the brush...fleeing instinctively makes it
capable of reproduction in the future. Pure survival. If it waited for
more might be the wind blowing through a few leaves...or
it could be a fox...would always make it too late if wrong even once!
The emotion to fear and flee and protect itself (evidence or no
evidence) insures survival and procreation.
*Religion* speaks to that emotional survival mechanism, not to our logic
or reason. Logic and reason are luxuries derived from having survived
(thanks to those primitive emotions). We are no longer faced with that
kind of danger, and thinking with our logic and reason, instead of our
feelings, is an evolutionary survival mechanism too, just far more
useful for our current circumstances and development.
So it's not that believers in myth are idiots, but rather they are less
developed in their ability to separate emotional conclusions from
reason. If all you have to do is "believe something" to become immortal,
that speaks directly to the emotional desire to survive; but it is
obviously illogical!
Emotion wins the day, though completely irrational, because it is
virtually hard-wired into our neurology. In a sense, logic is still too
slow. Logic and reason are /developed/. Fear and emotion comes with the
You are simply slightly more developed.