2006-03-02 21:12:08 UTC
All religious beliefs are based on pure 'FAITH', not on ANY TANGIBLE
There are thousands of different and contradictory religious and God
beliefs. How does anyone know his is the correct one? 'IF' there is a REAL
God, why does he not appear or communicate to all mankind and show he is the
real God and that all the others are fakes? Man can accurately communicate
with the whole world via TV, the Internet, Telephone, Newsprint, and Radio.
Why can't any REAL god communicate with all of mankind in an equal or even
more effective manner??? Why does the real God not inform all of mankind in
a clear unquestionable manner that he is the real God and what are his
wishes and demands? Why does any real God refuse to clear up all this
confusion? Why can't a real god smite all of the fakes and end the
Has ANY God spoken to you other than in your dreams? Is there ANY tangible,
There are people in
ALL religions that have claimed to see or communicate with "their" god. It
is evident that these people fit into one of two categories. There are those
that are seriously psychotic and hallucinate and there are those that lie to
impress their followers. There are thousands of God beliefs. Which, if any,
is the real God and which are fakes? Have any dead relatives or friends
actually communicated with SANE people except in their dreams? Why does any
real god avoid or prohibit this communication from dead loved ones and
friends? If there was a real god you would think he would actually encourage
this kind of authentification and communication of his
wishes and commands..
Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Wars,
Earth Quakes, Cancers and thousands of debilitating diseases, serious body
malfunctions and starvation that punish people of all faiths and morality?
There are over 10,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. Why would
this omnificent all loving, all powerful god create all these catastrophes
to indiscriminately torture and kill his creations??? These catastrophes
affect people of ALL religious beliefs and morality including TOTALLY
INNOCENT CHILDREN! Is this evidence of a loving powerful God creator of the
There is a parasitic worm in West Africa that bores through the eyes of
and causes total blindness for the rest of their lives.
There is a Fox sized animal on the Australian Island of Tasmania that is
being wiped out by an infectious cancer that grows on the animal's snout
until it no longer can eat and starves to death.
Why would a god creator punish an innocent animal is such a cruel fashion?
There are thousands of diseases and birth defects that affect millions of
people (and totally innocent animals and children) of all religious
persuasions. Is this the unerring work of an all powerful, all caring and
loving God??? Why would this god create all this cruelty?
Logic and common sense refutes the existence of any omnipotent Gods
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him a God?
What distinguishes theology from mythology and astrology? All three are
founded on myth,
folklore and legend. NONE are based on scientific knowledge and objective,
verifiable, reproducible evidence..
The religious faiths are not founded on faith in God but faith in MEN.
Religious texts? They were created centuries before the invention of the
printing press. Written, interpreted, hand copied, modified, altered and
recopied by hundreds of MEN over thousands of years by other MEN. Inspired
by God? So MEN say. Which books are Scripture? The ones chosen by MEN. What
do they mean? What MEN say they mean. Dictated by God? Just the OPINION of
errant MEN. What is God telling you? Whatever MEN (ordinary selfish. self
promoting, errant humans) CLAIM he is telling you. These religious texts are
nothing but folklore, myth, contradictory and impossible stories created by
MEN. There is not one shred of objective verifiable evidence that ANY of
these ancient documents are the word of ANY God. The objective EVIDENCE is
they are pure myths and fables.
Of all the THOUSANDS of God beliefs and claims, how do we know which is the
real God and which are fakes? What MEN tell their flock is the real God???
Since no real God shows up in person from the heavens, or on International
TV, Radio, or the Internet to give us anything to believe in, the only
option available to us is to put our trust in what selfish errant MEN say
and think about Gods. To put one's faith in the stories, superstitions,
myths and subjective thoughts and feelings of ancient MEN is not faith in
God, but faith in errant MEN. Faith in what greedy avaricious MEN, who we
have never met and have NO objective knowledge of their veracity and
honesty. Ultimately, it is faith in MEN not God!
Real objective evidence about the Universe and life on earth has only
developed and become general knowledge in the past 300 years. Before the
modern age, knowledge of life and the world was base on no more than myths,
fables and mans opinions and unsubstantiated conjecture..
There have been thousands of different and contradictory god beliefs over
the centuries.
It appears that ALL Gods are fakes and inventions of selfish errant MEN.
The objective evidence is rather obvious that NO GODS CREATED MAN but quite
There are thousands of different and contradictory religious and God
beliefs. How does anyone know his is the correct one? 'IF' there is a REAL
God, why does he not appear or communicate to all mankind and show he is the
real God and that all the others are fakes? Man can accurately communicate
with the whole world via TV, the Internet, Telephone, Newsprint, and Radio.
Why can't any REAL god communicate with all of mankind in an equal or even
more effective manner??? Why does the real God not inform all of mankind in
a clear unquestionable manner that he is the real God and what are his
wishes and demands? Why does any real God refuse to clear up all this
confusion? Why can't a real god smite all of the fakes and end the
Has ANY God spoken to you other than in your dreams? Is there ANY tangible,
There are people in
ALL religions that have claimed to see or communicate with "their" god. It
is evident that these people fit into one of two categories. There are those
that are seriously psychotic and hallucinate and there are those that lie to
impress their followers. There are thousands of God beliefs. Which, if any,
is the real God and which are fakes? Have any dead relatives or friends
actually communicated with SANE people except in their dreams? Why does any
real god avoid or prohibit this communication from dead loved ones and
friends? If there was a real god you would think he would actually encourage
this kind of authentification and communication of his
wishes and commands..
Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Wars,
Earth Quakes, Cancers and thousands of debilitating diseases, serious body
malfunctions and starvation that punish people of all faiths and morality?
There are over 10,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. Why would
this omnificent all loving, all powerful god create all these catastrophes
to indiscriminately torture and kill his creations??? These catastrophes
affect people of ALL religious beliefs and morality including TOTALLY
INNOCENT CHILDREN! Is this evidence of a loving powerful God creator of the
There is a parasitic worm in West Africa that bores through the eyes of
and causes total blindness for the rest of their lives.
There is a Fox sized animal on the Australian Island of Tasmania that is
being wiped out by an infectious cancer that grows on the animal's snout
until it no longer can eat and starves to death.
Why would a god creator punish an innocent animal is such a cruel fashion?
There are thousands of diseases and birth defects that affect millions of
people (and totally innocent animals and children) of all religious
persuasions. Is this the unerring work of an all powerful, all caring and
loving God??? Why would this god create all this cruelty?
Logic and common sense refutes the existence of any omnipotent Gods
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him a God?
What distinguishes theology from mythology and astrology? All three are
founded on myth,
folklore and legend. NONE are based on scientific knowledge and objective,
verifiable, reproducible evidence..
The religious faiths are not founded on faith in God but faith in MEN.
Religious texts? They were created centuries before the invention of the
printing press. Written, interpreted, hand copied, modified, altered and
recopied by hundreds of MEN over thousands of years by other MEN. Inspired
by God? So MEN say. Which books are Scripture? The ones chosen by MEN. What
do they mean? What MEN say they mean. Dictated by God? Just the OPINION of
errant MEN. What is God telling you? Whatever MEN (ordinary selfish. self
promoting, errant humans) CLAIM he is telling you. These religious texts are
nothing but folklore, myth, contradictory and impossible stories created by
MEN. There is not one shred of objective verifiable evidence that ANY of
these ancient documents are the word of ANY God. The objective EVIDENCE is
they are pure myths and fables.
Of all the THOUSANDS of God beliefs and claims, how do we know which is the
real God and which are fakes? What MEN tell their flock is the real God???
Since no real God shows up in person from the heavens, or on International
TV, Radio, or the Internet to give us anything to believe in, the only
option available to us is to put our trust in what selfish errant MEN say
and think about Gods. To put one's faith in the stories, superstitions,
myths and subjective thoughts and feelings of ancient MEN is not faith in
God, but faith in errant MEN. Faith in what greedy avaricious MEN, who we
have never met and have NO objective knowledge of their veracity and
honesty. Ultimately, it is faith in MEN not God!
Real objective evidence about the Universe and life on earth has only
developed and become general knowledge in the past 300 years. Before the
modern age, knowledge of life and the world was base on no more than myths,
fables and mans opinions and unsubstantiated conjecture..
There have been thousands of different and contradictory god beliefs over
the centuries.
It appears that ALL Gods are fakes and inventions of selfish errant MEN.
The objective evidence is rather obvious that NO GODS CREATED MAN but quite