(too old to reply)
2006-03-02 21:12:08 UTC
All religious beliefs are based on pure 'FAITH', not on ANY TANGIBLE

There are thousands of different and contradictory religious and God
beliefs. How does anyone know his is the correct one? 'IF' there is a REAL
God, why does he not appear or communicate to all mankind and show he is the
real God and that all the others are fakes? Man can accurately communicate
with the whole world via TV, the Internet, Telephone, Newsprint, and Radio.
Why can't any REAL god communicate with all of mankind in an equal or even
more effective manner??? Why does the real God not inform all of mankind in
a clear unquestionable manner that he is the real God and what are his
wishes and demands? Why does any real God refuse to clear up all this
confusion? Why can't a real god smite all of the fakes and end the

Has ANY God spoken to you other than in your dreams? Is there ANY tangible,
There are people in

ALL religions that have claimed to see or communicate with "their" god. It
is evident that these people fit into one of two categories. There are those
that are seriously psychotic and hallucinate and there are those that lie to
impress their followers. There are thousands of God beliefs. Which, if any,
is the real God and which are fakes? Have any dead relatives or friends
actually communicated with SANE people except in their dreams? Why does any
real god avoid or prohibit this communication from dead loved ones and
friends? If there was a real god you would think he would actually encourage
this kind of authentification and communication of his

wishes and commands..

Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Wars,
Earth Quakes, Cancers and thousands of debilitating diseases, serious body
malfunctions and starvation that punish people of all faiths and morality?
There are over 10,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. Why would
this omnificent all loving, all powerful god create all these catastrophes
to indiscriminately torture and kill his creations??? These catastrophes
affect people of ALL religious beliefs and morality including TOTALLY
INNOCENT CHILDREN! Is this evidence of a loving powerful God creator of the

There is a parasitic worm in West Africa that bores through the eyes of
and causes total blindness for the rest of their lives.

There is a Fox sized animal on the Australian Island of Tasmania that is
being wiped out by an infectious cancer that grows on the animal's snout
until it no longer can eat and starves to death.

Why would a god creator punish an innocent animal is such a cruel fashion?

There are thousands of diseases and birth defects that affect millions of
people (and totally innocent animals and children) of all religious
persuasions. Is this the unerring work of an all powerful, all caring and
loving God??? Why would this god create all this cruelty?

Logic and common sense refutes the existence of any omnipotent Gods

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him a God?

What distinguishes theology from mythology and astrology? All three are
founded on myth,

folklore and legend. NONE are based on scientific knowledge and objective,
verifiable, reproducible evidence..

The religious faiths are not founded on faith in God but faith in MEN.

Religious texts? They were created centuries before the invention of the
printing press. Written, interpreted, hand copied, modified, altered and
recopied by hundreds of MEN over thousands of years by other MEN. Inspired
by God? So MEN say. Which books are Scripture? The ones chosen by MEN. What
do they mean? What MEN say they mean. Dictated by God? Just the OPINION of
errant MEN. What is God telling you? Whatever MEN (ordinary selfish. self
promoting, errant humans) CLAIM he is telling you. These religious texts are
nothing but folklore, myth, contradictory and impossible stories created by
MEN. There is not one shred of objective verifiable evidence that ANY of
these ancient documents are the word of ANY God. The objective EVIDENCE is
they are pure myths and fables.

Of all the THOUSANDS of God beliefs and claims, how do we know which is the
real God and which are fakes? What MEN tell their flock is the real God???

Since no real God shows up in person from the heavens, or on International
TV, Radio, or the Internet to give us anything to believe in, the only
option available to us is to put our trust in what selfish errant MEN say
and think about Gods. To put one's faith in the stories, superstitions,
myths and subjective thoughts and feelings of ancient MEN is not faith in
God, but faith in errant MEN. Faith in what greedy avaricious MEN, who we
have never met and have NO objective knowledge of their veracity and
honesty. Ultimately, it is faith in MEN not God!

Real objective evidence about the Universe and life on earth has only
developed and become general knowledge in the past 300 years. Before the
modern age, knowledge of life and the world was base on no more than myths,
fables and mans opinions and unsubstantiated conjecture..

There have been thousands of different and contradictory god beliefs over
the centuries.

It appears that ALL Gods are fakes and inventions of selfish errant MEN.

The objective evidence is rather obvious that NO GODS CREATED MAN but quite
2006-03-02 23:11:35 UTC
the christian god certainly is a COLD-HEARTED BASTARD
2006-03-02 23:38:42 UTC
Post by Bill
All religious beliefs are based on pure 'FAITH', not on ANY TANGIBLE
Post by Bill
There are thousands of different and contradictory religious and God
beliefs. How does anyone know his is the correct one?
I cannot speak for others - only for myself. For me, a god is the
'correct' one if it is the god the individual believes in. Do not make
the mistake - as so many do - of imagining that religion is an objective
thing. It is not. The correctness of any given religion depends wholly
on the perceptions and the beliefs of the individual.
Post by Bill
'IF' there is a
REAL God, why does he not appear or communicate to all mankind and
show he is the real God and that all the others are fakes?
Putting aside the issue of 'proving other gods fakes', which, as I said
above, is a red herring, the question of why God does not speak to you is
relevant only if you believe that God does not speak to you. There are
many who perceive their God in whatever way is appropriate for them, and
for them this question has no meaning.
Post by Bill
Why can't
a real god smite all of the fakes and end the confusion?
Your implied system of belief includes a god that wishes to smite those
who wrong It - or at least, an expectation that that is a part of what it
is to be a god. Many people's belief systems do not include such a
Post by Bill
Has ANY God spoken to you other than in your dreams?
You ask a question and then rule out a particular means of communication
on apparently arbitrary grounds. Why should a god not communicate with
Its followers through their dreams?
Post by Bill
Is there ANY
of ANY Gods?
No, of course there is not. If there was, these gods would not be
religion, but science.
Post by Bill
any dead relatives or friends actually communicated with SANE people
except in their dreams? Why does any real god avoid or prohibit this
communication from dead loved ones and friends?
Again, from my point of view, this would not be a prohibition, so much as
the fact that these dead loved ones and friends are, well, dead. I can
see no purpose in attempting to communicate with those who are dead.
Post by Bill
Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions,
Wars, Earth Quakes, Cancers and thousands of debilitating diseases,
serious body malfunctions and starvation that punish people of all
faiths and morality? There are over 10,000 known diseases that torture
and kill man. Why would this omnificent all loving, all powerful god
create all these catastrophes to indiscriminately torture and kill his
creations??? These catastrophes affect people of ALL religious beliefs
and morality including TOTALLY INNOCENT CHILDREN! Is this evidence of
a loving powerful God creator of the Universe?
It is often argued within the philosophy of the Abramic faiths that God
cannot be both all-loving and all-powerful. I would accept that logic -
but I do not follow these faiths so I do not expect to see things how
those who believe might see them. For many who believe in the particular
God you have apparently fixated on, it is not so much why God causes
these things as the comfort and support He can offer in their wake. You
either believe or you do not - if you do not then there is no reason why
you should understand.
Post by Bill
Why would a god creator punish an innocent animal is such a cruel fashion?
By what measure would you judge an animal innocent or not innocent?
Post by Bill
Logic and common sense refutes the existence of any omnipotent Gods
No. Logic and common sense might refute the existence of an omnipotent
and all-loving God - but the question of whether any deity exists or not
cannot be addressed by logic. Occam's Razor, and various related
principles, might lead you to conclude that if there is no evidence for a
god then there cannot be one - but in truth the only accurate conclusion
in this case is that there is no evidence for one.

Gods are a matter of individual belief.
Post by Bill
The religious faiths are not founded on faith in God but faith in MEN.
Now faith in mankind would indeed be foolish.
Post by Bill
Of all the THOUSANDS of God beliefs and claims, how do we know which
is the real God and which are fakes?
You have now asked this question three times in the same post.
Post by Bill
Since no real God shows up in person from the heavens, or on
International TV, Radio, or the Internet to give us anything to
believe in
If you would require a divine announcement on telly to give you something
to believe in, then you have my pity.
Post by Bill
the only option available to us is to put our trust in
what selfish errant MEN say and think about Gods.
That is not the only option, and I do not believe it is the right one.
The correct option is to put our trust in what WE believe, until such
time as we have cause to review our beliefs.
Post by Bill
Real objective evidence about the Universe and life on earth has only
developed and become general knowledge in the past 300 years. Before
the modern age, knowledge of life and the world was base on no more
than myths, fables and mans opinions and unsubstantiated conjecture..
Post by Bill
There have been thousands of different and contradictory god beliefs
over the centuries.
Partially correct. Some contradict, some do not. Some are adopted to
provide the basis of others.
Post by Bill
It appears that ALL Gods are fakes and inventions of selfish errant MEN.
Possibly - although while there is no objective evidence for, neither is
there objective evidence against. There are questions about the universe
that, in my understanding at least, simply cannot be answered. That
being the case, then any arbitrary explanation is as good as any other.
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is rather obvious that NO GODS CREATED MAN but
Man has given gods faces and names and personalities, and this might be
said to be whimsical - but I believe that the question of what caused us,
what caused the world on which we live, and the universe in which it
floats, does not have the nice, straightforward answers that a black-and-
white attitude of science OR religion might promise.
2006-03-13 00:56:11 UTC
Your post sounds just like Alice in Wonderlands mad hatter! Did you copy
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
All religious beliefs are based on pure 'FAITH', not on ANY TANGIBLE
Post by Bill
There are thousands of different and contradictory religious and God
beliefs. How does anyone know his is the correct one?
I cannot speak for others - only for myself. For me, a god is the
'correct' one if it is the god the individual believes in. Do not make
the mistake - as so many do - of imagining that religion is an objective
thing. It is not. The correctness of any given religion depends wholly
on the perceptions and the beliefs of the individual.
Post by Bill
'IF' there is a
REAL God, why does he not appear or communicate to all mankind and
show he is the real God and that all the others are fakes?
Putting aside the issue of 'proving other gods fakes', which, as I said
above, is a red herring, the question of why God does not speak to you is
relevant only if you believe that God does not speak to you. There are
many who perceive their God in whatever way is appropriate for them, and
for them this question has no meaning.
Post by Bill
Why can't
a real god smite all of the fakes and end the confusion?
Your implied system of belief includes a god that wishes to smite those
who wrong It - or at least, an expectation that that is a part of what it
is to be a god. Many people's belief systems do not include such a
Post by Bill
Has ANY God spoken to you other than in your dreams?
You ask a question and then rule out a particular means of communication
on apparently arbitrary grounds. Why should a god not communicate with
Its followers through their dreams?
Post by Bill
Is there ANY
of ANY Gods?
No, of course there is not. If there was, these gods would not be
religion, but science.
Post by Bill
any dead relatives or friends actually communicated with SANE people
except in their dreams? Why does any real god avoid or prohibit this
communication from dead loved ones and friends?
Again, from my point of view, this would not be a prohibition, so much as
the fact that these dead loved ones and friends are, well, dead. I can
see no purpose in attempting to communicate with those who are dead.
Post by Bill
Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions,
Wars, Earth Quakes, Cancers and thousands of debilitating diseases,
serious body malfunctions and starvation that punish people of all
faiths and morality? There are over 10,000 known diseases that torture
and kill man. Why would this omnificent all loving, all powerful god
create all these catastrophes to indiscriminately torture and kill his
creations??? These catastrophes affect people of ALL religious beliefs
and morality including TOTALLY INNOCENT CHILDREN! Is this evidence of
a loving powerful God creator of the Universe?
It is often argued within the philosophy of the Abramic faiths that God
cannot be both all-loving and all-powerful. I would accept that logic -
but I do not follow these faiths so I do not expect to see things how
those who believe might see them. For many who believe in the particular
God you have apparently fixated on, it is not so much why God causes
these things as the comfort and support He can offer in their wake. You
either believe or you do not - if you do not then there is no reason why
you should understand.
Post by Bill
Why would a god creator punish an innocent animal is such a cruel fashion?
By what measure would you judge an animal innocent or not innocent?
Post by Bill
Logic and common sense refutes the existence of any omnipotent Gods
No. Logic and common sense might refute the existence of an omnipotent
and all-loving God - but the question of whether any deity exists or not
cannot be addressed by logic. Occam's Razor, and various related
principles, might lead you to conclude that if there is no evidence for a
god then there cannot be one - but in truth the only accurate conclusion
in this case is that there is no evidence for one.
Gods are a matter of individual belief.
Post by Bill
The religious faiths are not founded on faith in God but faith in MEN.
Now faith in mankind would indeed be foolish.
Post by Bill
Of all the THOUSANDS of God beliefs and claims, how do we know which
is the real God and which are fakes?
You have now asked this question three times in the same post.
Post by Bill
Since no real God shows up in person from the heavens, or on
International TV, Radio, or the Internet to give us anything to
believe in
If you would require a divine announcement on telly to give you something
to believe in, then you have my pity.
Post by Bill
the only option available to us is to put our trust in
what selfish errant MEN say and think about Gods.
That is not the only option, and I do not believe it is the right one.
The correct option is to put our trust in what WE believe, until such
time as we have cause to review our beliefs.
Post by Bill
Real objective evidence about the Universe and life on earth has only
developed and become general knowledge in the past 300 years. Before
the modern age, knowledge of life and the world was base on no more
than myths, fables and mans opinions and unsubstantiated conjecture..
Post by Bill
There have been thousands of different and contradictory god beliefs
over the centuries.
Partially correct. Some contradict, some do not. Some are adopted to
provide the basis of others.
Post by Bill
It appears that ALL Gods are fakes and inventions of selfish errant MEN.
Possibly - although while there is no objective evidence for, neither is
there objective evidence against. There are questions about the universe
that, in my understanding at least, simply cannot be answered. That
being the case, then any arbitrary explanation is as good as any other.
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is rather obvious that NO GODS CREATED MAN but
Man has given gods faces and names and personalities, and this might be
said to be whimsical - but I believe that the question of what caused us,
what caused the world on which we live, and the universe in which it
floats, does not have the nice, straightforward answers that a black-and-
white attitude of science OR religion might promise.
2006-03-13 02:06:11 UTC
Post by Bill
Your post sounds just like Alice in Wonderlands mad hatter! Did you copy
If you are no longer interested in discussing the subject then I see no
reason to continue.
2006-10-01 00:14:00 UTC
On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 23:38:42 +0000 (UTC), Midjis
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
All religious beliefs are based on pure 'FAITH', not on ANY TANGIBLE
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
There are thousands of different and contradictory religious and God
beliefs. How does anyone know his is the correct one?
I cannot speak for others - only for myself. For me, a god is the
'correct' one if it is the god the individual believes in. Do not make
the mistake - as so many do - of imagining that religion is an objective
thing. It is not. The correctness of any given religion depends wholly
on the perceptions and the beliefs of the individual.
so every imaginary friend is real to the one who imagines him. too bad
it wasn't that simple, i bet we wouldn't be killing each other if we
didn't have so many clinging to certain imaginary friends that condone
or even encourage violence.
to me you are saying that no matter what somebody percieves, that is
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
'IF' there is a
REAL God, why does he not appear or communicate to all mankind and
show he is the real God and that all the others are fakes?
Putting aside the issue of 'proving other gods fakes', which, as I said
above, is a red herring, the question of why God does not speak to you is
relevant only if you believe that God does not speak to you. There are
many who perceive their God in whatever way is appropriate for them, and
for them this question has no meaning.
you are saying that god is speaking to him but he isn't listening?
oh ya, that is his perception so it must be correct that god doesn't
exist for him because he perceives it to be that way.
most people that have a perception of god, that perception is handed
to them, they just tweak it for themselves however they can.
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
Why can't
a real god smite all of the fakes and end the confusion?
Your implied system of belief includes a god that wishes to smite those
who wrong It - or at least, an expectation that that is a part of what it
is to be a god. Many people's belief systems do not include such a
he doesn't believe that. the dogma implies that, the stuff he is
arguing against is not real, that's the basis of his reality. by
saying there are other gods that don't want smiting all over the place
is not exactly proving that there is reason to think there are gods.
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
Has ANY God spoken to you other than in your dreams?
You ask a question and then rule out a particular means of communication
on apparently arbitrary grounds. Why should a god not communicate with
Its followers through their dreams?
the point is that dreams do not relate to reality, as in there is a
god but it only exists in your dreams.
you've heard of "dreampt it up"?
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
Is there ANY
of ANY Gods?
No, of course there is not. If there was, these gods would not be
religion, but science.
no, of course there is not. if there was, these gods would not be
religion, they would be FACT.
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
any dead relatives or friends actually communicated with SANE people
except in their dreams? Why does any real god avoid or prohibit this
communication from dead loved ones and friends?
Again, from my point of view, this would not be a prohibition, so much as
the fact that these dead loved ones and friends are, well, dead. I can
see no purpose in attempting to communicate with those who are dead.
but the belief in life after death is what this comes from.
for me the fact is that no reliable communication has been made with
ex-living people, it is one more piece of the pie, it certainly does
not support that there is life after death, it rather contradicts it.
essentially we would know it to be a fact if we did communicate with
dead people, but if nobody ever has had that kind of communication
than we can make the logical conclusion that there is not likely any
life after death.
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions,
Wars, Earth Quakes, Cancers and thousands of debilitating diseases,
serious body malfunctions and starvation that punish people of all
faiths and morality? There are over 10,000 known diseases that torture
and kill man. Why would this omnificent all loving, all powerful god
create all these catastrophes to indiscriminately torture and kill his
creations??? These catastrophes affect people of ALL religious beliefs
and morality including TOTALLY INNOCENT CHILDREN! Is this evidence of
a loving powerful God creator of the Universe?
It is often argued within the philosophy of the Abramic faiths that God
cannot be both all-loving and all-powerful. I would accept that logic -
but I do not follow these faiths so I do not expect to see things how
those who believe might see them. For many who believe in the particular
God you have apparently fixated on, it is not so much why God causes
these things as the comfort and support He can offer in their wake. You
either believe or you do not - if you do not then there is no reason why
you should understand.
anything can be argued. i don't see why you see it as logic that god
can't be both all loving and all powerful. how can logic possibly be
used to support any type of god? it's not logical that god is both of
those things, it's not logical that he is one of those things, it is
funnily enough logical that he is neither of those things as he does
not exist.
so god doesn't want to interfere with events, he just wants you to
feel better about them after. how nice of him/her/it.
you do have a point that if he does not believe than he wouldn't
understand about how a god that doesn't exist will not intervene and
actually help somebody before a disaster.
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
Why would a god creator punish an innocent animal is such a cruel fashion?
By what measure would you judge an animal innocent or not innocent?
they don't brainwash each other for starters.
for the most part an animal could be labeled innocent because they
don't generally do mean things or kill for no reason. they don't plan
nasty stuff, they don't have grand visions of rulling other animals,
they don't lie to each other, all the bad human stuff.
the measure is man, that seems like a reasonable reference point for
man doesn't it?
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
Logic and common sense refutes the existence of any omnipotent Gods
No. Logic and common sense might refute the existence of an omnipotent
and all-loving God - but the question of whether any deity exists or not
cannot be addressed by logic. Occam's Razor, and various related
principles, might lead you to conclude that if there is no evidence for a
god then there cannot be one - but in truth the only accurate conclusion
in this case is that there is no evidence for one.
it can be addressed by logic, and it can conclude there is no god.
it can be addressed by spirituality, and the conclusion is as varied
as the differing abilities to imagine, and what they are told is true,
and they can have a conclusion.
It can be addressed by science, and the conclusion is there is no god.
you are certainly correct that an irrefutable truth appears to be that
there is no proof that god exists.
Post by Midjis
Gods are a matter of individual belief.
gods are more than a matter of individual belief.
gods, and the maelstrom of bullshit they have inspired through
religious ferver is a matter that affects us all. religious people
have been killing non and other religious people throughout history. I
would not kill anybody over it, and I would really like it if nobody
killed me over an imaginary master.
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
The religious faiths are not founded on faith in God but faith in MEN.
Now faith in mankind would indeed be foolish.
that's another way that religion drags us backwards.
can't have faith in man, but you can have faith in the big boss in the
sky that condones massacre.
you have reason to say that faith in man is foolish, i do understand
that has come from good reason.
but what else are we to have faith in if not man? i can't go with the
god thing, because i think it's bullshit. history has been laid down
and man has been really brutal to man and everything in his way or to
his wants. but why not have faith that we can be better, why is it not
possible for us to figure out how to actually live in peace and
harmony? religion has been a major impediment to that, certainly not
the only reason but it's a biggy.
it is foolish to have no faith in man, we are mankind and we only have
ourselves to work with.
one step, and agreed not the only step but one step that would go a
long way is to purge ourselves of this affliction we shackle ourselves
to, religion of violence and exclusion.
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
Of all the THOUSANDS of God beliefs and claims, how do we know which
is the real God and which are fakes?
You have now asked this question three times in the same post.
he never gets a real answer too.
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
Since no real God shows up in person from the heavens, or on
International TV, Radio, or the Internet to give us anything to
believe in
If you would require a divine announcement on telly to give you something
to believe in, then you have my pity.
so you are wiating for the big sky thing, radio, internet?
the point is that there is no manifestation, and tv is one sure way to
reach a lot of people fast, and it gets spread from there.
for me, you have my pity because you are afflicted.
scorning him for mentioning tv like he is beneath you only now because
he watches the dreaded boob tube is a low blow.
you don't have a problem with the other mediums then?
ok, then address the point that god makes no effort to communicate
with us. you pick the logical method/medium or no method at all, just
the concept.
our point(mine anyway) is he doesn't exist, and you go all around the
point 500 ways like he wants us to decide for ourselves blah blah
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
the only option available to us is to put our trust in
what selfish errant MEN say and think about Gods.
That is not the only option, and I do not believe it is the right one.
The correct option is to put our trust in what WE believe, until such
time as we have cause to review our beliefs.
i agree with you, but i can't say it involves a deity
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
Real objective evidence about the Universe and life on earth has only
developed and become general knowledge in the past 300 years. Before
the modern age, knowledge of life and the world was base on no more
than myths, fables and mans opinions and unsubstantiated conjecture..
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
There have been thousands of different and contradictory god beliefs
over the centuries.
Partially correct. Some contradict, some do not. Some are adopted to
provide the basis of others.
mostly correct, the similarities support that the stories are just
stories, and the contradictions support that the stories are
inaccurate and stupid.
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
It appears that ALL Gods are fakes and inventions of selfish errant MEN.
Possibly - although while there is no objective evidence for, neither is
there objective evidence against. There are questions about the universe
that, in my understanding at least, simply cannot be answered. That
being the case, then any arbitrary explanation is as good as any other.
that's old bullshit, you can't prove a negative. that is no reason to
support the existence of a god, because he can't be irrefutably
disproven. the questionsyou or i or anybody can't answer is also no
reason to use god to fill in the blanks. there is simply a lot we
don't know. saying that we can't prove god exists because it another
thing we just don't know yet is just bullshit.
Post by Midjis
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is rather obvious that NO GODS CREATED MAN but
Man has given gods faces and names and personalities, and this might be
said to be whimsical - but I believe that the question of what caused us,
what caused the world on which we live, and the universe in which it
floats, does not have the nice, straightforward answers that a black-and-
white attitude of science OR religion might promise.
but a grey attitude is ok if it includes god and science?
human arrogance brought us the whole shlock of religion and god
worship and the idiotic rules that were spawned.
the human arrogance is about us thinking we have some divinely
inspired creator that makes us so special.

well now we have weapons that can take out millions at a time,
thousands by thousands in single strokes. our decisions are influenced
or even guided by myths created by backwards thinkers and maniacs.
unforynately those myths can glorify killing, or be used to justify
not a good combination.
i am ashamed of the stupidity and brutality of mankind, and also awed
by its accomplishments and possibilities.
i hope sanity wins.
