Post by OrangeThe religious challenge of this age is to those farseeing and forward-
looking men and women of spiritual insight who will dare to construct
a new and appealing philosophy of living out of the enlarged and
exquisitely integrated modern concepts of cosmic truth, universe
beauty, and divine goodness. Such a new and righteous vision of
morality will attract all that is good in the mind of man and
challenge that which is best in the human soul. Truth, beauty, and
goodness are divine realities, and as man ascends the scale of
spiritual living, these supreme qualities of the Eternal become
increasingly co-ordinated and unified in God, who is love.P. 43;3
Religions for good reason are referred to as faiths.
There is a good reason for this because there is NO_NADA objective
evidence that any of the hundreds of Gods believed in actually exist except
in the imaginations of believers.
No sane non-delusional person has ever seen, talked to or heard from any
God. All Gods are purely the figments of people's hopes and imaginations.
Would any real loving and caring intelligent designer, create Plagues,
Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Floods, Wars, Earth Quakes, Cancers
and hundreds of debilitating diseases and serious body malfunctions? There
are 12,000 known diseases that affect and punish mankind indiscriminately.
Why does he permit millions of both young and old to starve to death or die
of miserable diseases? Why punish millions of INNOCENT CHILDREN in this
horrible way?
Why would any all powerful and caring god permit totally "innocent children"
to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a fully developed
brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.? Why are some born idiots and
others with super intelligence? Why are some born into wealth and others
pauper poor? Why would it permit over 2,000,000 innocent children to die of
starvation every year? Why are his human creations designed to deteriorate
into a miserable and devastating old age regardless of their religious
beliefs or affiliation?
Why did this all powerful and loving creator create things like sharks,
jelly fish, octopus, lions, tigers, rhinoceros, wolves, poisonous snakes,
stinging and poisonous insects, poisonous plants etc.? Why did this caring
and benevolent God create animals (including man) that need to painfully
kill and eat other animals to survive?
World War I claimed 9,000,000 lives of people of many religious faiths.
World II indiscriminately claimed over 20,000,000 lives of people of all
ages and religious faiths, plus a vast destruction of property and more
millions maimed for life.
The recent Asian Tsunami has claimed the lives of 200,000 men, women and
children of all religious persuasions. Over 100,000 of these were totally
INNOCENT children!
There were three major epidemics of the Bubonic Plaque - in the 6th, 14th.
and 17th centuries. The death toll was over 137 million men, women and
totally innocent children.
The influenza of 1918-1919 killed at least 25 million men, women and
innocent children indiscriminately.
Diseases like malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis, etc. maim and kill millions
indiscriminately every year. More millions die of starvation and
These indiscriminately afflicted the young and old, atheists and those of
ALL religious persuasions.
Meanwhile MAN, not god, has developed defenses and cures for hundreds of
serious diseases. Man has learned to create shelter, heat and cooling,
purify water, world wide electronic communications, power and transportation
systems including flying through the air. Man has created a wonderful
medical and drug system and improved housing and food production. The result
of MAN'S inventiveness has DOUBLED the average life span. None of this was
created by any gods.
Objective verifiable evidence indicates the Universe is greater than 20
BILLION LIGHT YEARS in diameter. When you consider that light travels at
186,000 MILES PER SECOND the Universe is incomprehensible in size and by
comparison, our World, is but a speck of dust in this vast Universe.
The scientific evidence is that our World is over 4 BILLION YEARS old.
Archaeological evidence is that man has existed on earth for only 100,000 to
200,000 years. When the various books of the Bible were written, most of
mankind believed the world was flat and the Sun, Stars and Planets revolved
around the Earth. Many believed that Christopher Columbus might sail to the
edge of the earth, and might fall off, during his trip that discovered the
new continent.
In 1492 and Biblical times the majority of the world assumed the earth was
flat and the Son, Stars and planets revolved around the Earth. Columbus
proved the Earth to be round.
By the 16 Th. century, scientists like Galileo, determined that the Earth,
Stars and Planets of our solar system revolved around the Sun. This spread
through the scientific community and the majority accepted this reality by
the 1800's. We now know from actual evidence, the earth is but an
inconsequential speck of dust in this unimaginably vast Universe. It is
scientific opinion that thousands and perhaps millions of planets, similar
to Earth, exist in this huge Universe.
Man is but grains of sand on this large Earth and less than dust in this
vast Universe. The 6 1/2 BILLION persons currently on this planet do not
appear to be of any significant consequence in this vast Universe.
Despite all these discoveries, NO_NADA objective verifiable evidence has
ever been found for the actual existence of any of the hundreds of Gods
believed in and worshipped
by man.
As you can see, there is a wealth of objective verifiable evidence that no
gods actually exist. There is NO_NADA objective verifiable evidence of any
Gods actual existence except in the hopes and imaginations of man.