Bible babble
(too old to reply)
2005-05-22 17:50:11 UTC
Bible inconsistencies and pure myths.

1.. The Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that
are known to science. In Genesis, the earth is created before light and
stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants
before any animals. The true order of events was just the opposite. 1:1-2:3

2.. God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from
night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the
sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be
"the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark
them? 1:3-5

3.. God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day)
working on a solid firmament. This strange structure, which God calls
heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters.

4.. Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their
photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11

5.. God lets "the earth bring forth" the plants, rather than creating them
directly. Maybe Genesis is not so anti-evolution after all. 1:11

6.. In an apparent endorsement of astrology, God places the sun, moon, and
stars in the firmament so that they can be used "for signs". This, of
course, is exactly what astrologers do: read "the signs" in the Zodiac in an
effort to predict what will happen on Earth. 1:14

7.. God makes two lights: "the greater light [the sun] to rule the day,
and the lesser light [the moon] to rule the night." But the moon is not a
light, but only reflects light from the sun. And why, if God made the moon
to "rule the night", does it spend half of its time moving through the
daytime sky? 1:16

8.. "He made the stars also." God spends a day making light (before making
the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard
day's work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of stars.

9.. "And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give
light upon the earth." 1:17

10.. In verse 11, God "let the earth bring forth" the plants. Now he has
the earth "bring forth" the animals as well. So maybe the creationists have
it all wrong. Maybe God created livings things through the process of
evolution. 1:24

11.. God gave humans dominion over every other living thing on earth. 1:26

12.. God commands us to "be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the
earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over ... every living thing that
moveth upon the earth." 1:28

13.. All animals were originally herbivores. Tapeworms, vampire bats,
mosquitoes, and barracudas -- all were strict vegetarians, as they were
created by God. 1:30

14.. "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good." He purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and
death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey. 1:31

15.. In Genesis 1 the entire creation takes 6 days, but the universe is at
least 12 billion years old, with new stars constantly being formed. 1:31

16.. Humans were not created instantaneously from dust and breath, but
evolved over millions of years from simpler life forms. 2:7

17.. After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of
several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. But animals
were not created instantaneously from the ground, but evolved over millions
of years. And we still don't have names for all of them. Ten thousand new
species of insects are discovered and named each year. 2:18-22

18.. God curses the serpent. From now on the serpent will crawl on his
belly and eat dust. One wonders how he got around before -- by hopping on
his tail, perhaps? But snakes don't eat dust, do they? 3:14

19.. Because Adam listened to Eve, God cursed the ground and causes thorns
and thistles to grow. Before this, according to the (false) Genesis story,
plants had no natural defenses. The rose had no thorn, cacti were spineless,
holly leaves were smooth, and the nettle had no sting. Foxgloves, oleander,
and milkweeds were all perfectly safe to eat. 3:17-18

20.. "There were giants in the earth in those days." Well, I suppose it's
good to know that. But why is there no archaeological evidence for the
existence of these giants? 6:4

21.. Noah is told to make an ark that is 450 feet long. 6:14-15

22.. Whether by twos or by sevens, Noah takes male and female
representatives from each species of "every thing that creepeth upon the
earth." 7:8

23.. God opens the "windows of heaven." He does this every time it rains.

24.. All of the animals boarded the ark "in the selfsame day." 7:13-14
How do you get over 2,000,000 animals to board an arch in one day?
How do you feed all these animals for a year?

25.. The flood covered the highest mountain tops (Mount Everest?) with
fifteen cubits to spare. 7:20

26.. "The windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was
restrained." This happens whenever it stops raining. 8:2

27.. Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry land. But the dove
returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later, the dove goes out
again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an olive tree survive
the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they certainly wouldn't
germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. 8:8-11

28.. When the animals left the ark, what would they have eaten? There
would have been no plants after the ground had been submerged for nearly a
year. What would the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would
have gone extinct. And how did the New World primates or the Australian
marsupials find there way back after the flood subsided? 8:19

29.. Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns their dead bodies for God.
According to 7:8 this would have caused the extinction of all "clean"
animals since only two of each were taken onto the ark. 8:20-21

30.. "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth." Although this
would have been good advice for the mythical Noah, it is deadly advice for
humankind as a whole. Overpopulation is one of our greatest problems, yet
there is nothing in the bible to address it. 9:1

31.. According to this verse, all animals fear humans. Although it is true
that many do, it is also true that some do not. Sharks and grizzly bears,
for example, are generally much less afraid of us than we are of them. 9:2

32.. "Into your hand are they (the animals) delivered." God gave the
animals to humans, and they can do whatever they please with them. This
verse has been used by bible believers to justify all kinds of cruelty to
anmials and environmental destruction. 9:2

33.. God is rightly filled with remorse for having killed his creatures.
He even puts the rainbow in the sky to remind himself of his promise to the
animals not to do it again. But rainbows are caused by the nature of light,
the refractive index of water, and the shape of raindrops. There were
rainbows billions of years before humans existed. 9:13

34.. Some creationists believe that this verse refers to continental
drift, which, they say, began to occur during the days of Pelag (which means
"division"), about 100 or so years after the flood. But many other
creationists disagree. 10:25

35.. "The whole earth was of one language." But this could not be true,
since by this time (around 2400 BCE) there were already many languages, each
unintelligible to the others. 11:1, 6

36.. God worries that people could actually build a tower high enough to
reach him (them?) in heaven. 11:4

37.. According to the Tower of Babel story, the many human languages were
created instantaneously by God. But actually the various languages evolved
gradually over long periods of time. 11:9

38.. The ridiculously long lives of the patriarchs. 11:10-32

39.. "And they returned to the land of the Philistines." But the
Philistines didn't arrive in the region of Canaan until around 1400 BCE --
600 years after Abraham's supposed migration from Ur. 21:32, 26:1, 21:32,
21:32, 8, 15, 18

2005-05-22 18:06:14 UTC
I love it, I loved #18 too. hopping on his tail. lmao !
great work !
Post by wmech
18.. God curses the serpent. From now on the serpent will crawl on his
belly and eat dust. One wonders how he got around before -- by hopping on
his tail, perhaps? But snakes don't eat dust, do they? 3:14
2005-05-22 20:38:09 UTC
One of the problems with the bible is that it was written by people with an
understanding of the world less sound than our understanding today.

Had Jesus been the direct son of God, you would have thought that he would
have better enlightened his followers about the world in which they lived,
but he didn't e.g. he didn't mention the period when dinosaurs roamed the

The bible misses a significant amount of our history. This is due to the
fact that it was written by ordinary people doing their best to understand
the world around them. If Jesus had been the son of God, surely he would
have a better knowledge about the earth than he did. I think this is
reasonable evidence to support the view that Jesus was an ordinary man,
living in a world 2000 years ago with limited understanding of the world
around him.

God created the universe - I don't think so!
Post by wmech
Bible inconsistencies and pure myths.
1.. The Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that
are known to science. In Genesis, the earth is created before light and
stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants
before any animals. The true order of events was just the opposite. 1:1-2:3
2.. God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from
night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the
sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be
"the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark
them? 1:3-5
3.. God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day)
working on a solid firmament. This strange structure, which God calls
heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters.
4.. Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their
photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11
5.. God lets "the earth bring forth" the plants, rather than creating them
directly. Maybe Genesis is not so anti-evolution after all. 1:11
6.. In an apparent endorsement of astrology, God places the sun, moon, and
stars in the firmament so that they can be used "for signs". This, of
course, is exactly what astrologers do: read "the signs" in the Zodiac in an
effort to predict what will happen on Earth. 1:14
7.. God makes two lights: "the greater light [the sun] to rule the day,
and the lesser light [the moon] to rule the night." But the moon is not a
light, but only reflects light from the sun. And why, if God made the moon
to "rule the night", does it spend half of its time moving through the
daytime sky? 1:16
8.. "He made the stars also." God spends a day making light (before making
the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard
day's work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of stars.
9.. "And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give
light upon the earth." 1:17
10.. In verse 11, God "let the earth bring forth" the plants. Now he has
the earth "bring forth" the animals as well. So maybe the creationists have
it all wrong. Maybe God created livings things through the process of
evolution. 1:24
11.. God gave humans dominion over every other living thing on earth. 1:26
12.. God commands us to "be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the
earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over ... every living thing that
moveth upon the earth." 1:28
13.. All animals were originally herbivores. Tapeworms, vampire bats,
mosquitoes, and barracudas -- all were strict vegetarians, as they were
created by God. 1:30
14.. "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good." He purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and
death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey. 1:31
15.. In Genesis 1 the entire creation takes 6 days, but the universe is at
least 12 billion years old, with new stars constantly being formed. 1:31
16.. Humans were not created instantaneously from dust and breath, but
evolved over millions of years from simpler life forms. 2:7
17.. After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of
several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. But animals
were not created instantaneously from the ground, but evolved over millions
of years. And we still don't have names for all of them. Ten thousand new
species of insects are discovered and named each year. 2:18-22
18.. God curses the serpent. From now on the serpent will crawl on his
belly and eat dust. One wonders how he got around before -- by hopping on
his tail, perhaps? But snakes don't eat dust, do they? 3:14
19.. Because Adam listened to Eve, God cursed the ground and causes thorns
and thistles to grow. Before this, according to the (false) Genesis story,
plants had no natural defenses. The rose had no thorn, cacti were spineless,
holly leaves were smooth, and the nettle had no sting. Foxgloves, oleander,
and milkweeds were all perfectly safe to eat. 3:17-18
20.. "There were giants in the earth in those days." Well, I suppose it's
good to know that. But why is there no archaeological evidence for the
existence of these giants? 6:4
21.. Noah is told to make an ark that is 450 feet long. 6:14-15
22.. Whether by twos or by sevens, Noah takes male and female
representatives from each species of "every thing that creepeth upon the
earth." 7:8
23.. God opens the "windows of heaven." He does this every time it rains.
24.. All of the animals boarded the ark "in the selfsame day." 7:13-14
How do you get over 2,000,000 animals to board an arch in one day?
How do you feed all these animals for a year?
25.. The flood covered the highest mountain tops (Mount Everest?) with
fifteen cubits to spare. 7:20
26.. "The windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was
restrained." This happens whenever it stops raining. 8:2
27.. Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry land. But the dove
returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later, the dove goes out
again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an olive tree survive
the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they certainly wouldn't
germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. 8:8-11
28.. When the animals left the ark, what would they have eaten? There
would have been no plants after the ground had been submerged for nearly a
year. What would the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would
have gone extinct. And how did the New World primates or the Australian
marsupials find there way back after the flood subsided? 8:19
29.. Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns their dead bodies for God.
According to 7:8 this would have caused the extinction of all "clean"
animals since only two of each were taken onto the ark. 8:20-21
30.. "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth." Although this
would have been good advice for the mythical Noah, it is deadly advice for
humankind as a whole. Overpopulation is one of our greatest problems, yet
there is nothing in the bible to address it. 9:1
31.. According to this verse, all animals fear humans. Although it is true
that many do, it is also true that some do not. Sharks and grizzly bears,
for example, are generally much less afraid of us than we are of them. 9:2
32.. "Into your hand are they (the animals) delivered." God gave the
animals to humans, and they can do whatever they please with them. This
verse has been used by bible believers to justify all kinds of cruelty to
anmials and environmental destruction. 9:2
33.. God is rightly filled with remorse for having killed his creatures.
He even puts the rainbow in the sky to remind himself of his promise to the
animals not to do it again. But rainbows are caused by the nature of light,
the refractive index of water, and the shape of raindrops. There were
rainbows billions of years before humans existed. 9:13
34.. Some creationists believe that this verse refers to continental
drift, which, they say, began to occur during the days of Pelag (which means
"division"), about 100 or so years after the flood. But many other
creationists disagree. 10:25
35.. "The whole earth was of one language." But this could not be true,
since by this time (around 2400 BCE) there were already many languages, each
unintelligible to the others. 11:1, 6
36.. God worries that people could actually build a tower high enough to
reach him (them?) in heaven. 11:4
37.. According to the Tower of Babel story, the many human languages were
created instantaneously by God. But actually the various languages evolved
gradually over long periods of time. 11:9
38.. The ridiculously long lives of the patriarchs. 11:10-32
39.. "And they returned to the land of the Philistines." But the
Philistines didn't arrive in the region of Canaan until around 1400 BCE --
600 years after Abraham's supposed migration from Ur. 21:32, 26:1, 21:32,
21:32, 8, 15, 18
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-22 23:51:16 UTC
Post by John
God created the universe - I don't think so!
Well who did then, the Moon god, Allah? Not very likely, given his
predisposition for blowing things up.

You liberal atheists get everything wrong. Try talking sense.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
bob young
2005-05-23 04:46:03 UTC
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by John
God created the universe - I don't think so!
Well who did then, the Moon god, Allah? Not very likely, given his
predisposition for blowing things up.
You liberal atheists get everything wrong. Try talking sense.
Science may one day find the origins, as you well know,

Certainly no man made god had anything to do with it, not even **one**
of these:

Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye, Bacchus,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai,
Elohim Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios,
Hel, Hephaestus,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea,
Saturn, Set,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus,
Vesta, Vishnu,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus.

African gods:

[Note under 'African Gods' the number devoted to 'Supremacy']

Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa

Nyongmo [Creator]
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]

Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]

Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]

(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]

Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]

Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]

Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]

Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]

Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]

Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]

Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]

Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]

Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]

Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]

Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]

Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]

Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]

Zin [Water]

Table of Asian Gods:


Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]

Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]

Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]

Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]

Fudo [WIsdom]

Guan Yin [bodhisattva]

Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]

Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]

Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]

Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]

Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]

Locana [?]

Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]

Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]

Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]

Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]

Usnisavijaya [?]

Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]

We-to [Divine General]

Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]

Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]


Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]

Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]

Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]

Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]

Erh-Lang [Guardian]

Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]

Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]

Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]

I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]

K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]

Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]

Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]

Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]

O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]

Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]

Ran-deng [Future Buddha]

San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]

T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]

Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]

Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]

Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]

Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]

[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]

Finnish Gods:

Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]

Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]

Hiisi [Forest/Evil]

Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]

Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]

Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]

Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]

Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]

Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]

Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]

Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]

Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]

Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]

Rauni [?]

Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]

Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]

Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]

Waralden Olmai [World]


Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]

Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]

Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]

Daikoku [Wealth]

Ebisu [Labor]

Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]

Gozu-Tenno [Plague]

Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]

Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]

Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]

Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]

Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]

O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]

Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]

Sae-No-Kami [Roads]

Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]

Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility
and Food]
Uzume [Mirth]

Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]

Yabune [House]

Zocho [South]

Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]

Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]

Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]

Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]

Fujin [Wind]

Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]

Kami [Idols]


Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]

Debata [?]

Empung Luminuut [?]

Hainuwele [?]

Hananim [Sky]

Hmin [Ague]

Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]

Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]

Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]

Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]

Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]

Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]

Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]

Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]

Upulevo [Sun]

Wunekau [Sun]


Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]

Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]

Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]

Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]

En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]

Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]

Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]

Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]

Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]

Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]

Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]

Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]

Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]

Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]

Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]

Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]

Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]

Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]

Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]

Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]

Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]

Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]

Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]

We [Supreme]

Xhindi [Spirits]

Yarilo [Love]

Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]


Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]

Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]

K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]

Mayin [Supreme]

Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]

Shurdi [Thunderstorms]

Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]

Xucau [Supreme]

Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 17:35:23 UTC
Post by bob young
Science may one day find the origins, as you well know,
God has always existed. He does not have any origin. Everyone knows that,
except liberal atheist trash.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 19:47:21 UTC
Never voted Liberal. Are you implying I'm trash? How rude.
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by bob young
Science may one day find the origins, as you well know,
God has always existed. He does not have any origin. Everyone knows that,
except liberal atheist trash.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 00:40:36 UTC
Post by John
Never voted Liberal. Are you
implying I'm trash? How rude.
I do not say it, Jesus says it. Jesus loves you, unconditionally, and he
wants you to turn away from your life of Atheistic trash, turn your life to
Him, and discharge your tithing obligations.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 23:03:17 UTC
yea right, the invisible man in the sky has always been.

christians sure are fucking stupid.

why is it when you ask religious fruitcakes a question, they NEVER come up
with a REAL answer.

where oh where is the invisible man in the sky?
hey religious fruitcakes, if this idiotic jackass god of yours exist, then
tell the dumb fucking idiot to stop by and say hi once in a fucking while.
Well, of course he won't stop by because he doesn't fucking exist.

where is the invisible man and his talking snake ? lol
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 00:43:05 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
Well, of course he won't stop by
because he doesn't fucking exist.
Was not so long ago you accused Him of fucking Mary.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-24 03:48:50 UTC
if he exists, tell him to show up, I'd like to BASH HIS HEAD IN.
and ask him why he is such a cold, cruel, heartless BASTARD
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 04:09:30 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
if he exists, tell him to show up, I'd
like to BASH HIS HEAD IN. and ask him
why he is such a cold, cruel, heartless
Would it not better to ask Him first, then bash His head in? You're not
very likely to get much of an answer from someone whom you have reduced to
a vegetable, are you?

Just goes to prove that all Atheists are idiots.

In Christ Exford
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 19:44:50 UTC
Good post. Surprising just how many Gods poeple have invented over the
years. The Christian God appears to be particularly popular.

I was just pondering, "What did the Romans ever do for us?"
Post by bob young
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by John
God created the universe - I don't think so!
Well who did then, the Moon god, Allah? Not very likely, given his
predisposition for blowing things up.
You liberal atheists get everything wrong. Try talking sense.
Science may one day find the origins, as you well know,
Certainly no man made god had anything to do with it, not even **one**
Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye, Bacchus,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai,
Elohim Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios,
Hel, Hephaestus,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea,
Saturn, Set,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus,
Vesta, Vishnu,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus.
[Note under 'African Gods' the number devoted to 'Supremacy']
Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Nyongmo [Creator]
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]
Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]
Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]
(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]
Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]
Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]
Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]
Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]
Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]
Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]
Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]
Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]
Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]
Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]
Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]
Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]
Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]
Zin [Water]
Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]
Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]
Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]
Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]
Fudo [WIsdom]
Guan Yin [bodhisattva]
Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]
Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]
Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]
Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]
Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]
Locana [?]
Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]
Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]
Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]
Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]
Usnisavijaya [?]
Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
We-to [Divine General]
Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]
Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]
Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]
Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]
Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]
Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]
Erh-Lang [Guardian]
Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]
Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]
Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]
I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]
K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]
Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]
Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]
Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]
O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]
Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]
Ran-deng [Future Buddha]
San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]
T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]
Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]
Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]
Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]
Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]
[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]
Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]
Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]
Hiisi [Forest/Evil]
Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]
Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]
Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]
Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]
Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]
Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]
Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]
Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]
Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]
Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]
Rauni [?]
Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]
Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]
Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]
Waralden Olmai [World]
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]
Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]
Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]
Daikoku [Wealth]
Ebisu [Labor]
Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]
Gozu-Tenno [Plague]
Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]
Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]
Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]
Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]
Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]
O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]
Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]
Sae-No-Kami [Roads]
Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]
Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility
and Food]
Uzume [Mirth]
Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]
Yabune [House]
Zocho [South]
Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]
Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]
Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]
Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]
Fujin [Wind]
Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]
Kami [Idols]
Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]
Debata [?]
Empung Luminuut [?]
Hainuwele [?]
Hananim [Sky]
Hmin [Ague]
Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]
Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]
Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]
Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]
Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]
Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]
Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]
Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]
Upulevo [Sun]
Wunekau [Sun]
Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]
Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]
Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]
Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]
En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]
Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]
Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]
Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]
Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]
Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]
Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]
Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]
Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]
Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]
Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]
Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]
Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]
Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]
Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]
Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]
Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]
Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]
Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]
We [Supreme]
Xhindi [Spirits]
Yarilo [Love]
Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]
Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]
Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]
K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]
Mayin [Supreme]
Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]
Shurdi [Thunderstorms]
Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]
Xucau [Supreme]
Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 00:45:02 UTC
Post by John
I was just pondering, "What did
the Romans ever do for us?"
They established the Roman Catholic Mary
worshipping Church of paedophile priests.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 19:46:15 UTC
Well I really don't know, but apparently you do?

PS your response doesn't make sense.Who has a predisposition for blowing
things up?
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by John
God created the universe - I don't think so!
Well who did then, the Moon god, Allah? Not very likely, given his
predisposition for blowing things up.
You liberal atheists get everything wrong. Try talking sense.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 00:48:36 UTC
Post by John
Well I really don't know, but apparently you do?
The True Christian® God.
Post by John
PS your response doesn't make sense. Who has
a predisposition for blowing things up?
The moon god, Allah.

PS Why would anyone want to email liberal atheist trash?
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Pastor Frank
2005-05-22 23:32:09 UTC
Post by John
One of the problems with the bible is that it was written by people with
an understanding of the world less sound than our understanding today.
Had Jesus been the direct son of God, you would have thought that he would
have better enlightened his followers about the world in which they lived,
but he didn't e.g. he didn't mention the period when dinosaurs roamed the
You are in philosophical and spiritual groups, which deal with
definitions of good and evil, right and wrong etc. etc. NOT your friggin
"dinosaurs". If you want to discuss animals, why not go to natural science
bob young
2005-05-23 04:43:02 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by John
One of the problems with the bible is that it was written by people with
an understanding of the world less sound than our understanding today.
Had Jesus been the direct son of God, you would have thought that he would
have better enlightened his followers about the world in which they lived,
but he didn't e.g. he didn't mention the period when dinosaurs roamed the
You are in philosophical and spiritual groups, which deal with
definitions of good and evil, right and wrong etc. etc. NOT your friggin
"dinosaurs". If you want to discuss animals, why not go to natural science
Pathetically poor response.

Suggestion; how about having a go at all the points mentioned instead of
picking out something that was simply used to establish the fact that we humans
and the dinosaurs have been around for billions of years.

It was back in those days that we first felt the fear of imagined evil spirits
and some clever early human had the bright idea of 'gods to scare them away'

Boy.............. did He start something!!!
2005-05-23 19:38:35 UTC
Oh dear, seems like I've upset Pastor Frank. I thought this group was about
religion and hypocrisy. Reckon my post was on topic. Why don't you try
"alt.manners.got.none" Franky boy?

Oh, just realised, are you a Christian by any chance. You seem the type to
me - self opinionated and abusive. Never mind, I shall rise above your
childish response to my first post. Good job I'm not sensitive eh?
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by John
One of the problems with the bible is that it was written by people with
an understanding of the world less sound than our understanding today.
Had Jesus been the direct son of God, you would have thought that he
would have better enlightened his followers about the world in which they
lived, but he didn't e.g. he didn't mention the period when dinosaurs
roamed the earth.
You are in philosophical and spiritual groups, which deal with
definitions of good and evil, right and wrong etc. etc. NOT your friggin
"dinosaurs". If you want to discuss animals, why not go to natural science
Carl Rooker
2005-05-23 01:35:50 UTC
Post by John
One of the problems with the bible is that it was written by people with an
understanding of the world less sound than our understanding today.
Had Jesus been the direct son of God, you would have thought that he would
have better enlightened his followers about the world in which they lived,
but he didn't e.g. he didn't mention the period when dinosaurs roamed the
The bible misses a significant amount of our history. This is due to the
fact that it was written by ordinary people doing their best to understand
the world around them. If Jesus had been the son of God, surely he would
have a better knowledge about the earth than he did. I think this is
reasonable evidence to support the view that Jesus was an ordinary man,
living in a world 2000 years ago with limited understanding of the world
around him.
God created the universe - I don't think so!
The Bible is NOT all about Creation, and the order of events. It is about
God's relationship to man, that said relationship is broken, and that Jesus
came, lived, died, and was risen to restore that relationship.

Jesus did not come to reveal all of the mysteries of Creation. He came to
redeem it for His Father.

So, the problem you mention is not with the Bible, but with what you would
perfer that it said. Given this, you missed the point, if you ever did read

God Bless
2005-05-23 01:45:22 UTC
oh, I guess we're taking the crock of shit bible out of context again.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 01:59:40 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
oh, I guess we're taking the crock of shit
bible out of context again.
Liberal atheist trash like you always do that.
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
But you will not be doing that, during your eternity burning hell, being
sodomised by Satan and his demons, pleading with us True Christians® in
heaven, for an oh-so-cooling golden shower.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 02:11:43 UTC
you have some sort of fascination with peeing on people, obviously, you must
be a catholic priest.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 04:00:16 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
you have some sort of fascination with peeing
on people, obviously, you must be a catholic priest.
We are sorry. Jesus says you have exceeded the free time allowance. If
you want more information, you must meet your tithing obligation.

Jesus says trying to take too much, and abusing His holy generosity, is
typical of liberal atheist trash.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 18:26:00 UTC
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Jesus says trying to take too much, and abusing His holy generosity, is
typical of liberal atheist trash.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 19:03:06 UTC
The only trash you will take, is when burning in Hell, you plead with us
True Christians® in Heaven, for an oh-so-cooling golden shower, or an extra
lump of blue ice at Christmas.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 19:49:15 UTC
Don't think so. Catholic priests are the ones who abuse little kids.
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
you have some sort of fascination with peeing on people, obviously, you
must be a catholic priest.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 00:51:53 UTC
Post by John
Don't think so. Catholic priests
are the ones who abuse little kids.

Jesus wants to offer you silver tithing privileges for only a bronze tithe.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
bob young
2005-05-23 04:49:05 UTC
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
oh, I guess we're taking the crock of shit
bible out of context again.
Liberal atheist trash like you always do that.
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
But you will not be doing that, during your eternity burning hell, being
sodomised by Satan and his demons, pleading with us True Christians® in
heaven, for an oh-so-cooling golden shower.
Your post makes about as much sense as this Hell story:

Someone in heaven was talking to the man in charge who told him his best
friend down on earth had just passed away.

“Oh I'm so looking forward to seeing him again” the man said. “Sorry” said
god, “But he will not be coming here because he has been a bit more naughty
than you, so your friend, I have to tell you, will be going to the other
place that we call Hell”.

So here's this man, sitting for eternity on the right hand of The Father in
Heaven, whilst his friend, who had been a little bit more sinful than he,
is about to roast forever and ever on burning coals in a place called Hell.

Is it conceivable that anything could be more banal, juvenile or crassly

Humanist Brit.
Hong Kong
Carl Rooker
2005-05-23 14:01:30 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
oh, I guess we're taking the crock of shit
bible out of context again.
Liberal atheist trash like you always do that.
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
But you will not be doing that, during your eternity burning hell, being
sodomised by Satan and his demons, pleading with us True Christians® in
heaven, for an oh-so-cooling golden shower.
Someone in heaven was talking to the man in charge who told him his best
friend down on earth had just passed away.
"Oh I'm so looking forward to seeing him again" the man said. "Sorry" said
god, "But he will not be coming here because he has been a bit more
Post by bob young
than you, so your friend, I have to tell you, will be going to the other
place that we call Hell".
So here's this man, sitting for eternity on the right hand of The Father in
Heaven, whilst his friend, who had been a little bit more sinful than he,
is about to roast forever and ever on burning coals in a place called Hell.
Is it conceivable that anything could be more banal, juvenile or crassly
Humanist Brit.
Hong Kong
What is inconcievable, banal, juvenile and crassly stupid is your attempt
to misrepresent what it is that we believe, and then to use it to discredit
what we believe.

All have sinned, and it makes no difference who has sinned more. All are
given the opportunity for reconciliation to God, and Salvation, as a gift to
be received or rejected.

Although it does break my heart that I have friends who reject the Love of
God, that is their choice.

God Bless
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 17:40:59 UTC
Post by bob young
Is it conceivable that anything could be
more banal, juvenile or crassly stupid?
Nothing could be more banal, juvenile or crassly stupid, than Atheism.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 23:23:12 UTC
nothing could be more damn stupid than christianity and believing in an
invisible man in the sky and his talking snake.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 00:54:35 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
nothing could be more damn stupid than christianity and believing
in an invisible man in the sky and his talking snake.
First, there was nothing. Then, there was an explosion.

Yeah, that makes sense, liberal atheist trash sense.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-24 03:52:19 UTC
the scientific books on how the earth came to be inhabitable are a hell of a
lot more believable than:

"he has always been". and this six days to create the world, lmao. .

how the hell can he "has always been"? ":god" would have had to have been
created from something.

you fruitcakes just say, "I am that I am".

hey nutcases, that's from the popeye cartoons back many years ago when we
were all kids. .
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 04:41:41 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
how the hell can he "has always been"? ":god"
It's a miracle, beyond the wit of liberal atheist trash like you.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Pastor Frank
2005-05-23 20:43:10 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
oh, I guess we're taking the crock of shit
bible out of context again.
Liberal atheist trash like you always do that.
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
But you will not be doing that, during your eternity burning hell, being
sodomised by Satan and his demons, pleading with us True Christians® in
heaven, for an oh-so-cooling golden shower.
Someone in heaven was talking to the man in charge who told him his best
friend down on earth had just passed away.
“Oh I'm so looking forward to seeing him again” the man said. “Sorry” said
god, “But he will not be coming here because he has been a bit more naughty
than you, so your friend, I have to tell you, will be going to the other
place that we call Hell”.
So here's this man, sitting for eternity on the right hand of The Father in
Heaven, whilst his friend, who had been a little bit more sinful than he,
is about to roast forever and ever on burning coals in a place called Hell.
Is it conceivable that anything could be more banal, juvenile or crassly
Humanist Brit.
Hong Kong
LOL "Sitting on the right hand of the Father" would be hell to you, for
you don't believe He exists. Then you are inundated by all those
worshippers, whom you hate. What could be more hell for you than that?
Why not start telling the truth Bob? Though you can go wherever you want
to go, you would rather roast in hell with your friends, than "sit on the
right hand of the Father". But in your case, it's hell wherever you go.
Carl Rooker
2005-05-23 13:56:44 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
oh, I guess we're taking the crock of shit bible out of context again.
No, but I did not say that either. I said that someone has missed the point
of the Scriptures, and proved it by pointing out that the Creation story
only covers 2 small chapters, while the rest of the Bible covers the problem
of our alienation from God, and the steps He is taking for reconciliation.

Again, you could not resist the temptation to insult, instead of debate. Of
course, it is much easier to insult than it is to think, isn't it.

Would you like to try again, and give your objection to my statement that
the Bible is more concerned with our relationship to God, than it is in
being a text book on how we were created?

God bless
2005-05-23 23:27:21 UTC
the bible is nothing but a crock of shit fairy tale about an invisible man
in the sky and his talking snake.

santa claus is a much better fairy tale, and the believers of santa claus
aren't bombing people simply because they believe in a different version of
santa claus than others do.

Plus with santa claus, if you're bad, you're only on the naughty list for a
year then you get a chance to redeem yourself. wth the "loving, caring" god,
you're born into the sinful nature of man.

plus santa's "elves" aren't molesting young children.

christianity, what a CROCK OF SHIT

The story below sums up the BULLSHIT that is christianity quite nicely.

Someone in heaven was talking to the man in charge who told him his best
friend down on earth had just passed away.

"Oh I'm so looking forward to seeing him again" the man said. "Sorry" said
god, "But he will not be coming here because he has been a bit more naughty
than you, so your friend, I have to tell you, will be going to the other
place that we call Hell".

So here's this man, sitting for eternity on the right hand of The Father in
Heaven, whilst his friend, who had been a little bit more sinful than he, is
about to roast forever and ever on burning coals in a place called Hell.

Is it conceivable that anything could be more banal, juvenile or crassly
fucking stupid?
2005-05-23 03:52:40 UTC
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
One of the problems with the bible is that it was written by people
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
understanding of the world less sound than our understanding today.
Had Jesus been the direct son of God, you would have thought that he would
have better enlightened his followers about the world in which they lived,
but he didn't e.g. he didn't mention the period when dinosaurs roamed the
The bible misses a significant amount of our history. This is due to the
fact that it was written by ordinary people doing their best to understand
the world around them. If Jesus had been the son of God, surely he would
have a better knowledge about the earth than he did. I think this is
reasonable evidence to support the view that Jesus was an ordinary man,
living in a world 2000 years ago with limited understanding of the world
around him.
God created the universe - I don't think so!
The Bible is NOT all about Creation, and the order of events. It is about
God's relationship to man, that said relationship is broken, and that Jesus
came, lived, died, and was risen to restore that relationship.
Jesus did not come to reveal all of the mysteries of Creation. He came to
redeem it for His Father.
So, the problem you mention is not with the Bible, but with what you would
perfer that it said. Given this, you missed the point, if you ever did read
God Bless
Yes. God never uses His Revelation to advance
material science or technology. To God, the
earthly life is, in itself, nothing compared to
the life beyond, which alone matters, and for
which the earthly life must be only a preparation,
or it has no value at all. To God, therefore,
only the life of the soul matters, and the
earthly life only in so far as it serves this,
and Revelation always makes this clear.

The dimensions of the creation go beyond matter
alone, above all for God, so that one has to allow
that Genesis may include a larger picture than
that of the material reality only. But such things
are, in any case, not the kernel of Revelation
and are not able to determine whether or not it
is worthy of belief.

Revelation and Faith must always be nonsense to
someone whose consciousness is buried in matter
alone, and who therefore judges it from an earthly
perspective only.

bob young
2005-05-23 04:51:03 UTC
Post by John
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
One of the problems with the bible is that it was written by people
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
understanding of the world less sound than our understanding today.
Had Jesus been the direct son of God, you would have thought that
he would
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
have better enlightened his followers about the world in which they
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
but he didn't e.g. he didn't mention the period when dinosaurs
roamed the
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
The bible misses a significant amount of our history. This is due
to the
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
fact that it was written by ordinary people doing their best to
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
the world around them. If Jesus had been the son of God, surely he
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
have a better knowledge about the earth than he did. I think this
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
reasonable evidence to support the view that Jesus was an ordinary
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
living in a world 2000 years ago with limited understanding of the
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
around him.
God created the universe - I don't think so!
The Bible is NOT all about Creation, and the order of events. It is
Post by Carl Rooker
God's relationship to man, that said relationship is broken, and that
Post by Carl Rooker
came, lived, died, and was risen to restore that relationship.
Jesus did not come to reveal all of the mysteries of Creation. He
came to
Post by Carl Rooker
redeem it for His Father.
So, the problem you mention is not with the Bible, but with what you
Post by Carl Rooker
perfer that it said. Given this, you missed the point, if you ever
did read
Post by Carl Rooker
God Bless
Yes. God never uses His Revelation to advance
material science or technology. To God, the
earthly life is, in itself, nothing compared to
the life beyond, which alone matters, and for
which the earthly life must be only a preparation,
or it has no value at all. To God, therefore,
only the life of the soul matters, and the
earthly life only in so far as it serves this,
and Revelation always makes this clear.
Post by John
The dimensions of the creation go beyond matter
alone, above all for God, so that one has to allow
that Genesis may include a larger picture than
that of the material reality only. But such things
are, in any case, not the kernel of Revelation
and are not able to determine whether or not it
is worthy of belief.
more drivel

Grow up while you still have a life to do it in!
Post by John
Revelation and Faith must always be nonsense to
someone whose consciousness is buried in matter
alone, and who therefore judges it from an earthly
perspective only.
2005-05-23 14:27:46 UTC
Post by bob young
more drivel
That argument doesn't seem to have been
worth even the time taken to type it out.
Post by bob young
Grow up while you still have a life to do it in!
You mean that that is your complacent-sounding
opinion of yourself, and I have to become like you?

2005-05-23 11:28:14 UTC
Post by alen
Revelation and Faith must always be nonsense to
someone whose consciousness is buried in matter
alone, and who therefore judges it from an earthly
perspective only.
voodoo stories of an invisible man in the sky that no one has ever seen are
nonsense to those people with a brain.

where oh where is the invisible man in the sky and his talking snake in the
garden of eden?
bob young
2005-05-23 04:47:03 UTC
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
One of the problems with the bible is that it was written by people with
Post by John
understanding of the world less sound than our understanding today.
Had Jesus been the direct son of God, you would have thought that he would
have better enlightened his followers about the world in which they lived,
but he didn't e.g. he didn't mention the period when dinosaurs roamed the
The bible misses a significant amount of our history. This is due to the
fact that it was written by ordinary people doing their best to understand
the world around them. If Jesus had been the son of God, surely he would
have a better knowledge about the earth than he did. I think this is
reasonable evidence to support the view that Jesus was an ordinary man,
living in a world 2000 years ago with limited understanding of the world
around him.
God created the universe - I don't think so!
The Bible is NOT all about Creation, and the order of events. It is about
God's relationship to man, that said relationship is broken, and that Jesus
came, lived, died, and was risen to restore that relationship.
Jesus did not come to reveal all of the mysteries of Creation. He came to
redeem it for His Father.
So, the problem you mention is not with the Bible, but with what you would
perfer that it said. Given this, you missed the point, if you ever did read
God Bless
Another pathetically poor response, ignoring compltetely the silly stories
about creation on the book of genesis
2005-05-23 19:55:42 UTC
bob young certainly does write drivel. Surprisingly he dismisses your
obsevation without remorse.
Post by bob young
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by John
One of the problems with the bible is that it was written by people with
Post by John
understanding of the world less sound than our understanding today.
Had Jesus been the direct son of God, you would have thought that he would
have better enlightened his followers about the world in which they lived,
but he didn't e.g. he didn't mention the period when dinosaurs roamed the
The bible misses a significant amount of our history. This is due to the
fact that it was written by ordinary people doing their best to understand
the world around them. If Jesus had been the son of God, surely he would
have a better knowledge about the earth than he did. I think this is
reasonable evidence to support the view that Jesus was an ordinary man,
living in a world 2000 years ago with limited understanding of the world
around him.
God created the universe - I don't think so!
The Bible is NOT all about Creation, and the order of events. It is about
God's relationship to man, that said relationship is broken, and that Jesus
came, lived, died, and was risen to restore that relationship.
Jesus did not come to reveal all of the mysteries of Creation. He came to
redeem it for His Father.
So, the problem you mention is not with the Bible, but with what you would
perfer that it said. Given this, you missed the point, if you ever did read
God Bless
Another pathetically poor response, ignoring compltetely the silly stories
about creation on the book of genesis
bob young
2005-05-23 04:39:03 UTC
Post by John
One of the problems with the bible is that it was written by people with an
understanding of the world less sound than our understanding today.
Had Jesus been the direct son of God, you would have thought that he would
have better enlightened his followers about the world in which they lived,
but he didn't e.g. he didn't mention the period when dinosaurs roamed the
The bible misses a significant amount of our history. This is due to the
fact that it was written by ordinary people doing their best to understand
the world around them. If Jesus had been the son of God, surely he would
have a better knowledge about the earth than he did. I think this is
reasonable evidence to support the view that Jesus was an ordinary man,
living in a world 2000 years ago with limited understanding of the world
around him.
God created the universe - I don't think so!
Unlikely also that JC was His son as nothing is known about Him until he gets
past age twenty. Seems to suggest that if He was a real person He was simply a
very well known preacher hijacked to prop up a flagging belief. The son of a
god lives in obscurity for twenty years!!!!!

Like all the rest of it - unbelievable
Post by John
Post by wmech
Bible inconsistencies and pure myths.
1.. The Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that
are known to science. In Genesis, the earth is created before light and
stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants
before any animals. The true order of events was just the opposite. 1:1-2:3
2.. God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from
night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the
sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be
"the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark
them? 1:3-5
3.. God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day)
working on a solid firmament. This strange structure, which God calls
heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters.
4.. Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their
photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11
5.. God lets "the earth bring forth" the plants, rather than creating them
directly. Maybe Genesis is not so anti-evolution after all. 1:11
6.. In an apparent endorsement of astrology, God places the sun, moon, and
stars in the firmament so that they can be used "for signs". This, of
course, is exactly what astrologers do: read "the signs" in the Zodiac in an
effort to predict what will happen on Earth. 1:14
7.. God makes two lights: "the greater light [the sun] to rule the day,
and the lesser light [the moon] to rule the night." But the moon is not a
light, but only reflects light from the sun. And why, if God made the moon
to "rule the night", does it spend half of its time moving through the
daytime sky? 1:16
8.. "He made the stars also." God spends a day making light (before making
the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard
day's work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of stars.
9.. "And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give
light upon the earth." 1:17
10.. In verse 11, God "let the earth bring forth" the plants. Now he has
the earth "bring forth" the animals as well. So maybe the creationists have
it all wrong. Maybe God created livings things through the process of
evolution. 1:24
11.. God gave humans dominion over every other living thing on earth. 1:26
12.. God commands us to "be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the
earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over ... every living thing that
moveth upon the earth." 1:28
13.. All animals were originally herbivores. Tapeworms, vampire bats,
mosquitoes, and barracudas -- all were strict vegetarians, as they were
created by God. 1:30
14.. "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good." He purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and
death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey. 1:31
15.. In Genesis 1 the entire creation takes 6 days, but the universe is at
least 12 billion years old, with new stars constantly being formed. 1:31
16.. Humans were not created instantaneously from dust and breath, but
evolved over millions of years from simpler life forms. 2:7
17.. After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of
several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. But animals
were not created instantaneously from the ground, but evolved over millions
of years. And we still don't have names for all of them. Ten thousand new
species of insects are discovered and named each year. 2:18-22
18.. God curses the serpent. From now on the serpent will crawl on his
belly and eat dust. One wonders how he got around before -- by hopping on
his tail, perhaps? But snakes don't eat dust, do they? 3:14
19.. Because Adam listened to Eve, God cursed the ground and causes thorns
and thistles to grow. Before this, according to the (false) Genesis story,
plants had no natural defenses. The rose had no thorn, cacti were spineless,
holly leaves were smooth, and the nettle had no sting. Foxgloves, oleander,
and milkweeds were all perfectly safe to eat. 3:17-18
20.. "There were giants in the earth in those days." Well, I suppose it's
good to know that. But why is there no archaeological evidence for the
existence of these giants? 6:4
21.. Noah is told to make an ark that is 450 feet long. 6:14-15
22.. Whether by twos or by sevens, Noah takes male and female
representatives from each species of "every thing that creepeth upon the
earth." 7:8
23.. God opens the "windows of heaven." He does this every time it rains.
24.. All of the animals boarded the ark "in the selfsame day." 7:13-14
How do you get over 2,000,000 animals to board an arch in one day?
How do you feed all these animals for a year?
25.. The flood covered the highest mountain tops (Mount Everest?) with
fifteen cubits to spare. 7:20
26.. "The windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was
restrained." This happens whenever it stops raining. 8:2
27.. Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry land. But the dove
returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later, the dove goes out
again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an olive tree survive
the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they certainly wouldn't
germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. 8:8-11
28.. When the animals left the ark, what would they have eaten? There
would have been no plants after the ground had been submerged for nearly a
year. What would the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would
have gone extinct. And how did the New World primates or the Australian
marsupials find there way back after the flood subsided? 8:19
29.. Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns their dead bodies for God.
According to 7:8 this would have caused the extinction of all "clean"
animals since only two of each were taken onto the ark. 8:20-21
30.. "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth." Although this
would have been good advice for the mythical Noah, it is deadly advice for
humankind as a whole. Overpopulation is one of our greatest problems, yet
there is nothing in the bible to address it. 9:1
31.. According to this verse, all animals fear humans. Although it is true
that many do, it is also true that some do not. Sharks and grizzly bears,
for example, are generally much less afraid of us than we are of them. 9:2
32.. "Into your hand are they (the animals) delivered." God gave the
animals to humans, and they can do whatever they please with them. This
verse has been used by bible believers to justify all kinds of cruelty to
anmials and environmental destruction. 9:2
33.. God is rightly filled with remorse for having killed his creatures.
He even puts the rainbow in the sky to remind himself of his promise to the
animals not to do it again. But rainbows are caused by the nature of light,
the refractive index of water, and the shape of raindrops. There were
rainbows billions of years before humans existed. 9:13
34.. Some creationists believe that this verse refers to continental
drift, which, they say, began to occur during the days of Pelag (which means
"division"), about 100 or so years after the flood. But many other
creationists disagree. 10:25
35.. "The whole earth was of one language." But this could not be true,
since by this time (around 2400 BCE) there were already many languages, each
unintelligible to the others. 11:1, 6
36.. God worries that people could actually build a tower high enough to
reach him (them?) in heaven. 11:4
37.. According to the Tower of Babel story, the many human languages were
created instantaneously by God. But actually the various languages evolved
gradually over long periods of time. 11:9
38.. The ridiculously long lives of the patriarchs. 11:10-32
39.. "And they returned to the land of the Philistines." But the
Philistines didn't arrive in the region of Canaan until around 1400 BCE --
600 years after Abraham's supposed migration from Ur. 21:32, 26:1, 21:32,
21:32, 8, 15, 18
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 13:17:37 UTC
Post by bob young
Like all the rest of it - unbelievable
You'll believe it when you are sent to Hell for an eternity burning and
being sodomised by Satan and his demons.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 19:56:43 UTC
Seems unlikely.
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by bob young
Like all the rest of it - unbelievable
You'll believe it when you are sent to Hell for an eternity burning and
being sodomised by Satan and his demons.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 01:23:30 UTC
Post by John
Seems unlikely.
Let me get this straight. When you are sent to Hell for eternity burning
and being sodomised by Satan and his demons, you still will not believe it?

And then Atheists complain because we call them trash.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-24 03:55:30 UTC
when we are dead, we are dead, there is no hell, there is no god and there
is no magical mystery fantasy land called heaven.

hey religious nutcase, if there is a heaven and it is so fucking wonderful,
then why doesn't the "loving, caring" god allow some people that are already
up there to come down and tell us what a wonderful place the magical mystery
fantasy land is.

Okay, waiting for bullshit answer #30 from the religious fruitcakes.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 04:12:07 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
when we are dead, we are dead
Atheist logic again. They think it creates problems for we True Christian®
adherents of the dear Lord Jesus.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-22 21:04:16 UTC
Post by wmech
Bible inconsistencies and pure myths.
The wisdom of God appears foolish to unsaved liberal atheist trash.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-22 21:11:10 UTC
The wisdom of God appears foolish to unsaved liberal atheist trash."
no, the wisdom of god appears foolish to anyone with a brain !
(the anyone with a brain requirement obviously rules out republicscums and
religious fools, er excuse me, I mean followers).
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-22 21:44:54 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
no, the wisdom of god appears foolish to anyone
with a brain ! (the anyone with a brain requirement
obviously rules out republicscums and religious
fools, er excuse me, I mean followers).
We will see who the fool is, when your burning in hell, being sodomised by
Satan and his Demons, pleading with us Christians in heaven, for an oh-so-
cooling golden shower.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
bob young
2005-05-23 04:52:05 UTC
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
no, the wisdom of god appears foolish to anyone
with a brain ! (the anyone with a brain requirement
obviously rules out republicscums and religious
fools, er excuse me, I mean followers).
We will see who the fool is, when your burning in hell, being sodomised by
Satan and his Demons, pleading with us Christians in heaven, for an oh-so-
cooling golden shower.
Totally empty threats based on ancient mythology from early simple, unwashed,
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 17:48:13 UTC
Post by bob young
Totally empty threats based on ancient mythology
from early simple, unwashed, humans
What do you think Baptism is? How then can we be unwashed?

Nothing beats Atheism for stupidity.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-22 21:47:05 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
no, the wisdom of god appears foolish to anyone
with a brain ! (the anyone with a brain requirement
obviously rules out republicscums and religious
fools, er excuse me, I mean followers).
We will see who the fool is, when your burning in hell, being sodomised by
Satan and his Demons, pleading with us Christians in heaven, for an oh-so-
cooling golden shower.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-22 23:14:26 UTC
lmao. there is no magical mystery fantasy land called heaven.

You christians are simply amazing.

you claim god made the world, but it's all fucked up because of man.
Then you claim that god made heaven too, but heaven will be SO MUCH BETTER
even though heaven will have man in it too. .

so, god fucks up one world, but the next one he made will be oh so much
better. lol

heaven, it's the magical mystery fantasy land.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-22 23:59:27 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
Then you claim that god made heaven too, but heaven will be
SO MUCH BETTER even though heaven will have man in it too. .
Heaven's going to be so much better than where you're going, to be molested
by deranged beasts of His making. You are going to look forward to your
annual Christmas lump of blue ice, two if United win the cup.

Then we will laugh all our arses off at your discomfiture.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 00:09:13 UTC
When I die, my body will be in a coffin in the ground, much like yours.

There is no soul left since I will be dead, again just like you.

There is no magical mystery fantasy land called heaven.

Where oh where is the invisible man in the sky? lmao.
Katie Fisher
2005-05-23 00:52:54 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
Where oh where is the invisible man in the sky? lmao.

From: The Broomleigh Baptist Salvation Evaluation Committee (Subcommittee
for the Irretrievably Lost, Whether Catholics, Mormons, Muslims or
Unrepentant Serial Killers)

To: "killgod"

Re: Your Salvation

As the vessel of the Lord's perfect message of boundless wrath and
annoyance with His imperfect creations, the matter of your wistful hopes
of salvation was brought before the full board of the Broomleigh Baptist
Salvation Evaluation Committee on this very day.

After a suitable time for contemplation, no matter how seemingly brief,
it was determined by unanimous consent of all True Christians present the
following findings of fact:

1. You are a thoroughly annoying person;

2. Your presence in God's Glory would make it extremely difficult
for "Heaven" to live up to its name; and

3. Therefore, you have been damned to an everlasting Hell, to have
your flesh gnawed at by voracious hoofed demons.

The Lord has specifically asked us to remind you that your consignment to
perpetual torture at the hands of deranged beasts of His making should in
no manner be construed as any indication that the Lord has, by either
design or omission, discontinued His unconditional love for you.

And, further, you are not to construe our relief in the knowledge that we
shall not be sharing God's Glory with someone as appallingly wretched as
you (or the look of sublime delight that flashes across our otherwise
inscrutable faces when we contemplate the agony of your much deserved
destiny) as diminishing our love for you as True Christians.

Wishing you a speedy descent,

Mrs. Katie Fisher, Chairlady & Britain's Best Christian
Katie Fisher, DD, FFD
Britain's Best Christian
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
31 Baring Road, Croydon CR0 7DD, Great Britain
2005-05-23 01:11:25 UTC
lmao, now that was funny !

I find it amazing that you religious fruitcakes believe this shit.

absolutely amazing.

the invisible man in the sky. lmao.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 01:24:24 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
lmao, now that was funny !
I find it amazing that you religious
fruitcakes believe this shit.
That's because I have studied the sacred science of Christology, and you
are a worthless piece of ignorant liberal atheist trash. Please begin your
introduction to Christology by checking out our Child's Guide to Jesus, at

Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 01:33:02 UTC
sacred science of christology....lol

talk about a play on words, there is no science involved when you're talking
about the magical mystery fantasy land called heaven and the invisible man
in the sky.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 01:45:05 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
sacred science of christology....lol
talk about a play on words, there is no science involved
when you're talking about the magical mystery fantasy land
called heaven and the invisible man in the sky.
Just read the fucking thing, for God's bloody sake.


Love in Jesus
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Pastor Frank
2005-05-23 14:29:30 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
lmao, now that was funny !
I find it amazing that you religious fruitcakes believe this shit.
absolutely amazing.
the invisible man in the sky. lmao.
That invisible man in the sky, that sky-daddy, doesn't exist. Get over
2005-05-23 19:59:08 UTC
Spoken like a true Christian. At least the type I've met.
Post by Katie Fisher
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
Where oh where is the invisible man in the sky? lmao.
From: The Broomleigh Baptist Salvation Evaluation Committee (Subcommittee
for the Irretrievably Lost, Whether Catholics, Mormons, Muslims or
Unrepentant Serial Killers)
To: "killgod"
Re: Your Salvation
As the vessel of the Lord's perfect message of boundless wrath and
annoyance with His imperfect creations, the matter of your wistful hopes
of salvation was brought before the full board of the Broomleigh Baptist
Salvation Evaluation Committee on this very day.
After a suitable time for contemplation, no matter how seemingly brief,
it was determined by unanimous consent of all True Christians present the
1. You are a thoroughly annoying person;
2. Your presence in God's Glory would make it extremely difficult
for "Heaven" to live up to its name; and
3. Therefore, you have been damned to an everlasting Hell, to have
your flesh gnawed at by voracious hoofed demons.
The Lord has specifically asked us to remind you that your consignment to
perpetual torture at the hands of deranged beasts of His making should in
no manner be construed as any indication that the Lord has, by either
design or omission, discontinued His unconditional love for you.
And, further, you are not to construe our relief in the knowledge that we
shall not be sharing God's Glory with someone as appallingly wretched as
you (or the look of sublime delight that flashes across our otherwise
inscrutable faces when we contemplate the agony of your much deserved
destiny) as diminishing our love for you as True Christians.
Wishing you a speedy descent,
Mrs. Katie Fisher, Chairlady & Britain's Best Christian
Katie Fisher, DD, FFD
Britain's Best Christian
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
31 Baring Road, Croydon CR0 7DD, Great Britain
Katie Fisher
2005-05-24 01:47:01 UTC
Post by John
Spoken like a true Christian. At least the type I've met.
No surprise. We are the True Christian® church.
Katie Fisher, DD, FFD
Britain's Best Christian
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
31 Baring Road, Croydon CR0 7DD, Great Britain
Pastor Frank
2005-05-23 10:34:52 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
When I die, my body will be in a coffin in the ground, much like yours.
There is no soul left since I will be dead, again just like you.
There is no magical mystery fantasy land called heaven.
Where oh where is the invisible man in the sky? lmao.
That works only if this is the only reality. Religion holds, that there
are multiple realities such as Here and now, heaven and hell etc. and that
death is the door by which one goes from one reality to the next.
Where will you be going? Will you find yourself in heaven, with a god
you don't believe in and amidst of a crowd of worshippers you hate? That
would be hell for you, right? Or will you find yourself in hell, where your
friends are likely to be, and where you, along with all the other inmates,
can complain to each other for all eternity, about what's wrong with
everything and everyone.
For you it's hell wherever you go, isn't it?

Pastor Frank

Jesus in Mt:8:12: But the children of Satan's kingdom shall be cast into
outer darkness: There shall be wailing (of interminable complaints) and
gnashing of teeth (in furious anger and frustration).
Pastor Frank
2005-05-24 01:52:34 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
For you it's hell wherever you go, isn't it?
Will be if you manage to con God into believing you are me.

Please ignore the fake Pastor Frank.
Pastor Frank Santos ~ Bernhard Schornak
Broomleigh Evangelische Kirche GmbH (Zurich)
Hardenbergstr. 14, D-Augsburg 86165, Germany
+ 49 - 0821 - 729 87 83
2005-05-24 04:02:04 UTC
no, it's hell living on a planet where the damn religious fruitcakes are
trying to push their lying bullshit agenda on us.

save america, ban religion.

if there is a god as you say, where is he? Where is the invisible man in the
sky? bring him on down? Or is he too much of a chicken-shit to face me?

What you say? I'll get to meet him in death? good, then I can BASH HIS
FUCKING HEAD IN for him being a complete fucking asshole and allowing
priests to molest young children, for allowing child molesters to rape and
murder young children.

You know what, I do hope I get to meet this bullshit god of yours so I can
DEATH TO YOUR BULLSHIT GOD. Death to the invisible man in the sky

bring the dumbfuck on, c'mon christian bullshit god, I am going to take you
out and rid your evil and your fucking lies from this planet ONCE AND FOR

Come face me bullshit christian god or are you too much of a fucking
chicken-shit to do so ? c'mon down fuckhole.

death to the invisible man in the sky and his talking snake in the garden of
eden. . lmao.

That people still believe this concept of a BULLSHIT god in the year 2005 is
2005-05-23 00:13:23 UTC
Your living in your own dream world - not reality.

Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
Then you claim that god made heaven too, but heaven will be
SO MUCH BETTER even though heaven will have man in it too. .
Heaven's going to be so much better than where you're going, to be molested
by deranged beasts of His making. You are going to look forward to your
annual Christmas lump of blue ice, two if United win the cup.
Then we will laugh all our arses off at your discomfiture.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 00:56:51 UTC
Post by wmech
Your living in your own dream world - not reality.
You're going to spend eternity dying in Satan's world, Hell, being burned
and sodomised by demons.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 01:12:24 UTC
well, hell, what's the alternative? hey, he could go be sodomized by
catholic priests.
your "loving, caring" god does nothing about that.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 01:29:29 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
well, hell, what's the alternative? hey,
he could go be sodomized by catholic priests.
your "loving, caring" god does nothing about that.
Not true. In fact the last Mary worshipping alter boy fondling Pope only
died at the insistence of God's True Christian church.

Please check your facts, at http://www.papaldeath.broomleigh.org/ .
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 01:35:37 UTC
I don't need to read religious bullshit, the facts are that your "loving,
caring" god does NOTHING about catholic priests molesting young boys

on the bright side, in the article you state, it's yet another place where
they do admit that god is a murderer (shock and surprise).
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 01:51:36 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
I don't need to read religious bullshit, the facts
are that your "loving, caring" god does NOTHING
about catholic priests molesting young boys
Our God does. He hates poofs, nearly as much as he hates Catholics.


Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
on the bright side, in the article you state,
it's yet another place where they do admit that
god is a murderer (shock and surprise).
What's wrong with that? God makes a mistake, creating something, like he
did with you, so he puts it right, as he will with you, when you're in
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 02:01:21 UTC
well it figures that a religious person would ask a question like "what's
wrong with murder".

after all, more people have been killed in the name of god than for all
other reasons combined.

so, god made a mistake creating young children too, which is why he MURDERS
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 02:06:39 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
so, god made a mistake creating young children
too, which is why he MURDERS them?
I see you have begun your study of the sacred science of Christology.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 02:12:35 UTC
it's quite obvious that your "loving, caring" god is a murderer

he even states so in the bible.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 04:05:56 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
it's quite obvious that your "loving, caring" god is a murderer
he even states so in the bible.
Jesus wants you to say if you've got a problem with that, ignorant liberal
atheist trash?

Jesus says you're a closet Mary worshipping, homersexual paedophile priest,
from the evil Cathylic cult.

Love in His sacred Name
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 11:30:55 UTC
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Jesus wants you to say if you've got a problem with that, ignorant liberal
atheist trash?
Jesus says you're a closet Mary worshipping, homersexual paedophile priest,
from the evil Cathylic cult.
Love in His sacred Name
you religious fruitcakes are going off the deep end, you call people names
and then at the end "love in his sacred name". lmao.
I'm sure your "loving, caring" god would be so proud.

The only good invisible man in the sky is a dead, non-existant invisible man
in the sky
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 17:52:03 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
I'm sure your "loving, caring" god would be so proud.
He is. He would be proud of you, were you to meet your tithing
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 23:05:22 UTC
if I ever see your loving, caring god, I am going to kill him.

Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 00:58:13 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
if I ever see your loving, caring
god, I am going to kill him.
No man can see God and live. Bad luck. You die first.

I'd like to say we're going to miss you, but that would be a lie. When you
plead with us in heaven for a little cooling, our golden showers will hit.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-24 04:04:22 UTC
why the fuck is it no man can see god and live?
Is your bullshit god that much of a fucking coward that he can't come face
me ? ?

C'mon, bring your bullshit god to me. I am going to BASH HIS DAMN HEAD IN.
Death to your bullshit god.

Are you scared that I am more powerful than your bulllshit god?
2005-05-23 14:50:45 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
I don't need to read religious bullshit, the facts are that your "loving,
caring" god does NOTHING about catholic priests molesting young boys
on the bright side, in the article you state, it's yet another place where
they do admit that god is a murderer (shock and surprise).
Well, God molested Mary. What kind of god would fuck a human?
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 19:13:54 UTC
Post by Nog
Well, God molested Mary. What
kind of god would fuck a human?
Mary did not complain. You got a problem with that?

God hates homosexual Mary worshipping paedophile Catholic priests.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
bob young
2005-05-23 04:55:07 UTC
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
Then you claim that god made heaven too, but heaven will be
SO MUCH BETTER even though heaven will have man in it too. .
Heaven's going to be so much better than where you're going, to be molested
by deranged beasts of His making. You are going to look forward to your
annual Christmas lump of blue ice, two if United win the cup.
Then we will laugh all our arses off at your discomfiture.
Well they lost and your fire and brimstone loses too, it is painfully
primitive rubbish. But you knew that didn't you?
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 17:57:08 UTC
Post by bob young
But you knew that didn't you?
Yes, I know you're going to Hell, and I'm looking forward to it.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Pastor Frank
2005-05-23 21:06:13 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
Then you claim that god made heaven too, but heaven will be
SO MUCH BETTER even though heaven will have man in it too. .
Heaven's going to be so much better than where you're going, to be molested
by deranged beasts of His making. You are going to look forward to your
annual Christmas lump of blue ice, two if United win the cup.
Then we will laugh all our arses off at your discomfiture.
Well they lost and your fire and brimstone loses too, it is painfully
primitive rubbish. But you knew that didn't you?
Our fake Rev. Dr. Dick Foot knows everything. Don't kid yourself. He
knows all your aliases, and if you are short of the quota he will make some
up for you, if not also impersonate you. Interpol is looking for him on
account of identity theft and lewd behaviour in front to children. He is a
well known penis-worshipper posting to news:alt.fan.my-big-hairy-penis,
alt.tasteless.penis, alt.masturbation and alt.fuck.
I would suggest you quickly accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, or
you might end up in hell with him. Once there, a cork in your posterior
won't stop him from sodomizing you with his red hot Satanic poker.
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-24 01:10:14 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Our fake Rev. Dr. Dick Foot knows everything.
Have you been abusing my name as well? I have received complaints about
your identity theft from my colleague Pastor Frank Bernhard Schornak in
Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-24 04:05:22 UTC
he's your typical bible-thumper in other words
bob young
2005-05-23 04:53:04 UTC
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
lmao. there is no magical mystery fantasy land called heaven.
You christians are simply amazing.
you claim god made the world, but it's all fucked up because of man.
Then you claim that god made heaven too, but heaven will be SO MUCH BETTER
even though heaven will have man in it too. .
so, god fucks up one world, but the next one he made will be oh so much
better. lol
heaven, it's the magical mystery fantasy land.
The Primitives loved it....but...hey....we are no longer primitives are we?
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 18:04:04 UTC
Post by bob young
The Primitives loved it....but...hey....we
are no longer primitives are we?
You are primitive, and all primitive atheists like you, are going to Hell,
to have their flesh gnawed by deranged beasts our holy God made
specifically for the purpose.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-05-23 18:27:45 UTC
Post by Rev Dr Dick Foot
Post by bob young
The Primitives loved it....but...hey....we
are no longer primitives are we?
You are primitive, and all primitive atheists like you, are going to Hell,
to have their flesh gnawed by deranged beasts our holy God made
specifically for the purpose.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Rev Dr Dick Foot
2005-05-23 19:18:44 UTC
You don't like Christianity, then?
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zurich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Pastor Frank
2005-05-23 20:46:54 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
lmao. there is no magical mystery fantasy land called heaven.
You christians are simply amazing.
you claim god made the world, but it's all fucked up because of man.
Then you claim that god made heaven too, but heaven will be SO MUCH BETTER
even though heaven will have man in it too. .
so, god fucks up one world, but the next one he made will be oh so much
better. lol
heaven, it's the magical mystery fantasy land.
The Primitives loved it....but...hey....we are no longer primitives are we?
"no longer primitives"? You are kidding of course. Your understanding of
ancient moral and social philosophy is "primitive" to the extreme.
Carl Rooker
2005-05-23 01:44:00 UTC
Well, at least this time you did a fairly decent job of stating why you
believe the Bible is incorrect, without too much distortion...Good job.

However, what you fail to see (probably because too much argument has gone
on about the how's of Creation) is that the Bible is not a textbook explaing
all of the mysteries of Creation. In this particular section it is merely
stating that God did create it, and that the problem with the current
Creation is not evolution, but that the relationship between God and His
creation got messed up, by Satan's and man's sin. That is why He spent 2
small chapters on Creation, and the rest of the 67 books on this broken
relationship, and His attempt at reconciliation.

You have simply missed the point.

God Bless
Post by wmech
Bible inconsistencies and pure myths.
1.. The Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that
are known to science. In Genesis, the earth is created before light and
stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants
before any animals. The true order of events was just the opposite. 1:1-2:3
2.. God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from
night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the
sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be
"the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark
them? 1:3-5
3.. God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day)
working on a solid firmament. This strange structure, which God calls
heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters.
4.. Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their
photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11
5.. God lets "the earth bring forth" the plants, rather than creating them
directly. Maybe Genesis is not so anti-evolution after all. 1:11
6.. In an apparent endorsement of astrology, God places the sun, moon, and
stars in the firmament so that they can be used "for signs". This, of
course, is exactly what astrologers do: read "the signs" in the Zodiac in an
effort to predict what will happen on Earth. 1:14
7.. God makes two lights: "the greater light [the sun] to rule the day,
and the lesser light [the moon] to rule the night." But the moon is not a
light, but only reflects light from the sun. And why, if God made the moon
to "rule the night", does it spend half of its time moving through the
daytime sky? 1:16
8.. "He made the stars also." God spends a day making light (before making
the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard
day's work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of stars.
9.. "And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give
light upon the earth." 1:17
10.. In verse 11, God "let the earth bring forth" the plants. Now he has
the earth "bring forth" the animals as well. So maybe the creationists have
it all wrong. Maybe God created livings things through the process of
evolution. 1:24
11.. God gave humans dominion over every other living thing on earth. 1:26
12.. God commands us to "be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the
earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over ... every living thing that
moveth upon the earth." 1:28
13.. All animals were originally herbivores. Tapeworms, vampire bats,
mosquitoes, and barracudas -- all were strict vegetarians, as they were
created by God. 1:30
14.. "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good." He purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and
death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey. 1:31
15.. In Genesis 1 the entire creation takes 6 days, but the universe is at
least 12 billion years old, with new stars constantly being formed. 1:31
16.. Humans were not created instantaneously from dust and breath, but
evolved over millions of years from simpler life forms. 2:7
17.. After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of
several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. But animals
were not created instantaneously from the ground, but evolved over millions
of years. And we still don't have names for all of them. Ten thousand new
species of insects are discovered and named each year. 2:18-22
18.. God curses the serpent. From now on the serpent will crawl on his
belly and eat dust. One wonders how he got around before -- by hopping on
his tail, perhaps? But snakes don't eat dust, do they? 3:14
19.. Because Adam listened to Eve, God cursed the ground and causes thorns
and thistles to grow. Before this, according to the (false) Genesis story,
plants had no natural defenses. The rose had no thorn, cacti were spineless,
holly leaves were smooth, and the nettle had no sting. Foxgloves, oleander,
and milkweeds were all perfectly safe to eat. 3:17-18
20.. "There were giants in the earth in those days." Well, I suppose it's
good to know that. But why is there no archaeological evidence for the
existence of these giants? 6:4
21.. Noah is told to make an ark that is 450 feet long. 6:14-15
22.. Whether by twos or by sevens, Noah takes male and female
representatives from each species of "every thing that creepeth upon the
earth." 7:8
23.. God opens the "windows of heaven." He does this every time it rains.
24.. All of the animals boarded the ark "in the selfsame day." 7:13-14
How do you get over 2,000,000 animals to board an arch in one day?
How do you feed all these animals for a year?
25.. The flood covered the highest mountain tops (Mount Everest?) with
fifteen cubits to spare. 7:20
26.. "The windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was
restrained." This happens whenever it stops raining. 8:2
27.. Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry land. But the dove
returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later, the dove goes out
again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an olive tree survive
the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they certainly wouldn't
germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. 8:8-11
28.. When the animals left the ark, what would they have eaten? There
would have been no plants after the ground had been submerged for nearly a
year. What would the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would
have gone extinct. And how did the New World primates or the Australian
marsupials find there way back after the flood subsided? 8:19
29.. Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns their dead bodies for God.
According to 7:8 this would have caused the extinction of all "clean"
animals since only two of each were taken onto the ark. 8:20-21
30.. "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth." Although this
would have been good advice for the mythical Noah, it is deadly advice for
humankind as a whole. Overpopulation is one of our greatest problems, yet
there is nothing in the bible to address it. 9:1
31.. According to this verse, all animals fear humans. Although it is true
that many do, it is also true that some do not. Sharks and grizzly bears,
for example, are generally much less afraid of us than we are of them. 9:2
32.. "Into your hand are they (the animals) delivered." God gave the
animals to humans, and they can do whatever they please with them. This
verse has been used by bible believers to justify all kinds of cruelty to
anmials and environmental destruction. 9:2
33.. God is rightly filled with remorse for having killed his creatures.
He even puts the rainbow in the sky to remind himself of his promise to the
animals not to do it again. But rainbows are caused by the nature of light,
the refractive index of water, and the shape of raindrops. There were
rainbows billions of years before humans existed. 9:13
34.. Some creationists believe that this verse refers to continental
drift, which, they say, began to occur during the days of Pelag (which means
"division"), about 100 or so years after the flood. But many other
creationists disagree. 10:25
35.. "The whole earth was of one language." But this could not be true,
since by this time (around 2400 BCE) there were already many languages, each
unintelligible to the others. 11:1, 6
36.. God worries that people could actually build a tower high enough to
reach him (them?) in heaven. 11:4
37.. According to the Tower of Babel story, the many human languages were
created instantaneously by God. But actually the various languages evolved
gradually over long periods of time. 11:9
38.. The ridiculously long lives of the patriarchs. 11:10-32
39.. "And they returned to the land of the Philistines." But the
Philistines didn't arrive in the region of Canaan until around 1400 BCE --
600 years after Abraham's supposed migration from Ur. 21:32, 26:1, 21:32,
21:32, 8, 15, 18
2005-05-23 20:07:56 UTC
But what is the point Carl?
Post by Carl Rooker
Well, at least this time you did a fairly decent job of stating why you
believe the Bible is incorrect, without too much distortion...Good job.
However, what you fail to see (probably because too much argument has gone
on about the how's of Creation) is that the Bible is not a textbook explaing
all of the mysteries of Creation. In this particular section it is merely
stating that God did create it, and that the problem with the current
Creation is not evolution, but that the relationship between God and His
creation got messed up, by Satan's and man's sin. That is why He spent 2
small chapters on Creation, and the rest of the 67 books on this broken
relationship, and His attempt at reconciliation.
You have simply missed the point.
God Bless
Post by wmech
Bible inconsistencies and pure myths.
1.. The Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that
are known to science. In Genesis, the earth is created before light and
stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants
before any animals. The true order of events was just the opposite.
Post by wmech
2.. God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from
night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects
Post by wmech
sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be
"the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark
them? 1:3-5
3.. God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day)
working on a solid firmament. This strange structure, which God calls
heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters.
4.. Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their
photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11
5.. God lets "the earth bring forth" the plants, rather than creating them
directly. Maybe Genesis is not so anti-evolution after all. 1:11
6.. In an apparent endorsement of astrology, God places the sun, moon, and
stars in the firmament so that they can be used "for signs". This, of
course, is exactly what astrologers do: read "the signs" in the Zodiac in
Post by wmech
effort to predict what will happen on Earth. 1:14
7.. God makes two lights: "the greater light [the sun] to rule the day,
and the lesser light [the moon] to rule the night." But the moon is not a
light, but only reflects light from the sun. And why, if God made the moon
to "rule the night", does it spend half of its time moving through the
daytime sky? 1:16
8.. "He made the stars also." God spends a day making light (before making
the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard
day's work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of
Post by wmech
9.. "And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give
light upon the earth." 1:17
10.. In verse 11, God "let the earth bring forth" the plants. Now he has
the earth "bring forth" the animals as well. So maybe the creationists
Post by wmech
it all wrong. Maybe God created livings things through the process of
evolution. 1:24
11.. God gave humans dominion over every other living thing on earth. 1:26
12.. God commands us to "be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the
earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over ... every living thing that
moveth upon the earth." 1:28
13.. All animals were originally herbivores. Tapeworms, vampire bats,
mosquitoes, and barracudas -- all were strict vegetarians, as they were
created by God. 1:30
14.. "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good." He purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and
death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey. 1:31
15.. In Genesis 1 the entire creation takes 6 days, but the universe is at
least 12 billion years old, with new stars constantly being formed. 1:31
16.. Humans were not created instantaneously from dust and breath, but
evolved over millions of years from simpler life forms. 2:7
17.. After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of
several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. But animals
were not created instantaneously from the ground, but evolved over
Post by wmech
of years. And we still don't have names for all of them. Ten thousand new
species of insects are discovered and named each year. 2:18-22
18.. God curses the serpent. From now on the serpent will crawl on his
belly and eat dust. One wonders how he got around before -- by hopping on
his tail, perhaps? But snakes don't eat dust, do they? 3:14
19.. Because Adam listened to Eve, God cursed the ground and causes thorns
and thistles to grow. Before this, according to the (false) Genesis story,
plants had no natural defenses. The rose had no thorn, cacti were
Post by wmech
holly leaves were smooth, and the nettle had no sting. Foxgloves,
Post by wmech
and milkweeds were all perfectly safe to eat. 3:17-18
20.. "There were giants in the earth in those days." Well, I suppose it's
good to know that. But why is there no archaeological evidence for the
existence of these giants? 6:4
21.. Noah is told to make an ark that is 450 feet long. 6:14-15
22.. Whether by twos or by sevens, Noah takes male and female
representatives from each species of "every thing that creepeth upon the
earth." 7:8
23.. God opens the "windows of heaven." He does this every time it rains.
24.. All of the animals boarded the ark "in the selfsame day." 7:13-14
How do you get over 2,000,000 animals to board an arch in one day?
How do you feed all these animals for a year?
25.. The flood covered the highest mountain tops (Mount Everest?) with
fifteen cubits to spare. 7:20
26.. "The windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was
restrained." This happens whenever it stops raining. 8:2
27.. Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry land. But the dove
returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later, the dove goes
Post by wmech
again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an olive tree survive
the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they certainly wouldn't
germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. 8:8-11
28.. When the animals left the ark, what would they have eaten? There
would have been no plants after the ground had been submerged for nearly a
year. What would the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would
have gone extinct. And how did the New World primates or the Australian
marsupials find there way back after the flood subsided? 8:19
29.. Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns their dead bodies for God.
According to 7:8 this would have caused the extinction of all "clean"
animals since only two of each were taken onto the ark. 8:20-21
30.. "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth." Although this
would have been good advice for the mythical Noah, it is deadly advice for
humankind as a whole. Overpopulation is one of our greatest problems, yet
there is nothing in the bible to address it. 9:1
31.. According to this verse, all animals fear humans. Although it is true
that many do, it is also true that some do not. Sharks and grizzly bears,
for example, are generally much less afraid of us than we are of them. 9:2
32.. "Into your hand are they (the animals) delivered." God gave the
animals to humans, and they can do whatever they please with them. This
verse has been used by bible believers to justify all kinds of cruelty to
anmials and environmental destruction. 9:2
33.. God is rightly filled with remorse for having killed his creatures.
He even puts the rainbow in the sky to remind himself of his promise to
Post by wmech
animals not to do it again. But rainbows are caused by the nature of
Post by wmech
the refractive index of water, and the shape of raindrops. There were
rainbows billions of years before humans existed. 9:13
34.. Some creationists believe that this verse refers to continental
drift, which, they say, began to occur during the days of Pelag (which
Post by wmech
"division"), about 100 or so years after the flood. But many other
creationists disagree. 10:25
35.. "The whole earth was of one language." But this could not be true,
since by this time (around 2400 BCE) there were already many languages,
Post by wmech
unintelligible to the others. 11:1, 6
36.. God worries that people could actually build a tower high enough to
reach him (them?) in heaven. 11:4
37.. According to the Tower of Babel story, the many human languages were
created instantaneously by God. But actually the various languages evolved
gradually over long periods of time. 11:9
38.. The ridiculously long lives of the patriarchs. 11:10-32
39.. "And they returned to the land of the Philistines." But the
Philistines didn't arrive in the region of Canaan until around 1400 BCE --
600 years after Abraham's supposed migration from Ur. 21:32, 26:1, 21:32,
21:32, 8, 15, 18
Carl Rooker
2005-05-23 21:27:26 UTC
Post by John
But what is the point Carl?
Now,. that is a good question.

I assume you mean, "What is the point of the Bible?"

The point of the Bible is that man's relationship to God is messed up,
because of our rebellious attitude toward Him. All of the problems we face
are the result of this rebellion. No, I am not saying that babies
suffering is due to their sin, I am saying all suffering is due to the
collective sinfullness, or rebellion of mankind.

The rest of the Bible, after Genesis, chapter 2, deals with this problem,
and it's resolution by God. That is, the Reconciliation of mankind to God
the Creator.

To not deal with the Bible in these terms is to miss the point.

God Bless
Post by John
Post by Carl Rooker
Well, at least this time you did a fairly decent job of stating why you
believe the Bible is incorrect, without too much distortion...Good job.
However, what you fail to see (probably because too much argument has gone
on about the how's of Creation) is that the Bible is not a textbook explaing
all of the mysteries of Creation. In this particular section it is merely
stating that God did create it, and that the problem with the current
Creation is not evolution, but that the relationship between God and His
creation got messed up, by Satan's and man's sin. That is why He spent 2
small chapters on Creation, and the rest of the 67 books on this broken
relationship, and His attempt at reconciliation.
You have simply missed the point.
God Bless
Post by wmech
Bible inconsistencies and pure myths.
1.. The Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that
are known to science. In Genesis, the earth is created before light and
stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants
before any animals. The true order of events was just the opposite.
Post by wmech
2.. God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from
night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects
Post by wmech
sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be
"the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark
them? 1:3-5
3.. God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day)
working on a solid firmament. This strange structure, which God calls
heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters.
4.. Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their
photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11
5.. God lets "the earth bring forth" the plants, rather than creating them
directly. Maybe Genesis is not so anti-evolution after all. 1:11
6.. In an apparent endorsement of astrology, God places the sun, moon, and
stars in the firmament so that they can be used "for signs". This, of
course, is exactly what astrologers do: read "the signs" in the Zodiac in
Post by wmech
effort to predict what will happen on Earth. 1:14
7.. God makes two lights: "the greater light [the sun] to rule the day,
and the lesser light [the moon] to rule the night." But the moon is not a
light, but only reflects light from the sun. And why, if God made the moon
to "rule the night", does it spend half of its time moving through the
daytime sky? 1:16
8.. "He made the stars also." God spends a day making light (before making
the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard
day's work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of
Post by wmech
9.. "And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give
light upon the earth." 1:17
10.. In verse 11, God "let the earth bring forth" the plants. Now he has
the earth "bring forth" the animals as well. So maybe the creationists
Post by wmech
it all wrong. Maybe God created livings things through the process of
evolution. 1:24
11.. God gave humans dominion over every other living thing on earth. 1:26
12.. God commands us to "be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the
earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over ... every living thing that
moveth upon the earth." 1:28
13.. All animals were originally herbivores. Tapeworms, vampire bats,
mosquitoes, and barracudas -- all were strict vegetarians, as they were
created by God. 1:30
14.. "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good." He purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and
death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey. 1:31
15.. In Genesis 1 the entire creation takes 6 days, but the universe is at
least 12 billion years old, with new stars constantly being formed. 1:31
16.. Humans were not created instantaneously from dust and breath, but
evolved over millions of years from simpler life forms. 2:7
17.. After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of
several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. But animals
were not created instantaneously from the ground, but evolved over
Post by wmech
of years. And we still don't have names for all of them. Ten thousand new
species of insects are discovered and named each year. 2:18-22
18.. God curses the serpent. From now on the serpent will crawl on his
belly and eat dust. One wonders how he got around before -- by hopping on
his tail, perhaps? But snakes don't eat dust, do they? 3:14
19.. Because Adam listened to Eve, God cursed the ground and causes thorns
and thistles to grow. Before this, according to the (false) Genesis story,
plants had no natural defenses. The rose had no thorn, cacti were
Post by wmech
holly leaves were smooth, and the nettle had no sting. Foxgloves,
Post by wmech
and milkweeds were all perfectly safe to eat. 3:17-18
20.. "There were giants in the earth in those days." Well, I suppose it's
good to know that. But why is there no archaeological evidence for the
existence of these giants? 6:4
21.. Noah is told to make an ark that is 450 feet long. 6:14-15
22.. Whether by twos or by sevens, Noah takes male and female
representatives from each species of "every thing that creepeth upon the
earth." 7:8
23.. God opens the "windows of heaven." He does this every time it rains.
24.. All of the animals boarded the ark "in the selfsame day." 7:13-14
How do you get over 2,000,000 animals to board an arch in one day?
How do you feed all these animals for a year?
25.. The flood covered the highest mountain tops (Mount Everest?) with
fifteen cubits to spare. 7:20
26.. "The windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was
restrained." This happens whenever it stops raining. 8:2
27.. Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry land. But the dove
returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later, the dove goes
Post by wmech
again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an olive tree survive
the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they certainly wouldn't
germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. 8:8-11
28.. When the animals left the ark, what would they have eaten? There
would have been no plants after the ground had been submerged for
Post by John
Post by Carl Rooker
Post by wmech
year. What would the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would
have gone extinct. And how did the New World primates or the Australian
marsupials find there way back after the flood subsided? 8:19
29.. Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns their dead bodies for God.
According to 7:8 this would have caused the extinction of all "clean"
animals since only two of each were taken onto the ark. 8:20-21
30.. "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth." Although this
would have been good advice for the mythical Noah, it is deadly advice for
humankind as a whole. Overpopulation is one of our greatest problems, yet
there is nothing in the bible to address it. 9:1
31.. According to this verse, all animals fear humans. Although it is true
that many do, it is also true that some do not. Sharks and grizzly bears,
for example, are generally much less afraid of us than we are of them. 9:2
32.. "Into your hand are they (the animals) delivered." God gave the
animals to humans, and they can do whatever they please with them. This
verse has been used by bible believers to justify all kinds of cruelty to
anmials and environmental destruction. 9:2
33.. God is rightly filled with remorse for having killed his creatures.
He even puts the rainbow in the sky to remind himself of his promise to
Post by wmech
animals not to do it again. But rainbows are caused by the nature of
Post by wmech
the refractive index of water, and the shape of raindrops. There were
rainbows billions of years before humans existed. 9:13
34.. Some creationists believe that this verse refers to continental
drift, which, they say, began to occur during the days of Pelag (which
Post by wmech
"division"), about 100 or so years after the flood. But many other
creationists disagree. 10:25
35.. "The whole earth was of one language." But this could not be true,
since by this time (around 2400 BCE) there were already many languages,
Post by wmech
unintelligible to the others. 11:1, 6
36.. God worries that people could actually build a tower high enough to
reach him (them?) in heaven. 11:4
37.. According to the Tower of Babel story, the many human languages were
created instantaneously by God. But actually the various languages evolved
gradually over long periods of time. 11:9
38.. The ridiculously long lives of the patriarchs. 11:10-32
39.. "And they returned to the land of the Philistines." But the
Philistines didn't arrive in the region of Canaan until around 1400 BCE --
600 years after Abraham's supposed migration from Ur. 21:32, 26:1, 21:32,
21:32, 8, 15, 18