George Hammond
2005-08-23 04:39:05 UTC
This is a newspaper report that you could
(I predict) be reading in the near future
... say in 3 to 5 years:
Scientific Proof of God Discovered.
Dateline, Rome April 13, 2010...
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences announced
yesterday that a scientific proof of God has
been discovered by a U.S. physicist. After
meeting with Pope Innocent XIII the 80 member
Pontifical Academy released it's official report
of a 14 month highly secret investigation of the
discovery. Secular scientists around the world
are rushing to review the 45 page report.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Dali Lama,
the Rabbinical Council of Jeruselem and the Imam
of Medina have also released statements today
indicating that they have been privy to the
Vatican investigation.
In the U.S. newsteams have been converging on
the Massachusetts residence of George Hammond, the
heretofore unknown physicist responsible for the
discovery only to find that he has been removed
by U.S. authorities to an undisclosed location,
possibly an underground bunker in the Pentagon.
Details of the discovery are contained in the
Vatican report and have been reviewed by the
Tribune's science staff with the help of consul-
tants from the Harvard physics department and
the Divinity School.
It appears that Hammond has been studying the
subject for a number of years and that it has been
published and much discussed on the Internet,
although the Vatican investigation has taken the
scientific community by surprise.
According to the report, the proof consists of
Psychometric data which proves that God is a gravit-
ational curvature of subjective reality caused by
the Secular Trend in human growth. This curvature
then pushes as much as 20 or 30% of objective reality
outside the bandwidth of the average human observer,
thus creating an "invisible world" which apparently
Hammond has proven is the Heaven of the Bible. The
report claims that God can be measured to two decimal
point accuracy, and proves that there is such a thing
as God, Eternal Life, and miracles. The initial re-
action of scientists seems to be consternation that
Einstein's theory has turned out to be above all
else, a scientific proof of God.
President Rice has been briefed on the announcement
this morning and is expected to hold a press confer-
ence after a meeting of the Cabinet tomorrow. The
possible impact of the discovery on the Iraq war and
Christian-Moslem relations will be at the top of the
agenda. Several high level sources say that the impact
on "atheistic communism" could be cataclysmic.
Several Right Wing Fundamentalist and Creationist
spokesman including the Reverands Jerry Falwell and
Pat Robertson have scheduled news conferences for later
today. The Reverand Billy Graham from his home in
Idaho Falls has announced that this discovery proves
that God is still active in America.
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This is a newspaper report that you could
(I predict) be reading in the near future
... say in 3 to 5 years:
Scientific Proof of God Discovered.
Dateline, Rome April 13, 2010...
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences announced
yesterday that a scientific proof of God has
been discovered by a U.S. physicist. After
meeting with Pope Innocent XIII the 80 member
Pontifical Academy released it's official report
of a 14 month highly secret investigation of the
discovery. Secular scientists around the world
are rushing to review the 45 page report.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Dali Lama,
the Rabbinical Council of Jeruselem and the Imam
of Medina have also released statements today
indicating that they have been privy to the
Vatican investigation.
In the U.S. newsteams have been converging on
the Massachusetts residence of George Hammond, the
heretofore unknown physicist responsible for the
discovery only to find that he has been removed
by U.S. authorities to an undisclosed location,
possibly an underground bunker in the Pentagon.
Details of the discovery are contained in the
Vatican report and have been reviewed by the
Tribune's science staff with the help of consul-
tants from the Harvard physics department and
the Divinity School.
It appears that Hammond has been studying the
subject for a number of years and that it has been
published and much discussed on the Internet,
although the Vatican investigation has taken the
scientific community by surprise.
According to the report, the proof consists of
Psychometric data which proves that God is a gravit-
ational curvature of subjective reality caused by
the Secular Trend in human growth. This curvature
then pushes as much as 20 or 30% of objective reality
outside the bandwidth of the average human observer,
thus creating an "invisible world" which apparently
Hammond has proven is the Heaven of the Bible. The
report claims that God can be measured to two decimal
point accuracy, and proves that there is such a thing
as God, Eternal Life, and miracles. The initial re-
action of scientists seems to be consternation that
Einstein's theory has turned out to be above all
else, a scientific proof of God.
President Rice has been briefed on the announcement
this morning and is expected to hold a press confer-
ence after a meeting of the Cabinet tomorrow. The
possible impact of the discovery on the Iraq war and
Christian-Moslem relations will be at the top of the
agenda. Several high level sources say that the impact
on "atheistic communism" could be cataclysmic.
Several Right Wing Fundamentalist and Creationist
spokesman including the Reverands Jerry Falwell and
Pat Robertson have scheduled news conferences for later
today. The Reverand Billy Graham from his home in
Idaho Falls has announced that this discovery proves
that God is still active in America.
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