Post by Edward BellamyGerman National Socialists did not call their symbol a "swastika." They
called it a Hakenkreuz (hooked cross). Although an ancient symbol, they also
used it to represent crossed S-letters for their "socialism" under the
National Socialist German Workers Party, as shown by the symbologist Dr. Rex
Curry (author of "SwastikaSecrets").
It was called a "hooked cross" because it looks like a regular cross but
with "hooks" added at each of the four ends of the cross.
Anotherswastikasecret revealed by Symbologist Curry is shown in the
pattern at the link below. The image shows another meaning for "hooked
cross" in how the Hakenkreuz/swastika, when linked, forms a pattern of
crosses that are all hooked together in infinity.
Indeed the image raises the question: what is the actual pattern shown? Is
it a pattern of crosses, hooked crosses (swastikas), or both?
The USA originated Nazism, Nazi salutes, flag fanaticism, robotic
group-chanting to flags, and the modern swastika symbol, as shown in
the research of the noted historian Dr. Rex Curry. The bizarre acts
in the USA began as early as 1875 and continued through the creation
of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (German Nazis or
NSGWP). The NSGWP had clear roots in National Socialism promoted by
socialists in the USA. Amazing graphic images that prove the point are
Also read about the 45th Infantry Division Sooner soldiers at
The USA is still the worst example in the world of bizarre laws that
require robotic chanting to a national flag in government schools
(socialist schools) every day for 12 years. It has changed generations
of Americans from libertarians to authoritarians. The government
bamboozled individuals into believing that robotic group-chanting in
government schools is a beautiful expression of freedom. Frightening
photographs are at
It started in 1875, when the Theosophical Society was created in New
York. The TS was orgainized by Madame H.P. Blavatsky, Colonel Henry
Steel Olcott (U.S. army, retired, and a writer for the New York Daily
Graphic), and Charles Sotheran (an author, socialist, and a Freemason
Supreme Council member of the Scottish Rite). The TS grew rapidly and
soon after became international.
In 1888, Blavatsky and TS teamed up with Nationalist Clubs and the
Nationalism movement under the notorious socialist Edward Bellamy,
author of the book "Looking Backward," known as the Bible of
1890 (October) The Theosophist endorses Edward Bellamy, his book, and
the Nationalist Party, and remarks about Theosophists being involved
in the formation of the party and acting as its "most active and
ardent workers and supporters." p 62. There is also a remark about
"The Key to Theosophy" being translated into the German language (p.
Theosophical writings of Annie Besant, Charles Leadbeater, and Helena
Blavatsky, were translated and published in Germany. An 1892
periodical, Lotus Blossoms, featured Blavatsky's writings and "was the
first German publication to sport the theosophical swastika upon its
cover" (Goodrick-Clarke:25). As time went on numerous other Theosophy-
based groups of occult socialism formed in Germany and Austria via
Guido von List and Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Julius Streicher and
others. Several of these groups would provide the philosophical
framework for National Socialism in Germany.
Blavatsky used the swastika extensively, incorporating it into the
seal of The Theosophy Society (NGC 20, JW 262 and CCM 39). The first
German publication at this time to sport the Theosophical Swastika on
its cover was "Lotusbluthen" (Lotus Blossoms). That was also in 1891
(NGC 25). The Theosophical publication for English children at that
time was entitled 'Lotus Journal' (CCM 39).
In 1919, Julius Streicher was the local organizer of the Thule
sponsored German Socialist Party (Deutschsozialistische Partei). In
1921Streicher launched the Deutscher Volkswille, it became the voice
of the party. In 1922 Streicher joined the National Socialist German
Workers Party and shortly thereafter handed his own party over to its
notorious leader, who wrote a glowing account of Streicher's
generosity in Mein Kampf (M-3). Streicher also used alphabetical
symbolism when he formed his "Storm Troops" (the SA), and they wore
swastika armbands (GP 25).
Edward Bellamy was cousin and cohort to Francis Bellamy, another
socialist famous for creating the "Pledge of Allegiance" in 1892.
The early Pledge used a straight-arm salute that was the origin of the
salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers' Party,
as discovered by the historian Dr. Rex Curry, author of "Pledge of
Allegiance Secrets." Shocking photos are on the web.
Francis was a Freemason and he promoted the robotic chanting and the
salute within that group and other groups. The Royal Masonic
Cyclopaedia (1877) includes the swastika and calls it the Hermetic
Cross (Hermeticism was a form of Gnostic Christianity) and referes to
its use in abbeys in Europe.
The Bellamys and Blavatsky promoted their dogma through many other
civic, religious and philosophical groups.
The Bellamy-Blavatsky dogma was similar to that of many other civic,
religious, social and fraternal groups (e.g. Boy Scouts and Girl
Scouts) in that it suffers ignorance of economics, markets, prices,
trade and private property rights. That deficiency in most groups
makes group-members easily misled into socialism.
Some people consider Theosophy and Blavatsky the origin of the New Age
movement, and that is apropos in that the New Age movement suffers
from the same vague socialist dogma.
The Bellamys and Blavatsky saw in their movements a practical means to
further their "ideal of universal brotherhood." (see Arthur E. Morgan
in his biography, Edward Bellamy, 1948, pp. 260-75; see also The Key
to Theosophy by H. P. Blavatsky, pp. 44-5. -- K.V.M.] . The political
product was socialism and self-sacrifice to government by calling it
the "greater good."
It is remarkable to note that at the time this was written, the
Theosophical Society of America (TSA) continued to maintain its
Springfield Branch office at the Edward Bellamy House, 93 Church
Street, Chicopee, MA and also its library.
Edward Bellamy's famous utopian novel "Looking Backward from 2000 to
1887," was set in the year 2000, and published in 1888. It was the
third largest bestseller of its time and was known as the Bible of
National Socialism. It appears by title in many of the major socialist
writings of the day. Edward's book was an international bestseller,
translated into every major language (including Russian, German and
Chinese). The Bellamy dogma inspired the "Nationalism" movement in the
USA, Germany and worldwide. Edward inspired the creation of the
Nationalist Party. Edward supported the Nationalist Magazine, the
Nationalist Educational Association, and Nationalist Clubs everywhere.
Edward Bellamy also influenced his cousin Francis Bellamy, famous for
the Pledge of Allegiance. Francis created the Pledge to promote their
dogma in government schools. The Bellamys admired the military and
they wanted the entire economy to ape the military. They called their
dogma "military socialism" and they wanted to create the "industrial
army" through government takeover of all schools.
When the government granted their wish, government schools imposed
segregation by law and taught racism as official policy. It served as
a bad example for three decades before the NSGWP. The practice in the
USA even outlasted the NSGWP by more than 15 years.
The American Pledge and extended-arm salute from Bellamy-Blavatsky
socialists was the origin of the salutes of the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, the Peoples' Republic of China, and the National
Socialist German Workers' Party, and it inspired their robotic
chanting and worship of government and flags and symbols in their
government schools (socialist schools).
As early 1875, Blavatsky’s famous personal seal employed a swastika
symbol and promoted the swastika throughout the TS (Jinarajadasa, p.
19 with the heading ‘H.P.B.'s Seal in 1875’ and The Theosophist,
August 1931, p. 645). The swastika is the top-most symbol of seven
symbols, and the swastika is placed underneath a royal crown and
directly atop another central symbol, a hexagram (six points), with
the other six symbols in a circular arrangement around the six points.
Blavatsky's seal also employs alphabetic symbolism in the form of
Blavatsky's initials in the center of the seal.
The swastika that Blavatsky used is unusual because it is exactly like
the swastika adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers'
Party (NSGWP) and otherwise known as "the socialist swastika" : The
swastika sits on a point (it is turned 45 degrees to the horizontal)
and the arms point clockwise.
The historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets") showed how
that style of swastika emphasizes the "S" letters for "Socialism," or
the "Superior Socialists" or "Socialist Society." See the image at
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Another example of similar alphabetic symbolism is that the
Theosophical Society also used a snake in the shape of an "S" wrapped
around a capital letter "T" for "Theosophical Society."
Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Rex Curry
proved that it was used later by German National Socialists to
represent "S" letters for their "socialism," as well as an "N" letter
overlapping an "S" letter for "National Socialism."
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With a 45 degree turn of his Hakenkreuz, the leader of the NSGWP
combined the swastika with socialism, and merged religion and state.
That method had already been pursued by Blavatsky and the Theosophical
Society. The word "Theosophy" combines the root concept "Theo" (for
"God" as in "theocracy") with "knowledge" (as in "philosophy").
Socialists socialized the swastika in more ways than one. On May, 19,
1933, Josef Goebbels' announced the "Law for Protection of National
Symbols." The anti-capitalist attitude of the socialists banned use
of the swastika for individual or commercial purposes. The swastika
was socialized for official purposes for the glory and worship of
It is further proof of Dr. Curry's work that in 1939 (when the
National Socialist German Workers' Party joined as allies with the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to invade Poland in a pact to
divide up Europe, spreading WWII), Arundale converted "The Adyar News"
into "The Theosophical World" and he chose a swastika symbol that
pointed counterclockwise, and that swastika symbol also showed
Arundale's understanding that the earlier TS swastika had represented
two separate overlapping "S" letters for "socialism." When this was
written the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society was
still listed as Adyar, India.
During Blavatsky's time in the USA, the swastika became a widely
popular symbol. It was also known as the crooked cross, Hakenkreuz
(hooked cross), twisted cross, etc.
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) supports Dr. Curry's discovery
that the swastika was used by German National Socialists to symbolize
entwined "S" letters for "socialism."
The TS dogma included oddball theories about superior races, superior
societies, a "Great White Brotherhood" of masters, sub races, and
seven primary root races, including the "Aryan" race, which Blavatsky
described as superior to some other "races" (Cf. H. P. Blavatsky, The
Secret Doctrine 1:642; G. de Purucker, Fundamentals of the Esoteric
Philosophy,. 294-5; also "The Root-Race and Its Sub-Divisions,"
Studies in Occult Philosophy, pp. 35-9). See image at
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A German occultist revival began in 1884 with the foundation of the
German section of the Theosophical Society under the presidency of Dr.
Wilhelm Hübbe-Schleiden.
In 1902 Dr. Rudolph Steiner became Secretary-General of the German
section of the Theosophical Society. In 1912, he and a group of his
followers broke away from the TS and founded the Anthroposophical
The Bellamy-Blavatsky dogma and the pledge inspired socialists
worldwide, and in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was
a part): 62 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics; 49 million slaughtered under the Peoples' Republic of
China; 21 million slaughtered under the National Socialist German
Workers' Party (NSGWP). The ideas of self-sacrifice and altruism were
the same ideas that led to the worst loss of life in human history.
Blavatsky touted the dogma by travelling extensively to Germany, India
and worldwide (The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky: Reminiscences
and Impressions by Those Who Knew Her by Daniel H. Caldwell: Chapter
14, Germany and Return to India 1884-1885; Chapter 15, From India to
Italy and Germany, 1885; Chapter 16, Germany 1886). After Bellamy's
book "Looking Backward," Blavatsky continued to promote Theosophy and
National Socialism in Germany and worldwide.
Edward Bellamy had also spent a year in Germany, learning to speak and
write German and attending lectures and studying German socialism.
Edward's brother Frederick stated that Edward had talked and read
about socialism before Edward went to Germany. Frederick wrote that
Edward's letters to him from Germany were full of German socialism
which "he had read and studied much at home." (see Sylvia E. Bowman's
1958 book The Year 2000).
In November, 1888, Edward personally made a contract with an
interpreter to translate his book into German (see the biography by
Arthur Morgan, p. 65).
In 1891, American advertisements listed German-language editions of
Bellamy's book and stated that the socialist's novel "Lays the
foundation of the Nationalist Movement."
The adverstisements coincide with Edward Bellamy's "Nationalist"
magazine, published by the "Nationalist Educational Association."
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The German translation not only promoted National Socialism in
Germany, it also promoted National Socialism in America and cultivated
those Americans who later supported the USA's German-American Bund
movement that supported the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
The socialist movement in the USA was dominated by German-Americans.
The Bellamys were bigots, racists, and xenophobes and they obsessed
about new immigrants coming into the USA. Edward's book
"Equality" (1897) shows his intolerance for individuality and his
desire for universal brotherhood by making everyone the same through
government force in government schools (socialist schools).
People were persecuted when they showed independence and individuality
by rejecting the robotic chanting and straight-arm salute to the
national flag. That was the flag of the USA (the stars and stripes)
and of Germany (the swastika flag) as the persecution happened at the
same time. There were acts of violence and lynchings in Germany and
the USA.
A Harvard graduate, Ernst Hanfstaengl, personally assisted the leader
of the NSGWP in promoting national socialism with more ideas from
The Bellamy-Blavatsky dogma influenced many American, including
members of the German American Bund, and the Silvershirts under
William Dudley Pelley.
The National Socialist German Workers' Party clearly patterned itself
upon the National Socialism promoted by socialists in the USA during
the three decades before the NSGWP existed.
Blavatsky's oddball racism-socialism theories were repeated by Guido
von List (and his followers such as Lanz von Liebenfels) and Alfred
Rosenberg and other members of the Thule Society and they influenced
the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Another occultist to influence the leader of German socialism was Dr.
Karl Haushofer, who was introduced to Hitler in 1924 while the latter
was in Landsberg prison. Haushofer, a Blavatsky disciple, employed
"The Secret Doctrine" ideas.
Both Rosenberg and Blavatsky were from Russia and influenced the use
of the swastika as a socialist symbol in the Union of Soviet Socialist
Rosenberg was another of many notorious socialists who had been active
in Russia (in 1917) and in Germany (with German National Socialists).
The noted historian Dr. Rex Curry has suggested that this may have
been the inspiration behind the adoption of the swastika as alphabetic
symbolism for "socialism" by the National Socialist German Workers'
Rosenberg was born to Baltic German parents in Reval (Tallinn)
Estonia, then part of the Russian Empire. He studied architecture at
the Riga Polyechnical Institute and engineering at Moscow University,
completing his Ph.D. studies in 1917.
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, he emigrated to Germany (in
1918) along with his friend Max Scheubner-Richter. Rosenberg was one
of the earliest (January 1919) members of the German Workers Party and
it became the National Socialist German Workers Party and adopted the
swastika as its symbol and used the symbol to represent "S" letters
for "socialist." In 1921, Rosenberg became editor of the Völkischer
Beobachter ("Folkish Observer"), the newspaper of the National
Rosenberg also became a member of the Thule Society, founded August
17, 1918. Rosenberg and the Thule Society touted oddball ideas about
socialism, universal brotherhood, and the Aryan race that were all
borrowed from the notorious socialist and occultist Madame Blavatsky
and her Theosophical Society, formed in New York in 1875.
The Thule Society also used a swastika as its symbol. In 1920, another
member of the Thule Society, Friedrick Krohn, suggested to Adolf
Hitler that the nascent Nazi Party adopt the Hakenkreutz as its logo.
However, the Thule swastika was not the same swastika used by German
National Socialists. Instead, the swastika adopted by the leader of
German National Socialists was the same swastika that had been used
for forty years by Madame Blavatsky as a symbol for her utopian
"socialist society."
Thule Society members maintained close contacts with followers of
Theosophy and the followers of Helena Blavatsky. It is also
interesting to note that the Thule Society adopted as its name two
words that have the same "TS" initials that the Theosophical Society
had used in its symbolism for decades.
Three decades before the National Socialist German Workers' Party
existed, socialists in the USA had promoted National Socialism, the
straight-arm salute, collective robotic chanting, and the modern
swastika as an "S" symbol for "socialism."
At the time this was written, internet searches indicated that the
Edward Bellamy Memorial Association and the Chicopee Historical
Society and the Theosophical Society of America (TSA library and
Springfield Branch office) were headquartered at the Edward Bellamy
House, 91 to 93 Church Street, Chicopee, MA.
At the time this was written, internet searches indicated that the
"Lucis Trust" is a current UN-accredited
NGO (in "consultative status" with the United Nation's Economic and
Social Council), and an officially acknowledged financial contributor
to the United Nations. The "Lucis Trust" grew from the organization
started by Alice Bailey in 1922 when she founded the "Lucifer
Publishing Company" to publish her and Blavatsky's writings and also
published a magazine entitled "Lucifer" wherein Edward Bellamy's dogma
was promoted.
The USA is still the worst example in the world of bizarre laws that
require robotic chanting to a national flag in government schools
(socialist schools) every day for 12 years.
The USA still follows similar anti libertarian policies promoted by
the Bellamys and by socialists in the Theosophical Society. Many
socialist policies caused the USA's big, expensive, oppressive
government, its aggressive military socialism, and its growing police
state. It caused the Great Socialist Depression (from the Federal
Reserve Act of 1913, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act 1930 etc) that
persisted and even lasted through U.S. involvement in WWII. The Pledge
still exists along with laws mandating that teachers lead the robotic
chanting every day for twelve years of each child's life (though the
salute was altered). The government still owns and operates schools,
including the same schools that imposed segregation by law and taught
racism as official government policy. That policy even outlasted the
National Socialist German Workers' Party by over 15 years. After
segregation in government's schools ended, the Bellamy legacy caused
more police-state racism of forced busing that destroyed communities
and neighborhoods and deepened hostilities. Those schools still
exist. Infants are given social security numbers (socialist slave
numbers from 1935 during the NSGWP) that track and tax everyone for
life. Government schools (socialist schools) demand the numbers for
Today, children in government schools enter through high chain-link
fences, past assembly-line searches of students, through the metal
detectors, hand-wanding and x-rays of purses and backpacks, past
video surveillance cameras in the hallways, past the police dogs
sniffing lockers and youngsters, and finally past all the locked doors
and into the classroom. Once inside, they watch robotic chanting of
the Pledge of Allegiance to the USA's growing police state. Later,
they are asked for urine samples for mandatory drug testing.
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It shows how close the USA moved toward (and is still moving toward)
socialism. Many Americans serve as sad examples of how authoritarian
governments come into existence, grow so large, last so long, and kill
so many. The dogma of socialism is still growing all over the world.