Post by Scott RichterPost by Uncle VicOnce upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Pastor Frank
Post by Pastor FrankJesus in Jn:4:24: "GOD IS A SPIRIT, and they that worship him must
worship him in spirit and in truth."
See, you have to turn into a ghost. But not just any ghost. You have to
become a True ghost.
The Ghostest with the Mostest...
That must be the immature definition of "Spirit" I have come across in
a long time. See below at least a dozen possible definition and try pick the
one which describes the Christian God best. And no, its not alcohol, nor a
Pastor Frank
spir·it (spir'it) noun
1. a. The vital principle or animating force within living beings. b.
Incorporeal consciousness.
2. The soul, considered as departing from the body of a person at death.
3. Spirit The Holy Spirit.
4. Spirit Christian Science. God.
5. A supernatural being, as: a. An angel or a demon. b. A being inhabiting
or embodying a particular place, object, or natural phenomenon. c. A fairy
or sprite.
6. a. The part of a human being associated with the mind, will, and
feelings: Though unable to join us today, they are with us in spirit. b. The
essential nature of a person or group.
7. A person as characterized by a stated quality: He is a proud spirit.
8. a. An inclination or a tendency of a specified kind: Her actions show a
generous spirit. b. A causative, activating, or essential principle: The
couple's engagement was announced in a joyous spirit.
9. spirits A mood or an emotional state: The guests were in high spirits.
His sour spirits put a damper on the gathering.
10. A particular mood or an emotional state characterized by vigor and
animation: sang with spirit.
11. Strong loyalty or dedication: team spirit.
12. The predominant mood of an occasion or a period: "The spirit of 1776 is
not dead" (Thomas Jefferson).
13. The actual though unstated sense or significance of something: the
spirit of the law.
14. Often spirits
(used with a sing. verb) An alcohol solution of an essential or volatile
15. spirits An alcoholic beverage, especially distilled liquor.
verb, transitive
spir·it·ed, spir·it·ing, spir·its
1. To carry off mysteriously or secretly: The documents had been spirited
2. To impart courage, animation, or determination to; inspirit.
[Middle English, from Old French espirit, from Latin spiritus, breath, from
spirare, to breathe.]
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