Bill M
2009-01-16 16:48:24 UTC
The God conundrum.
There are hundreds of different God beliefs but no God announces or
demonstrates that
it is the real God and the many others are fakes.
No God ever speaks to, communicates with or appears to any of the seven
sane members of society.
There is no objective verifiable evidence that any dead relative or friend
has ever
directly communicated with the living.
None of the hundreds of thousands of religious leaders has ever been able to
Demonstrate that his God actually exists. Nor have any of them ever been
able to
confirm that their Heaven, Hell, God, Devil or angels actually exist.
Their is no objective verifiable evidence that any Gods are more real than
Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy
There are hundreds of different God beliefs but no God announces or
demonstrates that
it is the real God and the many others are fakes.
No God ever speaks to, communicates with or appears to any of the seven
sane members of society.
There is no objective verifiable evidence that any dead relative or friend
has ever
directly communicated with the living.
None of the hundreds of thousands of religious leaders has ever been able to
Demonstrate that his God actually exists. Nor have any of them ever been
able to
confirm that their Heaven, Hell, God, Devil or angels actually exist.
Their is no objective verifiable evidence that any Gods are more real than
Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy