2005-05-15 22:32:26 UTC
Christian's favorite evidence for the existence of their god is the old
canard that the Universe could not just happen but had to have a
designer/creator. If it was designed/created by some god, this god has to be
even more complex than the Universe, and using this same logic, would
require that god would also have to have a creator. Who or what created god?
Many religious types claim the Intelligent Design of the Universe is proof
of god.
Intelligent design!? Consider reality. The Universe shows no evidence of
intelligent design!
Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Wars,
cancers and hundreds
of debilitating diseases and serious body malfunctions? Why does he permit
millions of both young and old to starve to death?
Why does this all powerful and caring god permit totally innocent children
to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a fully developed
brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.? Why are some born idiots and
others with super intelligence? Why are some born into wealth and others
pauper poor? Why are his human creations designed to deteriorate into a
miserable and devastating old age?
World War I claimed 9,000,000 lives of people of many religious faiths.
World II claimed over 20,000,000 lives of people of all religious faiths
indiscriminately, plus a vast destruction of property and millions maimed
for life.
The recent Asian Tsunami has claimed 270,000 lives; men, women and totally
innocent children of all religious persuasions.
There were three major epidemics of the Bubonic Plaque - in the 6th, 14th.
and 17th centuries. The death toll was over 137 million men, women and
innocent children.
The influenza of 1918-1919 killed at least 25 million men women and innocent
children indiscriminately.
These afflicted the young and old, atheists and those of all religious
Why did this caring benevolent god create animals (including man) that need
to kill and eat other animals to survive?
It would appear that your loving and caring god must actually be a cruel,
heartless, mean and torturing tyrant.
If he treats us so cruelly during life, why do you think, if we kiss his
ring, he will let us enjoy peace in his eternal Heaven after death?
If there is a god that created the Universe, he is obviously not an
all-caring and benevolent god. Nor is he an "Intelligent Designer".
The objective evidence is that, if there is a god creator, he has no concern
about the welfare of the creatures on Earth.
The Christian god belief is about as credible as belief in the Wizard of Oz.
This is understandable because the Earth is but a speck of dust in the vast
Universe that is over 20 BILLION LIGHT YEARS in diameter.
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but that man created
canard that the Universe could not just happen but had to have a
designer/creator. If it was designed/created by some god, this god has to be
even more complex than the Universe, and using this same logic, would
require that god would also have to have a creator. Who or what created god?
Many religious types claim the Intelligent Design of the Universe is proof
of god.
Intelligent design!? Consider reality. The Universe shows no evidence of
intelligent design!
Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Wars,
cancers and hundreds
of debilitating diseases and serious body malfunctions? Why does he permit
millions of both young and old to starve to death?
Why does this all powerful and caring god permit totally innocent children
to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a fully developed
brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.? Why are some born idiots and
others with super intelligence? Why are some born into wealth and others
pauper poor? Why are his human creations designed to deteriorate into a
miserable and devastating old age?
World War I claimed 9,000,000 lives of people of many religious faiths.
World II claimed over 20,000,000 lives of people of all religious faiths
indiscriminately, plus a vast destruction of property and millions maimed
for life.
The recent Asian Tsunami has claimed 270,000 lives; men, women and totally
innocent children of all religious persuasions.
There were three major epidemics of the Bubonic Plaque - in the 6th, 14th.
and 17th centuries. The death toll was over 137 million men, women and
innocent children.
The influenza of 1918-1919 killed at least 25 million men women and innocent
children indiscriminately.
These afflicted the young and old, atheists and those of all religious
Why did this caring benevolent god create animals (including man) that need
to kill and eat other animals to survive?
It would appear that your loving and caring god must actually be a cruel,
heartless, mean and torturing tyrant.
If he treats us so cruelly during life, why do you think, if we kiss his
ring, he will let us enjoy peace in his eternal Heaven after death?
If there is a god that created the Universe, he is obviously not an
all-caring and benevolent god. Nor is he an "Intelligent Designer".
The objective evidence is that, if there is a god creator, he has no concern
about the welfare of the creatures on Earth.
The Christian god belief is about as credible as belief in the Wizard of Oz.
This is understandable because the Earth is but a speck of dust in the vast
Universe that is over 20 BILLION LIGHT YEARS in diameter.
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but that man created