2009-12-28 22:34:31 UTC
We believe the highest purpose of all purposes here or supreme purpose of us
born here is a love between him and her. So Love as a Supreme Value, supreme
Purpose of existance. It's as God made this place for spiritual
value(purpose) of love for one man, for love for one woman in a life-time
purpose; for Eternity for most. People make children so as they are candies,
and then ask themselves why something happened to them...
If they are created for love, for that kind of love that makes their purpose
here and makes them lively, makes them ALIVE, and happy.
We do not see it as a must do, a procreation which must be, which must
exist, which must continue to exist for the sake of everything.
There are clouds, it's warm, it's winter, but love is the most important.
Without hope to find eternal him or eternal her it's besmisleno(insane,
Then we can see many are insane, absurd, many don't have purpose, life isn't
life in a real-full sense without Her or Him for Her.
We must have a "rule", The tacite value for every Being(we call em Humans)
when it open it's eyes and senses, when it is born to this world.
*please watch website through internet explorer!
born here is a love between him and her. So Love as a Supreme Value, supreme
Purpose of existance. It's as God made this place for spiritual
value(purpose) of love for one man, for love for one woman in a life-time
purpose; for Eternity for most. People make children so as they are candies,
and then ask themselves why something happened to them...
If they are created for love, for that kind of love that makes their purpose
here and makes them lively, makes them ALIVE, and happy.
We do not see it as a must do, a procreation which must be, which must
exist, which must continue to exist for the sake of everything.
There are clouds, it's warm, it's winter, but love is the most important.
Without hope to find eternal him or eternal her it's besmisleno(insane,
Then we can see many are insane, absurd, many don't have purpose, life isn't
life in a real-full sense without Her or Him for Her.
We must have a "rule", The tacite value for every Being(we call em Humans)
when it open it's eyes and senses, when it is born to this world.
*please watch website through internet explorer!