(too old to reply)
Bill M
2007-07-06 18:31:54 UTC
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to provide
any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually exists.

Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods? Again there is NO - NADA
objective verifiable evidence for the existence of any of these Gods. All
there are is ancient copies of texts written by hundreds of other men of
totally unknown veracity. There are no original documents in existence
because they were written on parchment which rotted away thousands of years
ago! All that exists are copies of copies etc. of unknown authenticity and

Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the word of
any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve them and
demonstrate their authenticity? They are not historically factual but are
mostly myths, fables, contradictions and impossible tales.

Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one, if
any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious documents are any
objective 'evidence'. They are all documents hand written, hand copied,
interpreted, modified and further copied, over the centuries, by errant men
with their own personal and selfish motivations. These documents were all
written a thousand and more years before the invention of the printing

All religions are ALL based on ancient myths and tales and NO god has
directly AUTHENTICATED ANY of them.

Man can directly communicate with the whole world via TV, the Internet,
Phone and Radio and the postal service. IF there is a real God, why does he
not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by at least an equally
effective means, that he is the real God and all the others are fakes? And
why does he not tell us clearly and directly what he expects from us instead
of using hundreds of vague, ancient, contradictory, unoriginal documents,
compiled by different religions and hundreds of men of unknown veracity? Why
does he not expose and smite all the false gods?

I'll tell you why. The real objective evidence is that no Gods CREATED MAN
but quite the opposite; that man created gods!

There are thousands of different religious and god beliefs. Here is a list
of most of these;

Baha'i Faith
Jehovah's Witnesses
British Israelism
Southern Baptists
American Baptists

Christian Science
Plymouth Brethren
Twin Oaks
Vodun (Voodoo)
Neopagan Religious Faiths
Asatru (Norse Paganism)
Goddess Worship
Damanhur Community
Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Hare Krishna - ISKCON
Native American Spirituality
Rom, Roma, Romani, Rroma, (a.k.a. Gypsies)
Santeria Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Satanism; The Church of Satan
The Creativity Movement


Ahura Mazda, Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios, Hel,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos, Korravai,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius,

Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus, Vesta,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus, XodA.

African gods:

Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]

Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]

Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]

(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]

Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]

Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]

Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]

Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]

Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]

Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]

Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]

Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]

Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]

Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]

Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]

Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]

Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]

Zin [Water]

Table of Asian Gods:


Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]

Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]

Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]

Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]

Fudo [WIsdom]

Guan Yin [bodhisattva]

Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]

Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]

Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]

Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]

Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]

Locana [?]

Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]

Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]

Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]

Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]

Usnisavijaya [?]

Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]

We-to [Divine General]

Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]

Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]


Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]

Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]

Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]

Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]

Erh-Lang [Guardian]

Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]

Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]

Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]

I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]

K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]

Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]

Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]

Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]

O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]

Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]

Ran-deng [Future Buddha]

San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]

T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]

Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]

Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]

Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]

Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]

[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]

Finnish Gods:

Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]

Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]

Hiisi [Forest/Evil]

Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]

Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]

Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]

Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]

Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]

Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]

Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]

Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]

Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]

Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]

Rauni [?]

Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]

Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]

Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]

Waralden Olmai [World]


Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]

Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]

Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]

Daikoku [Wealth]

Ebisu [Labor]

Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]

Gozu-Tenno [Plague]

Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]

Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]

Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]

Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]

Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]

O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]

Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]

Sae-No-Kami [Roads]

Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]

Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility and
Uzume [Mirth]

Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]

Yabune [House]

Zocho [South]

Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]

Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]

Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]

Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]

Fujin [Wind]

Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]

Kami [Idols]


Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]

Debata [?]

Empung Luminuut [?]

Hainuwele [?]

Hananim [Sky]

Hmin [Ague]

Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]

Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]

Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]

Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]

Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]

Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]

Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]

Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]

Upulevo [Sun]

Wunekau [Sun]


Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]

Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]

Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]

Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]

En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]

Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]

Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]

Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]

Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]

Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]

Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]

Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]

Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]

Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]

Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]

Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]

Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]

Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]

Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]

Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]

Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]

Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]

Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]

We [Supreme]

Xhindi [Spirits]

Yarilo [Love]

Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]


Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]

Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]

K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]

Mayin [Supreme]

Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]

Shurdi [Thunderstorms]

Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]

Xucau [Supreme]

Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
2007-07-06 19:59:07 UTC
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to provide
any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually exists.
Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods? Again there is NO - NADA
objective verifiable evidence for the existence of any of these Gods. All
there are is ancient copies of texts written by hundreds of other men of
totally unknown veracity. There are no original documents in existence
because they were written on parchment which rotted away thousands of
years ago! All that exists are copies of copies etc. of unknown
authenticity and veracity.
Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the word of
any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve them and
demonstrate their authenticity? They are not historically factual but are
mostly myths, fables, contradictions and impossible tales.
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one, if
any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious documents are any
objective 'evidence'. They are all documents hand written, hand copied,
interpreted, modified and further copied, over the centuries, by errant
men with their own personal and selfish motivations. These documents were
all written a thousand and more years before the invention of the printing
All religions are ALL based on ancient myths and tales and NO god has
directly AUTHENTICATED ANY of them.
Man can directly communicate with the whole world via TV, the Internet,
Phone and Radio and the postal service. IF there is a real God, why does
he not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by at least an equally
effective means, that he is the real God and all the others are fakes? And
why does he not tell us clearly and directly what he expects from us
instead of using hundreds of vague, ancient, contradictory, unoriginal
documents, compiled by different religions and hundreds of men of unknown
veracity? Why does he not expose and smite all the false gods?
I'll tell you why. The real objective evidence is that no Gods CREATED MAN
but quite the opposite; that man created gods!
There are thousands of different religious and god beliefs. Here is a list
of most of these;
Baha'i Faith
Jehovah's Witnesses
British Israelism
Southern Baptists
American Baptists
Christian Science
Plymouth Brethren
Twin Oaks
Vodun (Voodoo)
Neopagan Religious Faiths
Asatru (Norse Paganism)
Goddess Worship
Damanhur Community
Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Hare Krishna - ISKCON
Native American Spirituality
Rom, Roma, Romani, Rroma, (a.k.a. Gypsies)
Santeria Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Satanism; The Church of Satan
The Creativity Movement
Ahura Mazda, Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios, Hel,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos, Korravai,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus, Vesta,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus, XodA.
Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]
Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]
Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]
(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]
Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]
Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]
Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]
Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]
Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]
Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]
Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]
Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]
Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]
Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]
Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]
Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]
Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]
Zin [Water]
Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]
Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]
Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]
Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]
Fudo [WIsdom]
Guan Yin [bodhisattva]
Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]
Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]
Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]
Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]
Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]
Locana [?]
Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]
Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]
Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]
Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]
Usnisavijaya [?]
Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
We-to [Divine General]
Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]
Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]
Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]
Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]
Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]
Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]
Erh-Lang [Guardian]
Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]
Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]
Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]
I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]
K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]
Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]
Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]
Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]
O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]
Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]
Ran-deng [Future Buddha]
San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]
T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]
Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]
Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]
Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]
Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]
[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]
Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]
Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]
Hiisi [Forest/Evil]
Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]
Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]
Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]
Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]
Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]
Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]
Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]
Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]
Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]
Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]
Rauni [?]
Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]
Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]
Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]
Waralden Olmai [World]
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]
Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]
Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]
Daikoku [Wealth]
Ebisu [Labor]
Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]
Gozu-Tenno [Plague]
Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]
Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]
Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]
Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]
Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]
O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]
Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]
Sae-No-Kami [Roads]
Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]
Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility and
Uzume [Mirth]
Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]
Yabune [House]
Zocho [South]
Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]
Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]
Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]
Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]
Fujin [Wind]
Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]
Kami [Idols]
Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]
Debata [?]
Empung Luminuut [?]
Hainuwele [?]
Hananim [Sky]
Hmin [Ague]
Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]
Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]
Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]
Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]
Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]
Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]
Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]
Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]
Upulevo [Sun]
Wunekau [Sun]
Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]
Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]
Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]
Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]
En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]
Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]
Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]
Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]
Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]
Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]
Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]
Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]
Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]
Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]
Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]
Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]
Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]
Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]
Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]
Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]
Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]
Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]
Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]
We [Supreme]
Xhindi [Spirits]
Yarilo [Love]
Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]
Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]
Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]
K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]
Mayin [Supreme]
Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]
Shurdi [Thunderstorms]
Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]
Xucau [Supreme]
Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
The real God is whatever the one that *you* believe in, even the crazy one
where they eat their god.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-09 15:45:38 UTC
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually exists.
There goes Bill again with his copy and paste gods and inane question
about gods existence. I have lots of Gods in my display cabinet, some
valuable ancient works of art, and they all exist. However,
Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Semper Libèr
2007-07-17 07:31:09 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually exists.
There goes Bill again with his copy and paste gods and inane question
about gods existence.
Funny to watch someone obsess about something they claim they don't believe
in, isn't it?

Btw, Bill M doesn't really exist.... there is no objective verifiable
evidence that Bill M actually exists. His rambling posts are the result of
random lost packets of internet junk combining to form relatively complex
form and structure.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-17 08:24:24 UTC
Post by Bill M
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Post by Pastor Frank
There goes Bill again with his copy and paste gods and inane question
about gods existence.
Funny to watch someone obsess about something they claim they don't believe
in, isn't it?
Btw, Bill M doesn't really exist.... there is no objective verifiable
evidence that Bill M actually exists. His rambling posts are the result of
random lost packets of internet junk combining to form relatively complex
form and structure.
You may have a point there, for the exact same posts appear at regular
intervals, regardless of any answers to them, ....as if automated.
Perhaps "Bill M." is an automated refuting program?
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Dubh Ghall
2007-07-18 10:28:20 UTC
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 04:24:24 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
You may have a point there, for the exact same posts appear at regular
intervals, regardless of any answers to them, ....as if automated.
Perhaps "Bill M." is an automated refuting program?
Just like you do, Frank.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
bob young
2007-07-20 12:16:04 UTC
Post by Bill M
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Post by Pastor Frank
There goes Bill again with his copy and paste gods and inane question
about gods existence.
Funny to watch someone obsess about something they claim they don't believe
in, isn't it?
Btw, Bill M doesn't really exist.... there is no objective verifiable
evidence that Bill M actually exists. His rambling posts are the result of
random lost packets of internet junk combining to form relatively complex
form and structure.
...........a bit like your God then. But of course you could, perhaps, maybe,
prove 'It's' existence........ go on have a go, if you succeed all WE atheists
that scare the pants off you by challenging your childish myths, will
disappear in a puff of smoke.

Now's you chance ...............................GO FOR IT.

Pastor Frank
2007-07-20 18:59:13 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Bill M
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Post by Pastor Frank
There goes Bill again with his copy and paste gods and inane question
about gods existence.
Funny to watch someone obsess about something they claim they don't believe
in, isn't it?
Btw, Bill M doesn't really exist.... there is no objective verifiable
evidence that Bill M actually exists. His rambling posts are the result of
random lost packets of internet junk combining to form relatively complex
form and structure.
...........a bit like your God then. But of course you could, perhaps, maybe,
prove 'It's' existence........ go on have a go, if you succeed all WE atheists
that scare the pants off you by challenging your childish myths, will
disappear in a puff of smoke.
Now's you chance ...............................GO FOR IT.
ROFL Demonstrating you arrested development again?
We are all born atheist, but most mature enough eventually to be able to
interpret religious symbolism and metaphor sensibly, and come to understand
complex philosophical literature, but some obviously never will, and thus
remain atheists all their sorry lives.
Let Jesus Christ govern your life and He will give a reason and purpose
for living to the glory of your Father which is in heaven, because wherever
Jesus is, there is His Kingdom of Heaven also.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-21 04:32:05 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Bill M
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Post by Pastor Frank
There goes Bill again with his copy and paste gods and inane question
about gods existence.
Funny to watch someone obsess about something they claim they don't believe
in, isn't it?
Btw, Bill M doesn't really exist.... there is no objective verifiable
evidence that Bill M actually exists. His rambling posts are the result of
random lost packets of internet junk combining to form relatively complex
form and structure.
...........a bit like your God then. But of course you could, perhaps, maybe,
prove 'It's' existence........ go on have a go, if you succeed all WE atheists
that scare the pants off you by challenging your childish myths, will
disappear in a puff of smoke.
Now's you chance ...............................GO FOR IT.
ROFL Demonstrating you arrested development again?
We are all born atheist, but most mature enough
with you frank 'mature' doesn't even enter the game

try dealing, word for word, with my post above.

you can't so you resort to rubbish,

well done
Post by Pastor Frank
eventually to be able to
interpret religious symbolism and metaphor sensibly, and come to understand
complex philosophical literature, but some obviously never will, and thus
remain atheists all their sorry lives.
ROFL. Wht do you do Frank, if you trip in the street and fall down and some
fella comes to give you a hand, you automatically assume he is not an atheist
........but a religionist?

You live a childlike existence....... and at times i feel so sorry for you

Post by Pastor Frank
Let Jesus Christ govern your life and He will give a reason and purpose
for living to the glory of your Father which is in heaven, because wherever
Jesus is, there is His Kingdom of Heaven also.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-21 05:59:03 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Bill M
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Post by Pastor Frank
There goes Bill again with his copy and paste gods and inane question
about gods existence.
Funny to watch someone obsess about something they claim they don't believe
in, isn't it?
Btw, Bill M doesn't really exist.... there is no objective verifiable
evidence that Bill M actually exists. His rambling posts are the result of
random lost packets of internet junk combining to form relatively complex
form and structure.
...........a bit like your God then. But of course you could, perhaps, maybe,
prove 'It's' existence........ go on have a go, if you succeed all WE atheists
that scare the pants off you by challenging your childish myths, will
disappear in a puff of smoke.
Now's you chance ...............................GO FOR IT.
ROFL Demonstrating you arrested development again?
We are all born atheist,
How? to be atheist you need to deny the existence of gods, teling me a six month
old baby has this faculty?

you get worse as you get older
Post by Pastor Frank
but most mature enough
with you frank 'mature' doesn't even enter the game
try dealing, word for word, with my post above.
you can't so you resort to rubbish,
well done
Post by Pastor Frank
eventually to be able to
interpret religious symbolism and metaphor sensibly, and come to understand
complex philosophical literature, but some obviously never will, and thus
remain atheists all their sorry lives.
ROFL. Wht do you do Frank, if you trip in the street and fall down and some
fella comes to give you a hand, you automatically assume he is not an atheist
........but a religionist?
You live a childlike existence....... and at times i feel so sorry for you
Post by Pastor Frank
Let Jesus Christ govern your life and He will give a reason and purpose
for living to the glory of your Father which is in heaven, because wherever
Jesus is, there is His Kingdom of Heaven also.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-07-21 12:01:37 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
eventually to be able to
interpret religious symbolism and metaphor sensibly, and come to understand
complex philosophical literature, but some obviously never will, and thus
remain atheists all their sorry lives.
ROFL. Wht do you do Frank, if you trip in the street and fall down and some
fella comes to give you a hand, you automatically assume he is not an atheist
........but a religionist?
If he advocates good behaviour he is a religionist.
Post by bob young
You live a childlike existence....... and at times i feel so sorry for you
It's not a bad way to look at the world, you should try it sometimes
when your cynicism gets the better of you. See below

Pastor Frank

Jesus in Mt:11:25: At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O
Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from
the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
Jesus in Mt:19:14: But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid
them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus in Lk:18:17: Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive
the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.
Jesus in Mt:18:4: Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this
little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus in Mk:9:42: And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones
that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about
his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
Jesus in Mt:18:10: Take heed that ye despise not one of these little
ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold
the face of my Father which is in heaven.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-22 03:03:02 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
eventually to be able to
interpret religious symbolism and metaphor sensibly, and come to understand
complex philosophical literature, but some obviously never will, and thus
remain atheists all their sorry lives.
ROFL. Wht do you do Frank, if you trip in the street and fall down and some
fella comes to give you a hand, you automatically assume he is not an atheist
........but a religionist?
If he advocates good behaviour he is a religionist.......
.....I can only repeat what I said about you having a child like demeanor
Post by bob young
You live a childlike existence....... and at times i feel so sorry for you
It's not a bad way to look at the world, you should try it sometimes
when your cynicism gets the better of you. See below
Pastor Frank
Jesus in Mt:11:25: At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O
Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from
the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
Jesus in Mt:19:14: But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid
them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus in Lk:18:17: Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive
the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.
Jesus in Mt:18:4: Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this
little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus in Mk:9:42: And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones
that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about
his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
Jesus in Mt:18:10: Take heed that ye despise not one of these little
ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold
the face of my Father which is in heaven.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-20 12:12:04 UTC
Post by Wilson
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to provide
any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually exists.
Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods? Again there is NO - NADA
objective verifiable evidence for the existence of any of these Gods. All
there are is ancient copies of texts written by hundreds of other men of
totally unknown veracity. There are no original documents in existence
because they were written on parchment which rotted away thousands of
years ago! All that exists are copies of copies etc. of unknown
authenticity and veracity.
Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the word of
any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve them and
demonstrate their authenticity? They are not historically factual but are
mostly myths, fables, contradictions and impossible tales.
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one, if
any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious documents are any
objective 'evidence'. They are all documents hand written, hand copied,
interpreted, modified and further copied, over the centuries, by errant
men with their own personal and selfish motivations. These documents were
all written a thousand and more years before the invention of the printing
All religions are ALL based on ancient myths and tales and NO god has
directly AUTHENTICATED ANY of them.
Man can directly communicate with the whole world via TV, the Internet,
Phone and Radio and the postal service. IF there is a real God, why does
he not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by at least an equally
effective means, that he is the real God and all the others are fakes? And
why does he not tell us clearly and directly what he expects from us
instead of using hundreds of vague, ancient, contradictory, unoriginal
documents, compiled by different religions and hundreds of men of unknown
veracity? Why does he not expose and smite all the false gods?
I'll tell you why. The real objective evidence is that no Gods CREATED MAN
but quite the opposite; that man created gods!
There are thousands of different religious and god beliefs. Here is a list
of most of these;
Baha'i Faith
Jehovah's Witnesses
British Israelism
Southern Baptists
American Baptists
Christian Science
Plymouth Brethren
Twin Oaks
Vodun (Voodoo)
Neopagan Religious Faiths
Asatru (Norse Paganism)
Goddess Worship
Damanhur Community
Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Hare Krishna - ISKCON
Native American Spirituality
Rom, Roma, Romani, Rroma, (a.k.a. Gypsies)
Santeria Elian Gonzalez religious movement
Satanism; The Church of Satan
The Creativity Movement
Ahura Mazda, Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios, Hel,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos, Korravai,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus, Vesta,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus, XodA.
Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]
Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]
Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]
(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]
Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]
Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]
Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]
Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]
Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]
Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]
Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]
Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]
Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]
Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]
Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]
Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]
Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]
Zin [Water]
Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]
Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]
Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]
Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]
Fudo [WIsdom]
Guan Yin [bodhisattva]
Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]
Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]
Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]
Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]
Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]
Locana [?]
Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]
Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]
Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]
Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]
Usnisavijaya [?]
Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
We-to [Divine General]
Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]
Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]
Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]
Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]
Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]
Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]
Erh-Lang [Guardian]
Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]
Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]
Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]
I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]
K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]
Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]
Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]
Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]
O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]
Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]
Ran-deng [Future Buddha]
San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]
T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]
Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]
Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]
Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]
Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]
[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]
Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]
Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]
Hiisi [Forest/Evil]
Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]
Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]
Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]
Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]
Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]
Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]
Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]
Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]
Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]
Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]
Rauni [?]
Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]
Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]
Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]
Waralden Olmai [World]
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]
Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]
Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]
Daikoku [Wealth]
Ebisu [Labor]
Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]
Gozu-Tenno [Plague]
Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]
Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]
Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]
Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]
Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]
O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]
Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]
Sae-No-Kami [Roads]
Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]
Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility and
Uzume [Mirth]
Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]
Yabune [House]
Zocho [South]
Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]
Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]
Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]
Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]
Fujin [Wind]
Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]
Kami [Idols]
Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]
Debata [?]
Empung Luminuut [?]
Hainuwele [?]
Hananim [Sky]
Hmin [Ague]
Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]
Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]
Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]
Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]
Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]
Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]
Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]
Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]
Upulevo [Sun]
Wunekau [Sun]
Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]
Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]
Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]
Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]
En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]
Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]
Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]
Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]
Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]
Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]
Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]
Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]
Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]
Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]
Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]
Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]
Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]
Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]
Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]
Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]
Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]
Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]
Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]
We [Supreme]
Xhindi [Spirits]
Yarilo [Love]
Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]
Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]
Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]
K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]
Mayin [Supreme]
Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]
Shurdi [Thunderstorms]
Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]
Xucau [Supreme]
Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
The real God is whatever the one that *you* believe in, even the crazy one
where they eat their god.
Reminds me of a documentary on a tribe in Samoa on TV here a couple of nights
ago. Each eldest son kills off his father at an appropriate age, to

.........wait for it........................appease the spirits.

Is more proof needed of the penchant for humans to debase themselves in the
name of primitive superstition?
2007-07-07 00:48:22 UTC
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
Post by Bill M
Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods?
Some don't. Some only believe in one. Some in none at all.
Post by Bill M
All there are is ancient copies of texts written by hundreds of other
men of totally unknown veracity. There are no original documents in
existence because they were written on parchment which rotted away
thousands of years ago! All that exists are copies of copies etc. of
unknown authenticity and veracity.
Oh, yes - your assumption that there should be 'original documents'.
You've used this one before, too. I recall you didn't address the fact
that there's such a thing as an oral tradition that usually precedes the
written word. You seem to assume that the first written example of a
particular legend is 'original' in anything but the medium.
Post by Bill M
Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the
word of any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve them
and demonstrate their authenticity?
No, it's not. For that to be 'logically obvious', you'd need to make
assumptions about that god and its personality. Do you know something we
Post by Bill M
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one,
if any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious documents
are any objective 'evidence'.
You stuck in a loop, Bill?
Post by Bill M
Man can directly communicate with the whole world via TV, the
Internet, Phone and Radio and the postal service. IF there is a real
God, why does he not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by
at least an equally effective means, that he is the real God and all
the others are fakes?
What if 'He' (let's not forget that God is always male in your mind)
doesn't give a toss about us? Oh yes: that'd contradict the only
religion you're really thinking of, wouldn't it?
Post by Bill M
I'll tell you why. The real objective evidence is that no Gods CREATED
MAN but quite the opposite; that man created gods!
Nope, Bill. Again, that's a lack of evidence FOR - NOT evidence against.

A lack of evidence for is reason not to believe - but it doesn't amount
to objective disproof.
Post by Bill M
There are thousands of different religious and god beliefs. Here is a
list of most of these;
[Snip list of gods Bill isn't actually talking about.]
bob young
2007-07-08 05:55:02 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
He challenges the existence of gods and that is very relevent
since scores die by the day in The Middle East in the name of followers of
different factions and versions of Islam.

In Indonesia Christians are harassed by the day by Muslims, so religion is a
very important topic, because one day Muslims will get their hands on an
atomic device and will let it off in The West because they consider
Westerners to be Infidels, people who do not bang their heads on the floor
three times a day and have their children bob their heads backwards and
forward for half a morning learning parrot fashion from an old book of

Following primitive gods is most releveant in the year 2007 with all of it's
fast moving communications and technical advances. Four hundred years ago
it didn't matter, as 95% of folks back then believed in gods without
question, today most of us have grown up..............

Well some of us anyway
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods?
Some don't. Some only believe in one. Some in none at all.
Post by Bill M
All there are is ancient copies of texts written by hundreds of other
men of totally unknown veracity. There are no original documents in
existence because they were written on parchment which rotted away
thousands of years ago! All that exists are copies of copies etc. of
unknown authenticity and veracity.
Oh, yes - your assumption that there should be 'original documents'.
You've used this one before, too. I recall you didn't address the fact
that there's such a thing as an oral tradition that usually precedes the
written word. You seem to assume that the first written example of a
particular legend is 'original' in anything but the medium.
Post by Bill M
Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the
word of any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve them
and demonstrate their authenticity?
No, it's not. For that to be 'logically obvious', you'd need to make
assumptions about that god and its personality. Do you know something we
Post by Bill M
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one,
if any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious documents
are any objective 'evidence'.
You stuck in a loop, Bill?
Post by Bill M
Man can directly communicate with the whole world via TV, the
Internet, Phone and Radio and the postal service. IF there is a real
God, why does he not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by
at least an equally effective means, that he is the real God and all
the others are fakes?
What if 'He' (let's not forget that God is always male in your mind)
doesn't give a toss about us? Oh yes: that'd contradict the only
religion you're really thinking of, wouldn't it?
Post by Bill M
I'll tell you why. The real objective evidence is that no Gods CREATED
MAN but quite the opposite; that man created gods!
Nope, Bill. Again, that's a lack of evidence FOR - NOT evidence against.
A lack of evidence for is reason not to believe - but it doesn't amount
to objective disproof.
Post by Bill M
There are thousands of different religious and god beliefs. Here is a
list of most of these;
[Snip list of gods Bill isn't actually talking about.]
2007-07-08 11:28:02 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
He challenges the existence of gods and that is very relevent
since scores die by the day in The Middle East in the name of
followers of different factions and versions of Islam.
Aye, true - but I'd extend the same argument to them. What possible
relevance does the god that each individual over there believes in have to
anyone else? Yet they use that difference of opinion to rationalise the
most horrific violence because they - like Bill - work on the assumption
that there has to be a single objective conclusion that everyone has to
adhere to.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not here to defend idiotic religious bigotry and
violence. My problem with Bill - as always - isn't so much that I can't
(and wouldn't try to) prove that my gods exist, as that HE can't prove that
they don't.

And before you remind me (rightly) that one doesn't need to DISprove the
existence of something in order to argue that it doesn't exist, bear in
mind that Bill doesn't limit himself to "there's no evidence therefore I
don't believe". No, his claims are that he has *evidence of no gods*. And
that's an entirely different crate of wildebeest.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-10 02:47:32 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
He challenges the existence of gods and that is very relevent
since scores die by the day in The Middle East in the name of
followers of different factions and versions of Islam.
Aye, true - but I'd extend the same argument to them. What possible
relevance does the god that each individual over there believes in have to
anyone else? Yet they use that difference of opinion to rationalise the
most horrific violence
I think you got that reversed. The "most horrific violence" is
perpetrated by the foreign invaders into their country, which killed hundred
of thousands of them. If they were to come here and try that on us, we would
certainly exact a highter death toll from them, than those low tech Arabs
are capable of exacting from us.
But give them enough time, and they will learn to cut up massive Russian
surplus ICBMS and fashion small back-pack battle-nukes out of them to mine
our cities with. Or do you trust Russian Generals to keep fissionable
material off the black market?
This will go on until the Palestinian refugees are back home, ....
religion or no religion.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-11 15:37:49 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
I think you got that reversed. The "most horrific violence" is
perpetrated by the foreign invaders...
Frank, whatever that rant was supposed to be about, I don't think it had
any bearing on the point I made.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-12 00:19:14 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
I think you got that reversed. The "most horrific violence" is
perpetrated by the foreign invaders...
Frank, whatever that rant was supposed to be about, I don't think it had
any bearing on the point I made.
You conveniently erased the authors name and the post, so no one knows
what my comment is in answer to, and I need to guess. But if memory serves
me correctly, the poster probably deplored the "most horrific violence" of
"the enemy" or "Islam" while justifying our own even greater "horrific
violence" against the citizens of foreign countries, even those posing no
threat to the USA.
Like Castro recently said: The USA empire has become the premier killing
machine of the world. America exacts a death toll of citizen of foreign
countries far exceeding anything recorded in History. They will not rest,
till the world cowers in abject fear of them.
But then Apocalyptic prophesy is about to be fulfilled and the USA is
only setting the stage using 'shock and awe' in our nuclear age, instead of
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-12 23:14:45 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
You conveniently erased the authors name and the post, so no one knows
what my comment is in answer to, and I need to guess. But if memory
serves me correctly[...]
If it doesn't serve you correctly after two or three days, when all the
posts involved are still available on the servers and in Google, then I
doubt the relevance and necessity of the original lecture you posted in any
bob young
2007-07-20 12:21:03 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
He challenges the existence of gods and that is very relevent
since scores die by the day in The Middle East in the name of
followers of different factions and versions of Islam.
Aye, true - but I'd extend the same argument to them. What possible
relevance does the god that each individual over there believes in have to
anyone else? Yet they use that difference of opinion to rationalise the
most horrific violence because they - like Bill - work on the assumption
that there has to be a single objective conclusion that everyone has to
adhere to.
Don't get me wrong: I'm not here to defend idiotic religious bigotry and
violence. My problem with Bill - as always - isn't so much that I can't
(and wouldn't try to) prove that my gods exist, as that HE can't prove that
they don't.
He doesn't need to
Post by Midwinter
And before you remind me (rightly) that one doesn't need to DISprove the
existence of something in order to argue that it doesn't exist, bear in
mind that Bill doesn't limit himself to "there's no evidence therefore I
don't believe". No, his claims are that he has *evidence of no gods*. And
that's an entirely different crate of wildebeest.
2007-07-20 23:53:54 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Don't get me wrong: I'm not here to defend idiotic religious bigotry
and violence. My problem with Bill - as always - isn't so much that
I can't (and wouldn't try to) prove that my gods exist, as that HE
can't prove that they don't.
He doesn't need to
No, bob, he doesn't. Well spotted. Yet he continues to claim that he can
do just that.
bob young
2007-07-21 03:36:02 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Don't get me wrong: I'm not here to defend idiotic religious bigotry
and violence. My problem with Bill - as always - isn't so much that
I can't (and wouldn't try to) prove that my gods exist, as that HE
can't prove that they don't.
He doesn't need to
No, bob, he doesn't. Well spotted. Yet he continues to claim that he can
do just that.
I was under the impression he keeps asking others to prove their god [gods]

No one ever rises to the challenge
.................................................and we all know why don't
Straight turn on Red
2007-07-22 11:42:16 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Don't get me wrong: I'm not here to defend idiotic religious bigotry
and violence. My problem with Bill - as always - isn't so much that
I can't (and wouldn't try to) prove that my gods exist, as that HE
can't prove that they don't.
He doesn't need to
No, bob, he doesn't. Well spotted. Yet he continues to claim that he can
do just that.
I was under the impression he keeps asking others to prove their god [gods]
No one ever rises to the challenge
.................................................and we all know why don't
Because it's easier to not prove that something doesn't exist?
Pastor Frank
2007-07-21 11:42:16 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Don't get me wrong: I'm not here to defend idiotic religious bigotry
and violence. My problem with Bill - as always - isn't so much that
I can't (and wouldn't try to) prove that my gods exist, as that HE
can't prove that they don't.
He doesn't need to
No, bob, he doesn't. Well spotted. Yet he continues to claim that he can
do just that.
The only difference between Bill and you is, that he can't make up his
mind as to which of the long list of gods he posts is the real one, whereas
you apparently have chosen "several", the names and attributes of which you
have kept a well guarded secret so far.
When will you divulge the names of your gods?
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-21 12:16:50 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
The only difference between Bill and you is, that he can't make up his
mind as to which of the long list of gods he posts is the real one,
whereas you apparently have chosen "several", the names and attributes
of which you have kept a well guarded secret so far.
When will you divulge the names of your gods?
All of them? It might take some time. Many of them have many names, too.

Frank, you keep telling me I'm unwilling to give you the names of my gods -
or, shall we say, the names I give them (since a god is the personification
of a concept they have no names of their own, and go only by what names are
applied to them) - or that I'm keeping the names secret. The names I use
aren't any you won't have heard before, I'm sure. But the truth is that I
keep on asking you which you'd like me to name, and you keep on refusing to
answer me.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-21 22:53:52 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
The only difference between Bill and you is, that he can't make up
his mind as to which of the long list of gods he posts is the real one,
whereas you apparently have chosen "several", the names and attributes
of which you have kept a well guarded secret so far.
When will you divulge the names of your gods?
All of them? It might take some time. Many of them have many names, too.
Frank, you keep telling me I'm unwilling to give you the names of my gods -
or, shall we say, the names I give them (since a god is the
of a concept they have no names of their own, and go only by what names are
applied to them) - or that I'm keeping the names secret. The names I use
aren't any you won't have heard before, I'm sure. But the truth is that I
keep on asking you which you'd like me to name, and you keep on refusing to
answer me.
You tell us that you have "several gods", not a number which "might take
some time to list". Are you telling us now, that they are legion and are not
even included in the exhaustive list of gods Bill keeps posting? Why don't
you help him decide, which of the totality of his as well as your gods is,
or are real? (see Subject line above) Then tell us too.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-22 03:52:02 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
The only difference between Bill and you is, that he can't make up
his mind as to which of the long list of gods he posts is the real one,
whereas you apparently have chosen "several", the names and attributes
of which you have kept a well guarded secret so far.
When will you divulge the names of your gods?
All of them? It might take some time. Many of them have many names, too.
Frank, you keep telling me I'm unwilling to give you the names of my gods -
or, shall we say, the names I give them (since a god is the
of a concept they have no names of their own, and go only by what names are
applied to them) - or that I'm keeping the names secret. The names I use
aren't any you won't have heard before, I'm sure. But the truth is that I
keep on asking you which you'd like me to name, and you keep on refusing to
answer me.
You tell us that you have "several gods", not a number which "might take
some time to list". Are you telling us now, that they are legion and are not
even included in the exhaustive list of gods Bill keeps posting? Why don't
you help him decide, which of the totality of his as well as your gods is,
or are real? (see Subject line above) Then tell us too.
No matter how exhaustive a 'God List' one has,
we can be sure of one thing, they are ALL the work of man.
Post by Pastor Frank
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-07-22 21:05:33 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
The only difference between Bill and you is, that he can't make up
his mind as to which of the long list of gods he posts is the real one,
whereas you apparently have chosen "several", the names and attributes
of which you have kept a well guarded secret so far.
When will you divulge the names of your gods?
All of them? It might take some time. Many of them have many names, too.
Frank, you keep telling me I'm unwilling to give you the names of my gods -
or, shall we say, the names I give them (since a god is the
of a concept they have no names of their own, and go only by what names are
applied to them) - or that I'm keeping the names secret. The names I use
aren't any you won't have heard before, I'm sure. But the truth is that I
keep on asking you which you'd like me to name, and you keep on
answer me.
You tell us that you have "several gods", not a number which "might take
some time to list". Are you telling us now, that they are legion and are not
even included in the exhaustive list of gods Bill keeps posting? Why don't
you help him decide, which of the totality of his as well as your gods is,
or are real? (see Subject line above) Then tell us too.
No matter how exhaustive a 'God List' one has,
we can be sure of one thing, they are ALL the work of man.
Gods are principles and ideals which man is to make his work to live up
to, and which cause his life to be fruitful. Your created gods don't exist,
regardless whether they are natural phenomena or fashioned by man. See below

Pastor Frank

1Jn:4:8: He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for GOD IS LOVE.
1Jn:4:16: And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us.
GOD IS LOVE; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-23 04:58:01 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
The only difference between Bill and you is, that he can't make up
his mind as to which of the long list of gods he posts is the real one,
whereas you apparently have chosen "several", the names and attributes
of which you have kept a well guarded secret so far.
When will you divulge the names of your gods?
All of them? It might take some time. Many of them have many names, too.
Frank, you keep telling me I'm unwilling to give you the names of my gods -
or, shall we say, the names I give them (since a god is the personification
of a concept they have no names of their own, and go only by what names are
applied to them) - or that I'm keeping the names secret. The names I use
aren't any you won't have heard before, I'm sure. But the truth is that I
keep on asking you which you'd like me to name, and you keep on
answer me.
You tell us that you have "several gods", not a number which "might take
some time to list". Are you telling us now, that they are legion and are not
even included in the exhaustive list of gods Bill keeps posting? Why don't
you help him decide, which of the totality of his as well as your gods is,
or are real? (see Subject line above) Then tell us too.
No matter how exhaustive a 'God List' one has,
we can be sure of one thing, they are ALL the work of man.
Gods are principles and ideals which man is to make his work to live up
to, and which cause his life to be fruitful. Your created gods don't exist,
regardless whether they are natural phenomena or fashioned by man. See below
Pastor Frank
1Jn:4:8: He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for GOD IS LOVE.
1Jn:4:16: And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us.
GOD IS LOVE; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
Ay and in that self same book 'it is written' ..........."and he created man in
his own image"
Post by Pastor Frank
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-23 06:53:18 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Gods are principles and ideals which man is to make his work to live up
So god does not exist as an actual entity .. it is an abstract subjective
ideal. As such, it did not create the universe, nor does it judge us, there
is no heaven and hell. All you have is an ideal that you worship as a god.
Worshipping your own ideals as a god is going just a little over the top.
To have them as ideals and to strife to life up to them, fine. But
worshipping them?
bob young
2007-07-23 09:07:02 UTC
Post by Jeckyl
Post by Pastor Frank
Gods are principles and ideals which man is to make his work to live up
So god does not exist as an actual entity .. it is an abstract subjective
ideal. As such, it did not create the universe, nor does it judge us, there
is no heaven and hell. All you have is an ideal that you worship as a god.
Worshipping your own ideals as a god is going just a little over the top.
To have them as ideals and to strife to life up to them, fine. But
worshipping them?
It's called 'Behaving Frankishly'

.....and we all know what that means!

..............it can be very nasty at times, supercilious on occasions and
often sarcastic

2007-07-22 09:16:56 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
You tell us that you have "several gods", not a number which "might
take some time to list". Are you telling us now, that they are legion
and are not even included in the exhaustive list of gods Bill keeps
I'm telling you their *names* are legion, yes. That's not unusual for a
god, though. Look how many names yours has got.

But in the case of my gods, the reason is (as I've already pointed out)
that personifications of processes and concepts don't have names of their
own except the names of the things they personify. Therefore, different
people tend to call them different things. Actually I didn't say they
weren't included in Bill's list - some of the names are, some aren't, and
the list included many different names for the 'same' gods. Different
names given what was effetively the same deity (or at least the deity
that served the same function) by different cultures - for example, the
sea gods I've already named.
Post by Pastor Frank
Why don't you help him decide, which of the totality of his
as well as your gods is, or are real? (see Subject line above) Then
tell us too.
Frank, you're demanding I give you the names of my (presumably false,
from your point of view) gods, as though it will make a blind bit of
difference what I call them. I'm still not convinced what purpose
that'll serve, though, because you still seem to be labouring under a
misconception about what a 'god' is to me. You apparently imagine - as
Bill often does - that 'god' really means 'God', and that the gods I can
see and point out to you (which you likely wouldn't acknowledge as gods)
are actually the same thing as your God in Heaven (or wherever you'd hold
that He lives).

I'm actually quite willing to give the names, despite your claims that
I'm keeping them secret - but I'd like you to explain first what purpose
is served in providing them to a so-called 'pastor' who would surely
consider any god but His own to be false. I *suspect* the reason you're
fixating on this is because you want to keep away from other awkward
subjects - such as your bloated pride and self-importance, which is
somewhat un-Christian. But if there's another reason for your interest
then please, let me know.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-23 01:33:30 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Why don't you help Bill decide, which of the totality of his gods,
as well as your gods is, or are real? (see Subject line above) Then
tell us too.
Frank, you're demanding I give you the names of my (presumably false,
from your point of view) gods, as though it will make a blind bit of
difference what I call them. I'm still not convinced what purpose
that'll serve, though, because you still seem to be labouring under a
misconception about what a 'god' is to me. You apparently imagine - as
Bill often does - that 'god' really means 'God', and that the gods I can
see and point out to you (which you likely wouldn't acknowledge as gods)
are actually the same thing as your God in Heaven (or wherever you'd hold
that He lives).
I'm actually quite willing to give the names, despite your claims that
I'm keeping them secret - but I'd like you to explain first what purpose
is served in providing them to a so-called 'pastor' who would surely
consider any god but His own to be false. I *suspect* the reason you're
fixating on this is because you want to keep away from other awkward
subjects - such as your bloated pride and self-importance, which is
somewhat un-Christian. But if there's another reason for your interest
then please, let me know.
You still aren't helping Bill decide which of his gods are real instead
of unreal (see Subject). Instead I see you implying that all who have titles
are displaying "bloated pride and self-importance", something you would
never do, for your superiority needs no advertising. Also that you have
nothing good to say about us mono-theists, especially preachers whom you
Why not come right out with it and tell us, that you regard yourself the
most humble person around, are proud of it and don't mind saying so. LOL
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-07-21 04:37:20 UTC
Post by Midwinter
And before you remind me (rightly) that one doesn't need to DISprove the
existence of something in order to argue that it doesn't exist, bear in
mind that Bill doesn't limit himself to "there's no evidence therefore I
don't believe". No, his claims are that he has *evidence of no gods*.
that's an entirely different crate of wildebeest.
Bill doesn't claim that "there ain't no god(s)". He claims because there
too many gods to choose from, it's impossible to know which one is the true
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-21 12:19:36 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Bill doesn't claim that "there ain't no god(s)". He claims because
there too many gods to choose from, it's impossible to know which one
is the true god.
He does make that claim sometimes, it's true. And I've no problem with
that claim. Belief is a matter of what seems right to the individual - and
if you can't decide which gods are real and which seem 'right' to you then
you're probably an atheist, or at least an agnostic (not to imply that
agnosticism is a lesser position than any other, of course).

It's when he extends that argument with something along the lines of "so
therefore there can't be any gods" that I have trouble. Especially when
his reasoning is based on a presumption - stemming from his own focus on
Christianity - that a 'real' god would a) want everyone to know who He was;
and b) would take offence at anyone worshipping someone else.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-21 22:57:59 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Bill doesn't claim that "there ain't no god(s)". He claims because
there too many gods to choose from, it's impossible to know which one
is the true god.
He does make that claim sometimes, it's true. And I've no problem with
that claim. Belief is a matter of what seems right to the individual - and
if you can't decide which gods are real and which seem 'right' to you then
you're probably an atheist, or at least an agnostic (not to imply that
agnosticism is a lesser position than any other, of course).
It's when he extends that argument with something along the lines of "so
therefore there can't be any gods" that I have trouble. Especially when
his reasoning is based on a presumption - stemming from his own focus on
Christianity - that a 'real' god would a) want everyone to know who He was;
and b) would take offence at anyone worshipping someone else.
Why not help him make up his mind, the come and tell us the results?
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-22 09:19:26 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Why not help him make up his mind, the come and tell us the results?
You mean prove to him which is the real god? Why should I want to do that?
A person either believes in something or they don't - and if they don't see
any reason to believe, it's not up to me to persuade them. The 'real' god
for Bill is the one he sees truth in - and if he doesn't see truth in any
of them then none of them are real for him.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-23 01:39:35 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Why not help him make up his mind, the come and tell us the results?
You mean prove to him which is the real god? Why should I want to do that?
A person either believes in something or they don't - and if they don't see
any reason to believe, it's not up to me to persuade them. The 'real' god
for Bill is the one he sees truth in - and if he doesn't see truth in any
of them then none of them are real for him.
Then why are so keen that Christians you meet in their very own
Christian NGs drop their faith in Jesus Christ? I have yet to see you say
anything good about our God, or Christ or Christianity.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-07-09 15:46:14 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
He challenges the existence of gods and that is very relevent
since scores die by the day in The Middle East in the name of followers of
different factions and versions of Islam.
In Indonesia Christians are harassed by the day by Muslims, so religion is a
very important topic, because one day Muslims will get their hands on an
atomic device and will let it off in The West because they consider
Westerners to be Infidels, people who do not bang their heads on the floor
three times a day and have their children bob their heads backwards and
forward for half a morning learning parrot fashion from an old book of
Following primitive gods is most releveant in the year 2007 with all of it's
fast moving communications and technical advances. Four hundred years ago
it didn't matter, as 95% of folks back then believed in gods without
question, today most of us have grown up..............
Well some of us anyway
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally challenged, if
not full blown cases of arrested development. Some could be considered
products of devolution to an earlier, more infantile or primitive state of
We are all born atheist, but most mature enough eventually to be able to
interpret religious symbolism and metaphor sensibly, and come to understand
complex philosophical literature, but some obviously never will, and thus
remain atheists all their sorry lives. "Morons" indeed!!!!
Let Jesus Christ govern your life and He will give you a reason and
purpose for living to the glory of your Father which is in heaven, because
wherever Jesus is, there is His Kingdom of Heaven also.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-11 15:46:53 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome

The problem you have is that you don't really have much to argue with
except your anger and dislike of people who don't follow your decrees
about religion (your continued use of that self-bestowed honorific
denotes your lofty view of yourself). All you've got to argue with are
the tools of schoolyard debate.
Post by Pastor Frank
Some could be considered products of devolution
'Devolution' as the opposite of 'evolution' is not strictly correct,
since evolution has no set direction, except to say that a species is
likely to become more suited to its environment with each generation.
Post by Pastor Frank
We are all born atheist
Not quite. We are all born without any awareness of religion. At that
stage it is not possible to apply religious (or religion-related) terms
to us at all.
Post by Pastor Frank
"Morons" indeed!!!!
Some people also learn to understand how punctuation works. Others never
manage to grasp it.
Post by Pastor Frank
Let Jesus Christ govern your life and He will give you a reason and
purpose for living to the glory of your Father which is in heaven,
because wherever Jesus is, there is His Kingdom of Heaven also.
You know nothing of glory, Frank, or of the magnification of Jesus
Christ. You're bitter, vindictive and nasty-minded - three lessons that
Jesus certainly never taught.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-12 00:38:56 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
The problem you have is that you don't really have much to argue with
except your anger and dislike of people who don't follow your decrees
about religion (your continued use of that self-bestowed honorific
denotes your lofty view of yourself). All you've got to argue with are
the tools of schoolyard debate.
Post by Pastor Frank
Some could be considered products of devolution
'Devolution' as the opposite of 'evolution' is not strictly correct,
since evolution has no set direction, except to say that a species is
likely to become more suited to its environment with each generation.
Post by Pastor Frank
We are all born atheist
Not quite. We are all born without any awareness of religion. At that
stage it is not possible to apply religious (or religion-related) terms
to us at all.
Post by Pastor Frank
"Morons" indeed!!!!
Some people also learn to understand how punctuation works. Others never
manage to grasp it.
Post by Pastor Frank
Let Jesus Christ govern your life and He will give you a reason and
purpose for living to the glory of your Father which is in heaven,
because wherever Jesus is, there is His Kingdom of Heaven also.
You know nothing of glory, Frank, or of the magnification of Jesus
Christ. You're bitter, vindictive and nasty-minded - three lessons that
Jesus certainly never taught.
Thanks for proving my point about devolution or arrested development.
Though I never mentioned your name you instinctively included yourself among
those atheists I was describing. Must have touched a nerve or something.
Interesting though, that you think yourself to be the opposite from "bitter,
vindictive and nasty-minded", and rather more like what Jesus taught and
Perhaps you are beginning to realise, as I did one day, that atheism is
mental death and the life abundant is found only in Jesus Christ and His
holy and inerrant words.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-12 23:23:40 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Thanks for proving my point about devolution or arrested
Thanks for proving mine about your lack of suitability for the title you
parade around with.
Post by Pastor Frank
Though I never mentioned your name you instinctively included yourself
among those atheists I was describing.
No, Frank - but unlike you I have a memory, and I know how you define
'atheist'. In your mind, I fall into that category because I'm not the
right kind of religious. You believe that anyone who isn't obedient to
your decrees is an atheist - and that's one of the many things that make
you supremely unfit to lecture on the subject of atheism.
Post by Pastor Frank
Must have touched a nerve or something.
No - you posted to a public forum. If you fear replies, that's a bad
thing to do.
Post by Pastor Frank
Interesting though, that you think yourself to be the
opposite from "bitter, vindictive and nasty-minded", and rather more
like what Jesus taught and demonstrated.
Yet again, it's a no from me. I'm as nasty as they come, Frank. Really.
I'd go so far as to say evil. By Christian standards, absolutely
irredeemable - no doubt of that.

The big difference, though, is that I'm not strutting around under some
self-awarded title trying to convince people I'm a moral and religious
Post by Pastor Frank
Perhaps you are beginning to realise, as I did one day, that atheism is
mental death and the life abundant is found only in Jesus Christ and
His holy and inerrant words.
If I ever hear the words of Jesus, Frank, they certainly won't be coming
via you - not unless you seriously reassess your self-image.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-13 17:20:34 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Thanks for proving my point about devolution or arrested
Thanks for proving mine about your lack of suitability for the title you
parade around with.
Post by Pastor Frank
Though I never mentioned your name you instinctively included yourself
among those atheists I was describing.
No, Frank - but unlike you I have a memory, and I know how you define
'atheist'. In your mind, I fall into that category because I'm not the
right kind of religious. You believe that anyone who isn't obedient to
your decrees is an atheist - and that's one of the many things that make
you supremely unfit to lecture on the subject of atheism.
Why lie about it? An atheist is one who doesn't believe in gods, whether
they exist or not. Unfortunately the word God stand for Ideal of perfection.
So an atheist is one who disavows ideals.
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Must have touched a nerve or something.
No - you posted to a public forum. If you fear replies, that's a bad
thing to do.
Post by Pastor Frank
Interesting though, that you think yourself to be the
opposite from "bitter, vindictive and nasty-minded", and rather more
like what Jesus taught and demonstrated.
Yet again, it's a no from me. I'm as nasty as they come, Frank. Really.
I'd go so far as to say evil. By Christian standards, absolutely
irredeemable - no doubt of that.
The big difference, though, is that I'm not strutting around under some
self-awarded title trying to convince people I'm a moral and religious
Tho only "religious and moral authority" we recognise is Jesus Christ.
Who is your moral authority? Or don't you have any ideals in regards to
moral behaviour and no one who demonstrates this ideal, as Christ does for
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Perhaps you are beginning to realise, as I did one day, that atheism is
mental death and the life abundant is found only in Jesus Christ and
His holy and inerrant words.
If I ever hear the words of Jesus, Frank, they certainly won't be coming
via you - not unless you seriously reassess your self-image.
Then tell us already from whom you will accept the words of Jesus? Is it
the Pope? Or perhaps Calvin? Why let us guess? Personally I will only accept
the holy and inerrant words of Jesus from the NT Bible, for I am sola
Btw I don't have any 'self-image', I don't need any, nor do I need to
esteem myself, like atheists need to, for I am secure in the knowledge, that
my Father which is in heaven loves and esteems me abundantly. How about you?
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Dubh Ghall
2007-07-14 12:18:57 UTC
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 13:20:34 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Thanks for proving my point about devolution or arrested
Thanks for proving mine about your lack of suitability for the title you
parade around with.
Post by Pastor Frank
Though I never mentioned your name you instinctively included yourself
among those atheists I was describing.
No, Frank - but unlike you I have a memory, and I know how you define
'atheist'. In your mind, I fall into that category because I'm not the
right kind of religious. You believe that anyone who isn't obedient to
your decrees is an atheist - and that's one of the many things that make
you supremely unfit to lecture on the subject of atheism.
Why lie about it?
We don't know, Frank; We just know that you do.
Post by Pastor Frank
An atheist is one who doesn't believe in gods, whether
they exist or not. Unfortunately the word God stand for Ideal of perfection.
Like that statement.

n noun
1 (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator
and ruler of the universe; the supreme being.
2 (god) a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power
over nature or human fortunes; a deity.

Not a word about ideals.
Post by Pastor Frank
So an atheist is one who disavows ideals.
See, still lying.
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Yet again, it's a no from me. I'm as nasty as they come, Frank. Really.
I'd go so far as to say evil. By Christian standards, absolutely
irredeemable - no doubt of that.
The big difference, though, is that I'm not strutting around under some
self-awarded title trying to convince people I'm a moral and religious
Tho only "religious and moral authority" we recognise is Jesus Christ.
Ah yes, the racist, donkey stealing, lunatic, who cursed trees for not
having fruit, out of season.
Post by Pastor Frank
Who is your moral authority? Or don't you have any ideals in regards to
moral behaviour and no one who demonstrates this ideal, as Christ does for
Straw man.
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
If I ever hear the words of Jesus, Frank, they certainly won't be coming
via you - not unless you seriously reassess your self-image.
Then tell us already from whom you will accept the words of Jesus?
From anyone who can provide verifiable evidence of their authenticity,
and originality.
Post by Pastor Frank
Is it
the Pope? Or perhaps Calvin? Why let us guess? Personally I will only accept
the holy and inerrant words of Jesus from the NT Bible, for I am sola
Btw I don't have any 'self-image',
Yea you do. The trouble is that you do not recognise it as such, and
think that it is the real you.
Post by Pastor Frank
I don't need any, nor do I need to
esteem myself, like atheists need to,
So, if not for self esteem; why do you always have to be the only one
who is a xtian?

If not for self esteem; Why do you go to such extreme lengths, to
prove to your self that you are always right, and everybody else is
always wrong?

... Even to the point of denying your own gods?
Post by Pastor Frank
for I am secure in the knowledge,
No, you aint, Frank. If you were secure in your beliefs, you would
not need to lie, and insult, others, in order to bolster your beliefs.
Post by Pastor Frank
my Father which is in heaven loves and esteems me abundantly.
No, Frank, you are scared shitless, and so you make xtianity as
offensive to people, as you possibly can, to try and ensure that you
have company in that hell you fear so much.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
2007-07-19 22:09:32 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Why lie about it? An atheist is one who doesn't believe in gods,
whether they exist or not.
Well done. You are making progress, then. So you understand and accept
now that, since I believe in gods (several of them, in fact), I cannot be
considered an atheist? Can I assume, then, that you will not refer to me
as an atheist again?
Post by Pastor Frank
Unfortunately the word God stand for Ideal of
perfection. So an atheist is one who disavows ideals.
Unfortunately it stands for no such thing. As far as I'm aware there's no
clear consensus on the etymology of the word 'god' - but the mistake you
seem to be making is in confusing the meaning of the word with the
attributes you imagine to be possessed by the particular god you believe

Since your premise is groundless, the conclusion you base on it is
irrelevant. An atheist, therefore, need not disavow anything save a belief
in God or gods.
Post by Pastor Frank
Tho only "religious and moral authority" we recognise is Jesus Christ.
'We' being the operative word there - although given your usual MO, the
word 'I' would perhaps have been more appropriate, since it's clear you
speak for no-one but yourself.
Post by Pastor Frank
Who is your moral authority?
I am. I accept that responsibility as part of my duty as a human being.
Post by Pastor Frank
Or don't you have any ideals in regards
to moral behaviour and no one who demonstrates this ideal, as Christ
does for us?
Oh, I have ideals, for sure. Ideals that I sometimes fail to reach. But I
have no God and no Devil on whom to palm off the responsibility.

And no, I don't for one moment suggest that all Christians do so - just
that I have no time for those who do.
Post by Pastor Frank
Then tell us already from whom you will accept the words of Jesus?
No-one. Jesus is dead. His words, preserved to the extent that they are
in the Bible (which may or may not represent them to some degree of
accuracy) generally have some merit, as a rule. 'Turn the other cheek' and
'love thy neighbour' are bits of good advice. Some of his advice was not
so good. Yet the story of him as a god on Earth come to judge all mankind
- that's part of your belief system, not mine.
Post by Pastor Frank
Is it the Pope?
The Pope is just another head of state, albeit one whose 'state' is
somewhat unconventionally organised. To me, he is a man with all the flaws
and failings of a man. But that's my view. It's not my business what the
members of his congregation might believe of him.
Post by Pastor Frank
Or perhaps Calvin?
Well, he had some interesting ideas and a fascinating perspective.
Fortunately, he had Hobbes to temper some of his wilder notions. But no -
I don't think I expect to hear the words of Jesus coming from Calvin,
unless it's to try to find a way around some commandment or other.
Post by Pastor Frank
Why let us guess?
Why bother to guess?
Post by Pastor Frank
Personally I will only accept the holy and inerrant words of Jesus from
the NT Bible, for I am sola scriptura.
Good for you. Good, Frank, for *YOU*. Not for me, nor necessarily for
anyone else. It's for them to decide for themselves, as it's your choice
for you. Your 'scripture' is not scripture to me.
Post by Pastor Frank
Btw I don't have any 'self-image', I don't need any, nor do I need
to esteem myself
When you drop that title you award yourself, then I'll believe that. Not
Post by Pastor Frank
How about you?
Whether your Father is in Heaven and whether He loves you are matters of
indifference to me.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-20 10:34:27 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Why lie about it? An atheist is one who doesn't believe in gods,
whether they exist or not.
Well done. You are making progress, then. So you understand and accept
now that, since I believe in gods (several of them, in fact), I cannot be
considered an atheist? Can I assume, then, that you will not refer to me
as an atheist again?
Post by Pastor Frank
Unfortunately the word God stand for Ideal of
perfection. So an atheist is one who disavows ideals.
Unfortunately it stands for no such thing. As far as I'm aware there's no
clear consensus on the etymology of the word 'god' - but the mistake you
seem to be making is in confusing the meaning of the word with the
attributes you imagine to be possessed by the particular god you believe
You fail to mention what the word "god" means to you. Christs definition
of His God is clear, and it's an ideal of behaviour which inhabits and
inspires man to excell. "It stands for no such thing" indeed.
Post by Midwinter
Since your premise is groundless, the conclusion you base on it is
irrelevant. An atheist, therefore, need not disavow anything save a belief
in God or gods.
Again, you don't say what you mean by "god(s)", but the way you use the
word, it very likely indicates some existing and therefore created object,
of which I have several, or an invisible man in the sky, which doesn't
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
The only "religious and moral authority" we recognise is Jesus
'We' being the operative word there - although given your usual MO, the
word 'I' would perhaps have been more appropriate, since it's clear you
speak for no-one but yourself.
"We" indicates Christians posting to our mostly Christian groups. We all
believe in Christ as being our God incarnate and our Lord and Saviour. Name
your god(s) and quit stalling already!!!
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Who is your moral authority?
I am. I accept that responsibility as part of my duty as a human being.
In that case you are you own god, but which hardly makes you a theist,
no matter how much you adore and worship yourself. Being your own god is
mental masturbation and unfruitful.
Rather than following yourself, follow Christ in humble adoration, and
be saved.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-20 11:55:03 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Why lie about it? An atheist is one who doesn't believe in gods,
whether they exist or not.
Well done. You are making progress, then. So you understand and accept
now that, since I believe in gods (several of them, in fact), I cannot be
considered an atheist? Can I assume, then, that you will not refer to me
as an atheist again?
Post by Pastor Frank
Unfortunately the word God stand for Ideal of
perfection. So an atheist is one who disavows ideals.
Unfortunately it stands for no such thing. As far as I'm aware there's no
clear consensus on the etymology of the word 'god' - but the mistake you
seem to be making is in confusing the meaning of the word with the
attributes you imagine to be possessed by the particular god you believe
You fail to mention what the word "god" means to you. Christs definition
of His God is clear,
Utter sheer rubbish. There is no way in the world anyone can determine
what any man said over two thousand years back, Christ or no Christ.

what are you trying to do Frank - demonstrate your crass stupidity?
Post by Pastor Frank
and it's an ideal of behaviour which inhabits and
inspires man to excell. "It stands for no such thing" indeed.
Post by Midwinter
Since your premise is groundless, the conclusion you base on it is
irrelevant. An atheist, therefore, need not disavow anything save a belief
in God or gods.
Again, you don't say what you mean by "god(s)", but the way you use the
word, it very likely indicates some existing and therefore created object,
of which I have several, or an invisible man in the sky, which doesn't
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
The only "religious and moral authority" we recognise is Jesus
'We' being the operative word there - although given your usual MO, the
word 'I' would perhaps have been more appropriate, since it's clear you
speak for no-one but yourself.
"We" indicates Christians posting to our mostly Christian groups. We all
believe in Christ as being our God incarnate and our Lord and Saviour. Name
your god(s) and quit stalling already!!!
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Who is your moral authority?
I am. I accept that responsibility as part of my duty as a human being.
In that case you are you own god, but which hardly makes you a theist,
no matter how much you adore and worship yourself. Being your own god is
mental masturbation and unfruitful.
Rather than following yourself, follow Christ in humble adoration, and
be saved.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Scott Richter
2007-07-20 13:53:38 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Who is your moral authority?
I am. I accept that responsibility as part of my duty as a human being.
In that case you are you own god,
Wrong again, wafer breath. A moral authority need not be a god or other
form of imaginary father figure, in fact, that makes the worst kind of

Since gods are simply creations of human imagination, claiming god as
your moral authority is acknowledging that the authority resides in
oneself WITHOUT accepting the responsibility for it. That leads to all
sorts of violence and other bad behavior--just ask the Los Angeles
Catholic church...
Post by Pastor Frank
Personally I will only accept the holy and inerrant words of Jesus from
the NT Bible, for I am sola scriptura.
Which is just a nice sounding way of saying you are willfully ignorant
and fiercely superstitious--and proud of it!
2007-07-20 23:36:29 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
You fail to mention what the word "god" means to you.
I wasn't aware that you'd asked. To me, a 'god' is the personification
of a natural phenomenon or process or concept.
Post by Pastor Frank
Christs definition
of His God is clear, and it's an ideal of behaviour which inhabits and
inspires man to excell. "It stands for no such thing" indeed.
It's an ideal which 'inhabits' and inspires those who adhere to Christ's
definition of God. And not even all of them, as we see by your fixation
on earthly things such as your title.
Post by Pastor Frank
Again, you don't say what you mean by "god(s)", but the way you use the
word, it very likely indicates some existing and therefore created
object, of which I have several, or an invisible man in the sky,
which doesn't exist.
You have several gods, then?
Post by Pastor Frank
"We" indicates Christians posting to our mostly Christian groups.
Oh? Something of a comedown from 'pristine Christian newsgroups', then.
Is the message finally starting to percolate through that there's a
difference between 'Christian group' and 'group about Christianity'?
Post by Pastor Frank
We all
believe in Christ as being our God incarnate and our Lord and Saviour.
If by 'we all' you're referring to Christians, then yes, you're pretty
much right. If, however, you're referring to participants in these
groups, then you're mistaken.
Post by Pastor Frank
Name your god(s) and quit stalling already!!!
Haven't we been here before? I'll ask again as I've asked before: which
of the gods would you like me to name?
Post by Pastor Frank
In that case you are you own god, but which hardly makes you a
No, I'm not a god, because I'm not a representation or personification of
a natural process or phenomenon or concept. I'm PART of a god, I
suppose, because I'm part of nature - but a trivial part indeed: less
significant even than a single cell of your skin might be to you.
Post by Pastor Frank
Being your own god is mental masturbation and unfruitful.
Mmm. Maybe. But it's also my business, and my choice to make.
Post by Pastor Frank
Rather than following yourself, follow Christ in humble adoration,
and be saved.
No, thanks. Again, my salvation is my concern (except it's not - but if
I was concerned about it at all it would be), and it's nothing to do with
Pastor Frank
2007-07-21 11:31:42 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
You fail to mention what the word "god" means to you.
I wasn't aware that you'd asked. To me, a 'god' is the personification
of a natural phenomenon or process or concept.
Names please.
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Christs definition
of His God is clear, and it's an ideal of behaviour which inhabits and
inspires man to excell. "It stands for no such thing" indeed.
It's an ideal which 'inhabits' and inspires those who adhere to Christ's
definition of God. And not even all of them, as we see by your fixation
on earthly things such as your title.
You excell in stating the obious with great alacrity.
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Again, you don't say what you mean by "god(s)", but the way you use the
word, it very likely indicates some existing and therefore created
object, of which I have several, or an invisible man in the sky,
which doesn't exist.
You have several gods, then?
I have a several in my display case. Some are exquisit ancient works of
art and they are for sale. want to make me an offer. My fertility god called
Figa is said to obviate Viagra to true believers, blessing them with a
permanent hard-on. Want to make me an offer?
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
"We" indicates Christians posting to our mostly Christian groups.
Oh? Something of a comedown from 'pristine Christian newsgroups', then.
Is the message finally starting to percolate through that there's a
difference between 'Christian group' and 'group about Christianity'?
Sorry, that is not in our charter which speaks only of venues for
Christians to discuss their faith.
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
We all
believe in Christ as being our God incarnate and our Lord and Saviour.
If by 'we all' you're referring to Christians, then yes, you're pretty
much right. If, however, you're referring to participants in these
groups, then you're mistaken.
Naturally, there are those who wish to find answers to their questions.
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Name your god(s) and quit stalling already!!!
Haven't we been here before? I'll ask again as I've asked before: which
of the gods would you like me to name?
Name the "several" you mentioned.
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
In that case you are you own god, but which hardly makes you a
No, I'm not a god, because I'm not a representation or personification of
a natural process or phenomenon or concept. I'm PART of a god, I
suppose, because I'm part of nature - but a trivial part indeed: less
significant even than a single cell of your skin might be to you.
Is this supposed to show you as being a humble theist? We Christians are
the children of the most high Lord of lords and King of kings. We are His
sons, the princes of His realm and His inheritors.
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Being your own god is mental masturbation and unfruitful.
Mmm. Maybe. But it's also my business, and my choice to make.
Post by Pastor Frank
Rather than following yourself, follow Christ in humble adoration,
and be saved.
No, thanks. Again, my salvation is my concern (except it's not - but if
I was concerned about it at all it would be), and it's nothing to do with
May we ask then you extend to us the same courtesy and regard our
Christian witness in our own pristine, if not hallowed Christian NGs having
"nothing to do with you" and being just our own "concern"?
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-21 12:32:26 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Names please.
While I wait for you to clarify which gods you'd like me to name (bearing
in mind that giving all names for all of them would take some time -
you'd probably be quicker to look at the last time Bill posted his list),
I'll ask you another question:

Why do you want me to jump through this particular hoop for you? If I
give a certain name for a certain god, are you likely to say "well,
that's all right then"? I'm just curious to know what to expect. Are
there some gods you approve of, and some you don't? I would expect a so-
called Christian - especially a self-proclaimed 'pastor' - to consider
any god other than his own a 'false' god. So what difference does it
make if, for example, I named the god of the oceans as Poseidon, or
Neptune, or Tiamat, or Tethys, or Pontus or Oceanus?
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
It's an ideal which 'inhabits' and inspires those who adhere to
Christ's definition of God. And not even all of them, as we see by
your fixation on earthly things such as your title.
You excell in stating the obious with great alacrity.
Yes, I do. And yet the obvious apparently continues to escape you. You
continue to hold me to your supposed Christian standards (dubious as they
are in your case), without any evident understanding that they are of no
relevance to me.
Post by Pastor Frank
I have a several in my display case. Some are exquisit ancient works of
art and they are for sale. want to make me an offer. My fertility god
called Figa is said to obviate Viagra to true believers, blessing them
with a permanent hard-on. Want to make me an offer?
Heh... Not really, Frank. I don't think I'd benefit from that
particular effect, thanks.
Post by Pastor Frank
Sorry, that is not in our charter which speaks only of venues for
Christians to discuss their faith.
And which charter is it to which you refer?
Post by Pastor Frank
Name the "several" you mentioned.
Waiting for the specifics I asked for.
Post by Pastor Frank
Is this supposed to show you as being a humble theist? We
Christians are
the children of the most high Lord of lords and King of kings. We are
His sons, the princes of His realm and His inheritors.
Good for you. Very lofty-sounding - and we know how you love your titles
and grandiosity, Frank. But, see, I don't believe in that particular
god. This is the concept you seem to have difficulty in grasping.
Post by Pastor Frank
May we ask then you extend to us the same courtesy and regard our
Christian witness in our own pristine, if not hallowed Christian NGs
having "nothing to do with you" and being just our own "concern"?
No, Frank, you (singular) may not. Again, your groups are not 'your'
groups; they are not pristine; they are not hallowed - and you have no
authority over me.

I'm more than happy to engage in discussion with Christians - I have the
greatest respect for their faith and I will show them what courtesy they
show me. But I have no respect for those who imagine that their faith
makes them superior; nor for those who award themselves titles and parade
around with them as though they have the right to dictate the beliefs and
behaviour of others.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-22 01:41:44 UTC
Post by Midwinter
I'm more than happy to engage in discussion with Christians - I have the
greatest respect for their faith and I will show them what courtesy they
show me. But I have no respect for those who imagine that their faith
makes them superior; nor for those who award themselves titles and parade
around with them as though they have the right to dictate the beliefs and
behaviour of others.
Thanks for the compliment. America was Christianised by so-called
'barefoot pastors" who had a few months training and then were sent out by
their congregations with a Bible and a minimal annual retainer to plant
churches. They walked from one homestead to the next, dodging marauding
Indians and lived on the gifts of kind and simple people.
They were "superior" indeed and deserve the highest of "respect", that
is why they are my example to live up to. Tell us who or what is YOUR
example to live up to. "award themselves titles" indeed!!!!
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-22 09:04:40 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Thanks for the compliment.
It wasn't a compliment, Frank, because it didn't apply to you.
Post by Pastor Frank
America was Christianised by so-called 'barefoot pastors"
Well, not really. The invaders - sorry, the colonists, well, they were
Christian anyway. It was just a matter of getting the locals to stop
making a fuss. Those 'barefoot pastors' were only preaching to the
converted. Which is always an easier job, as I'm sure you'll agree.
Post by Pastor Frank
marauding Indians
Most people tend to get a bit, well, maraud-y when someone else turns up
and starts taking their land from them.
Post by Pastor Frank
They were "superior" indeed and deserve the highest of "respect",
that is why they are my example to live up to.
I suppose that makes sense. You turn up on newsgroups and claim them as
your own, and everyone else is supposed to just bow down and accept your
self-proclaimed authority. Yes, I can see the parallel.
Post by Pastor Frank
Tell us who or what is YOUR example to live up to.
I have many examples, many role models, many good influences. I don't
always - or even often - manage to live up to them, but still.

Are you asking me to name my gods again, Frank? If so, I'm still waiting
for you to tell me which ones you want me to name - and of course
wondering what difference it would make to a supposed monotheist what a
pagan calls their 'false gods' anyway.
Post by Pastor Frank
"award themselves titles" indeed!!!!
Yes. You know - like the one you parade around with.

Haven't we been here before?
Pastor Frank
2007-07-23 01:06:47 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Thanks for the compliment.
It wasn't a compliment, Frank, because it didn't apply to you.
Post by Pastor Frank
America was Christianised by so-called 'barefoot pastors"
Well, not really. The invaders - sorry, the colonists, well, they were
Christian anyway. It was just a matter of getting the locals to stop
making a fuss. Those 'barefoot pastors' were only preaching to the
converted. Which is always an easier job, as I'm sure you'll agree.
That's why I am talking about Christ in Christian groups. But why are
YOU trolling Christian groups, other than diminish everything and everyone
here? Why not start praising and worshipping something or someone, as we do
Jesus Christ our glorious, holy and inerrant Lord and Saviour?
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Scott Richter
2007-07-22 16:47:01 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
America was Christianised by so-called 'barefoot pastors"
Also known as "charlatans"...
Dubh Ghall
2007-07-21 00:15:53 UTC
On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 06:34:27 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
You fail to mention what the word "god" means to you.
It doesn't mean anything, to us, other than childish superstition.
Post by Pastor Frank
Christs definition
of His God is clear, and it's an ideal of behaviour which inhabits and
inspires man to excell. "It stands for no such thing" indeed.

Jesus definition of God, did he actually exist, was the same as that
of the rest of the Jews.
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Since your premise is groundless, the conclusion you base on it is
irrelevant. An atheist, therefore, need not disavow anything save a belief
in God or gods.
Again, you don't say what you mean by "god(s)", but the way you use the
word, it very likely indicates some existing and therefore created object,
of which I have several, or an invisible man in the sky, which doesn't
We mean whatever you mean, because it is your silly definitions that
we go by.

It is your silly definitions that we mock.

But persist with your lie, Frank, if that is what you need.
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
The only "religious and moral authority" we recognise is Jesus
'We' being the operative word there - although given your usual MO, the
word 'I' would perhaps have been more appropriate, since it's clear you
speak for no-one but yourself.
"We" indicates Christians posting to our mostly Christian groups.
But you are not a xtian.

You are some kind of neo-pagan, who believes in, and preaches the
power of gods, other than The xtian god.

You have even gone so far as to deny the xtian god, claiming it to be
nothing more than a nice idea.
Post by Pastor Frank
We all
believe in Christ as being our God incarnate and our Lord and Saviour.
You don't.
Post by Pastor Frank
your god(s) and quit stalling already!!!
Quit lying.
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Who is your moral authority?
I am. I accept that responsibility as part of my duty as a human being.
In that case you are you own god,
It would seem that you have not yet learned what the word "god",
means, or you are trying to play some silly, dishonest, semantic game,
some mental masturbation, to make your self feel good, and some
pathetic play on words, to try and show the world, how clever you are.

Pride and Vanity, Frank, Pride and Vanity.

That is all that you are.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
Scott Richter
2007-07-21 14:20:10 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Being your own god is mental masturbation and unfruitful.
If there's one thing fundamentalist fruitcakes like Frank know a great
deal about, it's mental masturbation...
bob young
2007-07-14 05:22:03 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
Not often you an I agree Midwinter.

Frank full well knows already since we debated the declared athistic fella
below at length many moons ago....

Although we are taught the Copernican astronomy in our textbooks, it has not
yet penetrated to our religion or our morals, and has not even succeeded in
destroying belief in astrology. People still think that the Divine Plan has
special reference to human beings, and that a special Providence not only
looks after the good, but also punishes the wicked. I am sometimes shocked
by the blasphemies of those who think themselves pious-for instance, the
nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When
asked why, since no man can see them, they reply: 'Oh, but you forget the
good God.' Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose
omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is foiled by
bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.
[Bertrand Russell]
Post by Midwinter
The problem you have is that you don't really have much to argue with
except your anger and dislike of people who don't follow your decrees
about religion (your continued use of that self-bestowed honorific
denotes your lofty view of yourself). All you've got to argue with are
the tools of schoolyard debate.
Post by Pastor Frank
Some could be considered products of devolution
'Devolution' as the opposite of 'evolution' is not strictly correct,
since evolution has no set direction, except to say that a species is
likely to become more suited to its environment with each generation.
Post by Pastor Frank
We are all born atheist
Not quite. We are all born without any awareness of religion. At that
stage it is not possible to apply religious (or religion-related) terms
to us at all.
Post by Pastor Frank
"Morons" indeed!!!!
Some people also learn to understand how punctuation works. Others never
manage to grasp it.
Post by Pastor Frank
Let Jesus Christ govern your life and He will give you a reason and
purpose for living to the glory of your Father which is in heaven,
because wherever Jesus is, there is His Kingdom of Heaven also.
You know nothing of glory, Frank, or of the magnification of Jesus
Christ. You're bitter, vindictive and nasty-minded - three lessons that
Jesus certainly never taught.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-14 22:15:11 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
Not often you an I agree Midwinter.
full well knows already since we debated the declared athistic fella
below at length many moons ago....
Although we are taught the Copernican astronomy in our textbooks, it has not
yet penetrated to our religion or our morals, and has not even succeeded in
destroying belief in astrology. People still think that the Divine Plan has
special reference to human beings, and that a special Providence not only
looks after the good, but also punishes the wicked. I am sometimes shocked
by the blasphemies of those who think themselves pious-for instance, the
nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When
asked why, since no man can see them, they reply: 'Oh, but you forget the
good God.' Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose
omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is foiled by
bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.
[Bertrand Russell]
Bertie was a sexual deviant and didn't believe in God because it
interfered with his sexual mores (quoth Aldous Huxley). Bertie was just
smart and sly, hardly an "awesome intellect".
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Cary Kittrell
2007-07-14 22:48:03 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
Not often you an I agree Midwinter.
full well knows already since we debated the declared athistic fella
below at length many moons ago....
Although we are taught the Copernican astronomy in our textbooks, it has not
yet penetrated to our religion or our morals, and has not even succeeded in
destroying belief in astrology. People still think that the Divine Plan has
special reference to human beings, and that a special Providence not only
looks after the good, but also punishes the wicked. I am sometimes shocked
by the blasphemies of those who think themselves pious-for instance, the
nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When
asked why, since no man can see them, they reply: 'Oh, but you forget the
good God.' Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose
omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is foiled by
bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.
[Bertrand Russell]
Bertie was a sexual deviant
Yes, he liked screwing women.

Why am I less surprised than I would have thought to discover
that you find that "deviant"?

-- cry

and didn't believe in God because it
Post by Pastor Frank
interfered with his sexual mores (quoth Aldous Huxley). Bertie was just
smart and sly, hardly an "awesome intellect".
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-07-16 03:51:32 UTC
Post by Cary Kittrell
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
Not often you an I agree Midwinter.
full well knows already since we debated the declared athistic fella
below at length many moons ago....
Although we are taught the Copernican astronomy in our textbooks, it
yet penetrated to our religion or our morals, and has not even
in destroying belief in astrology. People still think that the Divine
Plan has
special reference to human beings, and that a special Providence not only
looks after the good, but also punishes the wicked. I am sometimes shocked
by the blasphemies of those who think themselves pious-for instance, the
nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When
asked why, since no man can see them, they reply: 'Oh, but you forget the
good God.' Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose
omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is
by bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.
[Bertrand Russell]
Bertie was a sexual deviant
Yes, he liked screwing women.
Yes, like the underage daughters of his host.
Post by Cary Kittrell
Why am I less surprised than I would have thought to discover
that you find that "deviant"?
I am not at all "suprised" to note you find this normal.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Cary Kittrell
2007-07-17 20:08:30 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Cary Kittrell
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
Not often you an I agree Midwinter.
full well knows already since we debated the declared athistic fella
below at length many moons ago....
Although we are taught the Copernican astronomy in our textbooks, it
yet penetrated to our religion or our morals, and has not even
in destroying belief in astrology. People still think that the Divine
Plan has
special reference to human beings, and that a special Providence not only
looks after the good, but also punishes the wicked. I am sometimes shocked
by the blasphemies of those who think themselves pious-for instance, the
nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When
asked why, since no man can see them, they reply: 'Oh, but you forget the
good God.' Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose
omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is
by bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.
[Bertrand Russell]
Bertie was a sexual deviant
Yes, he liked screwing women.
Yes, like the underage daughters of his host.

Cite, if you please:

-- cary
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Cary Kittrell
Why am I less surprised than I would have thought to discover
that you find that "deviant"?
I am not at all "suprised" to note you find this normal.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-16 05:07:01 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
Not often you an I agree Midwinter.
full well knows already since we debated the declared athistic fella
below at length many moons ago....
Although we are taught the Copernican astronomy in our textbooks, it has not
yet penetrated to our religion or our morals, and has not even succeeded in
destroying belief in astrology. People still think that the Divine Plan has
special reference to human beings, and that a special Providence not only
looks after the good, but also punishes the wicked. I am sometimes shocked
by the blasphemies of those who think themselves pious-for instance, the
nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When
asked why, since no man can see them, they reply: 'Oh, but you forget the
good God.' Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose
omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is foiled by
bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.
[Bertrand Russell]
Bertie was a sexual deviant and didn't believe in God because it
interfered with his sexual mores (quoth Aldous Huxley). Bertie was just
smart and sly, hardly an "awesome intellect".
That being the reason I suppose that he lectured at every leading universtiy in
the USA and China and many other places.

............just like you do .....Eh Frankie ?
Post by Pastor Frank
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-07-17 07:30:23 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
Not often you an I agree Midwinter.
full well knows already since we debated the declared athistic fella
below at length many moons ago....
Although we are taught the Copernican astronomy in our textbooks, it
yet penetrated to our religion or our morals, and has not even
destroying belief in astrology. People still think that the Divine Plan has
special reference to human beings, and that a special Providence not only
looks after the good, but also punishes the wicked. I am sometimes shocked
by the blasphemies of those who think themselves pious-for instance, the
nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When
asked why, since no man can see them, they reply: 'Oh, but you forget the
good God.' Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose
omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is
bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.
[Bertrand Russell]
Bertie was a sexual deviant and didn't believe in God because it
interfered with his sexual mores (quoth Aldous Huxley). Bertie was just
smart and sly, hardly an "awesome intellect".
That being the reason I suppose that he lectured at every leading universtiy in
the USA and China and many other places.
............just like you do .....Eh Frankie ?
A lot of your despised Theologians do that as well.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-18 04:47:01 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
Not often you an I agree Midwinter.
full well knows already since we debated the declared athistic fella
below at length many moons ago....
Although we are taught the Copernican astronomy in our textbooks, it
yet penetrated to our religion or our morals, and has not even
destroying belief in astrology. People still think that the Divine Plan has
special reference to human beings, and that a special Providence not only
looks after the good, but also punishes the wicked. I am sometimes shocked
by the blasphemies of those who think themselves pious-for instance, the
nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When
asked why, since no man can see them, they reply: 'Oh, but you forget the
good God.' Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose
omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is
bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.
[Bertrand Russell]
Bertie was a sexual deviant and didn't believe in God because it
interfered with his sexual mores (quoth Aldous Huxley). Bertie was just
smart and sly, hardly an "awesome intellect".
That being the reason I suppose that he lectured at every leading universtiy in
the USA and China and many other places.
............just like you do .....Eh Frankie ?
A lot of your despised Theologians do that as well.
Aaaaah an admissionthen you were wrong about Bertie
and wrong about me too,
I do not despise theologions, I simply feel sorry for them.

some of my best freinds are relgionists
i avoid talking to them about atheism i have more respect for them than that
Post by Pastor Frank
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-20 12:22:02 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
Not often you an I agree Midwinter.
full well knows already since we debated the declared athistic fella
below at length many moons ago....
Although we are taught the Copernican astronomy in our textbooks, it
yet penetrated to our religion or our morals, and has not even
destroying belief in astrology. People still think that the Divine Plan has
special reference to human beings, and that a special Providence not only
looks after the good, but also punishes the wicked. I am sometimes shocked
by the blasphemies of those who think themselves pious-for instance, the
nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When
asked why, since no man can see them, they reply: 'Oh, but you forget the
good God.' Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose
omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is
bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.
[Bertrand Russell]
Bertie was a sexual deviant and didn't believe in God because it
interfered with his sexual mores (quoth Aldous Huxley). Bertie was just
smart and sly, hardly an "awesome intellect".
That being the reason I suppose that he lectured at every leading universtiy in
the USA and China and many other places.
............just like you do .....Eh Frankie ?
A lot of your despised Theologians do that as well.
I don't despise anyone - i leave that to religious bigots, they are very good
at it
Post by Pastor Frank
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-07-20 19:05:29 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Wrong conclusion!!! Atheists tend to be developmentally
challenged, if not full blown cases of arrested development.
Rubbish. You only wish that were the case. In fact atheism covers the
whole gamut of abilities. There are atheists who couldn't string a
sentence together, and there are atheists who would easily fit into the
category of 'genius'. The same can be said of the religious: some are
nothing more than brainless followers - others are possessed of awesome
Not often you an I agree Midwinter.
full well knows already since we debated the declared athistic fella
below at length many moons ago....
Although we are taught the Copernican astronomy in our textbooks, it
yet penetrated to our religion or our morals, and has not even
destroying belief in astrology. People still think that the Divine
special reference to human beings, and that a special Providence not only
looks after the good, but also punishes the wicked. I am sometimes shocked
by the blasphemies of those who think themselves pious-for instance, the
nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When
asked why, since no man can see them, they reply: 'Oh, but you
good God.' Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose
omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is
bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.
[Bertrand Russell]
Bertie was a sexual deviant and didn't believe in God because it
interfered with his sexual mores (quoth Aldous Huxley). Bertie was just
smart and sly, hardly an "awesome intellect".
That being the reason I suppose that he lectured at every leading universtiy in
the USA and China and many other places.
............just like you do .....Eh Frankie ?
A lot of your despised Theologians do that as well.
I don't despise anyone - i leave that to religious bigots, they are very good
at it
Yes, don't we all know! You only believe in anti-religious bigots. LOL
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Semper Liber
2007-07-17 07:40:01 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
He challenges the existence of gods and that is very relevent
since scores die by the day in The Middle East in the name of followers of
different factions and versions of Islam.
Most followers of true Islam are peaceful. The leaders of these countries
are the main instigators of hate, just like they are in the countries that
use atheistic social darwinian beliefs.
Post by bob young
In Indonesia Christians are harassed by the day by Muslims, so religion is a
very important topic, because one day Muslims will get their hands on an
atomic device and will let it off in The West because they consider
Westerners to be Infidels, people who do not bang their heads on the floor
three times a day and have their children bob their heads backwards and
forward for half a morning learning parrot fashion from an old book of
You should stop getting your news from pentagon propaganda rags... The last
thing the Muslims want to do is give other countries a reason to attack them
with nukes.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-17 12:30:29 UTC
Post by Semper Liber
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to
Post by bob young
He challenges the existence of gods and that is very relevent
since scores die by the day in The Middle East in the name of followers of
different factions and versions of Islam.
Most followers of true Islam are peaceful. The leaders of these countries
are the main instigators of hate, just like they are in the countries that
use atheistic social darwinian beliefs.
Post by bob young
In Indonesia Christians are harassed by the day by Muslims, so religion
a very important topic, because one day Muslims will get their hands on
an atomic device and will let it off in The West because they consider
Westerners to be Infidels, people who do not bang their heads on the
Post by bob young
three times a day and have their children bob their heads backwards and
forward for half a morning learning parrot fashion from an old book of
You should stop getting your news from pentagon propaganda rags... The last
thing the Muslims want to do is give other countries a reason to attack them
with nukes.
Now you know why Bob Young doesn't live in Britain, for he would be
arrested for preaching hate against other cultures and visible minorities.
Yet no Muslim country invades other countries and kills hundreds of
thousands in the process. An invaded country has every right to pay back
their invaders anyway they can, ...btw much like we in the underground paid
back the German invaders, and were considered heroes back home, ...a point
lost on the Bob Youngs of this world.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Dubh Ghall
2007-07-18 10:30:43 UTC
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 08:30:29 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
much like we in the underground paid
back the German invaders, and were considered heroes back home

You were not there.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
bob young
2007-07-19 04:22:02 UTC
Post by Dubh Ghall
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 08:30:29 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
much like we in the underground paid
back the German invaders, and were considered heroes back home
You were not there.
Frank suddenly thinks he is a Frenchman
Post by Dubh Ghall
The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own
#162 BAAWA Knight.
Dubh Ghall
2007-07-19 17:14:33 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Dubh Ghall
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 08:30:29 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
much like we in the underground paid
back the German invaders, and were considered heroes back home
You were not there.
Frank suddenly thinks he is a Frenchman
He also seems to think that "babe in arms", means "child with a


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
Semper Libèr
2007-07-19 04:03:56 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Semper Liber
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to
Post by bob young
He challenges the existence of gods and that is very relevent
since scores die by the day in The Middle East in the name of followers of
different factions and versions of Islam.
Most followers of true Islam are peaceful. The leaders of these countries
are the main instigators of hate, just like they are in the countries that
use atheistic social darwinian beliefs.
Post by bob young
In Indonesia Christians are harassed by the day by Muslims, so religion
a very important topic, because one day Muslims will get their hands on
an atomic device and will let it off in The West because they consider
Westerners to be Infidels, people who do not bang their heads on the
Post by bob young
three times a day and have their children bob their heads backwards and
forward for half a morning learning parrot fashion from an old book of
You should stop getting your news from pentagon propaganda rags... The last
thing the Muslims want to do is give other countries a reason to attack them
with nukes.
Now you know why Bob Young doesn't live in Britain, for he would be
arrested for preaching hate against other cultures and visible minorities.
Yet no Muslim country invades other countries and kills hundreds of
thousands in the process. An invaded country has every right to pay back
their invaders anyway they can, ...btw much like we in the underground paid
back the German invaders, and were considered heroes back home, ...a point
lost on the Bob Youngs of this world.
Well as i've tried to point out to several posters, the biggest problem we
face as a species is from people in government who don't understand
individual rights, human dignity and value. Certainly religion can be
misused to stir up anger and hatred, but only when it is misrepresented, or
is of an occult nature where the few at the top of the paramid are made to
feel superiour.

I have muslim neighbours, and they are some of the nicest people in the
whole block. The nasty ones appear not to have any system of faith
whatsoever.... they want it all now, and for themselves only.
bob young
2007-07-20 12:24:03 UTC
Post by Semper Liber
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to
Post by bob young
He challenges the existence of gods and that is very relevent
since scores die by the day in The Middle East in the name of followers of
different factions and versions of Islam.
Most followers of true Islam are peaceful. The leaders of these countries
are the main instigators of hate, just like they are in the countries that
use atheistic social darwinian beliefs.
which none do of course. wouldn't you like it if there were ?

Before you mention the chinese Cultural revolution, in those days any
organisation that challenged their hold on power was banned, religions and
skittle clubs
Post by Semper Liber
Post by bob young
In Indonesia Christians are harassed by the day by Muslims, so religion is
Post by bob young
very important topic, because one day Muslims will get their hands on an
atomic device and will let it off in The West because they consider
Westerners to be Infidels, people who do not bang their heads on the
Post by bob young
three times a day and have their children bob their heads backwards and
forward for half a morning learning parrot fashion from an old book of
You should stop getting your news from pentagon propaganda rags... The last
thing the Muslims want to do is give other countries a reason to attack them
with nukes.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-09 15:45:58 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
Post by Bill M
Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods?
Some don't. Some only believe in one. Some in none at all.
Post by Bill M
All there are is ancient copies of texts written by hundreds of other
men of totally unknown veracity. There are no original documents in
existence because they were written on parchment which rotted away
thousands of years ago! All that exists are copies of copies etc. of
unknown authenticity and veracity.
Oh, yes - your assumption that there should be 'original documents'.
You've used this one before, too. I recall you didn't address the fact
that there's such a thing as an oral tradition that usually precedes the
written word. You seem to assume that the first written example of a
particular legend is 'original' in anything but the medium.
Post by Bill M
Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the
word of any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve them
and demonstrate their authenticity?
No, it's not. For that to be 'logically obvious', you'd need to make
assumptions about that god and its personality. Do you know something we
Post by Bill M
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one,
if any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious documents
are any objective 'evidence'.
You stuck in a loop, Bill?
Bill is close to a hundred years old and has been "stuck in a loop"
since birth. Though people are born atheist, most of them mature and learn
to interpret ancient spiritual symbolism and metaphor sensibly, but not
Bill. It sure seems there is one like that in every class.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-11 15:49:57 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Bill is close to a hundred years old and has been "stuck in a loop"
since birth. Though people are born atheist, most of them mature and
learn to interpret ancient spiritual symbolism and metaphor sensibly
Yes, so you've said. The trouble is, it's still abject cobblers. It's
nothing to do with 'maturity'. It's to do with one's personal perception
of the universe one lives in.

Don't for one moment believe that I'm having a go at Bill because he's an
atheist - or that I welcome your weighing in with your anti-atheist
codswallop. I've explained quite clearly the objections I have to Bill's
posts, and the gibberish you've offered here is absolutely nothing to do
with it.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-12 00:37:10 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Bill is close to a hundred years old and has been "stuck in a loop"
since birth. Though people are born atheist, most of them mature and
learn to interpret ancient spiritual symbolism and metaphor sensibly
Yes, so you've said. The trouble is, it's still abject cobblers. It's
nothing to do with 'maturity'. It's to do with one's personal perception
of the universe one lives in.
Don't for one moment believe that I'm having a go at Bill because he's an
atheist - or that I welcome your weighing in with your anti-atheist
codswallop. I've explained quite clearly the objections I have to Bill's
posts, and the gibberish you've offered here is absolutely nothing to do
with it.
Glad you feel better now, that you have made a clear distinction between
my "gibberish" and that of Bill. One wonders though, who in the end will
earn you approval.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-12 23:25:06 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Glad you feel better now, that you have made a clear distinction between
my "gibberish" and that of Bill. One wonders though, who in the end will
earn you approval.
Why, Frank - are you implying that you seek it?

If you're not, then who I approve of and who I don't shouldn't be any
concern to you, should it?
Pastor Frank
2007-07-13 17:25:52 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Glad you feel better now, that you have made a clear distinction between
my "gibberish" and that of Bill. One wonders though, who in the end will
earn you approval.
Why, Frank - are you implying that you seek it?
If you're not, then who I approve of and who I don't shouldn't be any
concern to you, should it?
Not quite, for to date we only know of what and whom you disapprove. We
seek your approval of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for we are
concerned about your salvation, though perhaps you may not be concerned
about us and ours.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Dubh Ghall
2007-07-14 11:47:07 UTC
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 13:25:52 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
Not quite, for to date we only know of what and whom you disapprove.
You don't even know that, Frank.

You know what we think of you, and of any hypocrite, and that is all
that you need to know.

It is you, not us, that is preaching: We are not preaching at you, we
don't care what you believe, just keep it to your self.

... Of course, if you don't, then you must expect whatever put downs,
you get.

It is you, not us, that is inventing silly semantic gods, based on
gross distortions of your own religious texts.

It is you, not us, that claims to praise and advocate a god, and in
the next breath, deny that self same god, as being a figment of the

It is you, not us, who seems to imagine that the only way to be a
decent person, is to claim to emulate someone/something else, or to
claim to praise and advocate someone/something else, by cutting and
pasting someone else's words.

It is you, who never yet has had a good word to say about anyone, but
who is ever quick with the lie, the sneer, and the insult, that
accuses atheists, of being negative.

So understand something, Frank.

We do not seek your approval, nor do we care about it.

Who, or what, we approve of, or aspire to emulate, is no concern of

If you wish to convince us of the validity of your childish beliefs,
then it is you, who must seek our approval.
Post by Pastor Frank
seek your approval of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for we are
concerned about your salvation,

Were you in the least way concerned about *our "salvation", you would
not put xtianity forward in such offensive terms.
Terms which can only be calculated to ensure that xtianity will revolt
us, terms calculated to ensure that we will NEVER embrace xtianity.

Nor would you give such an offensive presentation of your self, as an
example of what your Jesus' "love", can do.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
bob young
2007-07-20 12:30:04 UTC
Post by Dubh Ghall
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 13:25:52 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
Not quite, for to date we only know of what and whom you disapprove.
You don't even know that, Frank.
You know what we think of you, and of any hypocrite, and that is all
that you need to know.
It is you, not us, that is preaching: We are not preaching at you, we
don't care what you believe, just keep it to your self.
... Of course, if you don't, then you must expect whatever put downs,
you get.
It is you, not us, that is inventing silly semantic gods, based on
gross distortions of your own religious texts.
It is you, not us, that claims to praise and advocate a god, and in
the next breath, deny that self same god, as being a figment of the
It is you, not us, who seems to imagine that the only way to be a
decent person, is to claim to emulate someone/something else, or to
claim to praise and advocate someone/something else, by cutting and
pasting someone else's words.
It is you, who never yet has had a good word to say about anyone, but
who is ever quick with the lie, the sneer, and the insult, that
accuses atheists, of being negative.
So understand something, Frank.
We do not seek your approval, nor do we care about it.
Who, or what, we approve of, or aspire to emulate, is no concern of
If you wish to convince us of the validity of your childish beliefs,
then it is you, who must seek our approval.
Hmm. I must say without hesitation - "nice post"
Post by Dubh Ghall
Post by Pastor Frank
seek your approval of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for we are
concerned about your salvation,
Were you in the least way concerned about *our "salvation", you would
not put xtianity forward in such offensive terms.
Terms which can only be calculated to ensure that xtianity will revolt
us, terms calculated to ensure that we will NEVER embrace xtianity.
Nor would you give such an offensive presentation of your self, as an
example of what your Jesus' "love", can do.
Hmm. [See above]
Post by Dubh Ghall
The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own
#162 BAAWA Knight.
Dubh Ghall
2007-07-21 00:26:03 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Dubh Ghall
If you wish to convince us of the validity of your childish beliefs,
then it is you, who must seek our approval.
Hmm. I must say without hesitation - "nice post"
Post by Dubh Ghall
Post by Pastor Frank
seek your approval of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for we are
concerned about your salvation,
Were you in the least way concerned about *our "salvation", you would
not put xtianity forward in such offensive terms.
Terms which can only be calculated to ensure that xtianity will revolt
us, terms calculated to ensure that we will NEVER embrace xtianity.
Nor would you give such an offensive presentation of your self, as an
example of what your Jesus' "love", can do.
Hmm. [See above]
Thank you Sir.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
2007-07-19 22:11:37 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Not quite, for to date we only know of what and whom you disapprove. We
seek your approval of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for we are
concerned about your salvation, though perhaps you may not be concerned
about us and ours.
Your salvation, you tell me, is assured. Why, then, do you suppose I
should be concerned about it? Particularly since your belief in the
requirement for salvation is part of your belief system, and not of mine?
If you are right, then you are saved. If I am right, then you do not need
to be saved.

So much for *your* salvation. As for mine, you need not waste your
concern: it is not your business.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-20 10:38:39 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Not quite, for to date we only know of what and whom you disapprove. We
seek your approval of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for we are
concerned about your salvation, though perhaps you may not be concerned
about us and ours.
Your salvation, you tell me, is assured. Why, then, do you suppose I
should be concerned about it? Particularly since your belief in the
requirement for salvation is part of your belief system, and not of mine?
If you are right, then you are saved. If I am right, then you do not need
to be saved.
So much for *your* salvation. As for mine, you need not waste your
concern: it is not your business.
Then what is your point posting to our pristine, if not hallowed
religious groups? "not your business" indeed!!!!
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-20 11:57:04 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Not quite, for to date we only know of what and whom you disapprove. We
seek your approval of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for we are
concerned about your salvation, though perhaps you may not be concerned
about us and ours.
Your salvation, you tell me, is assured. Why, then, do you suppose I
should be concerned about it? Particularly since your belief in the
requirement for salvation is part of your belief system, and not of mine?
If you are right, then you are saved. If I am right, then you do not need
to be saved.
So much for *your* salvation. As for mine, you need not waste your
concern: it is not your business.
Then what is your point posting to our pristine, if not hallowed
religious groups? "not your business" indeed!!!!
Hallowed Frank? - I never knew you were hallowed, I must be more polite to you
in future

Post by Pastor Frank
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Scott Richter
2007-07-20 13:53:39 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
Then what is your point posting to our pristine, if not hallowed
religious groups? "not your business" indeed!!!!
Hallowed Frank? - I never knew you were hallowed, I must be more polite to you
in future
His rectum was hallowed repeatedly by pristine priests when he was a
Dubh Ghall
2007-07-21 00:20:44 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Not quite, for to date we only know of what and whom you disapprove. We
seek your approval of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for we are
concerned about your salvation, though perhaps you may not be concerned
about us and ours.
Your salvation, you tell me, is assured. Why, then, do you suppose I
should be concerned about it? Particularly since your belief in the
requirement for salvation is part of your belief system, and not of mine?
If you are right, then you are saved. If I am right, then you do not need
to be saved.
So much for *your* salvation. As for mine, you need not waste your
concern: it is not your business.
Then what is your point posting to our pristine, if not hallowed
religious groups? "not your business" indeed!!!!
Hallowed Frank? - I never knew you were hallowed, I must be more polite to you
in future
Perhaps it is his hollow head, he is on about.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
2007-07-20 23:39:37 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Then what is your point posting to our pristine, if not hallowed
religious groups? "not your business" indeed!!!!
Ah... No, I guess the message is not getting through after all.

Frank, once again we're faced with your persistent misunderstanding of the
nature of these groups. These are not 'pristine' groups, and they are
certainly not 'hallowed'. They are not Christian groups, but groups about
Christianity. You do not own the groups; you do not speak for any other
Christian but yourself; and you have no authority over anyone here.

So I ask again: why do you imagine that I should be concerned about your
salvation? And why do you imagine that I would expect you to be concerned
about mine?
Pastor Frank
2007-07-21 11:33:31 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Pastor Frank
Then what is your point posting to our pristine, if not hallowed
religious groups? "not your business" indeed!!!!
Ah... No, I guess the message is not getting through after all.
Frank, once again we're faced with your persistent misunderstanding of the
nature of these groups. These are not 'pristine' groups, and they are
certainly not 'hallowed'. They are not Christian groups, but groups about
Christianity. You do not own the groups; you do not speak for any other
Christian but yourself; and you have no authority over anyone here.
So I ask again: why do you imagine that I should be concerned about your
salvation? And why do you imagine that I would expect you to be concerned
about mine?
Check the charter before you opine erroneously.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-21 12:33:18 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Check the charter before you opine erroneously.
Show me the charter, then, and I shall snip the group whose charter I have
Dubh Ghall
2007-07-21 00:19:48 UTC
On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 06:38:39 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
Then what is your point posting to our pristine, if not hallowed
religious groups? "not your business" indeed!!!!
He is posting to alt.atheism. If you don't like it, remove it from
your headers.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
bob young
2007-07-20 12:27:04 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
Post by Bill M
Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods?
Some don't. Some only believe in one. Some in none at all.
Post by Bill M
All there are is ancient copies of texts written by hundreds of other
men of totally unknown veracity. There are no original documents in
existence because they were written on parchment which rotted away
thousands of years ago! All that exists are copies of copies etc. of
unknown authenticity and veracity.
Oh, yes - your assumption that there should be 'original documents'.
You've used this one before, too. I recall you didn't address the fact
that there's such a thing as an oral tradition that usually precedes the
written word. You seem to assume that the first written example of a
particular legend is 'original' in anything but the medium.
Post by Bill M
Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the
word of any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve them
and demonstrate their authenticity?
No, it's not. For that to be 'logically obvious', you'd need to make
assumptions about that god and its personality. Do you know something we
Post by Bill M
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one,
if any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious documents
are any objective 'evidence'.
You stuck in a loop, Bill?
Bill is close to a hundred years old and has been "stuck in a loop"
since birth. Though people are born atheist, most of them mature and learn
to interpret ancient spiritual symbolism and metaphor sensibly, but not
Bill. It sure seems there is one like that in every class.
Make him go away - try answering his diabolically difficult questions
questions that have you swinging and ducking

You can't ........ thought so

we will get some pathetic reply like "I'm tired of answering him, i did it a
couple of months back, look it up if you like"

Religionist clap trap
Post by Pastor Frank
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-07-21 00:01:08 UTC
Post by bob young
Make him go away - try answering his diabolically difficult questions
questions that have you swinging and ducking
Well, I've answered about every question so far... Of course, I only
usually get to speak to his flunkies after I've done so - it's only
rarely that Bill descends from On High and speaks to us Himself.

And His flunkies don't do that great a job, as a rule, since they're so
obviously programmed to keep giving the same dismissive rejections of any
replies offered, without paying any heed to what's actually being said.
Post by bob young
You can't ........ thought so
Maybe can't, maybe can. But of course that's all by-the-by, since those
demanding answers have already furnished themselves with all the reasons
they need to automatically discount any answers given. You, for example,
are apparently convinced that I 'swear to' some ancient text.
Post by bob young
we will get some pathetic reply like "I'm tired of answering him, i
did it a couple of months back, look it up if you like"
Well, that's what happens when pragmatism overtakes idealism. Until that
point, people are probably hoping for a constructive discussion. Alas,
sooner or later it clicks with everyone that that's the last thing the
questioners have in mind. It's the fools like me that continue trying to
have such a discussion after that point - the intelligent people give up
and go spend their time more constructively.
bob young
2007-07-21 03:43:02 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by bob young
Make him go away - try answering his diabolically difficult questions
questions that have you swinging and ducking
Well, I've answered about every question so far...
Ooooooh the old stock answer 'I did it months ago but no-one took any
notice' [How many times have i read this or something close to it? i have
lost count]

Well try it one more time if you wish to retain any credebility at all !
Post by Midwinter
Of course, I only
usually get to speak to his flunkies after I've done so - it's only
rarely that Bill descends from On High and speaks to us Himself.
And His flunkies don't do that great a job, as a rule, since they're so
obviously programmed to keep giving the same dismissive rejections of any
replies offered, without paying any heed to what's actually being said.
Post by bob young
You can't ........ thought so
Maybe can't, maybe can. But of course that's all by-the-by, since those
demanding answers have already furnished themselves with all the reasons
they need to automatically discount any answers given. You, for example,
are apparently convinced that I 'swear to' some ancient text.
Yes thanks I will translate that............. "I Midwinter fail to define or
prove my god, or anyone elses'

signed MW
Post by Midwinter
Post by bob young
we will get some pathetic reply like "I'm tired of answering him, i
did it a couple of months back, look it up if you like"
Well, that's what happens when pragmatism overtakes idealism.
Well you already did it above as i had predicted
Post by Midwinter
Until that
point, people are probably hoping for a constructive discussion. Alas,
sooner or later it clicks with everyone that that's the last thing the
questioners have in mind.
Wrong - I would love to hear a constructive message that proves ANY god"

Thanking you in anticipation.

Post by Midwinter
It's the fools like me that continue trying to
have such a discussion after that point - the intelligent people give up
and go spend their time more constructively.
Pastor Frank
2007-07-20 19:08:08 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
Post by Bill M
Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods?
Some don't. Some only believe in one. Some in none at all.
Post by Bill M
All there are is ancient copies of texts written by hundreds of other
men of totally unknown veracity. There are no original documents in
existence because they were written on parchment which rotted away
thousands of years ago! All that exists are copies of copies etc. of
unknown authenticity and veracity.
Oh, yes - your assumption that there should be 'original documents'.
You've used this one before, too. I recall you didn't address the fact
that there's such a thing as an oral tradition that usually precedes the
written word. You seem to assume that the first written example of a
particular legend is 'original' in anything but the medium.
Post by Bill M
Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the
word of any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve them
and demonstrate their authenticity?
No, it's not. For that to be 'logically obvious', you'd need to make
assumptions about that god and its personality. Do you know something we
Post by Bill M
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one,
if any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious documents
are any objective 'evidence'.
You stuck in a loop, Bill?
Bill is close to a hundred years old and has been "stuck in a loop"
since birth. Though people are born atheist, most of them mature and learn
to interpret ancient spiritual symbolism and metaphor sensibly, but not
Bill. It sure seems there is one like that in every class.
Make him go away - try answering his diabolically difficult questions
questions that have you swinging and ducking
You can't ........ thought so
we will get some pathetic reply like "I'm tired of answering him, i did it a
couple of months back, look it up if you like"
Religionist clap trap
I did many times. But Bill is not only blind, but also deaf apparently.
See below

Pastor Frank

Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-07-20 12:19:03 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to
provide any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually
Why would I do that? What relevance could my 'god' possibly have to you?
nice side step that. why not prove your god instead of being 'cute' you
can't of course
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods?
Some don't. Some only believe in one. Some in none at all.
Ppint missed as to be expected
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
All there are is ancient copies of texts written by hundreds of other
men of totally unknown veracity. There are no original documents in
existence because they were written on parchment which rotted away
thousands of years ago! All that exists are copies of copies etc. of
unknown authenticity and veracity.
Oh, yes - your assumption that there should be 'original documents'.
You've used this one before, too. I recall you didn't address the fact
that there's such a thing as an oral tradition that usually precedes the
written word. You seem to assume that the first written example of a
particular legend is 'original' in anything but the medium.
Idiot. Oral tradition over two thousand years and you swear to it. more
evidence of religionists syupidity
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the
word of any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve them
and demonstrate their authenticity?
No, it's not. For that to be 'logically obvious', you'd need to make
assumptions about that god and its personality. Do you know something we
Post by Bill M
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one,
if any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious documents
are any objective 'evidence'.
You stuck in a loop, Bill
Liuke you are stuck wth your myth
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Man can directly communicate with the whole world via TV, the
Internet, Phone and Radio and the postal service. IF there is a real
God, why does he not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by
at least an equally effective means, that he is the real God and all
the others are fakes?
What if 'He' (let's not forget that God is always male in your mind)
doesn't give a toss about us? Oh yes: that'd contradict the only
religion you're really thinking of, wouldn't it?
Post by Bill M
I'll tell you why. The real objective evidence is that no Gods CREATED
MAN but quite the opposite; that man created gods!
Nope, Bill. Again, that's a lack of evidence FOR - NOT evidence against.
All the evidence points clearly to the fact that all man's gods are man';s
work, except for brain dead moronic idiots wearing blinkers
Post by Midwinter
A lack of evidence for is reason not to believe - but it doesn't amount
to objective disproof.
Post by Bill M
There are thousands of different religious and god beliefs. Here is a
list of most of these;
[Snip list of gods Bill isn't actually talking about.]
2007-07-21 00:01:13 UTC
Post by bob young
nice side step that. why not prove your god instead of being 'cute'
you can't of course
I think I've jumped through this hoop enough times now, bob. I've
explained my own deity concept to you on numerous occasions and you've
found excuses to dismiss it each time. That's fine: but please don't try
to pretend you're waiting for the answer. You think you know what
religion I follow, and you're not interested in anything that might lead
you to reconsider your prejudices.
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods?
Some don't. Some only believe in one. Some in none at all.
Ppint missed as to be expected
Yeah - see, this is why I try not to allow myself to indulge in sarcasm
as a rule because, as here, it can flummox those few people with even
less sense of humour than I have.

Yes, bob, I know: the 'ppint' was that *collectively* people believe in
thousands of gods; not that any one person might worship thousands of
gods. Thanks for sparing a sliver of your massive intellect to correct
me on that. Oh - you didn't, did you? No, you preferred to sit and
snipe. Well, it takes less effort, admittedly.
Post by bob young
Idiot. Oral tradition over two thousand years and you swear to it.
Ah? And what, exactly, do I swear to, bob? Since I have no holy text or
written words of any god or prophet to follow, and follow no organised
religion, what exactly is this thing I 'swear to'?

Or is this, yet again, simply evidence that you, like Bill, simply can't
conceive the difference between 'religion' and 'Christianity'? So you
assume that if someone is the former, they must also be the latter?
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the
word of any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve
them and demonstrate their authenticity?
No, it's not. For that to be 'logically obvious', you'd need to make
assumptions about that god and its personality. Do you know
something we don't?
Post by Bill M
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true
one, if any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious
documents are any objective 'evidence'.
You stuck in a loop, Bill
Liuke you are stuck wth your myth
Nothing of any actual relevance to add here, then?
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Nope, Bill. Again, that's a lack of evidence FOR - NOT evidence against.
All the evidence points clearly to the fact that all man's gods are
man';s work, except for brain dead moronic idiots wearing blinkers
Oh - so presumably you'd argue that there IS direct evidence AGAINST the
idea of gods? Right. Well, that's what I've been waiting for Bill to
provide... He hasn't, yet, despite his repeated claims to have such
evidence. So, bearing in mind the difference between 'no evidence for'
and 'evidence against', go for your life. Let's see that evidence.
bob young
2007-07-21 03:48:02 UTC
Post by Midwinter
Post by bob young
nice side step that. why not prove your god instead of being 'cute'
you can't of course
I think I've jumped through this hoop enough times now, bob.
Post by Midwinter
explained my own deity concept to you on numerous occasions and you've
found excuses to dismiss it each time.
groan are yu lying, you have explained nothing. anyway try again please
Post by Midwinter
That's fine: but please don't try
to pretend you're waiting for the answer. You think you know what
religion I follow, and you're not interested in anything that might lead
you to reconsider your prejudices.
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Why do people believe in THOUSANDS of Gods?
Some don't. Some only believe in one. Some in none at all.
Ppint missed as to be expected
Yeah - see, this is why I try not to allow myself to indulge in sarcasm
as a rule because, as here, it can flummox those few people with even
less sense of humour than I have.
Yes, bob, I know: the 'ppint' was that *collectively* people believe in
thousands of gods; not that any one person might worship thousands of
gods. Thanks for sparing a sliver of your massive intellect to correct
me on that. Oh - you didn't, did you? No, you preferred to sit and
snipe. Well, it takes less effort, admittedly.
Post by bob young
Idiot. Oral tradition over two thousand years and you swear to it.
Ah? And what, exactly, do I swear to, bob?
What i can see hear and touch
Post by Midwinter
Since I have no holy text or
written words of any god or prophet to follow, and follow no organised
religion, what exactly is this thing I 'swear to'?
Or is this, yet again, simply evidence that you, like Bill, simply can't
conceive the difference between 'religion' and 'Christianity'? So you
assume that if someone is the former, they must also be the latter?
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Post by Bill M
Isn't it logically obvious that if any of these documents were the
word of any 'real' god that he would have taken steps to preserve
them and demonstrate their authenticity?
No, it's not. For that to be 'logically obvious', you'd need to make
assumptions about that god and its personality. Do you know
something we don't?
Post by Bill M
Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true
one, if any, and which are fakes? None of the ancient religious
documents are any objective 'evidence'.
You stuck in a loop, Bill
Liuke you are stuck wth your myth
Nothing of any actual relevance to add here, then?
Post by bob young
Post by Midwinter
Nope, Bill. Again, that's a lack of evidence FOR - NOT evidence against.
All the evidence points clearly to the fact that all man's gods are
man';s work, except for brain dead moronic idiots wearing blinkers
Oh - so presumably you'd argue that there IS direct evidence AGAINST the
idea of gods?
Gods are etherial mythical imagined things,
there is not evidence they do not exist
apart from an ordinary human ability to use it's common sense.

If you claim you spend the whole of your life defending a god then it is up
to you to prove it exists.

failing that we will draw our own conclusions
Post by Midwinter
Right. Well, that's what I've been waiting for Bill to
provide... He hasn't, yet, despite his repeated claims to have such
evidence. So, bearing in mind the difference between 'no evidence for'
and 'evidence against', go for your life. Let's see that
....and it don't get more banal than that
-the HoSt-
2007-07-07 02:07:29 UTC
Post by Bill M
Should we base this life on fictional tales? I challenge anyone to provide
any objective verifiable evidence that their god actually exists.

There you go.
You're welcome.
