Comments on this Old Thought
(too old to reply)
Chris Morris
2007-02-24 20:44:16 UTC
I have of late been having a debate, well really more I have been trying to
discuss and they have been calling me names and acting otherwise in a
childish manner. Now I digress what I have come to conclude is that those
that are Atheist are remarkably like those that are Fundamentalist of any
faith group. They all think theirs is the only view that is right and they
will attack anyone that does not agree with them on these matters. Maybe it
is just me, but that is what I have come away with during this encounter.
Any comments or ideas?

Now on another note I found a great quote that I think at least for me sums
up the debate about all the different faiths and their many views of the
Divine. For those who are Pagan you may have a better appreciation for this
any discussion or comments are welcome.

The Pagan Maximus of Tyre, wrote: In the midst of such contention, strife,
and disagreement you would see in all the earth one harmonious law and
principle that there is one God, king and father of all, and many gods, sons
of God, fellow rulers with God. The Greeks says this and the barbarian says
it, the mainlander and the seafarer, the wise and the unwise. Source Robert
Wilken, The Christians as the Romans Saw Them (New Haven: Yale, University
Press, 1984) p. 107
If You Can't Stand the Heat. Don't Tickle the Dragon.
2007-02-24 23:10:38 UTC
Post by Chris Morris
I have of late been having a debate, well really more I have been trying to
discuss and they have been calling me names and acting otherwise in a
childish manner. Now I digress what I have come to conclude is that those
that are Atheist are remarkably like those that are Fundamentalist of any
faith group. They all think theirs is the only view that is right and they
will attack anyone that does not agree with them on these matters. Maybe it
is just me, but that is what I have come away with during this encounter.
Any comments or ideas?
Now on another note I found a great quote that I think at least for me sums
up the debate about all the different faiths and their many views of the
Divine. For those who are Pagan you may have a better appreciation for this
any discussion or comments are welcome.
The Pagan Maximus of Tyre, wrote: In the midst of such contention, strife,
and disagreement you would see in all the earth one harmonious law and
principle that there is one God, king and father of all, and many gods, sons
of God, fellow rulers with God. The Greeks says this and the barbarian says
it, the mainlander and the seafarer, the wise and the unwise. Source Robert
Wilken, The Christians as the Romans Saw Them (New Haven: Yale, University
Press, 1984) p. 107
If You Can't Stand the Heat. Don't Tickle the Dragon.
I have noticed on alt.religion.christian that some shoot first and ask
no questions later.
2007-02-25 01:38:52 UTC
Post by Chris Morris
I have of late been having a debate, well really more I have been
trying to discuss and they have been calling me names and acting
otherwise in a childish manner.
Welcome to Usenet.
Post by Chris Morris
Now I digress what I have come to
conclude is that those that are Atheist are remarkably like those that
are Fundamentalist of any faith group. They all think theirs is the
only view that is right and they will attack anyone that does not
agree with them on these matters. Maybe it is just me, but that is
what I have come away with during this encounter. Any comments or
No, it's not just you. The vast majority of atheists are intelligent,
well-read, thinking people whose have reached the personal view that if
there is no evidence for the existence of god or gods then there is no
reason to believe in such things. This is, of course, absolutely true -
the difference of opinion usually arises around what constitutes such
evidence; since it goes without saying that a person who believes will
have some reason to believe, although what they see as evidence an
atheist may well not accept.

But I'm digressing. The point is that most atheists are simply people
who have a specific view with relation to religion, and most of them (at
least in the real world) are quite willing to discuss and express their
views, and usually to allow for the possibility that others might not
have reached the same conclusions. Religion, after all, being something
which depends on personal perceptions.

However, you're right. There are, sadly, some atheists who behave very
much like the most rabid of fundamentalist religious militants: angry,
abusive, obnoxious and argumentative. These are people who aren't here
to convince others of their point of view - they're here to taunt and
mock those who don't share it.

The only thing you can do is cling to the fact that these few, loud
though they are and prominent though they seek to make themselves,
aren't representative of the mindset of atheists in general - just as
the religious bigots aren't necessarily the poster children for their
own groups.
Chris Morris
2007-02-25 08:31:44 UTC
Post by Vigyazat
Post by Chris Morris
I have of late been having a debate, well really more I have been
trying to discuss and they have been calling me names and acting
otherwise in a childish manner.
Welcome to Usenet.
Post by Chris Morris
Now I digress what I have come to
conclude is that those that are Atheist are remarkably like those that
are Fundamentalist of any faith group. They all think theirs is the
only view that is right and they will attack anyone that does not
agree with them on these matters. Maybe it is just me, but that is
what I have come away with during this encounter. Any comments or
No, it's not just you. The vast majority of atheists are intelligent,
well-read, thinking people whose have reached the personal view that if
there is no evidence for the existence of god or gods then there is no
reason to believe in such things. This is, of course, absolutely true -
the difference of opinion usually arises around what constitutes such
evidence; since it goes without saying that a person who believes will
have some reason to believe, although what they see as evidence an
atheist may well not accept.
But I'm digressing. The point is that most atheists are simply people
who have a specific view with relation to religion, and most of them (at
least in the real world) are quite willing to discuss and express their
views, and usually to allow for the possibility that others might not
have reached the same conclusions. Religion, after all, being something
which depends on personal perceptions.
However, you're right. There are, sadly, some atheists who behave very
much like the most rabid of fundamentalist religious militants: angry,
abusive, obnoxious and argumentative. These are people who aren't here
to convince others of their point of view - they're here to taunt and
mock those who don't share it.
The only thing you can do is cling to the fact that these few, loud
though they are and prominent though they seek to make themselves,
aren't representative of the mindset of atheists in general - just as
the religious bigots aren't necessarily the poster children for their
own groups.
I had hoped that my past experiences, offline, with the atheists I had
encountered was the norm and not the exception. Though I do have to admit
after the last few days I was beginning to question that fact. I have known
and discussed with many atheists and agnostics all manner of things
including philosophy and religion and though we did not often see things on
the same level we managed to remain respectful of the differing views and
that neither of us had a monopoly on what is valid. After all these years on
Usenet I have not encountered such a irrational group as this outside of the
fundamentalist circles. Being a Pagan I am often the target for these vile
creatures, but I did not expect the level of anger I was to encounter.
2007-02-25 16:22:13 UTC
Post by Chris Morris
I have of late been having a debate, well really more I have been trying to
discuss and they have been calling me names and acting otherwise in a
childish manner. Now I digress what I have come to conclude is that those
that are Atheist are remarkably like those that are Fundamentalist of any
faith group. They all think theirs is the only view that is right and they
will attack anyone that does not agree with them on these matters.
EITHER PROVIDE PROOF of the existence of the horseshit sky pixie or shut the
fuck up.
why is it so hard for christian nuts to provide PHYSICAL, OBJECTABLE,
2007-02-26 12:09:31 UTC
On Sun, 25 Feb 2007 16:22:13 GMT, "SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim"
Post by SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
Post by Chris Morris
I have of late been having a debate, well really more I have been trying to
discuss and they have been calling me names and acting otherwise in a
childish manner. Now I digress what I have come to conclude is that those
that are Atheist are remarkably like those that are Fundamentalist of any
faith group. They all think theirs is the only view that is right and they
will attack anyone that does not agree with them on these matters.
EITHER PROVIDE PROOF of the existence of the horseshit sky pixie or shut the
fuck up.
why is it so hard for christian nuts to provide PHYSICAL, OBJECTABLE,
The mere fact that she blew me proves there is a God. :)
