Chris Morris
2007-02-24 20:44:16 UTC
I have of late been having a debate, well really more I have been trying to
discuss and they have been calling me names and acting otherwise in a
childish manner. Now I digress what I have come to conclude is that those
that are Atheist are remarkably like those that are Fundamentalist of any
faith group. They all think theirs is the only view that is right and they
will attack anyone that does not agree with them on these matters. Maybe it
is just me, but that is what I have come away with during this encounter.
Any comments or ideas?
Now on another note I found a great quote that I think at least for me sums
up the debate about all the different faiths and their many views of the
Divine. For those who are Pagan you may have a better appreciation for this
any discussion or comments are welcome.
The Pagan Maximus of Tyre, wrote: In the midst of such contention, strife,
and disagreement you would see in all the earth one harmonious law and
principle that there is one God, king and father of all, and many gods, sons
of God, fellow rulers with God. The Greeks says this and the barbarian says
it, the mainlander and the seafarer, the wise and the unwise. Source Robert
Wilken, The Christians as the Romans Saw Them (New Haven: Yale, University
Press, 1984) p. 107
discuss and they have been calling me names and acting otherwise in a
childish manner. Now I digress what I have come to conclude is that those
that are Atheist are remarkably like those that are Fundamentalist of any
faith group. They all think theirs is the only view that is right and they
will attack anyone that does not agree with them on these matters. Maybe it
is just me, but that is what I have come away with during this encounter.
Any comments or ideas?
Now on another note I found a great quote that I think at least for me sums
up the debate about all the different faiths and their many views of the
Divine. For those who are Pagan you may have a better appreciation for this
any discussion or comments are welcome.
The Pagan Maximus of Tyre, wrote: In the midst of such contention, strife,
and disagreement you would see in all the earth one harmonious law and
principle that there is one God, king and father of all, and many gods, sons
of God, fellow rulers with God. The Greeks says this and the barbarian says
it, the mainlander and the seafarer, the wise and the unwise. Source Robert
Wilken, The Christians as the Romans Saw Them (New Haven: Yale, University
Press, 1984) p. 107
If You Can't Stand the Heat. Don't Tickle the Dragon.
If You Can't Stand the Heat. Don't Tickle the Dragon.