Post by Ron DeanPost by Christopher A. LeePost by thomas p.I think you are a
Post by thomas p.first class liar and hypocrite, i.e. a fundy.
I'm disappointed! I gave you more credit than I did Bill M and the even
worse Chris Lee, for bringing false witnessing against me, but obviously
Stop lying, liar.
Was it some other liar also called Ron Dean who lied about
"anti-Christ movement" even though he knows we would have to believe
in your pretend friend to be against him?
Explain to me then how this applies to you, I wrote: "I find it curious
that the anti-Christ movement demands proof from religion, but when it
comes to science, scientist will generally argue that science is not in
the business of proof This is a glaring double standard.
no you or any other atheist).
In a public forum for atheists, imbecile. Learn how Usenet works.
And however you try to weasel out of it, it was a paranoid lie on your
How many times do you have to be told that to be "anti-Christ" it
would have to be as "real" for then as it is to you?
Stop being so deliberately stupid, because that's not rocket science.
Post by Ron DeanI called out no one: so, why did _you_ take offense? Calvin is not an
Post by Ron DeanAlso note: (I will restate the question) I maintain that science does
not demand proof, so why does certain individuals demand proof from
religionists? This is a double standard.
No liar, it is all about "put up or shut up".
Which word are you still pretending you don't understand?
Post by Ron DeanPost by Christopher A. LeeWas it some other liar also called Ron Dean who accused us of
persecuting Christians?
I pointed that atheistic movements such as Communist China, Cuba
You know perfectly well that TO ATHEISTS not believing in your god, is
no different than YOU not believing in pixies.
Because it has been repeatedly explained to you.
What does your not believing in pixies make you do,moron?
Christians with a martyr complex imagine that not giving them the free
ride they imagine they are owed, is singling them out.
Most of his victims were followers of the traditional Chinese
religions, or were intellectuals. Christians have always been a tiny
minority there.
Post by Ron Deanand the old USSR persecuted all religions including Christians.
Again, DICTATORS DO WHAT DICTATORS DO. Stalin saw enemies everywhere.
He went after fellow communists, atheists, trade unionists, etc. Not
just those religionists who DIDN'T FOLLOW THE PARTY LINE.
Even musicians. The great Dmitri Shostakovich was investigated and
censured for composing the wrong kind of music. He "redeemed" himself
with his fifth symphony which he entitled "A soviet artist's reply to
just criticism".
It was the soviet equivalent of the House Un-American Activities
witch hunts.
And whether you like it or not, the Russian Orthodox Church was
Post by Ron DeanIn the United States, anti-Christians do _not_ have the _power_ to
Or do you imagine being prevented from teaching creation myths as
fact, is "anti-Christian", liar? OR any of the other things even
mainstream Christians don't put up with from fundamentalists?
Post by Ron Deanpersecute anyone.
Your martyr complex is showing again.
Post by Ron DeanPost by Christopher A. LeeYou are a disgusting, nasty, whining, lying hypocrite who can't rea[
what he sows.
Was that clear enough even for you?
Post by thomas p.I was wrong about you. Like them you make charges and accusations and
don't even attempt to justify these charges.
You are a repeated, paranid serial liar,
Every time you lied this was pointed out.
But with proving any of it.
Another lie.
I showed where your original paranoid lies were lies over and over
And also every time you amateur-psychologised what you imagined was in
my mind - which you knew were lies because you are not a mind reader
and had no reason to come up with them.
In fact they revealed more about yourself than about me, because you
are a narcissist who has only ever "understood" those inside your
belief system. As exemplified by your refusal to grant that atheism TO
THE ATHEIST is no different than your own not believing in Zeus.
Are YOU "anti-Zeus"?
I thought not. So why imagine anybody who doesn't already believe in
your equivalent, is "anti-Christ"?
And why do you imagine that because you think they are, it makes them
that in the real world OUTSIDE YOUR RELIGION which is where they are?
And your inability to understand that this cannot motivate anything.
Post by Ron DeanThis is nothing more than you bearing false
witness. This discredits anything you write.
Why do you keep repeating this lie?
Post by Ron DeanPost by Christopher A. LeeSo stop lying about it yet again.
You come across as a narcissistic, egotistical maniac with a serious
persecution complex
You're describing yourself here.
You see, unlike you, I am in the real world outside your religion,
where I have seen all sorts of different personalities and behaviours.
While you only have yourself to go on.
Post by Ron Deanwho thinks everything is aimed and directed towards
No I don't,liar.
I just treat paranoid liars who talk about "anti-Christ movement" and
"persecution" in connection with atheists as the paranoid liars it
shows they are.
Good thing it was another of your lies.
Take your own advice.
Here's a clue: if you hadn't lied about "anti-Christ movement" and
"persecution" in connection with atheists in a public forum you would
not have been treated like a paranoid liar.
And you wouldn't have subsequently demonstrated that you were
incapable of grasping the real world outside your fantasies.
Because you imagine people who don't share your beliefs could be
"anti-" what isn't even in their world view (which was just plain
stupid anyway) - in the real world outside it.