Post by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Bill MThere are hundreds of different god beliefs and religions.
No god has ever appeared or spoken too any of the sane non-delusional
members of the 6.5 BILLION world population.
But then, since I assume you would regard anyone who DOES think God has
spoken to him as either insane or delusional, your argument is probably
circular. Or am I misrepresenting your views?
They are, by default, until they prove it.
Sorry - that's bollocks. In a free country people don't have to prove
their sanity.
That's bollocks because that is not what I said.
They have to prove that what they insist on telling us is real. Until
they do that, it is merely their ridiculous belief that nobody would
give a shit about if they kept it to themselves.
So what is your point? Keep shtum about what you believe or be judged
insane? I don't have to prove anything at all to express my opinion and
my belief - or do you think different on that? And, by the way, your
phrase was "They are (insane), by default, until they prove it". In
what way does that not mean that people have to prove their sanity?
Learn to read for comprehension, moron.
Try writing clearly, imbecile.
Post by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeeThe delusion and insanity comes from telling us these ridiculous
things, expecting them to be taken seriously.
No one's requiring you to take us seriously. What you think is your own
business. If you're really not interested in hearing what Christians
think, why are you hanging round in a Christian newsgroup?
I'm not, liar. Check the headers.
Keep your insanity to yourself an nobody will know - but you insist
on telling all and sundry. That's how we know.
Sorry if there's been confusion here. I killfile anything crossposted
from alt.atheism to avoid confusions such as may have occured here. Are
you writing from talk.atheism
Post by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeeBut then you knew that.
Post by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeeWhat actually happens is that something occurs which they interpret
according to what they already believe.
That's what everybody does all the time.
Only in the imagination of theists who project their own deficiencies
on everybody else.
No. Everybody makes sense of new experiences in terms of the way they
understand the universe to be.
Post by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePart of the insanity is not realising that God is a presumption not a
conclusion -
No - religious people know that fine well.
You don't show it.
You don't listen
Post by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.Leeand that outside the religion it has no justification at
all. Yet they claim this unjustified and imaginary thing talks to
And what happens if an atheist has one of these experiences and
interprets it as the presence of God? And your presupposition is that
the 'thing' is imaginary. Your problem is that you don't realise that
you have a presupposition rather than a conclusion.
Your problem is that you are a pig-ignorant idiot who can't think
outside the box.
Ah! You've decided to out-think me after all!
Post by Christopher A.LeeThe only presupposition here, is the Christian's god-presumption.
Atheists don't have any presumptions at all about it, and it is not
even part of their paradigm.
ALL reasoning systems require presumptions. (or axioms - call them what
you will). One of your presumptions (and it's iimplicit in the way you
describe religious experience) is that there is no God.
Post by Christopher A.LeeThey OBSERVE that you psychotics have a belief. That's all.
But look at that word 'psychotics'. Are you really claiming that this
is an objective, value-free observation?
I've never had that ex
Post by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Bill MNone of the sane population has ever heard from their dead mothers, fathers,
children or friends from the supposed Heaven.
Nor would we expect to, according to mainstream Christian thinking
If Christians kept their "thinking" to themselves there would be no
Err - this is a Christian newsgroup. And no one's objecting to your
reaction - however patronising and closed-minded it may be. Or do you
favour some sort of censorship, where Christians don't talk about their
Check the newsgroups line in the headers, moron.
See below
Post by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Bill MHow can someone believe in this mythical thing for which there is no
objective verifiable evidence?
Same way that people believe in intelligent life elsewhere in the
universe and many physicists believe in more than three spatial
Dishonest equivocation between different meanings of "believe".
Belief without evidence. No equivocation.
Post by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeeHardly. They believe in deity because they are taught to in their
formative years so it becomes almost hard wired.
Bollocks again! There are huge numbers of Christians who grew up as
atheists in non-believing families. You're just peddling the standard
atheist mythology.
A liar as well as an idiot.
As one of those Christians, with many friends from similar backgrounds,
I have to disagree.
Post by Christopher A.LeeSo what?
We know life exists on one planet. And that abiogenesis research shows
that the building blocks are inevitable.
Provide as much support for your god.
One planet. That's one data point (and, by the way, abiogenesis
research shows nothing of the sort). You cannot calculate a probability
with one data point.
Post by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.Leeand predicted
additional dimensions are solutions to equations which model the
Or mean that physicists don't have to hunt for other solutions that fit
the world as it really seems to be.
No, moron. It's just math.
And math need have nothing to do with the real world.
Post by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeePost by AndrewPost by Christopher A.LeeNeither of which are "beliefs" in the sense that a theist
believes in his deity .
Sorry - from where I stand I see no difference.
That's because you are out of touch with reality and can't tell the
difference between the justified hypothesis and the unjustified
Sorry to possibly break off this discussion. You have drawn my
attention to the fact that this is cross-posted to an atheist
newsgroup. I really have no desire to push my beliefs down the throats
of others. Now you have drawn my attention to talk.atheism I shall
probably killfile posts from there too. You may wish to vent your
spleen on the original poster who saw fit to launch an attack on
Christian beliefs on half a dozen religious newsgroups and,
unaccountably, one religious one.