Post by VinodBTW God has said.
Psa 53:1 The fool
Matt 5:22.
But no need to upset yourself about it ...
. Atheists Illustrations
And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell
asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the
creation. -II Peter 3:4
322 Soviet Astronaut Denies God The Russian astronaut Gherman Titoy said
after his return from space: "Some people say there is a God out there. .
but in my travels around the earth all day long, I looked around and didn't
see Him. . I saw no God nor angels. The rocket was made by our own people.
I don't believe in God. I believe in man, his strength, his possibilities,
his reason."
323 University Of Atheism In Ashkabad, the capital of Turkmenistan, near
the USSR-Iranian border, is a newly opened University of Atheism. It is
offering a six-month course to further the spread of scientific-atheistic
knowledge. Graduates are expected to continue "the struggle against
324 No God In UN Charter The most significant day in the history of the
United Nations came in 1945 when, to appease atheistic Communists, UN
leaders decided to omit mention of God in the charter. That action signaled
the death knell of the UN in settling the awesome problems of the world.
325 U. S. Atheists Association When the American Atheists organization held
its first convention in Austin, Texas, five years ago, only a dozen persons
attended-and two of them dove under the table when the press was admitted
and stayed there until the reporters left. In their annual convention in
1975, however, about 960 registered in the open. Mrs. Madalyn Murray O
Hair, its organizer, said her organization has a mailing list of 60,000.
The convention's "Atheist of the Year" award went to Lloyd Thoren of
Peterburg, Indiana, who operated a Dial-an-Atheist" service.
326 Atheist Sues President Madalyn (Murray) O'Hair, the atheist who brought
about the Supreme Court decision on school prayer, filed suit in Federal
Court against President Nixon, the treasurer of the U. S., the Senate and
House chaplains and other Congressional officials for allowing services in
the White House and Capitol.
Mrs. O'Hair, who acted as her own attorney, accused Mr. Nixon of being the
"central figure" in an effort to "make Christianity the official 'civil
religion' of the United States." She specifically charged the President
with holding religious services in the White House in violation of the
first amendment.
In her suit, she asked the court to enjoin Mr. Nixon from allowing such
services and to declare unconstitutional the practice of "devoting the
property and premises of the Executive Mansion" to such religious
services. -Pastor's Manual
327 Thank You Prayer Is Illegal The Supreme Court in 1963 banned prayers in
public schools. The following prayer by kindergarten children was declared
illegal: "We thank you for the flowers so sweet; We thank you for the food
we eat; We thank you for the birds that sing; We thank you God for
George Washington's final remarks to the nation in 1796 should be widely
publicized. He said, "Of all the habits that lead to political prosperity,
religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would men claim
the tributes of patriotism who would work to destroy these great pillars
of human happiness."
328 Prayer Ban In Outer Space The woman who was instrumental in getting
prayer removed from public schools wanted it banned also from outer space.
Mrs. Madalyn Murray O'Hair, after hearing words of prayer radioed by the
three astronauts as they circled the moon, said, "I think that they were
not only ill-advised but that it was a tragic situation. . " The noted
atheist said she would register a protest with the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, which, she declared, had prompted the three test
pilots in scheduling the prayer. -Gospel Herald
329 "No Bibles This Year" The University of North Carolina broke a 130-year
tradition on graduation day in 1972 by not handing out Bibles to graduating
seniors along with their diplomas. The institution's trustees' executive
committee voted to abolish the practice, which had been questioned on
constitutional grounds. The Bibles had been handed out with the diplomas at
Chapel Hill since 1842 and had been purchased through student fees.
330 See You In Prison It is illegal to read the Bible in the public schools
of Illinois, but a law requires the state to provide a Bible for every
convict! Don't worry, kids, if you can't read the Bible in school, you'll
be able to when you get to prison! -Baptist Beacon
331 A Town Called "Liberal" Few years ago, a group of people in Missouri
founded a town and named it Liberal. They were so extremely 'liberal' that
churches were not to be allowed. In their boom literature they boasted that
it was 'the only town of its size in the United States without a priest, a
preacher, church, God, Jesus, hell or devil. '
But Elder Clark Braden wrote up an account for the Post Dispatch showing
that there was little else than hell and devil there, that it was a den of
iniquity, that its hotels were brothels and virtue almost unknown. The
account was so terrible that they had Braden arrested for criminal libel,
and sued him and the Post Dispatch for $25,000 damages. After the
prosecution had presented all of its evidence, the case was submitted to
the jury without rebutting evidence by the defendant and he was acquitted
by the jury. The civil suit for damages was dismissed by demand of the
plaintiffs, who paid all the costs. Liberal was a failure, and even
lifelong unbelievers, who had moved there for its advantages, left in
disgust. One of them struck the keynote when he said: "An infidel
surrounded by Christians may spout his infidelity and the community may be
able to stand it but it will never do to establish a society with
infidelity as its basis." -Ministers' Research Service
332 Lesson From Reign Of Terror During the Reign of Terror, France was
declared to be a nation of atheists by the National Assembly. But a brief
experience convinced them that a nation of atheists could not long exist.
Robespierre then proclaimed in the Convention that belief in the existence
of God was necessary to the principles of virtue and morality on which the
Republic was founded. And on the 7th of May, the national representatives
voted by acclamation that "the French people acknowledged the existence of
the Supreme Being and the immortality of the soul." -Little's Historical
333 No Witnesses For Atheism Charles Bradlaugh was the outstanding atheist
in England. Down in one of the slums of London was a minister by the name
of Hugh Price Hughes. All London was aware of miracles of grace
accomplished at his mission. Charles Bradlaugh challenged Mr. Hughes to
debate with him the validity of the claims of Christianity. London was
greatly interested. What would Mr. Hughes do? He immediately accepted the
challenge and in doing so added one of his own.
Hughes said, "I propose to you that we each bring some concrete evidences
of the validity of our beliefs in the form of men and women who have been
redeemed from the lives of sin and shame by the influence of our teaching.
I will bring 100 such men and women, and I challenge you to do the same.
"If you cannot bring 100, Mr. Bradlaugh, to match my 100, I will be
satisfied if you will bring 50 men and women who will stand and testify
that they have been lifted up from lives of shame by the influence of your
teachings. If you cannot bring 50, then bring 20 people who will say, as
my 100 will, that they have a great joy in a life of self-respect as a
result of your atheistic teachings. If you cannot bring 20, I will be
satisfied if you bring 10.
"Nay, Mr. Bradlaugh, I challenge you to bring one, just one man or woman
who will make such a testimony regarding the uplifting of your atheistic
teachings." Again London was stirred. What would Mr. Bradlaugh do? In
answer, Charles Bradlaugh, with great discomfiture and chagrin, publicly
withdrew his challenge for the debate. -Morning Glory
334 Ingersoll Gives God Five Minutes Robert Ingersoll, after delivering one
of his addresses, pulled his watch from his pocket and said, "According to
the Bible, God has struck men to death for blasphemy. I will blaspheme Him
and give Him five minutes to strike me dead and damn my soul."
There was a period of perfect silence while one minute went by; two
minutes passed, and people began to get nervous; three minutes, and a
woman fainted; four minutes, and Ingersoll curled his lip. At five
minutes, he snapped shut his watch, put it in his pocket, and said:
"You see, there is no God, or He would have taken me at my word." The
story was told later to Joseph Parker, who said, "And did the American
gentleman think he could exhaust the patience of God in five minutes?" -H.
A. Ironside
335 Atheism And Descendants An atheist wrote a book pouring contempt on the
Christian Religion. None of his descendants are normal. His children were
either born with crippled legs or were crippled later in life through
illness. Some of the children are also mentally retarded, and some of the
grandchildren have suffered in the same way. Besides this, all his
descendants are moody, they suffer from depressions and are all confessed
This story was told to me by one of the granddaughters living in
Switzerland. Unbelief and superstition invariably mean that the person
concerned hands himself over to powers opposed to God, and these powers
then use the person's life as a stage for their own revelations. -Kurt
336 Atheist's Daring Challenge Came True Gerald B. Winrod, who was editor
of The Defender, related a remarkable story about an atheist who had been
very bold, blatant and outspoken against God and the Bible. He had defied
God by saying, "If there is a God, my grave will be infested with snakes."
At the funeral it was necessary to remove a snake from the grave before
the coffin could be lowered. The sexton said that he had killed four big
snakes at one time, yet never saw a snake at any other grave. Mr. Winrod's
informant said he would ask a gentleman in Ohio to give him more details,
and in due course he received a further word, together with a picture of
the bronze monument of the atheist, Chester Beddell, who had died in 1908
at the age of 82.
The letter said, "Mr. Beddell said while living there was no God, and he
never did believe in one. He did not hesitate to speak of these things. .
He built the monument years before his death. His statue is of bronze, and
in his uplifted right hand there is a scroll with this inscription,
'Universal Mental Liberty'. Under his left foot is a scroll representing
the Bible, with the inscription, 'Superstition'. Before his death he made
this remark: 'If there is a God, or any truth in the Bible, let my body be
infested with snakes. '
"Since his burial the family lot has been full of snake holes around the
curbing. Snakes can be seen any day you visit the graveyard. Last year
twenty of us went out on the 30th October, and saw three snakes. The
neighbours there say the more they kill, the thicker they seem to be."
Later the opportunity came to Mr. Winrod to make an observation of his
own. While attending a conference in Youngstown, he was taken by car to
North Benton. He asked an old man if he could tell him where the Beddell
grave was. "Sure, everybody around here knows where Chet Beddell was
buried," said the old-timer. "You can't miss it-big monument in the
graveyard. Looking for snakes?" Later, another man said, "Well, if Beddell
did ask for snakes, he sure got 'em."
He and his companions came to the place in question where they saw the
monument, the uplifted scroll, the other scroll under his foot, the stern
bronze countenance. They approached the grave, camera in hand. Was it a
hoax, or was it true? One of his companions was the first to see a snake.
"Look there," he shouted. Yes! there it was. They walked round the grave
and counted six snakes. His companion killed one. He photographed one.
They also took other photographs. The sexton told them that he killed four
that morning-he had killed as many as twenty snakes in a single day.
Finally he said. "I don't know, maybe the Lord did have something to do
with it." -A. Naismith
337 Wishing It Was Not Written Thomas Paine, an immigrant to America in
1787, had leaped from obscurity to fame after writing some brilliant
pamphlets on freedom. But then he made a fatal mistake. He began to write
his "masterpiece" called The Age of Reason which scoffed at Christianity.
"This will destroy the Bible," he predicted. "Within 100 years, Bibles will
be found only in museums or in musty corners of second-hand bookstores."
His book was published in London in 1794. But it brought him so much misery
and loneliness that he once said: "I would give worlds, if I had them, had
The Age of Reason never been written." Paine became a bedridden invalid
until his death, friendless and alone, in 1809. The Bible remained a
338 Voltaire's Vain Boast Voltaire, the noted 18th century French
philosopher, said that it took centuries to built up Christianity, but
"I'll show how just one Frenchman can destroy it within 50 years." Taking
his pen, he dipped it into the ink of unbelief and wrote against God.
Twenty years after his death, the Geneva Bible Society purchased his house
for printing the Bible. And it later became the Paris headquarters for the
British and Foreign Bible Society. The Bible is still a best-seller; an
entire 6-volume set of Voltaire's works was once sold for 90¢. Just before
his death, the noted atheist swore: "I wish I had never been BORN!"
339 Epigram On Atheism (Answered) . I am an atheist, thank God!-Anonymous .
Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no
God. -Heywood Brown . To swear effectively men must make reference to
God. Imagine, an atheistic evolutionist trying for a blood-curdling oath by
swearing in the name of natural selection, or by the slimy, primeval
amoeba. -Christianity Today
. Calvin Coolidge once said: "It is hard to see how a great man can be
an atheist. Doubters do not achieve. Skeptics do not contribute. Cynics do
not create."
. G. K. Chesterton once said it is often supposed that when people stop
believing in God, they believe in nothing. Alas, it is worse than that.
When they stop believing in God, they believe in anything.
. Dostoyevski remarked that "If God does not exist, everything is
. Napoleon said, "A man is not a man without God. I saw men without God
in the reign of terror in 1793. One does not govern such men; he shoots
them down.
. Atheism never composed a symphony. Never painted a masterpiece. Never
dispelled a fear. Never healed a disease. Never gave peace of mind. Never
dried a tear. Never established a phi lanthropy. Never gave an intelligent
answer to the vast mystery of the universe. Never give meaning to man's
life on earth. Never built a just and peaceful world. Never built a great
and enduring civilization. -Charles M. Houser
See also: Deaths, Atheists ; Evolutionists ; Scoffers ; Ps. 14:1; II Thess.
Tan, P. L. (1996, c1979). Encyclopedia of 7700 illustrations : A treasury
of illustrations, anecdotes, facts and quotations for pastors, teachers and
Christian workers. Garland TX: Bible Communications.