Post by BillCan anyone supply verifiable objective evidence that of all the thousands of
God beliefs that their God is a real God?
I'm not asking for "opinions", I'm asking for verifiable evidence - facts -
not conjecture.
From reading your other posts, and the posts of many atheists on this ng, I
could not even meet your standard of evidence to prove that you exist. You
could be nothing more than random sun spot activity.
As a matter of fact, there is very little of anything that anyone knows
about anything that is based upon "objective evidence". 99.99% of what you
know and believe is not based upon actual experimentation, but on the
evidence of what someone told you about it. In some very small and
unimportant ways you may have experimented with what you have been told, and
you found it to be true, but most of what you think you know and believe is
based upon "Faith" in those who told you.
Now, the same thing applies to me. I did not come to believe in Jesus
Christ because I saw amazing things. I came to know Him because someone
shared their experience with me, and using a certain amount of trust in this
friend, I reached out, and found that what they had to say about Him was
Basically what he shared with me is this;
That mankind, and myself were sinners.
This is quite obvious to me, since I have always been one to be picked on.
But I had to face the fact that I was not very good either, when I was
honest with myself. It is a fact that no person is as good as they think
they should be (if they are honest).
That God is holy. That He is the standard of what is truly right and wrong.
That no one, especially myself, could stand up to His standard. Whether you
believe in Him or not, if you would honestly set the standard set up in the
Bible against your own life, you would have to admit that you do not meet it
anymore than I do. This is an objective fact, that is that no one (not even
you or I) can meet the standard of good acting that the Bible sets forth.
Our wickedness is an objective fact that can be confirmed by reading a
newspaper, or just taking an honest look at ourselves.
We could argue all day about the evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus
Christ. If you are really interested (I don't think so) you could look up
many good books that deal with this subject. "Evidence that demands a
verdict" is excellent.
However, it is an objective fact that belief in the Resurrection of Jesus
has changed the course of history.
God raised Jesus from the dead to offer us newness of life. To offer us
reconciliation to Him, and a living relationship with Him. Now, you may not
believe this, but the objective fact is that untold millions have believed
this, that it has affected the course of history on this planet, and that
many millions have been persecuted, and died for holding to this belief.
Why were they willing to die for this belief? Because they found out that
this promise of a new, living, relationship was real and true. The
objective fact is that millions have believed this, and it affected their
lives so powerfully that they were willing to suffer for it, even die. And
this changed the course of history.
This is why I believe. Not because I saw the Resurrected Christ ( I did
not). Not because I checked out the many confirmations in history and
archeology about Biblical events (that came much later than my decision to
believe). Not because the Survival of the Jews, and all of the prophecies
that make that point, although this is very true. I asked Him to come into
my life, and He did indeed establish said relationship, just as He promised.
He would do the same for anyone who would ask.
God Bless