Post by Richard Frank Dick FootPost by BillThere are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do
we know which, if any, is correct and which are fakes???
Here are God's beliefs. All others are incorrect.
Our Bible Based Policy Against The Unsaved
As most churches liberalise themselves and reject the commandments
written by God in the Holy Bible, the Broomleigh Baptist Church continues
to do exactly what scripture teaches every Christian to do. And that is
to keep the temple of the living God a clean vessel, untarnished by even
a hint of fellowship with the unrighteous.
"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ,
hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the
Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this
doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For
he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds" (2 John 1:9-
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion
hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or
what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath
the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as
God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be
their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among
them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean
thing; and I will receive you." (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).
We pray that God sends his Holy Spirit upon this Christian Nation and
opens up the hearts of other Bible believing Christians so that they will
adopt the same Bible-based policy that has kept our church strong for
nearly 217 Godly years. For a list of common-sense reasons for keeping
unsaved people out of your church click here
About Us
We are a Bible believing, Fundamentalist, Independent Baptist Church. We
are 125,000 members strong. Our Church Campus is located in Chelmsford,
England and rests on 35 acres of some of the most beautiful country you'd
ever care to set your eyes upon. Our church holds 23 paid pastors, 124
paid deacons, 343 full time staff members, BBCA (Broomleigh Baptist
Church Academy), BBCU (Broomleigh Baptist Church University), 12 fully
equipped chapels, Four 2,000 seat sanctuaries, Two 5,000 seat main
sanctuaries, the world's largest Christian Mall, a Christian Amusement
Park (Broomleigh Baptist Church Bible Theme Park and Red Sea World), A
PGA 18 Hole Golf Course, 3 Fitness Centres, 4 Olympic sized swimming
pools, Broomleigh Baptist Church Village, Broomleigh Baptist Church
Towers, Broomleigh Baptist Church Retirement Community, Centre For 2
Churches On Every City Block Foundation, Leviticus Landing (a Gated
Christian Community), Exodus Acres (Silver Gated Community), 27
Developments, Broomleigh Baptist Church All Purpose Multi-Temple, Spa and
Resort Centre, Fire Department, 100,000 seat amphitheater, 12 Television
studios, 2 radio stations, A Christian Circus Camp, Retreat Centre for
Social Workers, 3 Corporate Christian Office Parks, hot springs, 8
cemeteries, and 243 fully certified Christian police officers.
A Godly Warning
We Believe in the entire Bible (1611 KJV). We don't throw out the parts
that make us feel uncomfortable, like the book of Leviticus. We bid you
greetings, friend. We do not read, eat, consume, digest, or 'try on' any
product that is not made and manufactured by born-again, Bible believing,
Fundamentalist Baptist Christians, and we would have you know that we
condemn anyone that does, and pray as King David did, 'against them' for
a quick end and a speedy journey to a very hot place, where they can
spend out all eternity honouring our Lord and Maker in a literal lake of
fire, Amen. Please find our site a blessing.
Christian Attire
We believe that when a person first gets saved, the first thing they
should do is buy a suit and a tie. If the individual is a female, then a
dress not raised over an inch above the knee is acceptable. Clothing is
perhaps the most important thing about being a Christian. If one is not
properly clothed and fully representative of what God would want them to
appear like.. well then, that person is probably not saved. Our motto is
"get saved, get to a Christian Clothing store, and get fitted for the
kingdom." Anyone who does not conform to the dress code at Broomleigh
Baptist Church will be fined a minimum of £300 per violation. It is a
privilege to be a Christian and we believe it is about time folks started
acting like it.
Christian Behaviour
A man should act like a man, and a woman should act like a woman. That
about sums it up. We will go into further detail here by stating that all
authority is granted to Pastor Richard Frank Dick Foot. This is in full
accordance with Romans 13. If you are not familiar with Romans 13, well
then we suggest you read it. A good ten or twelve readings of Leviticus
wouldn't hurt either. Pastor Dick Foot sometimes uses his godly authority
to invoke the Lord's Law from the Bible in Leviticus. This is sometimes
too much for some folks. If they refuse punishment, then they have the
option of paying a £500 fine plus expenses accrued by the planning
committee of Levitical Law Implementation. If you haven't cracked open a
Bible in a few years.. then Broomleigh Baptist Church is not for you.
General Rules
The following violations will result in a monetary fine of no less than
1. failure to attend church on time,
2. failure to attend a church service without written permission from
a pastor or other agreed upon authority,
3. church parking lot violations,
4. single males or females caught in the houses of members of the
opposite sex without proper supervision,
5. out after curfew,
6. failure to tithe,
7. failure to perform Christian Service obligations,
8. use of a church key without proper permission,
9. sleeping and/or horseplay during church services, reading of 'crime
oriented' comic books, possession of alcohol outside of Post Communion
Party regulations,
10. idol worship,
11. inappropriate dress in town or in church, dress related to
'counter-culture' movement,
12. possession of a beard (except with special permission from Pastor
Dick Foot),
13. long earrings on women,
14. use of tampons is strictly prohibited,
15. men with earrings or jewelry of any kind, hugging,
16. possession of pornographic material (except for widowed or single
men over the age of 65),
17. failure to identify oneself to a church authority,
18. failure to answer a call slip,
19. witchcraft,
20. dancing and/or skipping,
21. association with Catholics, John Mark "ministries", Presbyterians,
Mormons, Methodists, Unitarians, Episkypols, or any other occult activity
(unless under supervision by Rev. Dr. Richard Frank Dick Foot),
22. failure to conform to rules and regulations,
23. failure to submit to authority,
24. questioning of church authority,
25. failure to bring at least one new guest to church a week,
26. failure to win at least one soul a week,
27. disrespect,
28. lying (other than in the cause of Broomleigh),
29. stealing,
30. cheating,
31. plotting,
32. failure to have a demon-possessed infant sterilized,
33. attendance at non-Christian owned picture houses, and
34. rock music.
General Rules are subject to change at any time without notice. Members
are expected to find out what the new rules are within two hours.
Let us note here, 'a Christian who is interested in doing their own
thing, will not feel comfortable at Broomleigh Baptist Church . . ..'
Indeed, we would even go as far to question whether or not that
individual is a Christian to begin with.
Please note - If you do not share all our beliefs,
you are going to burn in Hell forever.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain