(too old to reply)
2005-07-20 18:27:46 UTC
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if any,
is correct and which are fakes???

Each believer thinks his God is the real God and all the others are fakes.
If there is a real God, why does he not tell us directly that he is the real
God and all the others are fakes?

It appears that he is a magical super-being who expects and demands everyone
to believe in him, while carefully concealing all evidence of HIS existence.

There is NO OBJECTIVE VERIFIABLE PROVABLE evidence that any of these Gods
exist. They are all based on people's imaginations and myths. Ancient
documents written by self interested men are not OBJECTIVE VERIFIABLE
PROVABLE evidence. They are merely the subjective OPINIONS of self
interested men.

God belief is synonymous with "I don't know - I don't understand"

Believers assign all phenomena they do not understand to being acts of their
God. When they do not understand some occurrence or phenomena they say God
did it. The more intelligent response would be I don't know or understand.
This is why the more technically educated a person; the less reliant they
are on some God. Most people with substantial technical educations are
usually atheists are agnostics. The more poorly educated tend to be more
reliant on their God for help and guidance in their life.

Unfortunately there is no significant objective evidence that people receive
any real help from their Gods. Only psychotics find imagined help from their

The objective evidence is that Gods did not create man, but quite the
contrary; that man created Gods.
2005-07-20 18:55:34 UTC
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if any,
is correct and which are fakes???
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
James B
aa #944

"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
2005-07-20 19:09:26 UTC
Post by James
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if any,
is correct and which are fakes???
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
As it were ;)
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-20 20:52:29 UTC
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by James
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
As it were ;)
As it will be.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Ben Goren
2005-07-20 23:29:06 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by James
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
As it were ;)
As it will be.
Network without end....


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 01:57:26 UTC
Post by Ben Goren
Network without end....
Is Ben Goren like the two Scottish gays, Ben Doon and Phil McCavity?
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Ben Goren
2005-07-21 02:58:50 UTC
Is Ben Goren like the two Scottish gays, Ben Doon and Phil
Ah, Ben and Phil. Know them well--but in a decidedly non-Biblical
sense, to be sure.

Right happy lads, too, if you know what I mean. ``Who needs
sheep,'' Ben likes to say, ``when ya kin get yer Phil at
home?'' I'd never dream of spending the night in their ``guest''
room, but they sure do play a mean game of poker in the back room
of the pub. They'll drink you under the table, too--better watch
out if you don't want them to join you after they finish the
bottle. Oh--and don't /ever/ ask them what they have under their
kilts. Trust me on this one--you really, truly don't want to know.

But they're a barrel of fun, once you learn how to handle
'em. They've got some great ballads you've never heard before. You
might /think/ you know some of them, but, trust me--they'll never
be the same again after you hear ol' Ben and Phil sing 'em. Oh,
and we all know that Phil sings flat--but don't /ever/ say that to
his face. You'd never accuse a lady of being flat, now, would
you? And Mr. McCavity is the most proper lady you've ever met, I
can assure you. When he's not cleaning your clock at the poker
table, of course...he sometimes forgets himself then.

But, no, to answer your question. My parents actually /tried/ to
give me three names, just like everybody else has. But they were
poor, and the hospital charged by the letter, and all they could
afford was eight letters and one space. Had to dip into the diaper
fund for the space, too--that's another story I'm sure you don't
want to hear. Anyway, to chop off the end of an already too-long
tail^H^Hle, ``Howzit'' got cut as my first name. Almost broke
Grandpa Yuleby's heart, sad to say.

To this day, I just can't seem to stop asking questions, you know?


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.

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----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
2005-07-21 12:41:00 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by James
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
As it were ;)
As it will be.
Number One, make it so ;)
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 22:26:00 UTC
Post by Robibnikoff
Number One, make it so ;)
Always struck me STNG was spiritualism written in the language of outer
space, once Captain Kirk has stopped shagging aliens.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-20 20:51:17 UTC
Post by James
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
You think I'm afraid of dumb liberal atheist trash? The dear Lord Jesus
preached to you folks in Hell, and we're called to do the same.

I'm not going to Hell. As one of the Lord's chosen, He will not let me.

So I have to preach to you hell bound liberal atheist agnostic humanist
secular trash right here on earth.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Uncle Vic
2005-07-20 21:08:27 UTC
on 20 Jul 2005 in alt.atheism, dear sweet Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by James
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
You think I'm afraid of dumb liberal atheist trash? The dear Lord
Jesus preached to you folks in Hell, and we're called to do the same.
So, I've been to hell then? Funny, I don't remember that. By the way,
it's your religion that teaches you to recruit others into your religion.
Most of those that are not already infected with your religion are not
interested in joining. Moi included.
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
I'm not going to Hell. As one of the Lord's chosen, He will not let me.
Neither am I, but only because the place has not been demonstrated to
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
So I have to preach to you hell bound liberal atheist agnostic
humanist secular trash right here on earth.
Therefore I am forced to tell you, we don't want any. <doorslam>
Uncle Vic
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department


'03 XVS650A
'04 XVS1100
2005-07-20 21:40:02 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by James
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
You think I'm afraid of dumb liberal atheist trash? The dear Lord Jesus
preached to you folks in Hell, and we're called to do the same.
I'm not going to Hell. As one of the Lord's chosen, He will not let me.
So I have to preach to you hell bound liberal atheist agnostic humanist
secular trash right here on earth.
Whatever floats your boat, buddy. If posting this kind of text poo is
what makes you feel better about yourself and your belief in
god-children, knock yourself out. The Muslims think you're going to
hell, the Jews think you're going to hell, the Jehovah's Witnesses think
you're going to hell, the Catholics think you're going to hell, and all
I think is that you're a fucking retard.
James B
aa #944

"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 02:44:39 UTC
[ . . . ] I think is that you're a fucking retard.
Fair comment, I may say so. You appear to have a comprehensive grasp of
the relevant issues.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-07-21 04:31:11 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
[ . . . ] I think is that you're a fucking retard.
Fair comment, I may say so. You appear to have a comprehensive grasp of
the relevant issues.
I can also make wicked farting noises with my armpit.
James B
aa #944

"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 08:27:59 UTC
Post by James
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
[ . . . ] you're a fucking retard.
Fair comment, I may say so. You appear to have
a comprehensive grasp of the relevant issues.
I can also make wicked farting noises with my armpit.
No. The penalty for talking bollox is to be exposed and described as one
who talks bollox, not involvement in your personal hygiene problem.

Talking bollox is common. Your proposal is a cruel and inhumane.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Ben Goren
2005-07-21 18:13:26 UTC
Post by James
[ . . . ] you're a fucking retard.
Fair comment, I may say so. You appear to have a
comprehensive grasp of the relevant issues.
I can also make wicked farting noises with my armpit.
No. The penalty for talking bollox is to be exposed and
described as one who talks bollox, not involvement in your
personal hygiene problem.
Talking bollox is common. Your proposal is a cruel and
Some of us aren't old enough to need bollox injections, Doctor


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.

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Ben Goren
2005-07-20 23:33:48 UTC
Post by James
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
You think I'm afraid of dumb liberal atheist trash? The dear
Lord Jesus preached to you folks in Hell, and we're called to do
the same.
I'm not going to Hell. As one of the Lord's chosen, He will not let me.
Too bad. The parties down there really kick ass. And the
women! Hot, hot, HOT!
So I have to preach to you hell bound liberal atheist agnostic
humanist secular trash right here on earth.
Sure Jesus won't let you sneak out? Not even just to have a
quick look-see? It'd be quite...educational, if you know what I
mean. Hell, you might even like it!


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 01:58:15 UTC
Post by Ben Goren
Sure Jesus won't let you sneak out?
Post by Ben Goren
Not even just to have a
quick look-see?
Oh we can watch you burning in Hell, from our rooms, those of us that
qualify for deluxe rooms.

Post by Ben Goren
Hell, you might even like it!
I'm particularly looking forward to seeing you, surrounded by all those
hot women, being sodomised by Satan, and having your flesh gnawed by
deranged beasts the dear Lord Jesus made just to ensure your eternity
burning in Hell, really is hell.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-07-21 02:55:55 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
I'm particularly looking forward to seeing you, surrounded by all those
hot women, being sodomised by Satan, and having your flesh gnawed by
deranged beasts the dear Lord Jesus made just to ensure your eternity
burning in Hell, really is hell.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
It's this kind of hate-filled rhetoric that convinces me that religion is
full of hypocrisy. The idea that an all-loving deity full of forgivness
endorses it, just convices me that supposed diety isn't worth believing

In otherwords, Rev., you're shooting your position in the foot.
"My honor is my life!"
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 08:30:53 UTC
Post by FlameStrike
In otherwords, Rev., you're shooting your position in the foot.
I thought I put it rather well.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-07-21 11:37:28 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by FlameStrike
In otherwords, Rev., you're shooting your position in the foot.
I thought I put it rather well.
So did I. You perfectly defined the kind of extreme nutjob that I tend
to associate with religion.

Thus my remark above. You scared me futher away from church than into it.
"My honor is my life!"
2005-07-21 12:50:24 UTC
Post by FlameStrike
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
I'm particularly looking forward to seeing you, surrounded by all those
hot women, being sodomised by Satan, and having your flesh gnawed by
deranged beasts the dear Lord Jesus made just to ensure your eternity
burning in Hell, really is hell.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
It's this kind of hate-filled rhetoric that convinces me that religion is
full of hypocrisy. The idea that an all-loving deity full of forgivness
endorses it, just convices me that supposed diety isn't worth believing
<cough> Satire! <cough>
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 21:23:49 UTC
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by FlameStrike
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
It's this kind of hate-filled rhetoric
<cough> Satire! <cough>
Is it that the Americans have no sense of humour, and are in fact English
speaking Germans, or because they've been taken over by a bunch of
religious nutters?

Whichever it is, look out.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Ben Goren
2005-07-21 21:37:56 UTC
Is it that the Americans have no sense of humour, and are in
fact English speaking Germans, or because they've been taken
over by a bunch of religious nutters?
Whichever it is, look out.
Well...not exactly.

The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby
English will be the official language of the EU rather than German
which heavily lobbied to be the official languauge and was the
other possibility. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's
Government conceded that English spelling had some room for
improvement and has accepted a 5-year phase-in plan that would be
known as "EuroEnglish."

In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c" . . . Sertainly,
this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will
be dropped in favor of the "k." This should klear up konfusion and
keyboards kan have 1 less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when
the troublesome "ph" will be replased with the "f." This will make
words like "fotograf" 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling
kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated
changes are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of
double letters, which have always ben a deterent to akurate
speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mess of the silent
"e's" in the language is disgraseful, and they should go away.

By the 4th yar, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing
"th" with "z" and the "w" with "v."

During the fifz yar, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords
kontaining "ou" and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer
kombinations of leters. After ze fifz yar, ve vil hav a realy
sensibl vriten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and
evryvun vil find it easy tu understand each ozer.


(Shamelessly stolen, of course...and I haven't the foggiest idea
of who wrote it originally.)


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.

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Ben Goren
2005-07-21 03:03:59 UTC
I'm particularly looking forward to seeing you, surrounded by
all those hot women, being sodomised by Satan, and having your
flesh gnawed by deranged beasts the dear Lord Jesus made just to
ensure your eternity burning in Hell, really is hell.
Huh? Even if I /wanted/ to sodomize myself...well, sure, I've got
the equipment for it...but the geometry just don't work out that
way, if you know what I mean. I'm a miricle worker, to be sure,
but even /I/ have my limits, too.

And what makes you think I can't keep my pets under control? As if
they'd even /think/ to try to bite the hand that feeds them. They
know better, let me tell you!


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.

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Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 08:50:15 UTC
Post by Ben Goren
Huh? Even if I /wanted/ to sodomize myself...well, sure,
I've got the equipment for it...but the geometry just
don't work out that way, if you know what I mean.
Yes I do. It's called narcissism.


If you could get into the state of figure B, but you have this problem with
yourself, and it leads to figure A. The dear Lord Jesus can help. He'll
get you to hate yourself as much as He hates you.
Post by Ben Goren
And what makes you think I can't
keep my pets under control?
Because you let one of them stand for election to the US presidency twice,
the second time, unlike the first, your pet was even elected.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Ben Goren
2005-07-21 18:24:01 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Huh? Even if I /wanted/ to sodomize myself...well, sure, I've
got the equipment for it...but the geometry just don't work out
that way, if you know what I mean.
Yes I do. It's called narcissism.
If you could get into the state of figure B, but you have this
problem with yourself, and it leads to figure A.
Sorry. No can do. Not since my bud Priapus fessed his secret. (No,
I'm not telling. It was murder, literally, getting Priapus out of
the picture. Why bother with competition if you don't have to?)

'Sides, even a chainsaw wouldn't make a dent.
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
The dear Lord Jesus can help. He'll get you to hate yourself as
much as He hates you.
That whipping boy? Shit, he's so worn out we can't even get him to
bleed any more. Keeps asking for his daddy. Pathetic. I'd send him
back if I thought it'd be worth the trouble, but nobody 'round
here can stand his bleating for more than a minute or two, and the
journey takes a day and a half. I'd force them, of course, but
even /I/ have my limits.
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
And what makes you think I can't keep my pets under control?
Because you let one of them stand for election to the US
presidency twice, the second time, unlike the first, your pet
was even elected.
Is /that/ where that one escaped to? Damn. Sorry 'bout that. I'll
see to it that he's trapped and brought back to the kennel in
short order. We apologize for the invoncenience, and all.


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.

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2005-07-20 23:40:09 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by James
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
You think I'm afraid of dumb liberal atheist trash? The dear Lord Jesus
preached to you folks in Hell, and we're called to do the same.
I'm not going to Hell. As one of the Lord's chosen, He will not let me.
So I have to preach to you hell bound liberal atheist agnostic humanist
secular trash right here on earth.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Post by James
Good Pastor: Your God had the free will to *not* create evil, but he chose
to create it anyway. Why? And describe to me a being that is more "evil"
than the creator of "evil."
Thank you,

2005-07-21 12:40:36 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by James
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
You think I'm afraid of dumb liberal atheist trash?
You're funny ;)
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 22:21:41 UTC
Post by Robibnikoff
You're funny ;)
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-07-20 21:55:10 UTC
Post by James
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if any,
is correct and which are fakes???
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
The choir is super dumb.

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2005-07-21 04:30:47 UTC
Post by duke
Post by James
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if any,
is correct and which are fakes???
You're preaching to the choir in alt.atheism, buddy.
The choir is super dumb.
After all, how else could we have ignored your words of wisdom for so long?
James B
aa #944

"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
2005-07-20 20:22:19 UTC
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if
any, is correct and which are fakes???


that was easy :)
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-20 20:45:17 UTC
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do
we know which, if any, is correct and which are fakes???
Here are God's beliefs. All others are incorrect.

Our Bible Based Policy Against The Unsaved

As most churches liberalise themselves and reject the commandments
written by God in the Holy Bible, the Broomleigh Baptist Church continues
to do exactly what scripture teaches every Christian to do. And that is
to keep the temple of the living God a clean vessel, untarnished by even
a hint of fellowship with the unrighteous.

"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ,
hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the
Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this
doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For
he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds" (2 John 1:9-

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion
hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or
what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath
the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as
God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be
their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among
them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean
thing; and I will receive you." (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).

We pray that God sends his Holy Spirit upon this Christian Nation and
opens up the hearts of other Bible believing Christians so that they will
adopt the same Bible-based policy that has kept our church strong for
nearly 217 Godly years. For a list of common-sense reasons for keeping
unsaved people out of your church click here

About Us

We are a Bible believing, Fundamentalist, Independent Baptist Church. We
are 125,000 members strong. Our Church Campus is located in Chelmsford,
England and rests on 35 acres of some of the most beautiful country you'd
ever care to set your eyes upon. Our church holds 23 paid pastors, 124
paid deacons, 343 full time staff members, BBCA (Broomleigh Baptist
Church Academy), BBCU (Broomleigh Baptist Church University), 12 fully
equipped chapels, Four 2,000 seat sanctuaries, Two 5,000 seat main
sanctuaries, the world's largest Christian Mall, a Christian Amusement
Park (Broomleigh Baptist Church Bible Theme Park and Red Sea World), A
PGA 18 Hole Golf Course, 3 Fitness Centres, 4 Olympic sized swimming
pools, Broomleigh Baptist Church Village, Broomleigh Baptist Church
Towers, Broomleigh Baptist Church Retirement Community, Centre For 2
Churches On Every City Block Foundation, Leviticus Landing (a Gated
Christian Community), Exodus Acres (Silver Gated Community), 27
Developments, Broomleigh Baptist Church All Purpose Multi-Temple, Spa and
Resort Centre, Fire Department, 100,000 seat amphitheater, 12 Television
studios, 2 radio stations, A Christian Circus Camp, Retreat Centre for
Social Workers, 3 Corporate Christian Office Parks, hot springs, 8
cemeteries, and 243 fully certified Christian police officers.

A Godly Warning

We Believe in the entire Bible (1611 KJV). We don't throw out the parts
that make us feel uncomfortable, like the book of Leviticus. We bid you
greetings, friend. We do not read, eat, consume, digest, or 'try on' any
product that is not made and manufactured by born-again, Bible believing,
Fundamentalist Baptist Christians, and we would have you know that we
condemn anyone that does, and pray as King David did, 'against them' for
a quick end and a speedy journey to a very hot place, where they can
spend out all eternity honouring our Lord and Maker in a literal lake of
fire, Amen. Please find our site a blessing.

Christian Attire

We believe that when a person first gets saved, the first thing they
should do is buy a suit and a tie. If the individual is a female, then a
dress not raised over an inch above the knee is acceptable. Clothing is
perhaps the most important thing about being a Christian. If one is not
properly clothed and fully representative of what God would want them to
appear like.. well then, that person is probably not saved. Our motto is
"get saved, get to a Christian Clothing store, and get fitted for the
kingdom." Anyone who does not conform to the dress code at Broomleigh
Baptist Church will be fined a minimum of £300 per violation. It is a
privilege to be a Christian and we believe it is about time folks started
acting like it.

Christian Behaviour

A man should act like a man, and a woman should act like a woman. That
about sums it up. We will go into further detail here by stating that all
authority is granted to Pastor Richard Frank Dick Foot. This is in full
accordance with Romans 13. If you are not familiar with Romans 13, well
then we suggest you read it. A good ten or twelve readings of Leviticus
wouldn't hurt either. Pastor Dick Foot sometimes uses his godly authority
to invoke the Lord's Law from the Bible in Leviticus. This is sometimes
too much for some folks. If they refuse punishment, then they have the
option of paying a £500 fine plus expenses accrued by the planning
committee of Levitical Law Implementation. If you haven't cracked open a
Bible in a few years.. then Broomleigh Baptist Church is not for you.

General Rules

The following violations will result in a monetary fine of no less than
£200 as to be determined by Church Pastors and Elders:

1. failure to attend church on time,
2. failure to attend a church service without written permission from
a pastor or other agreed upon authority,
3. church parking lot violations,
4. single males or females caught in the houses of members of the
opposite sex without proper supervision,
5. out after curfew,
6. failure to tithe,
7. failure to perform Christian Service obligations,
8. use of a church key without proper permission,
9. sleeping and/or horseplay during church services, reading of 'crime
oriented' comic books, possession of alcohol outside of Post Communion
Party regulations,
10. idol worship,
11. inappropriate dress in town or in church, dress related to
'counter-culture' movement,
12. possession of a beard (except with special permission from Pastor
Dick Foot),
13. long earrings on women,
14. use of tampons is strictly prohibited,
15. men with earrings or jewelry of any kind, hugging,
16. possession of pornographic material (except for widowed or single
men over the age of 65),
17. failure to identify oneself to a church authority,
18. failure to answer a call slip,
19. witchcraft,
20. dancing and/or skipping,
21. association with Catholics, John Mark "ministries", Presbyterians,
Mormons, Methodists, Unitarians, Episkypols, or any other occult activity
(unless under supervision by Rev. Dr. Richard Frank Dick Foot),
22. failure to conform to rules and regulations,
23. failure to submit to authority,
24. questioning of church authority,
25. failure to bring at least one new guest to church a week,
26. failure to win at least one soul a week,
27. disrespect,
28. lying (other than in the cause of Broomleigh),
29. stealing,
30. cheating,
31. plotting,
32. failure to have a demon-possessed infant sterilized,
33. attendance at non-Christian owned picture houses, and
34. rock music.

General Rules are subject to change at any time without notice. Members
are expected to find out what the new rules are within two hours.

Let us note here, 'a Christian who is interested in doing their own
thing, will not feel comfortable at Broomleigh Baptist Church . . ..'
Indeed, we would even go as far to question whether or not that
individual is a Christian to begin with.

Please note - If you do not share all our beliefs,
you are going to burn in Hell forever.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Uncle Vic
2005-07-20 21:38:41 UTC
on 20 Jul 2005 in alt.atheism, dear sweet Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Christian Attire
We believe that when a person first gets saved, the first thing they
should do is buy a suit and a tie.
I get it now. This is parody. Har.
Uncle Vic
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department


'03 XVS650A
'04 XVS1100
2005-07-20 23:36:00 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do
we know which, if any, is correct and which are fakes???
Here are God's beliefs. All others are incorrect.
Our Bible Based Policy Against The Unsaved
As most churches liberalise themselves and reject the commandments
written by God in the Holy Bible, the Broomleigh Baptist Church continues
to do exactly what scripture teaches every Christian to do. And that is
to keep the temple of the living God a clean vessel, untarnished by even
a hint of fellowship with the unrighteous.
"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ,
hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the
Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this
doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For
he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds" (2 John 1:9-
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion
hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or
what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath
the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as
God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be
their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among
them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean
thing; and I will receive you." (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).
We pray that God sends his Holy Spirit upon this Christian Nation and
opens up the hearts of other Bible believing Christians so that they will
adopt the same Bible-based policy that has kept our church strong for
nearly 217 Godly years. For a list of common-sense reasons for keeping
unsaved people out of your church click here
About Us
We are a Bible believing, Fundamentalist, Independent Baptist Church. We
are 125,000 members strong. Our Church Campus is located in Chelmsford,
England and rests on 35 acres of some of the most beautiful country you'd
ever care to set your eyes upon. Our church holds 23 paid pastors, 124
paid deacons, 343 full time staff members, BBCA (Broomleigh Baptist
Church Academy), BBCU (Broomleigh Baptist Church University), 12 fully
equipped chapels, Four 2,000 seat sanctuaries, Two 5,000 seat main
sanctuaries, the world's largest Christian Mall, a Christian Amusement
Park (Broomleigh Baptist Church Bible Theme Park and Red Sea World), A
PGA 18 Hole Golf Course, 3 Fitness Centres, 4 Olympic sized swimming
pools, Broomleigh Baptist Church Village, Broomleigh Baptist Church
Towers, Broomleigh Baptist Church Retirement Community, Centre For 2
Churches On Every City Block Foundation, Leviticus Landing (a Gated
Christian Community), Exodus Acres (Silver Gated Community), 27
Developments, Broomleigh Baptist Church All Purpose Multi-Temple, Spa and
Resort Centre, Fire Department, 100,000 seat amphitheater, 12 Television
studios, 2 radio stations, A Christian Circus Camp, Retreat Centre for
Social Workers, 3 Corporate Christian Office Parks, hot springs, 8
cemeteries, and 243 fully certified Christian police officers.
A Godly Warning
We Believe in the entire Bible (1611 KJV). We don't throw out the parts
that make us feel uncomfortable, like the book of Leviticus. We bid you
greetings, friend. We do not read, eat, consume, digest, or 'try on' any
product that is not made and manufactured by born-again, Bible believing,
Fundamentalist Baptist Christians, and we would have you know that we
condemn anyone that does, and pray as King David did, 'against them' for
a quick end and a speedy journey to a very hot place, where they can
spend out all eternity honouring our Lord and Maker in a literal lake of
fire, Amen. Please find our site a blessing.
Christian Attire
We believe that when a person first gets saved, the first thing they
should do is buy a suit and a tie. If the individual is a female, then a
dress not raised over an inch above the knee is acceptable. Clothing is
perhaps the most important thing about being a Christian. If one is not
properly clothed and fully representative of what God would want them to
appear like.. well then, that person is probably not saved. Our motto is
"get saved, get to a Christian Clothing store, and get fitted for the
kingdom." Anyone who does not conform to the dress code at Broomleigh
Baptist Church will be fined a minimum of £300 per violation. It is a
privilege to be a Christian and we believe it is about time folks started
acting like it.
Christian Behaviour
A man should act like a man, and a woman should act like a woman. That
about sums it up. We will go into further detail here by stating that all
authority is granted to Pastor Richard Frank Dick Foot. This is in full
accordance with Romans 13. If you are not familiar with Romans 13, well
then we suggest you read it. A good ten or twelve readings of Leviticus
wouldn't hurt either. Pastor Dick Foot sometimes uses his godly authority
to invoke the Lord's Law from the Bible in Leviticus. This is sometimes
too much for some folks. If they refuse punishment, then they have the
option of paying a £500 fine plus expenses accrued by the planning
committee of Levitical Law Implementation. If you haven't cracked open a
Bible in a few years.. then Broomleigh Baptist Church is not for you.
General Rules
The following violations will result in a monetary fine of no less than
1. failure to attend church on time,
2. failure to attend a church service without written permission from
a pastor or other agreed upon authority,
3. church parking lot violations,
4. single males or females caught in the houses of members of the
opposite sex without proper supervision,
5. out after curfew,
6. failure to tithe,
7. failure to perform Christian Service obligations,
8. use of a church key without proper permission,
9. sleeping and/or horseplay during church services, reading of 'crime
oriented' comic books, possession of alcohol outside of Post Communion
Party regulations,
10. idol worship,
11. inappropriate dress in town or in church, dress related to
'counter-culture' movement,
12. possession of a beard (except with special permission from Pastor
Dick Foot),
13. long earrings on women,
14. use of tampons is strictly prohibited,
15. men with earrings or jewelry of any kind, hugging,
16. possession of pornographic material (except for widowed or single
men over the age of 65),
17. failure to identify oneself to a church authority,
18. failure to answer a call slip,
19. witchcraft,
20. dancing and/or skipping,
21. association with Catholics, John Mark "ministries", Presbyterians,
Mormons, Methodists, Unitarians, Episkypols, or any other occult activity
(unless under supervision by Rev. Dr. Richard Frank Dick Foot),
22. failure to conform to rules and regulations,
23. failure to submit to authority,
24. questioning of church authority,
25. failure to bring at least one new guest to church a week,
26. failure to win at least one soul a week,
27. disrespect,
28. lying (other than in the cause of Broomleigh),
29. stealing,
30. cheating,
31. plotting,
32. failure to have a demon-possessed infant sterilized,
33. attendance at non-Christian owned picture houses, and
34. rock music.
General Rules are subject to change at any time without notice. Members
are expected to find out what the new rules are within two hours.
Let us note here, 'a Christian who is interested in doing their own
thing, will not feel comfortable at Broomleigh Baptist Church . . ..'
Indeed, we would even go as far to question whether or not that
individual is a Christian to begin with.
Please note - If you do not share all our beliefs,
you are going to burn in Hell forever.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
I am going to put this in the most polite way I can: "You People Are Nuts!"

Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 01:29:00 UTC
Post by Greywolf
I am going to put this in the most polite
way I can: "You People Are Nuts!"
Well I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to spend eternity burning in
hell, being sodomised by Satan, and having your flesh gnawed by deranged
beasts the dear Lord Jesus made specifically for the purpose.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Ben Goren
2005-07-21 01:54:09 UTC
I am going to put this in the most polite way I can: "You
People Are Nuts!"
Well I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to spend eternity
burning in hell, being sodomised by Satan, and having your flesh
gnawed by deranged beasts the dear Lord Jesus made specifically
for the purpose.
Why would I want to sodomize Greywolf? Shit, I'm not even into
anal sex--let alone gay anal sex.

Stop spreading lies, or I'll bring you home early.


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.

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http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
2005-07-21 04:58:22 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Greywolf
I am going to put this in the most polite
way I can: "You People Are Nuts!"
Well I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to spend eternity burning in
hell, being sodomised by Satan, and having your flesh gnawed by deranged
beasts the dear Lord Jesus made specifically for the purpose.
Is that all? I thought hell was gonna be rough. Hell, that's a walk in the
park for *me*.
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 08:53:01 UTC
Post by Greywolf
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Is that all? I thought hell was gonna be rough.
Hell, that's a walk in the park for *me*.
Here's the bad bit. You're going to share Hell with failed evangelical

Now, about those tithes you owe the dear Lord Jesus.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Ben Goren
2005-07-21 18:35:29 UTC
Is that all? I thought hell was gonna be rough. Hell, that's a
walk in the park for *me*.
Here's the bad bit. You're going to share Hell with failed
evangelical Christians.
Only if he wants to. Oh, sure, most new arrivals decide to spend a
few millennia in the pit just for the novelty of it, but that
wears thin for most pretty quickly.

Some of the Christians don't want out, and the other are too
stupid to find the door--that's usually the evangelicals. Shit,
it's only behind the ``THIS WAY OUT'' in 666-foot white-hot
flaming letters! Who could miss it?

But that's okay. They're happier there, and we don't want 'em
here. Too noisy. And they smell. And we don't have much need for
cowherds, either.


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==----
http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
2005-07-21 06:40:56 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Greywolf
I am going to put this in the most polite
way I can: "You People Are Nuts!"
Well I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to spend eternity burning in
hell, being sodomised by Satan, and having your flesh gnawed by deranged
beasts the dear Lord Jesus made specifically for the purpose.
On the upshot, there wouldn't be any Christians.
James B
aa #944

"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 08:55:37 UTC
Post by James
On the upshot, there wouldn't be any Christians.
You will be pleading with us True Christians in heaven, for an oh-so-
cooling golden shower; you'll get a lump of blue ice at Christmas, two if
united win the cup.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-07-21 12:51:45 UTC
Post by Greywolf
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do
we know which, if any, is correct and which are fakes???
Here are God's beliefs. All others are incorrect.
Our Bible Based Policy Against The Unsaved
As most churches liberalise themselves and reject the commandments
written by God in the Holy Bible, the Broomleigh Baptist Church continues
to do exactly what scripture teaches every Christian to do. And that is
to keep the temple of the living God a clean vessel, untarnished by even
a hint of fellowship with the unrighteous.
"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ,
hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the
Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this
doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For
he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds" (2 John 1:9-
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion
hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or
what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath
the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as
God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be
their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among
them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean
thing; and I will receive you." (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).
We pray that God sends his Holy Spirit upon this Christian Nation and
opens up the hearts of other Bible believing Christians so that they will
adopt the same Bible-based policy that has kept our church strong for
nearly 217 Godly years. For a list of common-sense reasons for keeping
unsaved people out of your church click here
About Us
We are a Bible believing, Fundamentalist, Independent Baptist Church. We
are 125,000 members strong. Our Church Campus is located in Chelmsford,
England and rests on 35 acres of some of the most beautiful country you'd
ever care to set your eyes upon. Our church holds 23 paid pastors, 124
paid deacons, 343 full time staff members, BBCA (Broomleigh Baptist
Church Academy), BBCU (Broomleigh Baptist Church University), 12 fully
equipped chapels, Four 2,000 seat sanctuaries, Two 5,000 seat main
sanctuaries, the world's largest Christian Mall, a Christian Amusement
Park (Broomleigh Baptist Church Bible Theme Park and Red Sea World), A
PGA 18 Hole Golf Course, 3 Fitness Centres, 4 Olympic sized swimming
pools, Broomleigh Baptist Church Village, Broomleigh Baptist Church
Towers, Broomleigh Baptist Church Retirement Community, Centre For 2
Churches On Every City Block Foundation, Leviticus Landing (a Gated
Christian Community), Exodus Acres (Silver Gated Community), 27
Developments, Broomleigh Baptist Church All Purpose Multi-Temple, Spa and
Resort Centre, Fire Department, 100,000 seat amphitheater, 12 Television
studios, 2 radio stations, A Christian Circus Camp, Retreat Centre for
Social Workers, 3 Corporate Christian Office Parks, hot springs, 8
cemeteries, and 243 fully certified Christian police officers.
A Godly Warning
We Believe in the entire Bible (1611 KJV). We don't throw out the parts
that make us feel uncomfortable, like the book of Leviticus. We bid you
greetings, friend. We do not read, eat, consume, digest, or 'try on' any
product that is not made and manufactured by born-again, Bible believing,
Fundamentalist Baptist Christians, and we would have you know that we
condemn anyone that does, and pray as King David did, 'against them' for
a quick end and a speedy journey to a very hot place, where they can
spend out all eternity honouring our Lord and Maker in a literal lake of
fire, Amen. Please find our site a blessing.
Christian Attire
We believe that when a person first gets saved, the first thing they
should do is buy a suit and a tie. If the individual is a female, then a
dress not raised over an inch above the knee is acceptable. Clothing is
perhaps the most important thing about being a Christian. If one is not
properly clothed and fully representative of what God would want them to
appear like.. well then, that person is probably not saved. Our motto is
"get saved, get to a Christian Clothing store, and get fitted for the
kingdom." Anyone who does not conform to the dress code at Broomleigh
Baptist Church will be fined a minimum of £300 per violation. It is a
privilege to be a Christian and we believe it is about time folks started
acting like it.
Christian Behaviour
A man should act like a man, and a woman should act like a woman. That
about sums it up. We will go into further detail here by stating that all
authority is granted to Pastor Richard Frank Dick Foot. This is in full
accordance with Romans 13. If you are not familiar with Romans 13, well
then we suggest you read it. A good ten or twelve readings of Leviticus
wouldn't hurt either. Pastor Dick Foot sometimes uses his godly authority
to invoke the Lord's Law from the Bible in Leviticus. This is sometimes
too much for some folks. If they refuse punishment, then they have the
option of paying a £500 fine plus expenses accrued by the planning
committee of Levitical Law Implementation. If you haven't cracked open a
Bible in a few years.. then Broomleigh Baptist Church is not for you.
General Rules
The following violations will result in a monetary fine of no less than
1. failure to attend church on time,
2. failure to attend a church service without written permission from
a pastor or other agreed upon authority,
3. church parking lot violations,
4. single males or females caught in the houses of members of the
opposite sex without proper supervision,
5. out after curfew,
6. failure to tithe,
7. failure to perform Christian Service obligations,
8. use of a church key without proper permission,
9. sleeping and/or horseplay during church services, reading of 'crime
oriented' comic books, possession of alcohol outside of Post Communion
Party regulations,
10. idol worship,
11. inappropriate dress in town or in church, dress related to
'counter-culture' movement,
12. possession of a beard (except with special permission from Pastor
Dick Foot),
13. long earrings on women,
14. use of tampons is strictly prohibited,
15. men with earrings or jewelry of any kind, hugging,
16. possession of pornographic material (except for widowed or single
men over the age of 65),
17. failure to identify oneself to a church authority,
18. failure to answer a call slip,
19. witchcraft,
20. dancing and/or skipping,
21. association with Catholics, John Mark "ministries", Presbyterians,
Mormons, Methodists, Unitarians, Episkypols, or any other occult activity
(unless under supervision by Rev. Dr. Richard Frank Dick Foot),
22. failure to conform to rules and regulations,
23. failure to submit to authority,
24. questioning of church authority,
25. failure to bring at least one new guest to church a week,
26. failure to win at least one soul a week,
27. disrespect,
28. lying (other than in the cause of Broomleigh),
29. stealing,
30. cheating,
31. plotting,
32. failure to have a demon-possessed infant sterilized,
33. attendance at non-Christian owned picture houses, and
34. rock music.
General Rules are subject to change at any time without notice. Members
are expected to find out what the new rules are within two hours.
Let us note here, 'a Christian who is interested in doing their own
thing, will not feel comfortable at Broomleigh Baptist Church . . ..'
Indeed, we would even go as far to question whether or not that
individual is a Christian to begin with.
Please note - If you do not share all our beliefs,
you are going to burn in Hell forever.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
I am going to put this in the most polite way I can: "You People Are Nuts!"
Ahem, think Landover Baptist ;)
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Richard Frank Dick Foot
2005-07-21 13:14:10 UTC
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Ahem, think Landover Baptist ;)
Have they been plagiarising my work again?
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Therion Ware
2005-07-21 13:17:25 UTC
On 21 Jul 2005 13:14:10 GMT in alt.atheism, Richard Frank Dick Foot
("Richard Frank Dick Foot"
< ***@broomleighdotorgorcomorname     .info.fa>) said,
directing the reply to alt.atheism
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Ahem, think Landover Baptist ;)
Have they been plagiarising my work again?
I have to say I was fooled the first time I read yours, and am quite
impressed in as much as you keep in character supremely well.
"Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You."
- Attrib: Pauline Reage.

#442. Want food NOW? Then try http://www.rtios.com/
- Yep, currently under test... Your opinion welcome.
2005-07-21 14:19:32 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Ahem, think Landover Baptist ;)
Have they been plagiarising my work again?
Yes! You must come across the pond and smite them! :)
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Ben Goren
2005-07-21 18:38:05 UTC
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Robibnikoff
Ahem, think Landover Baptist ;)
Have they been plagiarising my work again?
Yes! You must come across the pond and smite them! :)
Oh, yes! I haven't been to a good smiting in /ages./ And an
intercontinental one, to boot!


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==----
http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
Steve O
2005-07-21 17:08:41 UTC
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do
we know which, if any, is correct and which are fakes???
Here are God's beliefs. All others are incorrect.
Our Bible Based Policy Against The Unsaved
As most churches liberalise themselves and reject the commandments
written by God in the Holy Bible, the Broomleigh Baptist Church
Is this the same guy who used to post on usenet about being persecuted by
Broomleigh Council?
His satire is a little obscure, but quite funny when you realise it's
Steve O
Atheist freethinker
Atheist list #2240
"Of all the tyrannies that afflict mankind, tyranny in religion is the
Every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in, but this
attempts a stride beyond the grave and seeks to pursue us into eternity."
- Thomas Paine
Steve O
2005-07-21 17:13:13 UTC
Post by Steve O
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Richard Frank Dick Foot
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do
we know which, if any, is correct and which are fakes???
Here are God's beliefs. All others are incorrect.
Our Bible Based Policy Against The Unsaved
As most churches liberalise themselves and reject the commandments
written by God in the Holy Bible, the Broomleigh Baptist Church
Is this the same guy who used to post on usenet about being persecuted by
Broomleigh Council?
His satire is a little obscure, but quite funny when you realise it's
Ah yes... here it is ... it was Broomleigh Housing Association not
Broomleigh Council.
Apparently, the reverend thinks the Housing Association are trying to kill
Steve O
Atheist freethinker
Atheist list #2240
"Of all the tyrannies that afflict mankind, tyranny in religion is the
Every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in, but this
attempts a stride beyond the grave and seeks to pursue us into eternity."
- Thomas Paine
2005-07-20 21:54:34 UTC
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if any,
is correct and which are fakes???
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.

Now you know not only the rest of the story, but the only story.
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Llanzlan Klazmon
2005-07-20 22:29:20 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if
any, is correct and which are fakes???
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Even if true. There is nothing that is commendable about that. Thor's
thunderbolts are much more sensible than a god getting itself killed for
a couple of days. Maybe jebiz should have asked Thor to kill him with a
few thunderbolts. That would have been much more impressive than getting
killed by Roman soldiers, anyone could do the later.

Post by duke
Now you know not only the rest of the story, but the only story.
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2005-07-21 01:18:13 UTC
Post by Llanzlan Klazmon
Post by duke
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Even if true. There is nothing that is commendable about that.
It is when you consider that God became man in the person of Jesus Christ
specifically to die on the cross to offer man redemption from his sins and to
restore salvation to man's soul. Salvation was tossed away by A&E when they
disobeyed God. And that natural propensity to say no to God is man's natural

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Llanzlan Klazmon
2005-07-21 01:36:06 UTC
On 21 Jul 2005 10:29:20 +1200, Llanzlan Klazmon
Post by Llanzlan Klazmon
Post by duke
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Even if true. There is nothing that is commendable about that.
It is when you consider that God became man in the person of Jesus
Christ specifically to die on the cross to offer man redemption from
his sins and to restore salvation to man's soul.
A silly way to do it. He could have just offered the redemption. No need
to get himself killed, even temporarily.


2005-07-21 01:38:13 UTC
On 21 Jul 2005 10:29:20 +1200, Llanzlan Klazmon
Post by Llanzlan Klazmon
Post by duke
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Even if true. There is nothing that is commendable about that.
It is when you consider that God became man in the person of Jesus
Christ specifically to die on the cross to offer man redemption from
his sins and to restore salvation to man's soul. Salvation was tossed
away by A&E when they disobeyed God. And that natural propensity to
say no to God is man's natural flaw.
So this "perfect" god screwed up and made mankind with flaws. Maybe we
should sure for incompetence!

"religion is a socio-political system for controlling people's thoughts,
lives and actions based on ancient myths and superstitions, perpetrated
through generations of subtle yet pervasive brainwashing."
Uncle Vic
2005-07-21 02:11:18 UTC
On 21 Jul 2005 10:29:20 +1200, Llanzlan Klazmon
Post by Llanzlan Klazmon
Post by duke
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Even if true. There is nothing that is commendable about that.
It is when you consider that God became man in the person of Jesus
Christ specifically to die on the cross to offer man redemption from
his sins and to restore salvation to man's soul. Salvation was tossed
away by A&E when they disobeyed God. And that natural propensity to
say no to God is man's natural flaw.
So there is something commendable about substitutionary forgiveness?
Uncle Vic
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department


'03 XVS650A
'04 XVS1100
2005-07-21 02:26:59 UTC
On 21 Jul 2005 10:29:20 +1200, Llanzlan Klazmon
Post by Llanzlan Klazmon
Post by duke
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Even if true. There is nothing that is commendable about that.
It is when you consider that God became man in the person of Jesus
Christ specifically to die on the cross to offer man redemption from
his sins
Seems kind of a waste for a god with supposedly infinite powers. Why didn't
he merely create a strain of wheat that grows in snow or dry desert sand?
Now THAT would be commendable.
and to restore salvation to man's soul. Salvation was tossed
away by A&E when they disobeyed God. And that natural propensity to
say no to God is man's natural flaw.
I don't see why your god has to go through all of this just to change
around some rules that he himself made up... and you say this Jesus guy was
his son?! Sounds like one crazy, mixed up dude. Your Christian god doesn't
need worshipers, he needs family counseling.
2005-07-22 00:35:24 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Llanzlan Klazmon
Post by duke
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Even if true. There is nothing that is commendable about that.
It is when you consider that God became man in the person of Jesus Christ
specifically to die on the cross to offer man redemption from his sins and to
restore salvation to man's soul. Salvation was tossed away by A&E when they
disobeyed God. And that natural propensity to say no to God is man's
Have you ever considered how utterly rediculous this story is. God, who
created the Universe
and everything in it; in his ultimate kindness and love created sin so he
could punish and torture us and
send us to the Hell he created.

Now this same all powerful almighty creator had to come to earth as a man to
to suffer and die on a cross
save us from the sins he created.

Your God is a bloody idiot!
2005-07-20 23:58:16 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if any,
is correct and which are fakes???
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Now you know not only the rest of the story, but the only story.
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Hang on there cowboy. Didn't Jesus say (in Mt. 12:40) that he would be
buried in the "heart of the earth" (just as Jonah was in the belly of a
"great fish" [Jon. 1:17]) for "three days and three nights"? So how is it
that this now becomes "the 3rd day"?

2005-07-21 01:20:56 UTC
Post by Greywolf
Hang on there cowboy. Didn't Jesus say (in Mt. 12:40) that he would be
buried in the "heart of the earth" (just as Jonah was in the belly of a
"great fish" [Jon. 1:17]) for "three days and three nights"? So how is it
that this now becomes "the 3rd day"?
Friday, 3pm to 6 pm, the first day
Sabbath, 6pm Friday to 6 pm Saturday, the 2nd day.
Saturday 6pm until..........., the 3rd day.

Both are found in the bible - 3 days and on the 3rd day.

You're trying to split hairs on that one.

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2005-07-21 05:26:40 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Greywolf
Hang on there cowboy. Didn't Jesus say (in Mt. 12:40) that he would be
buried in the "heart of the earth" (just as Jonah was in the belly of a
"great fish" [Jon. 1:17]) for "three days and three nights"? So how is it
that this now becomes "the 3rd day"?
Friday, 3pm to 6 pm, the first day
Sabbath, 6pm Friday to 6 pm Saturday, the 2nd day.
Saturday 6pm until..........., the 3rd day.
Both are found in the bible - 3 days and on the 3rd day.
You're trying to split hairs on that one.
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Jesus: Crucified at 9 a.m. (Mk. 15:25), dies around 3 p.m. (*You* look up
the verses.), buried before sunset. This equals one day and one night.
Saturday = 2nd "day and night, " (non) Resurrection: either before dawn
(Jn.) or *at* dawn, Jesus' body is found "missing." In either case no "day
or night" here. (unless you want to count a fraction of sunlight, a
"day."). Jesus was being very specific here. He said, "three days *and*
three nights." You're not going to get away with your devious explanation.
Friday, 3pm to 6 pm, the first day (and night)
Post by duke
[ Sabbath (Saturday), 6pm Friday] to [6 am Saturday, [end of the 1st day to
start of the 2nd day.]
Saturday 6 am [part of the 2nd day ] until..........Saturday 6 pm [end of
the 2nd day and start of 3rd day.]
Saturday 6 pm .....[end of the 3rd day] until Sunday 6 am ...., the
[beginning of the 4th day].

Wiggle *that* around your noggin' for a couple of times, cowboy.

Steve O
2005-07-21 19:51:00 UTC
Post by duke
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Now you know not only the rest of the story, but the only story.
At last duke admits it's only a story.
About time.
Steve O
Atheist freethinker
Atheist list #2240
"Of all the tyrannies that afflict mankind, tyranny in religion is the
Every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in, but this
attempts a stride beyond the grave and seeks to pursue us into eternity."
- Thomas Paine
2005-07-22 00:28:41 UTC
When are they going to snap you out of your hypnotic state?
Post by duke
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if any,
is correct and which are fakes???
Sorry, only one died on a cross and then rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Now you know not only the rest of the story, but the only story.
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2005-07-20 22:02:11 UTC
I'll pray for you.
Aaron Murray

Agape Place Ministries

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Llanzlan Klazmon
2005-07-20 22:29:52 UTC
Post by Aaron
I'll pray for you.
Don't worry. We will think for you.

2005-07-20 23:25:54 UTC
A lot of things require thought, like science. Atheism, on the other hand,
requires faith. There is no proof that God does not exist.

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Ben Goren
2005-07-20 23:43:26 UTC
A lot of things require thought, like science. Atheism, on the
other hand, requires faith. There is no proof that God does not
Oh, I don't know 'bout that. Define your god for me, and I'll see
what proof I can offer up for you.


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.
2005-07-20 23:50:10 UTC
Friend, all you are doing is shifting the burden of proof.

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Christopher A. Lee
2005-07-20 23:56:13 UTC
Post by Aaron
Friend, all you are doing is shifting the burden of proof.
Don't be so frikking stupid.

You're the claimant.

The way the real world works is that no matter how seriously you take
it, the default is NO IT ISN'T, PROVE IT.

I suspect you treat every other claim like that.

What makes you think your deity claims are exempt?
2005-07-21 00:12:09 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
The way the real world works is that no matter how seriously you take
it, the default is NO IT ISN'T, PROVE IT.
So, when a person is born the first thing they think is "are you really my
mom?" The default is trust and faith, everything else is a learned response.
We learn not to trust, not to believe. It is only an effort to protect
ourselves from reality. The truth can only be understood once a person
unlearns preconceived and previously taught ideas.

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Christopher A. Lee
2005-07-21 00:24:07 UTC
Post by Aaron
Post by Christopher A. Lee
The way the real world works is that no matter how seriously you take
it, the default is NO IT ISN'T, PROVE IT.
So, when a person is born the first thing they think is "are you really my
mom?" The default is trust and faith, everything else is a learned response.
We learn not to trust, not to believe. It is only an effort to protect
ourselves from reality. The truth can only be understood once a person
unlearns preconceived and previously taught ideas.
Where did I say that, deliberately dishonest liar?
Don Kresch
2005-07-21 03:30:16 UTC
In alt.atheism On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 00:12:09 GMT, "Aaron"
Post by Aaron
Post by Christopher A. Lee
The way the real world works is that no matter how seriously you take
it, the default is NO IT ISN'T, PROVE IT.
So, when a person is born the first thing they think is "are you really my
So when a person is born, that person believes in god?

2005-07-21 12:46:42 UTC
Post by Aaron
Post by Christopher A. Lee
The way the real world works is that no matter how seriously you take
it, the default is NO IT ISN'T, PROVE IT.
So, when a person is born the first thing they think is "are you really my
mom?" The default is trust and faith, everything else is a learned response.
We learn not to trust, not to believe. It is only an effort to protect
ourselves from reality. The truth can only be understood once a person
unlearns preconceived and previously taught ideas.
What's your point? No one is born believing in a god. They're taught that
by their parents.
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Ben Goren
2005-07-21 00:47:59 UTC
Post by Aaron
Friend, all you are doing is shifting the burden of proof.
First, since you claim that something exists, the ``burden of
proof'' rests with you.

But I'm not at all asking you to prove that your god
exists. I'm just asking you to /define/ your god. Is your god a
paperclip? Well, show me the paperclip in question and I'll be
forced to admit that your god exists.

But all I know of your god right now is that you call him by his
descriptor and capitalize the first letter. Not a whole lot to go
on, you understand.


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.

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Ben Goren
2005-07-21 01:40:20 UTC
Finally, a decent, logical response!
Oh, and check the attachment.

But, since you've pretty much admitted that you don't even have a
clue what your god is, I think I can pretty safely say that it
doesn't exist.

Come back when you know what you're worshipping.


BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
All but God can prove this sentence true.

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Don Kresch
2005-07-21 03:29:06 UTC
In alt.atheism On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 23:50:10 GMT, "Aaron"
Post by Aaron
Friend, all you are doing is shifting the burden of proof.
Bubba, you have the burden of proof.

2005-07-21 12:45:48 UTC
Post by Aaron
Friend, all you are doing is shifting the burden of proof.
Which, of course, is on you.

Do you believe your god exists? Yes or no.
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Christopher A. Lee
2005-07-20 23:45:10 UTC
Post by Aaron
A lot of things require thought, like science. Atheism, on the other hand,
requires faith. There is no proof that God does not exist.
Yet another stupid, lying theist.

It takes no faith, not to believe in Santa Claus, God or ghosts.

You're the one making ridiculous claims that you expect us to take
seriously, about something irrelevant in the real world outside your

So you have to back them up - but instead of doing that you (a) lie
about us and (b) say that there is no proof it doesn't exist.

Do you honestly expect these to satisfy your burden of "put up or shut

And are you really so stupid to grasp that not believing something
that is irrelevant anyway, is the same as believing it doesn't exist?
2005-07-21 00:03:55 UTC
LOL wow! I must have struck a nerve!
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Yet another stupid, lying theist.
It takes no faith, not to believe in Santa Claus, God or ghosts.
Nice grammar. If I understand you correctly, my response is:

It takes faith to believe . . .

* that you will live another day
* a chair will hold you up when you sit on it
* that your bank account will have money in it when you want it
* that I am lying
* that I am a theist
* that I am stupid

Where is your logic? Where is your proof? All I see is an emotional,
narrow-minded response.

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Christopher A. Lee
2005-07-21 00:23:24 UTC
Post by Aaron
LOL wow! I must have struck a nerve!
Only if you're being deliberatelystupid.
Post by Aaron
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Yet another stupid, lying theist.
It takes no faith, not to believe in Santa Claus, God or ghosts.
It takes faith to believe . . .
* that you will live another day
* a chair will hold you up when you sit on it
* that your bank account will have money in it when you want it
* that I am lying
* that I am a theist
* that I am stupid
Only if you're being deliberately dishonest.
Post by Aaron
Where is your logic? Where is your proof? All I see is an emotional,
narrow-minded response.
Why do you you continue to lie?

You lied about atheists, to atheists on an atheist newsgroup.

That's all.
Post by Aaron
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2005-07-21 00:36:54 UTC
I pose these questions to all of you atheists out there: is faith something
real? can a person have experience without faith? can a person have faith
without experience?

For logic reasons I define "faith" as:

1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person,
idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.

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Fred Stone
2005-07-21 00:52:42 UTC
Post by Aaron
I pose these questions to all of you atheists out there: is faith
something real? can a person have experience without faith? can a
person have faith without experience?
1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a
person, idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
For logical reasons I would distinguish between your two different

Your (1) is the sort of trust that comes from experience. Number 1 is
accessible to logic and reason.

Your (2) is the sort of faith that does not come from experience.
Fred Stone
aa# 1369
Political correctness is a form of moral and emotional blackmail
whereby if you call a spade a spade you must
a) apologize to the spade,
b) if you live in the US, take a sensitivity training course, or
c) if you live in Old Yurp, you are taken to court for defamation of the
aforementioned spade.
2005-07-21 01:41:02 UTC
Post by Fred Stone
Post by Aaron
I pose these questions to all of you atheists out there: is faith
something real? can a person have experience without faith? can a
person have faith without experience?
1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a
person, idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
For logical reasons I would distinguish between your two different
Your (1) is the sort of trust that comes from experience. Number 1 is
accessible to logic and reason.
Your (2) is the sort of faith that does not come from experience.
Fred Stone
aa# 1369
Political correctness is a form of moral and emotional blackmail
whereby if you call a spade a spade you must
a) apologize to the spade,
b) if you live in the US, take a sensitivity training course, or
c) if you live in Old Yurp, you are taken to court for defamation of the
aforementioned spade.
Ok. Let us restrict discussion to definition #1, which can be "accessible to
logic and reason".

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Llanzlan Klazmon
2005-07-21 02:12:41 UTC
Post by Aaron
Post by Fred Stone
Post by Aaron
I pose these questions to all of you atheists out there: is faith
something real? can a person have experience without faith? can a
person have faith without experience?
1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a
person, idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
For logical reasons I would distinguish between your two different
Your (1) is the sort of trust that comes from experience. Number 1 is
accessible to logic and reason.
Your (2) is the sort of faith that does not come from experience.
Fred Stone
aa# 1369
Political correctness is a form of moral and emotional blackmail
whereby if you call a spade a spade you must
a) apologize to the spade,
b) if you live in the US, take a sensitivity training course, or
c) if you live in Old Yurp, you are taken to court for defamation of
the aforementioned spade.
Ok. Let us restrict discussion to definition #1, which can be
"accessible to logic and reason".
Why? That is not the meaning used in the case of religious faith.

Fred Stone
2005-07-21 03:06:19 UTC
Post by Aaron
Post by Fred Stone
Post by Aaron
I pose these questions to all of you atheists out there: is faith
something real? can a person have experience without faith? can a
person have faith without experience?
1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a
person, idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
For logical reasons I would distinguish between your two different
Your (1) is the sort of trust that comes from experience. Number 1 is
accessible to logic and reason.
Your (2) is the sort of faith that does not come from experience.
Ok. Let us restrict discussion to definition #1, which can be
"accessible to logic and reason".
Fred Stone
aa# 1369
Political correctness is a form of moral and emotional blackmail
whereby if you call a spade a spade you must
a) apologize to the spade,
b) if you live in the US, take a sensitivity training course, or
c) if you live in Old Yurp, you are taken to court for defamation of the
aforementioned spade.
Don Kresch
2005-07-21 03:31:46 UTC
In alt.atheism On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 00:36:54 GMT, "Aaron"
Post by Aaron
I pose these questions to all of you atheists out there: is faith something
Post by Aaron
can a person have experience without faith?
Post by Aaron
can a person have faith without experience?

2005-07-21 12:48:43 UTC
Post by Aaron
I pose these questions to all of you atheists out there: is faith something
real? can a person have experience without faith? can a person have faith
without experience?
How about, who cares?
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
2005-07-21 13:52:56 UTC
[posted and mailed]
Post by Aaron
I pose these questions to all of you atheists out there: is faith something
real? can a person have experience without faith? can a person have faith
without experience?
1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person,
idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
No one gives a fucking shit about your "faith" fuckface, know your
background material before presenting your obnoxious fairy tale questions
to people that don't rely on a childish fantasy to get through life,
Denizen of Darkness #44 & AFJC Antipodean Attaché
Remove "s" to respond
2005-07-21 16:26:09 UTC
Post by Aaron
I pose these questions to all of you atheists out there: is faith something
real? can a person have experience without faith? can a person have faith
without experience?
1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person,
idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
Faith as defined here has some benefit to a species, if not overdone.
Animals came to form beliefs based on their experiences, and in order
to survive have to act on partial experiences and half-baked beliefs.
Waiting until data-based certainty is developed before fleeing a
threat would not have survival value. So, a species whose members act
*before all the data is in* has a competitive advantage. Even if some
of its members form incorrect beliefs, and die because of it, others
will "guess right" and live to reproduce.
Llanzlan Klazmon
2005-07-21 00:29:50 UTC
Post by Aaron
LOL wow! I must have struck a nerve!
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Yet another stupid, lying theist.
It takes no faith, not to believe in Santa Claus, God or ghosts.
It takes faith to believe . . .
* that you will live another day
* a chair will hold you up when you sit on it
* that your bank account will have money in it when you want it
Equivocation fallacy. You are using a different meaning of the word
faith. In religious matters, faith means belief without supporting
evidence and is considered a virtue by religious theologians. Faith as
applied to the above items is a totally different meaning. In this case
the word just means that you expect something to happen based on past
experience and knowledge of the world. In other words "evidence". That
dirty word that you theists don't seem to be able to cope with.
Post by Aaron
* that I am lying
* that I am a theist
* that I am stupid
Where is your logic? Where is your proof? All I see is an emotional,
narrow-minded response.
Nope. What you saw was the truth. Use your brain. Find the on/off switch
and change it to the on position.

Post by Aaron
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Don Kresch
2005-07-21 03:29:40 UTC
In alt.atheism On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 00:03:55 GMT, "Aaron"
Post by Aaron
LOL wow! I must have struck a nerve!
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Yet another stupid, lying theist.
It takes no faith, not to believe in Santa Claus, God or ghosts.
It takes faith to believe . . .
* that you will live another day
* a chair will hold you up when you sit on it
* that your bank account will have money in it when you want it
* that I am lying
* that I am a theist
* that I am stupid
It takes no faith to believe any of those.

2005-07-21 12:48:10 UTC
Post by Aaron
LOL wow! I must have struck a nerve!
Maybe because you're like the 4th or 5th idiot this week to tell us what
atheists believe, while having absolutely NO clue.

It gets a bit tiresome after a while.
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Llanzlan Klazmon
2005-07-21 00:11:40 UTC
Post by Aaron
A lot of things require thought, like science. Atheism, on the other
hand, requires faith. There is no proof that God does not exist.
Depends on the god. Which particular god would you like disproved?

I thought you theists say that faith is good. If atheism requires faith
you would appear to be saying that atheism is good. Let me know if you
meant something else, or maybe you are using a strange definition of the
word faith. Perhaps you have faith that Santa Claus doesn't exist?

Don Kresch
2005-07-21 03:28:46 UTC
In alt.atheism On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 23:25:54 GMT, "Aaron"
Post by Aaron
A lot of things require thought, like science. Atheism, on the other hand,
requires faith. There is no proof that God does not exist.
There is no proof that you aren't a child molester, either.

2005-07-21 12:45:08 UTC
Post by Aaron
A lot of things require thought, like science. Atheism, on the other hand,
requires faith. There is no proof that God does not exist.
That's right. There's not. And there's no proof that he/she/it does either.

You're not one of those people that don't know what atheism is, are you?
Because it's not the belief that there is/are no god(s).
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
2005-07-22 00:45:17 UTC
Post by Aaron
A lot of things require thought, like science. Atheism, on the other hand,
requires faith. There is no proof that God does not exist.
Idiot, take Logic 101. You can't prove a negative. It is logical to assume
something does not exist is when there is no objective verifiable
reproducible evidence for it's existence. And Gods certainly fit this
Post by Aaron
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2005-07-21 12:43:21 UTC
Post by Aaron
I'll pray for you.
That's okay, I'll think for you.
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
John Popelish
2005-07-20 22:53:09 UTC
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if any,
is correct and which are fakes???
They can't all be right but they may all be wrong.
Niels van der Linden
2005-07-20 23:54:21 UTC
What's a god?
2005-07-21 03:44:00 UTC
Post by Bill
There are literally thousands of God beliefs. How do we know which, if
any, is correct and which are fakes???
Does correctness preclude fakehood? If so, how?
Post by Bill
Each believer thinks his God is the real God and all the others are fakes.
If there is a real God, why does he not tell us directly that he is the
real God and all the others are fakes?
Because He doesn't understand your question number 1.
Post by Bill
It appears that he is a magical super-being who expects and demands
everyone to believe in him, while carefully concealing all evidence of HIS
Then how did you find out about Him?
Post by Bill
There is NO OBJECTIVE VERIFIABLE PROVABLE evidence that any of these Gods
exist. They are all based on people's imaginations and myths. Ancient
documents written by self interested men are not OBJECTIVE VERIFIABLE
PROVABLE evidence. They are merely the subjective OPINIONS of self
interested men.
How do you know? Can you prove it?
Post by Bill
God belief is synonymous with "I don't know - I don't understand"
Then I must have God belief, because I don't know what the fuck you are
talking about and I don't understand it.
Post by Bill
Believers assign all phenomena they do not understand to being acts of
their God. When they do not understand some occurrence or phenomena they
say God did it. The more intelligent response would be I don't know or
understand. This is why the more technically educated a person; the less
reliant they are on some God. Most people with substantial technical
educations are usually atheists are agnostics. The more poorly educated
tend to be more reliant on their God for help and guidance in their life.
It's wonderful they have that opportunity.
Post by Bill
Unfortunately there is no significant objective evidence that people
receive any real help from their Gods. Only psychotics find imagined help
from their Gods.
Darn. Just when I thought their problems would be solved and I could quit
worrying about their welfare.
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that Gods did not create man, but quite the
contrary; that man created Gods.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?