I dare say some saint is asking, " How could Buddhism fool Bible believers?"
(too old to reply)
David Raleigh Arnold
2006-06-10 11:33:53 UTC
I dare say some saint is asking, " How could Buddhism fool Bible
Troll. daveA
Saint Art
2006-06-10 19:55:28 UTC
I dare say some saint is asking, " How could Buddhism fool Bible
May I ask you where the words came from in the chorus to the song, "A
Little Talk With Jesus"--
"...And then we know a little fire is burning,
And we know a little prayer wheel's turning..."
There is NO fire burning, nor is there a
prayer wheel, in any of God's Word for either
Israel or the Church.
See the Buddhist prayer wheels in the photos for the interpretation of the
song words above. Note the hand held prayer wheel and the ones mounted in
the Buddhist temple.
Here are the words of Buddhist Lama Zopa Rinpoche: "There are earth,
water, fire and wind prayer wheels. One of the benefits of the prayer
wheel is that it embodies all the actions of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
of the 10 directions."
You see, the prayer wheel is stuffed with bits of paper on which are
written prayers. When the devout Buddhist spins the prayer wheel he
believes that the prayers ascend to heaven once every time the wheel
spins. So, "A Little Talk With Jesus" was slipped to us by Buddhist
devils! Also, do remember please-- Buddhists will tell you they like
Jesus. He is an Ascended Master and good Prophet to them.
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