The teaching of Holy Qur'an and the guidance of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) made the barbarians into humans, from basic humanity it took them to high morality and from high morality it took them to love of God and a stage where one is totally consumed with the love of God and nothing else remains. This is like when after this world has perished only God Al Qahhar (The Most Supreme) shall remain --- Without power of attraction it is impossible to draw so many people and the Prophet had power of attraction in abundance. His teaching was clear and simple and without any complexity. Without the advent of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and the revelation of the Holy Qur'an the truth of the earlier prophets would not have been made evident on us. http://alislam.org/archives/2007/summary/FSS20070427-EN.html
(too old to reply)
2007-04-29 01:24:21 UTC
The blessed Promised Messiah of this era (@ www.alislam.org who was
the true and ardent devotee and indeed the slave of the Holy Prophet
(pbuh) and who had supreme comprehension of the Holy Prophet's
beneficence of holiness and who imparted it to us) depicts in his
writings the transformation that the quality of the Prophet's holiness
brought about in Arabia. This Prophet was created from the light of
Allah, who spread his fragrance to take Allah's beneficence to others.
Who removed what was false and manifested most luminously in his
truth. He guided people who were but dead of soul, made them
civilized and took them to the lofty stages of spiritual discernment.
These were the people who had an idol for every matter, for every
aspect in life. They were corrupted and debauched and proud of it.
They had reached a stage that was far-removed from all aspects of
humanity. They would spend freely on their depravity but had nothing
to give in charity - (even now there are people who spend freely on
worldly items but seem awkward when they are asked to give in the
cause of Allah) -- At that time people of Arabia had no experience of
listening to sermons. In this situation of heightened disorder Allah
sent a Prophet in Mecca. In their ignorance, the people of Mecca
rejected him. The Prophet endured each animosity and circumvented
malice with love. He was alone for a very long time and contended with
everything through the power of his prophethood -- Then a time came
when the blessed started to be attracted to him and endeavoured to
gain nearness to Allah with their wealth and their lives and set
magnificent example of sacrifice. Their drunken nights were
transformed into nights of worship of God and their drunken mornings
were transformed into the morning prayer, tasbih (glorify Allah) and
Istaghfar (seek forgiveness of Allah) -- The teaching of Holy Qur'an
and the guidance of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
on him) made the barbarians into humans, from basic humanity it took
them to high morality and from high morality it took them to love of
God and a stage where one is totally consumed with the love of God and
nothing else remains. This is like when after this world has perished
only God Al Qahhar (The Most Supreme) shall remain --- Without power
of attraction it is impossible to draw so many people and the Prophet
had power of attraction in abundance. His teaching was clear and
simple and without any complexity. Without the advent of the Holy
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and the revelation of
the Holy Qur'an the truth of the earlier prophets would not have been
made evident on us. We have adhered ourselves to a Prophet who is God-
like [metaphorically] and whose sincere obedience purifies one
le physicien nocturne
2007-04-29 02:10:10 UTC
Many things that we find in islam could be found in previous religions.

The qur'an is just a bad copycat of the bible.

