(too old to reply)
Bill M
2007-08-30 15:18:14 UTC
Very simple and basic question.

There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any is
the REAL God???

Following is a list of the many gods worshipped and feared by man over the
Which, if any, of these gods is the real god? If there is a real god, why
does he not tell us directly and clearly he is the real god and all the
others are fakes??? Why does he permit all the fakes?

Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye, Bacchus,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
Ereshkigal, Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera,
Helios, Hel,
Hephaestus, Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jesus, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
Set, Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus,
Vishnu, Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus.

African gods:

Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]

Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]

Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]

(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]

Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]

Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]

Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]

Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Jesus [Savior]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]

Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]

Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]

Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]

Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]

Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]

Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]

Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]

Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]

Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]

Zin [Water]

Asian Gods:


Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]

Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]

Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]

Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]

Fudo [WIsdom]

Guan Yin [bodhisattva]

Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]

Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]

Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]

Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]

Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]

Locana [?]

Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]

Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]

Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]

Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]

Usnisavijaya [?]

Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]

We-to [Divine General]

Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]

Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]


Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]

Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]

Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]

Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]

Erh-Lang [Guardian]

Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]

Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]

Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]

I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]

K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]

Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]

Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]

Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]

O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]

Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]

Ran-deng [Future Buddha]

San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]

T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]

Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]

Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]

Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]

Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]

[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]

Finnish Gods:

Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]

Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]

Hiisi [Forest/Evil]

Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]

Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]

Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]

Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]

Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]

Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]

Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]

Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]

Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]

Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]

Rauni [?]

Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]

Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]

Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]

Waralden Olmai [World]


Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]

Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]

Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]

Daikoku [Wealth]

Ebisu [Labor]

Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]

Gozu-Tenno [Plague]

Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]

Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]

Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]

Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]

Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]

O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]

Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]

Sae-No-Kami [Roads]

Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]

Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility and
Uzume [Mirth]

Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]

Yabune [House]

Zocho [South]

Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]

Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]

Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]

Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]

Fujin [Wind]

Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]

Kami [Idols]


Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]

Debata [?]

Empung Luminuut [?]

Hainuwele [?]

Hananim [Sky]

Hmin [Ague]

Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]

Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]

Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]

Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]

Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]

Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]

Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]

Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]

Upulevo [Sun]

Wunekau [Sun]


Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]

Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]

Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]

Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]

En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]

Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]

Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]

Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]

Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]

Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]

Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]

Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]

Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]

Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]

Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]

Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]

Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]

Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]

Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]

Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]

Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]

Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]

Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]

We [Supreme]

Xhindi [Spirits]

Yarilo [Love]

Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]


Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]

Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]

K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]

Mayin [Supreme]

Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]

Shurdi [Thunderstorms]

Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]

Xucau [Supreme]

Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
2007-08-30 18:47:02 UTC
On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:

>Very simple and basic question.
>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any is
>the REAL God???

Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false gods
like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that offers
eternal salvation - Almighty God.

Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I keep
sending your way keeps leaking out.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-08-30 19:36:55 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>Very simple and basic question.
>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any
>>the REAL God???
> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
> gods
> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
> offers
> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
> keep
> sending your way keeps leaking out.
well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and time
again that you have NONE!
2007-08-30 22:27:09 UTC
On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
<***@bigdick.org> wrote:

>"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>>Very simple and basic question.
>>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any
>>>the REAL God???
>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
>> gods
>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>> offers
>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
>> keep
>> sending your way keeps leaking out.
>well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and time
>again that you have NONE!

If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have is
evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-08-31 04:27:45 UTC
duke wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
>>"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
>>>On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>>>Very simple and basic question.
>>>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any
>>>>the REAL God???
>>>Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
>>>like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>>>eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>>>Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
>>>sending your way keeps leaking out.
>>well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and time
>>again that you have NONE!
> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have is
> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.

I'm _sure_ there's more dark meat on a hamster.
2007-09-03 21:23:03 UTC
On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 23:27:45 -0500, Ghod <***@ameritech.net> wrote:

>> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have is
>> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.

>I'm _sure_ there's more dark meat on a hamster.

Do they taste like chicken?

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-08-31 14:25:38 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
>>"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
>>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>>Very simple and basic question.
>>>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>>>>the REAL God???
>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
>>> gods
>>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>>> offers
>>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
>>> keep
>>> sending your way keeps leaking out.
>>well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and time
>>again that you have NONE!
> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have
> is
> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.

bullshit-you got nothing.
your such a liar.
you have no proof-nada-zero-zilch.
me right-you-as allways-wrong.
theres your proof stupid.
Bill M
2007-08-31 14:46:40 UTC
It is interesting to see how these religious fanatics keep claiminmg they
have evidence of the eixstence of their god but never supply the evidence.

This guy doesn't even supply specific unfounded opinions.

"JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!" <***@bigdick.org> wrote in message
> "duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> news:***@4ax.com...
> > On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> > <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> >>news:***@4ax.com...
> >>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>Very simple and basic question.
> >>>>
> >>>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
> >>>>any
> >>>>is
> >>>>the REAL God???
> >>>
> >>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
> >>> gods
> >>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
> >>> offers
> >>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> >>>
> >>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info
> >>> keep
> >>> sending your way keeps leaking out.
> >>>
> >>well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and
> >>again that you have NONE!
> >
> > If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I
> > is
> > evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
> >
> bullshit-you got nothing.
> your such a liar.
> you have no proof-nada-zero-zilch.
> me right-you-as allways-wrong.
> theres your proof stupid.
bob young
2007-09-01 06:00:02 UTC
Bill M wrote:

> It is interesting to see how these religious fanatics keep claiminmg they
> have evidence of the eixstence of their god but never supply the evidence.

It is all they have and, if one cares about the human race, it is terribly
terribly sad

> This guy doesn't even supply specific unfounded opinions.
> "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!" <***@bigdick.org> wrote in message
> news:HYednRN-***@giganews.com...
> >
> > "duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> > news:***@4ax.com...
> > > On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> > > <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
> > >
> > >>
> > >>"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> > >>news:***@4ax.com...
> > >>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
> > >>> wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>>Very simple and basic question.
> > >>>>
> > >>>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
> > >>>>any
> > >>>>is
> > >>>>the REAL God???
> > >>>
> > >>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
> false
> > >>> gods
> > >>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
> > >>> offers
> > >>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> > >>>
> > >>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info
> I
> > >>> keep
> > >>> sending your way keeps leaking out.
> > >>>
> > >>well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and
> time
> > >>again that you have NONE!
> > >
> > > If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I
> have
> > > is
> > > evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
> > >
> >
> > bullshit-you got nothing.
> > your such a liar.
> > you have no proof-nada-zero-zilch.
> > me right-you-as allways-wrong.
> > theres your proof stupid.
> >
> >
Pastor Frank
2007-09-01 13:49:17 UTC
"bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> Bill M wrote:
>> It is interesting to see how these religious fanatics keep claiminmg they
>> have evidence of the eixstence of their god but never supply the
>> evidence.
> It is all they have and, if one cares about the human race, it is terribly
> terribly sad
Naturally you are "sad", for you don't get what you want. See below

Pastor Frank

Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John
3:3) and no, we won't send you all our money as "objective, verifiable
evidence", to prove our love for you. That's what you are after, aren't you?
You will just have to believe us, that we answer your posts because we
love you in the Lord and that this loving action evidences our God, who is
love. (1 John 4:8,16)

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-09-03 00:10:02 UTC
Pastor Frank wrote:

> "bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> news:***@netvigator.com...
> > Bill M wrote:
> >>
> >> It is interesting to see how these religious fanatics keep claiminmg they
> >> have evidence of the eixstence of their god but never supply the
> >> evidence.
> >
> > It is all they have and, if one cares about the human race, it is terribly
> > terribly sad
> >
> Naturally you are "sad", for you don't get what you want. See below

All we want is 'facts' rather than 'fancy'

> Pastor Frank
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
> Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John
> 3:3) and no, we won't send you all our money as "objective, verifiable
> evidence", to prove our love for you. That's what you are after, aren't you?
> You will just have to believe us, that we answer your posts because we
> love you in the Lord and that this loving action evidences our God, who is
> love. (1 John 4:8,16)
> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-08-31 16:21:51 UTC
"Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> It is interesting to see how these religious fanatics keep claiminmg they
> have evidence of the eixstence of their god but never supply the evidence.
More lies for atheism? Chanting well-worn atheist mantras ad infinitum
and ad nauseam doesn't make it true.

Pastor Frank

Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
David V.
2007-09-02 14:53:40 UTC
Pastor Frank wrote:
> Our Christian "God is love"

Then why bother worshiping a human emotion?

"Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
Pastor Frank
2007-09-03 11:46:21 UTC
"David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> Our Christian "God is love"
> Then why bother worshiping a human emotion?
> --
> Dave
> "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
Because love is the only thing which makes life worth living. Or do you
have anything else more important in mind? Btw the Christian concept of love
must be evidenced in loving and caring action. It doesn't qualify as love
when a mere unevidenced "human emotion".

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Bill M
2007-09-03 00:10:59 UTC
"Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote in message
> "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> news:TQVBi.51396$***@bignews8.bellsouth.net...
> >
> > It is interesting to see how these religious fanatics keep claiminmg
> > have evidence of the eixstence of their god but never supply the
> >
> More lies for atheism? Chanting well-worn atheist mantras ad infinitum
> and ad nauseam doesn't make it true.
> Pastor Frank
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
> Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
> 3:3)

This is evidence of a loving god???

Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Floods,
Wars, Earth Quakes, Cancers and hundreds of debilitating diseases and
serious body malfunctions? There are 12,000 known diseases that affect and
punish mankind indiscriminately. Why does he permit millions of both young
and old to starve to death or die of miserable diseases? Why punish millions
of INNOCENT CHILDREN in this horrible way?

Why does this all powerful and caring god permit totally "innocent children"
to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a fully developed
brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.? Why are some born idiots and
others with super intelligence? Why are some born into wealth and others
pauper poor? Why are his human creations designed to deteriorate into a
miserable and devastating old age regardless of their religious affiliation?

God supposedly created the world like it is to punish man for Adam and Eve's
'original sin'. Why does he also punish supposedly innocent animals with
thousands of diseases, birth defects, starvation and to be eaten alive by
other animals?

Why did this all powerful and loving creator create things like sharks,
jelly fish, octopus, lions, tigers, rhinoceros, Wolves, poisonous snakes,
stinging and poisonous insects, poisonous plants etc.? Why did this caring
benevolent god create animals (including man) that need to painfully kill
and eat other animals to survive?

World War I claimed 9,000,000 lives of people of many religious faiths.

World II indiscriminately claimed over 20,000,000 lives of people of all
ages and religious faiths, plus a vast destruction of property and more
millions maimed for life.

The recent Asian Tsunami has claimed the lives of 200,000 men, women and
children of all religious persuasions. Over 100,000 of these were totally
INNOCENT children!

There were three major epidemics of the Bubonic Plaque - in the 6th, 14th.
and 17th centuries. The death toll was over 137 million men, women and
totally innocent children.

The influenza of 1918-1919 killed at least 25 million men, women and
innocent children indiscriminately.

Diseases like malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis, etc. maim and kill millions
indiscriminately every year. More millions die of starvation and

These indiscriminately afflicted the young and old, atheists and those of
all religious persuasions.

Meanwhile MAN, not god, has developed defenses and cures for hundreds of
serious diseases. Man has learned to create shelter, heat and cooling,
purify water, world wide electronic communications, power and transportation
systems including flying through the air.
Man has created a wonderful medical and drug system and improved housing and
food production. The result of MAN'S inventiveness has
DOUBLED the average life span. None of this was created by any gods.

Perhaps your loving and caring god is actually a cruel, heartless, mean and
torturing tyrant. If he treats us so cruelly during life, why do you think
he will let us enjoy peace and eternal happiness in his Heaven? And why does
he keep all this a secret by preventing communication with our dead parents,
siblings and friends? (Or this god?)

There are thousands of religious and god beliefs but NO OJECTIVE VERIFIABLE
EVIDENCE for the actual existence of ANY of these gods. ALL god beliefs are
based on the unsubstantiated 'opinions' of errant men.

If there is a god that created the Universe, he is obviously not an
all-caring and benevolent god. Nor is he an "Intelligent Designer". The
objective evidence is if there is a god creator, he has NO concern about the
welfare of the creatures on Earth.

The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created gods!

I challenge god believers to supply ANY objective verifiable evidence that
their god actually exists except in their over active imaginations.
2007-09-03 21:24:54 UTC
On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:25:38 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
<***@bigdick.org> wrote:

>>>well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and time
>>>again that you have NONE!

>> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have
>> is evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.

>bullshit-you got nothing.
>your such a liar.
>you have no proof-nada-zero-zilch.
>me right-you-as allways-wrong.
>theres your proof stupid.

Sorry, big dick, but you're out in the cold. You don't even have so much as 1
little thing to support the idea that there is no God almighty.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Bill M
2007-09-04 00:08:50 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:25:38 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
> >>>well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and
> >>>again that you have NONE!
> >> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I
> >> is evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
> >bullshit-you got nothing.
> >your such a liar.
> >you have no proof-nada-zero-zilch.
> >me right-you-as allways-wrong.
> >theres your proof stupid.
> Sorry, big dick, but you're out in the cold. You don't even have so much
as 1
> little thing to support the idea that there is no God almighty.
> duke, American-American

Yes he does Dukey. There is NO-NADA objective evidence that any gods
actually exist.

Lack of evidence is NOT evidence of existence.
2007-09-04 19:18:11 UTC
On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:08:50 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:

>> Sorry, big dick, but you're out in the cold. You don't even have so much
>as 1 little thing to support the idea that there is no God almighty.

>Yes he does Dukey. There is NO-NADA objective evidence that any gods
>actually exist.
>Lack of evidence is NOT evidence of existence.

Yet 100% of all evidence is that God does exist.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-09-04 19:22:57 UTC
On Sep 4, 3:18 pm, duke <***@cox.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:08:50 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >> Sorry, big dick, but you're out in the cold. You don't even have so much
> >as 1 little thing to support the idea that there is no God almighty.
> >Yes he does Dukey. There is NO-NADA objective evidence that any gods
> >actually exist.
> >Lack of evidence is NOT evidence of existence.
> Yet 100% of all evidence is that God does exist.
Really? Then lets hear it. Real Evidence that has been independently
verified in a logical consistent manner and is not an appeal to
emotion, tradition, person credulity, or ignorance.

Then show how that indicates the God of Christendom, with a seperate
logical proof that it does not apply to the other 10000 deities that
other cultures of men have worshipped over the centuries.

2007-09-04 22:42:22 UTC
On Tue, 04 Sep 2007 19:22:57 -0000, Hatter <***@gmail.com> wrote:

>> >Yes he does Dukey. There is NO-NADA objective evidence that any gods
>> >actually exist.
>> >Lack of evidence is NOT evidence of existence.

>> Yet 100% of all evidence is that God does exist.

>Really? Then lets hear it. Real Evidence that has been independently
>verified in a logical consistent manner and is not an appeal to
>emotion, tradition, person credulity, or ignorance.

Then it's proof and not evidence.

>Then show how that indicates the God of Christendom, with a seperate
>logical proof that it does not apply to the other 10000 deities that
>other cultures of men have worshipped over the centuries.

The rest never so much as raised one wooden finger. My Guy walked out of his
tomb to the cheers of 500 of his disciples.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-09-04 10:37:06 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:25:38 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
>>>>well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and
>>>>again that you have NONE!
>>> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I
>>> have
>>> is evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
>>bullshit-you got nothing.
>>your such a liar.
>>you have no proof-nada-zero-zilch.
>>me right-you-as allways-wrong.
>>theres your proof stupid.
> Sorry, big dick, but you're out in the cold. You don't even have so much
> as 1
> little thing to support the idea that there is no God almighty.
> duke, American-Moron
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of ignorance."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
oh yes i do-your pathetic existance is all the proof one needs ya fucking
dumb ape.
2007-09-04 19:18:46 UTC
On Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:37:06 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
<***@bigdick.org> wrote:

>oh yes i do-your pathetic existance is all the proof one needs ya fucking
>dumb ape.

Aw, dickhead, are you mad?

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-09-04 20:09:37 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:37:06 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
>>oh yes i do-your pathetic existance is all the proof one needs ya fucking
>>dumb ape.
> Aw, dickhead, are you mad?
> duke, American-American
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
never,scumbag cocksucker for christ.
your a god damn idiot-every post you make proves it.
2007-09-01 01:12:36 UTC
On 30 Aug, 23:27, duke <***@cox.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
> >"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> >news:***@4ax.com...
> >> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >>>Very simple and basic question.
> >>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any
> >>>is
> >>>the REAL God???
> >> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
> >> gods
> >> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
> >> offers
> >> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> >> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
> >> keep
> >> sending your way keeps leaking out.
> >well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and time
> >again that you have NONE!
> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have is
> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
> duke, American-American
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****

It really saddens me to so a person this narrow minded and naive..
2007-09-03 21:26:19 UTC
On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 18:12:36 -0700, ***@gmail.com wrote:

>> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have is
>> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.

>It really saddens me to so a person this narrow minded and naive..

No, you should really be sad that you're you.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
bob young
2007-09-01 05:59:02 UTC
duke wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
> >
> >"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> >news:***@4ax.com...
> >> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >>
> >>>Very simple and basic question.
> >>>
> >>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any
> >>>is
> >>>the REAL God???
> >>
> >> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
> >> gods
> >> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
> >> offers
> >> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> >>
> >> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
> >> keep
> >> sending your way keeps leaking out.
> >>
> >well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and time
> >again that you have NONE!
> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have is
> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.

we never see it. Probably hidden on your padded cell

> duke, American-American
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
Pastor Frank
2007-09-01 13:45:41 UTC
"bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> duke wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
>> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
>> >"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
>> >news:***@4ax.com...
>> >> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>Very simple and basic question.
>> >>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>> >>>any
>> >>>is the REAL God???
>> >>
>> >> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>> >> false
>> >> gods
>> >> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>> >> offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>> >> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info
>> >> I
>> >> keep sending your way keeps leaking out.
>> >
>> >well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and
>> >time
>> >again that you have NONE!
>> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have
>> is
>> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
> we never see it. Probably hidden on your padded cell
"Never see it indeed"!! You sure love to chant your mantras. It's your
whole life, isn't it? Thanks for proving the point below!

Pastor Frank

Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested
in Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-02 15:19:16 UTC
"Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote in message
> "bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> news:***@netvigator.com...
>> duke wrote:
>>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
>>> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
>>> >"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
>>> >news:***@4ax.com...
>>> >> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>>Very simple and basic question.
>>> >>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>>> >>>any
>>> >>>is the REAL God???
>>> >>
>>> >> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>>> >> false
>>> >> gods
>>> >> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God
>>> >> that
>>> >> offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>>> >> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info
>>> >> I
>>> >> keep sending your way keeps leaking out.
>>> >
>>> >well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and
>>> >time
>>> >again that you have NONE!
>>> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I
>>> have is
>>> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
>> we never see it. Probably hidden on your padded cell
> "Never see it indeed"!! You sure love to chant your mantras. It's your
> whole life, isn't it? Thanks for proving the point below!
> Pastor Frank
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested
> in Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
> John
> 3:3)
> thats nice dip shit-now,wheres the proof?
put it right in here please---
Bill M
2007-09-03 00:12:38 UTC
"Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote in message
> "bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> news:***@netvigator.com...
> > duke wrote:
> >> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> >> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
> >> >"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> >> >news:***@4ax.com...
> >> >> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>>Very simple and basic question.
> >> >>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which
> >> >>>any
> >> >>>is the REAL God???
> >> >>
> >> >> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
> >> >> false
> >> >> gods
> >> >> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God
> >> >> offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> >> >> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this
> >> >> I
> >> >> keep sending your way keeps leaking out.
> >> >
> >> >well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and
> >> >time
> >> >again that you have NONE!
> >>
> >> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I
> >> is
> >> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
> >
> > we never see it. Probably hidden on your padded cell
> >
> "Never see it indeed"!! You sure love to chant your mantras. It's your
> whole life, isn't it? Thanks for proving the point below!
> Pastor Frank
> Our Christian "God is love"

Why does this all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent
designer, create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Floods,
Wars, Earth Quakes, Cancers and hundreds of debilitating diseases and
serious body malfunctions? There are 12,000 known diseases that affect and
punish mankind indiscriminately. Why does he permit millions of both young
and old to starve to death or die of miserable diseases? Why punish millions
of INNOCENT CHILDREN in this horrible way?

Why does this all powerful and caring god permit totally "innocent children"
to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a fully developed
brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.? Why are some born idiots and
others with super intelligence? Why are some born into wealth and others
pauper poor? Why are his human creations designed to deteriorate into a
miserable and devastating old age regardless of their religious affiliation?

God supposedly created the world like it is to punish man for Adam and Eve's
'original sin'. Why does he also punish supposedly innocent animals with
thousands of diseases, birth defects, starvation and to be eaten alive by
other animals?

Why did this all powerful and loving creator create things like sharks,
jelly fish, octopus, lions, tigers, rhinoceros, Wolves, poisonous snakes,
stinging and poisonous insects, poisonous plants etc.? Why did this caring
benevolent god create animals (including man) that need to painfully kill
and eat other animals to survive?

World War I claimed 9,000,000 lives of people of many religious faiths.

World II indiscriminately claimed over 20,000,000 lives of people of all
ages and religious faiths, plus a vast destruction of property and more
millions maimed for life.

The recent Asian Tsunami has claimed the lives of 200,000 men, women and
children of all religious persuasions. Over 100,000 of these were totally
INNOCENT children!

There were three major epidemics of the Bubonic Plaque - in the 6th, 14th.
and 17th centuries. The death toll was over 137 million men, women and
totally innocent children.

The influenza of 1918-1919 killed at least 25 million men, women and
innocent children indiscriminately.

Diseases like malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis, etc. maim and kill millions
indiscriminately every year. More millions die of starvation and

These indiscriminately afflicted the young and old, atheists and those of
all religious persuasions.

Meanwhile MAN, not god, has developed defenses and cures for hundreds of
serious diseases. Man has learned to create shelter, heat and cooling,
purify water, world wide electronic communications, power and transportation
systems including flying through the air.
Man has created a wonderful medical and drug system and improved housing and
food production. The result of MAN'S inventiveness has
DOUBLED the average life span. None of this was created by any gods.

Perhaps your loving and caring god is actually a cruel, heartless, mean and
torturing tyrant. If he treats us so cruelly during life, why do you think
he will let us enjoy peace and eternal happiness in his Heaven? And why does
he keep all this a secret by preventing communication with our dead parents,
siblings and friends? (Or this god?)

There are thousands of religious and god beliefs but NO OJECTIVE VERIFIABLE
EVIDENCE for the actual existence of ANY of these gods. ALL god beliefs are
based on the unsubstantiated 'opinions' of errant men.

If there is a god that created the Universe, he is obviously not an
all-caring and benevolent god. Nor is he an "Intelligent Designer". The
objective evidence is if there is a god creator, he has NO concern about the
welfare of the creatures on Earth.

The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created gods!

I challenge god believers to supply ANY objective verifiable evidence that
their god actually exists except in their over active imaginations.

(1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested
> in Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
> 3:3)
> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-03 21:27:01 UTC
On 1 Sep 2007 00:59:02 -0500, bob young <***@netvigator.com> wrote:

>> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have is
>> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
>we never see it. Probably hidden on your padded cell

Well, you certainly can't provide any evidence that God does not exist.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Bill M
2007-09-04 00:14:35 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On 1 Sep 2007 00:59:02 -0500, bob young <***@netvigator.com>
> >> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I
have is
> >> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
> >we never see it. Probably hidden on your padded cell
> Well, you certainly can't provide any evidence that God does not exist.
> duke, American-American
Take a course in logic. Total lack of evidence is evidence of its
2007-09-04 10:38:52 UTC
"Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> "duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> news:***@4ax.com...
>> On 1 Sep 2007 00:59:02 -0500, bob young <***@netvigator.com>
> wrote:
>> >> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I
> have is
>> >> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
>> >we never see it. Probably hidden on your padded cell
>> Well, you certainly can't provide any evidence that God does not exist.
>> duke, American-American
> Take a course in logic. Total lack of evidence is evidence of its
> nonexistence!
>puke and reality does not mix.
he is like dirty oil to clean water.
it dont mix.

2007-09-04 19:20:36 UTC
On Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:38:52 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
<***@bigdick.org> wrote:

>"Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>> "duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
>> news:***@4ax.com...
>>> On 1 Sep 2007 00:59:02 -0500, bob young <***@netvigator.com>
>> wrote:
>>> >> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I
>> have is
>>> >> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
>>> >we never see it. Probably hidden on your padded cell
>>> Well, you certainly can't provide any evidence that God does not exist.
>>> duke, American-American
>> Take a course in logic. Total lack of evidence is evidence of its
>> nonexistence!
>>puke and reality does not mix.
>he is like dirty oil to clean water.
>it dont mix.

Right, I'm the clean water and you're the dirty oil.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-09-04 20:11:01 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:38:52 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
>>"Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>>> "duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
>>> news:***@4ax.com...
>>>> On 1 Sep 2007 00:59:02 -0500, bob young <***@netvigator.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> >> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I
>>> have is
>>>> >> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
>>>> >we never see it. Probably hidden on your padded cell
>>>> Well, you certainly can't provide any evidence that God does not exist.
>>>> duke, American-American
>>> Take a course in logic. Total lack of evidence is evidence of its
>>> nonexistence!
>>>puke and reality does not mix.
>>he is like dirty oil to clean water.
>>it dont mix.
> Right, I'm the clean water and you're the dirty oil.
> duke, American-Idiot.
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of idiocy for idiots."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
you just did it again puke.
another post proving your stupid.
2007-09-04 19:19:43 UTC
On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:14:35 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:

>> Well, you certainly can't provide any evidence that God does not exist.

>Take a course in logic. Total lack of evidence is evidence of its

Yet there is evidence galore that God does exist. IN fact, 100% of all
available evidence is that God is there watching you.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-09-04 20:11:26 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:14:35 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>> Well, you certainly can't provide any evidence that God does not exist.
>>Take a course in logic. Total lack of evidence is evidence of its
> Yet there is evidence galore that God does exist. IN fact, 100% of all
> available evidence is that God is there watching you.

> duke, American-Idiot.
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of idiocy for idiots."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
you just did it again puke.
another post proving your stupid.
Cary Kittrell
2007-09-04 19:35:10 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com> duke <***@cox.net> writes:
> On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:14:35 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >> Well, you certainly can't provide any evidence that God does not exist.
> >Take a course in logic. Total lack of evidence is evidence of its
> >nonexistence!
> Yet there is evidence galore that God does exist.

Plasmodium falciparum?

-- cary
Pastor Frank
2007-08-31 10:11:31 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
>>"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
>>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>>Very simple and basic question.
>>>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>>>>the REAL God???
>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
>>> gods
>>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>>> offers
>>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
>>> keep
>>> sending your way keeps leaking out.
>>well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and time
>>again that you have NONE!
> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have
> is
> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-02 14:25:06 UTC
"Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote in message
> "duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> news:***@4ax.com...
>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:36:55 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
>> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
>>>"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>Very simple and basic question.
>>>>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>>>>>the REAL God???
>>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>>>> false
>>>> gods
>>>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>>>> offers
>>>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>>>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
>>>> keep
>>>> sending your way keeps leaking out.
>>>well puke-ya gotta have REAL info first,and you have proven time and time
>>>again that you have NONE!
>> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have
>> is
>> evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
> Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
> John

you are no Christian.
2007-09-03 21:23:39 UTC
On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 06:11:31 -0400, "Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote:

>> If you think I've got a problem, try proving there's no God. What I have
>> is evidence, all evidence, that supports the existence of God 100%.

> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
>Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
>therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
David V.
2007-08-31 02:47:02 UTC
duke wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M"
> <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> Very simple and basic question.
>> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
>> which if any is the REAL God???
> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are
> many false gods

You mean like the christian god? That's such an asinine,
moronic, god that it cannot be anything other than a fake. Only
an idiot would believe in that god..... oh.... wait.... YOU are
an idiot!


"Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
Pastor Frank
2007-08-31 10:14:13 UTC
"David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> duke wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>> Very simple and basic question.
>>> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
>>> which if any is the REAL God???
>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
>> gods
> You mean like the christian god? That's such an asinine,
> moronic, god that it cannot be anything other than a fake. Only
> an idiot would believe in that god..... oh.... wait.... YOU are
> an idiot!
> "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-02 14:25:37 UTC
"Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote in message
> "David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:***@sti.net...
>> duke wrote:
>>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Very simple and basic question.
>>>> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
>>>> which if any is the REAL God???
>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
>>> gods
>> You mean like the christian god? That's such an asinine,
>> moronic, god that it cannot be anything other than a fake. Only
>> an idiot would believe in that god..... oh.... wait.... YOU are
>> an idiot!
>> "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested
> in
> Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
> John
> 3:3)

2007-08-31 04:22:50 UTC
duke wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>Very simple and basic question.
>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any is
>>the REAL God???
> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false gods
> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that offers
> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I keep
> sending your way keeps leaking out.
> puke, Nutcase-Nutcase

You know, it really bugs me when illiterates like you misspell my name.
atheist for christianity
2007-09-01 12:02:46 UTC
On Aug 31, 12:22 am, Ghod <***@ameritech.net> wrote:
> duke wrote:
> > On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >>Very simple and basic question.
> >>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any is
> >>the REAL God???
> > Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false gods
> > like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that offers
> > eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> > Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I keep
> > sending your way keeps leaking out.
> > puke, Nutcase-Nutcase
> You know, it really bugs me when illiterates like you misspell my name.- Hide quoted text -

Or spelling out the name at all, for that matter.
2007-08-31 04:25:17 UTC
duke wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>Very simple and basic question.
>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any is
>>the REAL God???
> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false gods
> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that offers
> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I keep
> sending your way keeps leaking out.

Boy, you sure do know from experience about those holes. Of course, it
wouldn't much, if you were to catch on as to where those leaks really are.

BTW, stop misspelling my name, or I'll plague you.
Bill M
2007-08-31 15:29:19 UTC
Duke you have a serious problem. You claim to be a religous man yet you
constantly engage in subterfuge, lies and unsupported claims.

When are you going to supply this evidence you keep claiming?

You would be better off seeing a competent psychiatrist than your priests.

"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >Very simple and basic question.
> >
> >There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any
> >the REAL God???
> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
> sending your way keeps leaking out.
> duke, American-American
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
David V.
2007-09-01 02:00:12 UTC
Bill M wrote:
> Duke you have a serious problem. You claim to be a religous man yet you
> constantly engage in subterfuge, lies and unsupported claims.

And you are doing exactly what he wants you to do. He is a troll
that gets his jollies by manipulating the emotions of others. He
feeds off of the anger he creates in others. He is a perfect
example of a troll.

"Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
Pastor Frank
2007-09-01 12:46:09 UTC
"David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Bill M wrote:
>> Duke you have a serious problem. You claim to be a religous man yet you
>> constantly engage in subterfuge, lies and unsupported claims.
> And you are doing exactly what he wants you to do. He is a troll that gets
> his jollies by manipulating the emotions of others. He feeds off of the
> anger he creates in others. He is a perfect example of a troll.
Both of you are proving yourself to be minions of Satan prowling for
whom they may devour, (see below). You falsely accuse citing no evidence
other than your hate, the same hate which caused Jesus to be nailed to a
cross. You even have the gall to post your calumnies to our pristine
Christian NGs.
Please remove our Christian groups from the headers of your posts.

Pastor Frank

1Pt:5:8: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a
roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
David V.
2007-09-02 14:54:45 UTC
Pastor Frank wrote:
> Both of you are proving yourself to be minions of Satan

Which is not possible our little psychotic friend. This satan of
your's doesn't exist either.


"Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
Pastor Frank
2007-09-03 11:47:51 UTC
"David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> Both of you are proving yourself to be minions of Satan
> Which is not possible our little psychotic friend. This satan of your's
> doesn't exist either.
LOL Satan is the father of all lies and he has got YOU convinced, don't

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-08-31 16:29:05 UTC
"Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> Duke you have a serious problem. You claim to be a religous man yet you
> constantly engage in subterfuge, lies and unsupported claims.
> When are you going to supply this evidence you keep claiming?
> You would be better off seeing a competent psychiatrist than your priests.
Duke has been answering your hateful blasphemies patiently and without
complaints, showing himself a true man of God, imbued with the love that is
our Christian God.
That IS the evidence of God. See below. God is not some invisible
divinity above them thar clouds, which seems to be YOUR definition of the

Pastor Frank

Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-02 15:22:12 UTC
"Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote in message
> "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> news:SsWBi.41872$***@bignews5.bellsouth.net...
>> Duke you have a serious problem. You claim to be a religous man yet you
>> constantly engage in subterfuge, lies and unsupported claims.
>> When are you going to supply this evidence you keep claiming?
>> You would be better off seeing a competent psychiatrist than your
>> priests.
> Duke has been answering your hateful blasphemies patiently and without
> complaints, showing himself a true man of God, imbued with the love that
> is our Christian God.
> That IS the evidence of God. See below. God is not some invisible
> divinity above them thar clouds, which seems to be YOUR definition of the
> term.
> Pastor Frank
thats it?i mean,THATS YOUR PROOF?
2007-09-03 21:28:23 UTC
On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 11:29:19 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:

>Duke you have a serious problem. You claim to be a religous man yet you
>constantly engage in subterfuge, lies and unsupported claims.

>When are you going to supply this evidence you keep claiming?

>You would be better off seeing a competent psychiatrist than your priests.

Shoot, billy, all I have to do is acknowledge the big bang, all laws of physics,
etc. What do you thing these are - accidents?

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Bill M
2007-09-04 00:17:25 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 11:29:19 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >Duke you have a serious problem. You claim to be a religous man yet you
> >constantly engage in subterfuge, lies and unsupported claims.
> >When are you going to supply this evidence you keep claiming?
> >You would be better off seeing a competent psychiatrist than your
> Shoot, billy, all I have to do is acknowledge the big bang, all laws of
> etc. What do you thing these are - accidents?

You quite obviouslly do not understand the "big bang" theory. Get an

> duke, American-American
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
2007-09-04 19:23:04 UTC
On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:17:25 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:

>> Shoot, billy, all I have to do is acknowledge the big bang, all laws of
>> etc. What do you thing these are - accidents?

>You quite obviouslly do not understand the "big bang" theory. Get an

The BB is the greatest evidence for the existence of God, billie. You don't
stand a fart's chance in a hurricane against it.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-09-04 20:12:00 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:17:25 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>> Shoot, billy, all I have to do is acknowledge the big bang, all laws of
>>> etc. What do you thing these are - accidents?
>>You quite obviouslly do not understand the "big bang" theory. Get an
> The BB is the greatest evidence for the existence of God, billie. You
> don't
> stand a fart's chance in a hurricane against it.
> duke, American-Idiot.
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of idiocy for idiots."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
you just did it again puke.
another post proving your stupid.
Bobby Bryant
2007-09-01 05:15:47 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>,
duke <***@cox.net> writes:
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>Very simple and basic question.
>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which
>>if any is the REAL God???
> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
> false gods like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only
> one God that offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.

An odd claim. At least we have evidence that money, booze, food, sex,
and gambling exist.

BTW, why do we need salvation?

Bobby Bryant
Reno, Nevada

Remove your hat to reply by e-mail.
Pastor Frank
2007-09-01 12:48:55 UTC
"Bobby Bryant" <***@wherever.ur> wrote in message
> In article <***@4ax.com>,
> duke <***@cox.net> writes:
>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>>Very simple and basic question.
>>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which
>>>if any is the REAL God???
>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>> false gods like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only
>> one God that offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> An odd claim. At least we have evidence that money, booze, food, sex,
> and gambling exist.
Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Bobby Bryant
2007-09-02 19:09:13 UTC
In article <46d991ab$0$16311$***@free.teranews.com>,
"Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> writes:
> "Bobby Bryant" <***@wherever.ur> wrote in message
> news:7A6Ci.1499$***@newssvr17.news.prodigy.net...
>> In article <***@4ax.com>,
>> duke <***@cox.net> writes:
>>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>>>Very simple and basic question.
>>>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which
>>>>if any is the REAL God???
>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>>> false gods like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only
>>> one God that offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>> An odd claim. At least we have evidence that money, booze, food, sex,
>> and gambling exist.
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully
> manifested in Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the
> cross of Calvary. We therefore know our God and have seen
> Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)

Is your ability to paraphrase sacred writings supposed to be evidence of

>Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John
> 3:3)

I've never met *anyone* who could, unless they were deluded, deranged, or

Bobby Bryant
Reno, Nevada

Remove your hat to reply by e-mail.
Dubh Ghall
2007-09-02 20:42:30 UTC
On Sun, 02 Sep 2007 19:09:13 GMT, ***@wherever.ur (Bobby Bryant)

>In article <46d991ab$0$16311$***@free.teranews.com>,
> "Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> writes:
>> "Bobby Bryant" <***@wherever.ur> wrote in message
>> news:7A6Ci.1499$***@newssvr17.news.prodigy.net...
>>> In article <***@4ax.com>,
>>> duke <***@cox.net> writes:
>>>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:

>> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully
>> manifested in Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the
>> cross of Calvary. We therefore know our God and have seen
>> Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
>Is your ability to paraphrase sacred writings supposed to be evidence of
>>Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John
>> 3:3)
>I've never met *anyone* who could, unless they were deluded, deranged, or

Ah yes, but Frank, can see the Emperor's new clothes.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
Pastor Frank
2007-09-03 13:33:38 UTC
"Bobby Bryant" <***@wherever.ur> wrote in message
> In article <46d991ab$0$16311$***@free.teranews.com>,
> "Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> writes:
>> "Bobby Bryant" <***@wherever.ur> wrote in message
>> news:7A6Ci.1499$***@newssvr17.news.prodigy.net...
>>> In article <***@4ax.com>,
>>> duke <***@cox.net> writes:
>>>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>Very simple and basic question.
>>>>>There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which
>>>>>if any is the REAL God???
>>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>>>> false gods like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only
>>>> one God that offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>>> An odd claim. At least we have evidence that money, booze, food, sex,
>>> and gambling exist.
>> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully
>> manifested in Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the
>> cross of Calvary. We therefore know our God and have seen
>> Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Is your ability to paraphrase sacred writings supposed to be evidence of
> something?
>>Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John
>> 3:3)
> I've never met *anyone* who could, unless they were deluded, deranged, or
> drugged.
> Bobby Bryant
> Reno, Nevada
What "evidence" would convince you?

Pastor Frank

Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John
3:3) and no, we won't send you all our money as "objective, verifiable
evidence", to prove our love for you. That's what you are after, aren't you?
You will just have to believe us, that we answer your posts because we
love you in the Lord and that this loving action evidences our God, who is
love. (1 John 4:8,16)

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-03 21:29:51 UTC
On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 05:15:47 GMT, ***@wherever.ur (Bobby Bryant) wrote:

>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>> false gods like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only
>> one God that offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.

>An odd claim. At least we have evidence that money, booze, food, sex,
>and gambling exist.

And you're in sad shape if any one if your god.

>BTW, why do we need salvation?

The love of God for all eternity. The option is satan telling you to bend over,
for all eternity. That's the only 2 options.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Bobby Bryant
2007-09-03 22:11:06 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>,
duke <***@cox.net> writes:
> On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 05:15:47 GMT, ***@wherever.ur (Bobby Bryant) wrote:
>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>>> false gods like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only
>>> one God that offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>> An odd claim. At least we have evidence that money, booze, food, sex,
>> and gambling exist.
> And you're in sad shape if any one if your god.

Any worse than worshipping an imaginary god?

>> BTW, why do we need salvation?
> The love of God for all eternity. The option is satan telling you
> to bend over, for all eternity. That's the only 2 options.

Sounds like your god is offering to save us from himself.

Bobby Bryant
Reno, Nevada

Remove your hat to reply by e-mail.
2007-09-04 19:25:07 UTC
On Mon, 03 Sep 2007 22:11:06 GMT, ***@wherever.ur (Bobby Bryant) wrote:

>>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>>>> false gods like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only
>>>> one God that offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.

>>> An odd claim. At least we have evidence that money, booze, food, sex,
>>> and gambling exist.

>> And you're in sad shape if any one if your god.

>Any worse than worshipping an imaginary god?

I don't worship an imaginary God. Mine is very real.

>>> BTW, why do we need salvation?
>> The love of God for all eternity. The option is satan telling you
>> to bend over, for all eternity. That's the only 2 options.

>Sounds like your god is offering to save us from himself.

No, we go with him "in salvation".

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-09-04 20:12:31 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Mon, 03 Sep 2007 22:11:06 GMT, ***@wherever.ur (Bobby Bryant)
> wrote:
>>>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>>>>> false gods like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only
>>>>> one God that offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>>>> An odd claim. At least we have evidence that money, booze, food, sex,
>>>> and gambling exist.
>>> And you're in sad shape if any one if your god.
>>Any worse than worshipping an imaginary god?
> I don't worship an imaginary God. Mine is very real.
>>>> BTW, why do we need salvation?
>>> The love of God for all eternity. The option is satan telling you
>>> to bend over, for all eternity. That's the only 2 options.
>>Sounds like your god is offering to save us from himself.
> No, we go with him "in salvation".
> duke, American-Idiot.
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of idiocy for idiots."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
you just did it again puke.
another post proving your stupid.
Bill M
2007-09-04 00:19:32 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 05:15:47 GMT, ***@wherever.ur (Bobby Bryant)
> >> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
> >> false gods like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only
> >> one God that offers eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> >An odd claim. At least we have evidence that money, booze, food, sex,
> >and gambling exist.
> And you're in sad shape if any one if your god.
> >BTW, why do we need salvation?
> The love of God for all eternity. The option is satan telling you to bend
> for all eternity. That's the only 2 options.

He need not worry. These only exist in your silly imagination.

> duke, American-American
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
2007-09-04 19:25:44 UTC
On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:19:32 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:

>> >BTW, why do we need salvation?

>> The love of God for all eternity. The option is satan telling you to bend
>> for all eternity. That's the only 2 options.

>He need not worry. These only exist in your silly imagination.

I'm betting you lose.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-09-04 20:12:46 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:19:32 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>> >BTW, why do we need salvation?
>>> The love of God for all eternity. The option is satan telling you to
>>> bend
>>> for all eternity. That's the only 2 options.
>>He need not worry. These only exist in your silly imagination.
> I'm betting you lose.

> duke, American-Idiot.
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of idiocy for idiots."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
you just did it again puke.
another post proving your stupid.
bob young
2007-09-01 05:59:01 UTC
duke wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >Very simple and basic question.
> >
> >There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any is
> >the REAL God???
> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false gods
> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that offers
> eternal salvation - Almighty God.

How chronically stupid

YOU Idiot, you have no more proof for or against your particular god you call
Almighty God than all the others on Bill's list

Why do Christians call their god 'Almighty' because god followers revel in the
power they think their god rubs off onto them, whereas in reality they are
nothing but immature, insecure graspers for power and influence over the 'less

> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I keep
> sending your way keeps leaking out.

see my comments above and if you dont like us just prove your god and we will be

> duke, American-American
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
Pastor Frank
2007-09-01 13:36:05 UTC
"bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> duke wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> >
>> >Very simple and basic question.
>> >There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>> >any is
>> >the REAL God???
>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
>> gods
>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>> offers
>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> How chronically stupid
> YOU Idiot, you have no more proof for or against your particular god you
> call
> Almighty God than all the others on Bill's list
> Why do Christians call their god 'Almighty' because god followers revel in
> the
> power they think their god rubs off onto them, whereas in reality they are
> nothing but immature, insecure graspers for power and influence over the
> 'less
> inspired'
>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
>> keep
>> sending your way keeps leaking out.
> see my comments above and if you dont like us just prove your god and we
> will be
> gone
Hardly!! Last time our glorious God came in person to prove Himself to
us we promptly nailed Him to a cross, because like Huxley said: The idea of
God interferes with our sexual mores. So, you guys are still here, and
waiting to nail Him again should He show up.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-02 15:23:31 UTC
"Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote in message
> "bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> news:***@netvigator.com...
>> duke wrote:
>>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >Very simple and basic question.
>>> >There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>>> >any is
>>> >the REAL God???
>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
>>> gods
>>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>>> offers
>>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>> How chronically stupid
>> YOU Idiot, you have no more proof for or against your particular god you
>> call
>> Almighty God than all the others on Bill's list
>> Why do Christians call their god 'Almighty' because god followers revel
>> in the
>> power they think their god rubs off onto them, whereas in reality they
>> are
>> nothing but immature, insecure graspers for power and influence over the
>> 'less
>> inspired'
>>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
>>> keep
>>> sending your way keeps leaking out.
>> see my comments above and if you dont like us just prove your god and we
>> will be
>> gone
> Hardly!! Last time our glorious God came in person to prove Himself to
> us we promptly nailed Him to a cross, because like Huxley said: The idea
> of God interferes with our sexual mores. So, you guys are still here, and
> waiting to nail Him again should He show up.
> --
Dubh Ghall
2007-09-02 21:01:23 UTC
On Sat, 1 Sep 2007 09:36:05 -0400, "Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu>

>"bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
>> duke wrote:
>>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >Very simple and basic question.
>>> >There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>>> >any is
>>> >the REAL God???
>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
>>> gods
>>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>>> offers
>>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>> How chronically stupid
>> YOU Idiot, you have no more proof for or against your particular god you
>> call
>> Almighty God than all the others on Bill's list
>> Why do Christians call their god 'Almighty' because god followers revel in
>> the
>> power they think their god rubs off onto them, whereas in reality they are
>> nothing but immature, insecure graspers for power and influence over the
>> 'less
>> inspired'
>>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
>>> keep
>>> sending your way keeps leaking out.
>> see my comments above and if you dont like us just prove your god and we
>> will be
>> gone
> Hardly!! Last time our glorious God came in person to prove Himself to
>us we promptly nailed Him to a cross,

So you worship a coward: That explains much about you.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.
bob young
2007-09-03 05:44:02 UTC
Pastor Frank wrote:

> "bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> news:***@netvigator.com...
> > duke wrote:
> >> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >Very simple and basic question.
> >> >There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
> >> >any is
> >> >the REAL God???
> >>
> >> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
> >> gods
> >> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
> >> offers
> >> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> >
> > How chronically stupid
> > YOU Idiot, you have no more proof for or against your particular god you
> > call
> > Almighty God than all the others on Bill's list
> > Why do Christians call their god 'Almighty' because god followers revel in
> > the
> > power they think their god rubs off onto them, whereas in reality they are
> > nothing but immature, insecure graspers for power and influence over the
> > 'less
> > inspired'
> >
> >> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
> >> keep
> >> sending your way keeps leaking out.
> >
> > see my comments above and if you dont like us just prove your god and we
> > will be
> > gone
> >
> Hardly!! Last time our glorious God came in person to prove Himself to
> us we promptly nailed Him to a cross, because like Huxley said: The idea of
> God interferes with our sexual mores. So, you guys are still here, and
> waiting to nail Him again should He show up.

Frank - you are without a shadow of a doubt - cracking up

> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-09-03 20:39:54 UTC
"bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> "bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
>> news:***@netvigator.com...
>> > duke wrote:
>> >> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:14 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >Very simple and basic question.
>> >> >There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>> >> >any is
>> >> >the REAL God???
>> >>
>> >> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
>> >> false
>> >> gods
>> >> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>> >> offers
>> >> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>> >
>> > How chronically stupid
>> > YOU Idiot, you have no more proof for or against your particular god
>> > you
>> > call
>> > Almighty God than all the others on Bill's list
>> > Why do Christians call their god 'Almighty' because god followers revel
>> > in
>> > the
>> > power they think their god rubs off onto them, whereas in reality they
>> > are
>> > nothing but immature, insecure graspers for power and influence over
>> > the
>> > 'less
>> > inspired'
>> >
>> >> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info
>> >> I
>> >> keep
>> >> sending your way keeps leaking out.
>> >
>> > see my comments above and if you dont like us just prove your god and
>> > we
>> > will be
>> > gone
>> >
>> Hardly!! Last time our glorious God came in person to prove Himself
>> to
>> us we promptly nailed Him to a cross, because like Huxley said: The idea
>> of
>> God interferes with our sexual mores. So, you guys are still here, and
>> waiting to nail Him again should He show up.
> Frank - you are without a shadow of a doubt - cracking up
Glad you don't bother to lie for atheism by denying it.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-03 21:32:57 UTC
On 1 Sep 2007 00:59:01 -0500, bob young <***@netvigator.com> wrote:

>> >There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any is
>> >the REAL God???

>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false gods
>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that offers
>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.

>How chronically stupid

How would one of you atheists know?

>YOU Idiot, you have no more proof for or against your particular god you call
>Almighty God than all the others on Bill's list

Of course I don't have any proof. Nobody does for the existence of almighty
God. However, all evidence, and I mean every bit that exists, all fully support
the existence of God.

>Why do Christians call their god 'Almighty' because god followers revel in the
>power they think their god rubs off onto them, whereas in reality they are
>nothing but immature, insecure graspers for power and influence over the 'less

He is greater than any other god, like wine, women, and song, and wooden
jackals, and dust balls, etc.

>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I keep
>> sending your way keeps leaking out.

>see my comments above and if you dont like us just prove your god and we will be

I can't prove his existence. But all evidence says "yes".

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Bill M
2007-09-04 00:22:35 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On 1 Sep 2007 00:59:01 -0500, bob young <***@netvigator.com>
> >> >There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
any is
> >> >the REAL God???
> >> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many
false gods
> >> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
> >> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
> >How chronically stupid
> How would one of you atheists know?
> >YOU Idiot, you have no more proof for or against your particular god you
> >Almighty God than all the others on Bill's list
> Of course I don't have any proof. Nobody does for the existence of
> God. However, all evidence, and I mean every bit that exists, all fully
> the existence of God.
> >Why do Christians call their god 'Almighty' because god followers revel
in the
> >power they think their god rubs off onto them, whereas in reality they
> >nothing but immature, insecure graspers for power and influence over the
> >inspired'
> He is greater than any other god, like wine, women, and song, and wooden
> jackals, and dust balls, etc.
> >> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
> >> sending your way keeps leaking out.
> >see my comments above and if you dont like us just prove your god and we
will be
> >gone
> I can't prove his existence. But all evidence says "yes".

Duke you keep claiming all this evidence but have NEVER supplied ANY -NADA
objective verifiable evidence
to back up your nonsensical claims. Get an eduction!

> duke, American-American
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
2007-09-04 19:28:03 UTC
On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:22:35 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:

>> I can't prove his existence. But all evidence says "yes".

>Duke you keep claiming all this evidence but have NEVER supplied ANY -NADA
>objective verifiable evidence
>to back up your nonsensical claims. Get an eduction!

Oh, there's those words again - "objective verifiable".

Evidence of God (Rev1)- duke32, circa 2002AD

1. The belief that a supreme being is the creator of the universe is
based on a profession by those that believe that is equal to, but no
less than, any profession that our universe exists for any other
alternative reason that can be imagined.

One could hypothesize an astronomical event such as a prior universe
that collapsed in on itself and has now exploded outward to form our new
present universe. If this did happen, it would have happened again
and again for the same reason as the latest occurrence, thereby
suggesting that the universe always was, is, and always will be. Yet
another equal suggestion is that the universe was birthed out of
another universe, or another dimension.

The human mind cannot cope with the idea that all things lack a
beginning, and clearly neither matter nor energy on their own, the
basic building blocks of the universe, could either exist in and of
itself, or in and of its own intelligence.

The profession by believers is that our universe is a creation of
almighty God who is truly acknowledged as "always was, is, and always
will be". No alternative is available.

2. The big bang - first there was nothing - no time, no mass, no energy, no
"outer space" - then an infinitely small point of infinitely dense mass appeared
which was not there before, and then it exploded outward to form our universe,
including "time" and all "outer space" as we know it.

The universe is expanding, but into what? Is there an edge to the universe, and
if there is, what is it expanding into?

3. Medical science itself professes the human body to reflect a
"design with purpose". It consists of a central computer (brain)
supported by a fluid transfer system (blood) forced along by a pump
(heart), an energy conversion system (stomach and intestines), a waste
disposal system, an oxygen transfer system (lungs) that is required to
transfer necessary oxygen to the brain and to the body parts,
maintenance organs (spleen, gall bladder, etc), and a body salinity
(same as ocean water) exactly correct as necessary for transfer of
minute electrical signals to/from the brain to operate and control the

4. The conception equation contained in animal forms is divided 50%
in the male and 50% in the female. We only mix the chemicals. Of special
interest is the fact that the male and female organs are of complimentary shape
in mammals. These two facts are especially conducive to support planned

5. ARC101: In the overall scheme of advancement in relationships of
life forms as we move from the least to the greatest:

The rock (inanimate object) does not respond to, or relate to, the
plant's existence because it fully lacks the faculties to do so. Nor
does the plant acknowledge, in any fashion, it's awareness of the
inanimate object.

One level upward, the plant (simple life) does not respond to, or
relate to, the cow's existence because it lacks the faculties to do
so. However, the cow does have a limited reverse recognition of the
plant because it is a noted food source for the cow, but the plant
does not relate in any way to the cow, what it is, or why it is.

One level up, the cow (complex life form) does not respond to, or
relate to, the human's existence, other than in very rudimentary ways,
because it lacks the faculties to do so. Man, on the other hand, has
a full range of knowledge and a clear relationship directed backward
to the cow including leading the cow by the nose, but the cow has
minimal upward reaction to the man other than the cow sees the man,
but has no idea what the man is or what the man does or why the man is

Notice how one level can relate backwards to a lower level, but in the
opposite higher level only in a very rudimentary fashion. Yet each
higher level not only exists but exists "basically unknown" to the
level below it.

What, then, regarding the existence of a level higher than the human?
As is seen at each level, the inability, or limited ability, to relate
to the level above it does not in any way negate its very existence.

We knowingly lack sufficient faculties to respond to, or relate to, a
higher level above man. Does this negate the existence of such a
level? Why should we be able to relate upwards when lower life can't.
By all logic, there should be at least one level above human.

As humans (mankind), we possess tremendous advanced faculties over
those of the cow - intelligence, reason, logic, love, empathy,
sympathy, knowing we suffer and why, etc. And we can use these
faculties to study, learn, reason, dream, and subjectively conclude
that, logically speaking, some level should exist higher than man.

As before, we too are limited in our ability to relate to that higher
level, but in no way does this negate its existence.

If there is no greater known than man, then man would be the pinnacle
of life, the top - evidenced by the mess we make of the world - war,
disease, pestilence, hatred, man's inhumanity to man, etc.

Man as the ultimate, the pinnacle, the top, is illogical.

How many levels are there above us? We don't know - we can't even
prove so much as one level. The top level, by all logic, must be
*perfection*. Is it reasonable to think the move from man to the top
is made in one step? That is not very imaginative.

So let's think in term of two steps - one greater than man and one
lesser than a supreme being. Strangely enough, the "angel" fits the
position exactly, more than man but less than perfection.

Can we prove it - of course not. But we can use our advanced
capacities to dream, to aspire, to reach out for that possible next
step, from which we can profess to truly be the creation of one more
perfect than us.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2007-09-04 20:13:23 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:22:35 -0400, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>> I can't prove his existence. But all evidence says "yes".
>>Duke you keep claiming all this evidence but have NEVER supplied ANY -NADA
>>objective verifiable evidence
>>to back up your nonsensical claims. Get an eduction!
> Oh, there's those words again - "objective verifiable".
> *****
> Evidence of God (Rev1)- duke32, circa 2002AD
> 1. The belief that a supreme being is the creator of the universe is
> based on a profession by those that believe that is equal to, but no
> less than, any profession that our universe exists for any other
> alternative reason that can be imagined.
> One could hypothesize an astronomical event such as a prior universe
> that collapsed in on itself and has now exploded outward to form our new
> present universe. If this did happen, it would have happened again
> and again for the same reason as the latest occurrence, thereby
> suggesting that the universe always was, is, and always will be. Yet
> another equal suggestion is that the universe was birthed out of
> another universe, or another dimension.
> The human mind cannot cope with the idea that all things lack a
> beginning, and clearly neither matter nor energy on their own, the
> basic building blocks of the universe, could either exist in and of
> itself, or in and of its own intelligence.
> The profession by believers is that our universe is a creation of
> almighty God who is truly acknowledged as "always was, is, and always
> will be". No alternative is available.
> 2. The big bang - first there was nothing - no time, no mass, no energy,
> no
> "outer space" - then an infinitely small point of infinitely dense mass
> appeared
> which was not there before, and then it exploded outward to form our
> universe,
> including "time" and all "outer space" as we know it.
> The universe is expanding, but into what? Is there an edge to the
> universe, and
> if there is, what is it expanding into?
> 3. Medical science itself professes the human body to reflect a
> "design with purpose". It consists of a central computer (brain)
> supported by a fluid transfer system (blood) forced along by a pump
> (heart), an energy conversion system (stomach and intestines), a waste
> disposal system, an oxygen transfer system (lungs) that is required to
> transfer necessary oxygen to the brain and to the body parts,
> maintenance organs (spleen, gall bladder, etc), and a body salinity
> (same as ocean water) exactly correct as necessary for transfer of
> minute electrical signals to/from the brain to operate and control the
> body.
> 4. The conception equation contained in animal forms is divided 50%
> in the male and 50% in the female. We only mix the chemicals. Of special
> interest is the fact that the male and female organs are of complimentary
> shape
> in mammals. These two facts are especially conducive to support planned
> design.
> 5. ARC101: In the overall scheme of advancement in relationships of
> life forms as we move from the least to the greatest:
> The rock (inanimate object) does not respond to, or relate to, the
> plant's existence because it fully lacks the faculties to do so. Nor
> does the plant acknowledge, in any fashion, it's awareness of the
> inanimate object.
> One level upward, the plant (simple life) does not respond to, or
> relate to, the cow's existence because it lacks the faculties to do
> so. However, the cow does have a limited reverse recognition of the
> plant because it is a noted food source for the cow, but the plant
> does not relate in any way to the cow, what it is, or why it is.
> One level up, the cow (complex life form) does not respond to, or
> relate to, the human's existence, other than in very rudimentary ways,
> because it lacks the faculties to do so. Man, on the other hand, has
> a full range of knowledge and a clear relationship directed backward
> to the cow including leading the cow by the nose, but the cow has
> minimal upward reaction to the man other than the cow sees the man,
> but has no idea what the man is or what the man does or why the man is
> there.
> Notice how one level can relate backwards to a lower level, but in the
> opposite higher level only in a very rudimentary fashion. Yet each
> higher level not only exists but exists "basically unknown" to the
> level below it.
> What, then, regarding the existence of a level higher than the human?
> As is seen at each level, the inability, or limited ability, to relate
> to the level above it does not in any way negate its very existence.
> We knowingly lack sufficient faculties to respond to, or relate to, a
> higher level above man. Does this negate the existence of such a
> level? Why should we be able to relate upwards when lower life can't.
> By all logic, there should be at least one level above human.
> As humans (mankind), we possess tremendous advanced faculties over
> those of the cow - intelligence, reason, logic, love, empathy,
> sympathy, knowing we suffer and why, etc. And we can use these
> faculties to study, learn, reason, dream, and subjectively conclude
> that, logically speaking, some level should exist higher than man.
> As before, we too are limited in our ability to relate to that higher
> level, but in no way does this negate its existence.
> If there is no greater known than man, then man would be the pinnacle
> of life, the top - evidenced by the mess we make of the world - war,
> disease, pestilence, hatred, man's inhumanity to man, etc.
> Man as the ultimate, the pinnacle, the top, is illogical.
> How many levels are there above us? We don't know - we can't even
> prove so much as one level. The top level, by all logic, must be
> *perfection*. Is it reasonable to think the move from man to the top
> is made in one step? That is not very imaginative.
> So let's think in term of two steps - one greater than man and one
> lesser than a supreme being. Strangely enough, the "angel" fits the
> position exactly, more than man but less than perfection.
> Can we prove it - of course not. But we can use our advanced
> capacities to dream, to aspire, to reach out for that possible next
> step, from which we can profess to truly be the creation of one more
> perfect than us.
> *****
> duke, American-Idiot.
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of idiocy for idiots."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
you just did it again puke.
another post proving your stupid.
2007-09-04 10:41:14 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On 1 Sep 2007 00:59:01 -0500, bob young <***@netvigator.com>
> wrote:
>>> >There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>>> >any is
>>> >the REAL God???
>>> Gee, billy, as I've explained to you so many times, there are many false
>>> gods
>>> like money, booze, food, sex, gambling, but there is only one God that
>>> offers
>>> eternal salvation - Almighty God.
>>How chronically stupid
> How would one of you atheists know?
>>YOU Idiot, you have no more proof for or against your particular god you
>>Almighty God than all the others on Bill's list
> Of course I don't have any proof. Nobody does for the existence of
> almighty
> God. However, all evidence, and I mean every bit that exists, all fully
> support
> the existence of God.
>>Why do Christians call their god 'Almighty' because god followers revel in
>>power they think their god rubs off onto them, whereas in reality they are
>>nothing but immature, insecure graspers for power and influence over the
> He is greater than any other god, like wine, women, and song, and wooden
> jackals, and dust balls, etc.
>>> Maybe you should put a plug in that hole in your head. All this info I
>>> keep
>>> sending your way keeps leaking out.
>>see my comments above and if you dont like us just prove your god and we
>>will be
> I can't prove his existence. But all evidence says "yes".
> duke, American-American
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
god damn your fucking sooo god damn stupid!
jeezuz jumped up christ on the cross your so god damn fucking STUPID!
2007-09-04 19:29:29 UTC
On Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:41:14 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
<***@bigdick.org> wrote:

>god damn your fucking sooo god damn stupid!
>jeezuz jumped up christ on the cross your so god damn fucking STUPID!

Christian: win hopefully/no win. You the atheist: lose likely/no win. No win
comes into play if there is no almighty God.

Now WHO is the stupid one?

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Cary Kittrell
2007-09-04 20:01:08 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com> duke <***@cox.net> writes:
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:41:14 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
> >god damn your fucking sooo god damn stupid!
> >jeezuz jumped up christ on the cross your so god damn fucking STUPID!
> Christian: win hopefully/no win. You the atheist: lose likely/no win. No win
> comes into play if there is no almighty God.

"lose" comes into play if That Which Runs The Show turns out not to
be the one you had in mind.

-- cary
2007-09-04 20:13:36 UTC
"duke" <***@cox.net> wrote in message
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:41:14 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
>>god damn your fucking sooo god damn stupid!
>>jeezuz jumped up christ on the cross your so god damn fucking STUPID!
> Christian: win hopefully/no win. You the atheist: lose likely/no win.
> No win
> comes into play if there is no almighty God.
> Now WHO is the stupid one?
> duke, American-Idiot.
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of idiocy for idiots."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****
you just did it again puke.
another post proving your stupid.
Cary Kittrell
2007-09-04 20:20:32 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com> duke <***@cox.net> writes:
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:41:14 -0400, "JESUS WAS A COCKSUCKER!"
> <***@bigdick.org> wrote:
> >god damn your fucking sooo god damn stupid!
> >jeezuz jumped up christ on the cross your so god damn fucking STUPID!
> Christian: win hopefully/no win. You the atheist: lose likely/no win. No win
> comes into play if there is no almighty God.
> Now WHO is the stupid one?

The person who believes that those are the only two options.

-- cary
David V.
2007-08-31 02:45:18 UTC
Bill M wrote:
> Very simple and basic question.
> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
> which if any is the REAL God???

Easy. None of them are real. All of them are myths.

"Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
Pastor Frank
2007-08-31 10:13:17 UTC
"David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Bill M wrote:
>> Very simple and basic question.
>> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
>> which if any is the REAL God???
> Easy. None of them are real. All of them are myths.
> "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-02 21:33:48 UTC
On Aug 31, 5:13 am, "Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote:
> "David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:***@sti.net...> Bill M wrote:
> >> Very simple and basic question.
> >> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
> >> which if any is the REAL God???
> > Easy. None of them are real. All of them are myths.
> > "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
> Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John
> 3:3)

As asked previously, do you actually consider this to be a legitimate
response? It's probably the most pathetic copout I've ever seen from
you, and that's an accomplishment worth noting.

Posting for the sake of having the last word is a waste of everyone's
time, Frank.
Pastor Frank
2007-09-03 13:42:31 UTC
"James" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> On Aug 31, 5:13 am, "Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote:
>> "David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:***@sti.net...> Bill M wrote:
>> >> Very simple and basic question.
>> >> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
>> >> which if any is the REAL God???
>> >
>> > Easy. None of them are real. All of them are myths.
>> > "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
>> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested
>> in
>> Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
>> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
>> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
>> John
>> 3:3)
> As asked previously, do you actually consider this to be a legitimate
> response? It's probably the most pathetic copout I've ever seen from
> you, and that's an accomplishment worth noting.
> Posting for the sake of having the last word is a waste of everyone's
> time, Frank.
You don't think much of love, do you? But we Christians think that
showing, demonstrating, enacting loving and caring is the most important
action you can do in life, and that without it life is meaningless. That's
why our "God is love".
This may come as a surprise to you, but most people would rather die
than live the loveless life, ... you excepted of course.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Christopher A.Lee
2007-09-02 21:39:45 UTC
On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 06:13:17 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
<***@christfirst.edu> wrote:

>"David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> Bill M wrote:
>>> Very simple and basic question.
>>> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
>>> which if any is the REAL God???
>> Easy. None of them are real. All of them are myths.
>> "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
>Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
>therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John

We can't hear the voices in your head either, brainwashed moron who
stupidly cites the bible here it is worthless.
Pastor Frank
2007-09-03 13:46:12 UTC
"Christopher A.Lee" <***@optonline.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 06:13:17 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
> <***@christfirst.edu> wrote:
>>"David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> Bill M wrote:
>>>> Very simple and basic question.
>>>> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
>>>> which if any is the REAL God???
>>> Easy. None of them are real. All of them are myths.
>>> "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
>> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
>>Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
>>therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
>> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
>> John
> We can't hear the voices in your head either, brainwashed moron who
> stupidly cites the bible here it is worthless.
To us loving and caring is the most important activity in life, and
without that our lives would be meaningless. That is because our Christian
"God is love".
Tell us what is most important in your life, and you will be telling us
about your god or devil.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
bob young
2007-09-03 05:04:01 UTC
Pastor Frank wrote:

> "David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:***@sti.net...
> > Bill M wrote:
> >>
> >> Very simple and basic question.
> >> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
> >> which if any is the REAL God???
> >
> > Easy. None of them are real. All of them are myths.
> > "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
> >
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
> Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John
> 3:3)

Interesting. Very interesting. We talk here about gods, deities, the divine,
something hallowed and what do we get?

We get words written, yet again, by humans that are supposed to prove that a
god exists !

Need I say more !?

Oh and you are right....... atheists cannot see him and neither can you.

He has moved from his palace just above the clouds where your great great
grandpa was taught he lived
to some other place, never to be found again.


> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank
2007-09-03 20:01:31 UTC
"bob young" <***@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> "David V." <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:***@sti.net...
>> > Bill M wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Very simple and basic question.
>> >> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know
>> >> which if any is the REAL God???
>> >
>> > Easy. None of them are real. All of them are myths.
>> > "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
>> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested
>> in
>> Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
>> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
>> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
>> John
>> 3:3)
> Interesting. Very interesting. We talk here about gods, deities, the
> divine,
> something hallowed and what do we get?
> We get words written, yet again, by humans that are supposed to prove that
> a
> god exists !
> Need I say more !?
> Oh and you are right....... atheists cannot see him and neither can you.
> He has moved from his palace just above the clouds where your great great
> grandpa was taught he lived
> to some other place, never to be found again.
Wrong again!!! We Christians can see love to the death and value it
greatly in our soldiers giving their lives for love of country, our parents
sacrificing their lives for their children, and Jesus Christ giving His life
for the unlovely and unlovable sinners most vile, whereas atheists obviously

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-01 05:58:39 UTC
In article <2wBBi.4008$***@bignews3.bellsouth.net>,
"Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:

> Very simple and basic question.
> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any is
> the REAL God???
> Following is a list of the many gods worshipped and feared by man over the
> decades.
> Which, if any, of these gods is the real god? If there is a real god, why
> does he not tell us directly and clearly he is the real god and all the
> others are fakes??? Why does he permit all the fakes?

Non existence is lonely so he invited all his equally non-existent
friends over for a little party.
John #1782

"We should always be disposed to believe that which appears to us to be
white is really black, if the hierarchy of the church so decides."

- Saint Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) Founder of the Jesuit Order.
Pastor Frank
2007-09-01 13:27:33 UTC
In article <2wBBi.4008$***@bignews3.bellsouth.net>,
"Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Very simple and basic question.
> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any
> is
> the REAL God???
> Following is a list of the many gods worshipped and feared by man over the
> decades.
> Which, if any, of these gods is the real god? If there is a real god, why
> does he not tell us directly and clearly he is the real god and all the
> others are fakes??? Why does he permit all the fakes?
He did "tell us directly and clarly that He is the real God and all
others are fake", and we promptly nailed Him to a cross, for like Huxley
said: The idea of God interferes with our sexual mores.

Pastor Frank

Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in John

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Scott Richter
2007-09-02 14:19:29 UTC
Pastor Frank <***@christfirst.edu> wrote:

> In article <2wBBi.4008$***@bignews3.bellsouth.net>,
> "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >
> > Very simple and basic question. There are so many religions and Gods.
> > How is someone to know which if any is the REAL God??? Following is a
> > list of the many gods worshipped and feared by man over the decades.
> > Which, if any, of these gods is the real god? If there is a real god,
> > why does he not tell us directly and clearly he is the real god and all
> > the others are fakes??? Why does he permit all the fakes?
> >
> He did "tell us directly and clarly that He is the real God and all
> others are fake",

What the fuck do you think he would say? That he ISN'T the real god?
That the others AREN'T fake?

Sheesh, what kind of fucking morons think that argument carries even a
single molecule of weight?

> and we promptly nailed Him to a cross, for like Huxley said: The idea of
> God interferes with our sexual mores.

Then our sexual mores should win, and religion should die. That's just
common sense. It's even got a name: survival of the species...
2007-09-03 05:20:28 UTC
In article <46d991b2$0$16311$***@free.teranews.com>,
"Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote:

> In article <2wBBi.4008$***@bignews3.bellsouth.net>,
> "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >
> > Very simple and basic question.
> > There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any
> > is
> > the REAL God???
> > Following is a list of the many gods worshipped and feared by man over the
> > decades.
> > Which, if any, of these gods is the real god? If there is a real god, why
> > does he not tell us directly and clearly he is the real god and all the
> > others are fakes??? Why does he permit all the fakes?
> >
> He did "tell us directly and clarly that He is the real God and all
> others are fake",

We're supposed to believe he said so, because a few thousand years ago
someone said he said so? Nor convincing.

>and we promptly nailed Him to a cross, for like Huxley
> said: The idea of God interferes with our sexual mores.

Nonsense. Sex happens. If it didn't we wouldn't be here.
John #1782

"We should always be disposed to believe that which appears to us to be
white is really black, if the hierarchy of the church so decides."

- Saint Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) Founder of the Jesuit Order.
Pastor Frank
2007-09-03 20:07:02 UTC
"johac" <***@remove.sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> In article <46d991b2$0$16311$***@free.teranews.com>,
> "Pastor Frank" <***@christfirst.edu> wrote:
>> In article <2wBBi.4008$***@bignews3.bellsouth.net>,
>> "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> >
>> > Very simple and basic question.
>> > There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
>> > any
>> > is
>> > the REAL God???
>> > Following is a list of the many gods worshipped and feared by man over
>> > the
>> > decades.
>> > Which, if any, of these gods is the real god? If there is a real god,
>> > why
>> > does he not tell us directly and clearly he is the real god and all the
>> > others are fakes??? Why does he permit all the fakes?
>> He did "tell us directly and clarly that He is the real God and all
>> others are fake", and we promptly nailed Him to a cross, for like Huxley
>> said: The idea of God interferes with our sexual mores.
> We're supposed to believe he said so, because a few thousand years ago
> someone said he said so? Nor convincing.
I am glad to note, that you are on the verge of becoming a Christian.
All it needs now is you becoming "convinced" of Jesus Christ, our most holy
Lord and Saviour.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Roger Coppock
2007-09-02 02:27:59 UTC
You're understanding of Buddhism is quite lacking.
Most Buddhists belong to sects that don't have
"gods" as the Christian world understands the word.
The historical Buddha did not claim to be divine.
In fact, he said that the whole question of his
divinity was rather pointless. Please see:

Then there are the many errors in your Buddhist
dictionary. You should give us it's source. Some
of the errors are real boners. For example "Sakyamuni"
means "Of the clan Sakya," in Japanese, which is a
way of referring to the historical Buddha. However,
Sakyamuni Buddha is not a "God." He was the first
human to "wake up" and become a Buddha. There are
as many other Buddhas as there are stars in the sky
or grains of sand on the banks of the river Ganges.

On Aug 30, 8:18 am, "Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Very simple and basic question.
> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if any is
> the REAL God???
> Following is a list of the many gods worshipped and feared by man over the
> decades.
> Which, if any, of these gods is the real god? If there is a real god, why
> does he not tell us directly and clearly he is the real god and all the
> others are fakes??? Why does he permit all the fakes?
[ . . . ]
> Asian Gods:
> Abhijnaraja [Physician]
> Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
> Acala [?]
> Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
> Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
> Adibuddha [First]
> Adidharma [Primeval]
> Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
> Ajaya [?]
> Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
> Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
> Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
> Amida [Savior]
> Amitabha [A Dhyani]
> Amitayus [Longevity]
> Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
> Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
> Anantamukhi [Literature]
> Arapacana [Book and Sword]
> Arcismati [Bhumis]
> Arhat [A Saint]
> Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
> Arya-Tara [Sakti]
> Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
> Asokottamasri [Physician]
> Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
> Asura [Group of Demons]
> Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
> Ayurvasita[One vasitas]
> Balaparamita [Philosophy]
> Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
> Bhima[Attendant]
> Bhrkuti[Female]
> Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
> Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
> Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
> Bi-har [Protector]
> Bodhidharma [Monk]
> Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
> Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
> Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
> Budha [Mercury]
> Butcho [?]
> Chandarosana [Mahayana]
> Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
> Chakravartin [World Ruler]
> Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
> Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
> Chittavista [Vashitas]
> Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
> Cunda [Literature]
> Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
> Dadimunda [Temples]
> Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
> Dakini [Demons]
> Dala Kadavara [Demon]
> Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
> Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
> Dharani [Mystical Texts]
> Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
> Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
> Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
> Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
> Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
> Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
> Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
> Dhupa [Mother]
> Dhupatara [Mahayana]
> Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
> Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
> Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
> Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
> Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
> Dvarapala [?]
> Ekajata [Terrible]
> Emma-o [Judges the Dead]
> Fudo [WIsdom]
> Guan Yin [bodhisattva]
> Hariti [Ate Children]
> Hayagriva [Protection]
> Heruka [Protection]
> Hevajra [Protection]
> Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]
> Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
> Janguli [Snakebite cure]
> Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
> Jizo [Compassion]
> Juichimen [Mercy]
> Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]
> Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
> Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
> Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
> Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
> Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
> Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
> Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
> Kurukulla [?]
> Locana [?]
> Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
> Maitreya [Future]
> Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
> Manjusri [bodhisattva]
> Mara [Evil]
> Marici [Sun]
> Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
> Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
> Mo-Li [Protects Temples]
> Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
> Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
> Pandara [?]
> Paramasva [?]
> Parnasavari [?]
> Prajna [Femaleness]
> Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
> Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
> Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
> Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
> Remanta [King of the Horse gods]
> Sakyamuni [Japanese]
> Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
> Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
> Shakra [King of the Gods]
> Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
> Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]
> Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]
> Usnisavijaya [?]
> Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
> Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
> Vajrabhairava [?]
> Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
> Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
> Vajravarahi [?]
> Vajrayogini [Initiation]
> Vajrayogini [Riches]
> Vidyadharas [?]
> Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
> Vighnantaka [?]
> Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
> Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
> Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
> We-to [Divine General]
> Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
> Yama [?]
> Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]
> Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]
> Ao [Sea]
> Awun [Destruction]
> Ba [Drought]
> Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
> Bo Hsian [Taoist]
> Cai-Shen [Riches]
> Can Cong [Silkworms]
> Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
> Chang Fei [War]
> Chang Hs'ien [Children]
> Chang Kuo-lao [?]
> Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
> Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
> Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
> Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
> Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
> Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
> Chih Nu [Weavers]
> Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
> Chih-Yu [Inventor]
> Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
> Chou Wang [Sodomy]
> Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
> Chu Jung [Fire]
> Chu Lung [Day/Night]
> Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
> Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
> Confucius [Philosopher]
> Di Zhang Xia [?]
> Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]
> Erh-Lang [Guardian]
> Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
> Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
> Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
> Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
> Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
> Fo [Buddha]
> Fu His [Taught Humanity]
> Fu Hsing [Happiness]
> Fu Shen [Happiness]
> Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
> Fu-xi [Hero]
> Gao Yao...
[ . . . ]
Pastor Frank
2007-09-02 10:36:17 UTC
"Roger Coppock" <***@adnc.com> wrote in message
> You're understanding of Buddhism is quite lacking.
> Most Buddhists belong to sects that don't have
> "gods" as the Christian world understands the word.
> The historical Buddha did not claim to be divine.
> In fact, he said that the whole question of his
> divinity was rather pointless. Please see:
> http://www.accesstoinsight.org/canon/sutta/majjhima/mn-063-tb0.html#views
> Then there are the many errors in your Buddhist
> dictionary. You should give us it's source. Some
> of the errors are real boners. For example "Sakyamuni"
> means "Of the clan Sakya," in Japanese, which is a
> way of referring to the historical Buddha. However,
> Sakyamuni Buddha is not a "God." He was the first
> human to "wake up" and become a Buddha. There are
> as many other Buddhas as there are stars in the sky
> or grains of sand on the banks of the river Ganges.
The opposite is true. Only Western Buddhist, who read the sanitized
translations of Buddhist scripture don't have a God. But by far most Eastern
Buddhist sects have gods aplenty. At meal time, and away from home,
believers unroll a cloth on the floor, place the god's image on it and put
food offerings before the statue, then they kneel and pray. At home, native
Buddhists have an altar populated by representations of their gods.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-09-02 02:52:27 UTC
"Bill M" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote in

> Very simple and basic question.
> There are so many religions and Gods. How is someone to know which if
> any is the REAL God???

Every theist knows the answer to that one. "Mine!"

Enkidu AA#2165
EAC Chaplain and ordained minister,
ULC, Modesto, CA

Freedom is the distance between church and state.
-- bumper sticker
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