2013-09-01 00:08:09 UTC
Can anyone enlighten me as to the symbolism of the Russian Orthodox Cross,
and the reason for its having three cross pieces? This may not be the place for this
Much obliged,
James Algrant
James,and the reason for its having three cross pieces? This may not be the place for this
Much obliged,
James Algrant
I would be glad to. I fcat, I spent the time, a few months back, to write a little article on the subject. I hope that you will have a read by clicking this link: <a href="http://www.orthodoxrings.com/WhatsWithTheThreeBarCross.html">Article on Why The Orthodox Cross has Three Bars </a>. Please share and post as you would like.
<a href="http://www.orthodoxrings.com">Matt </a>