Grey School of Wizardry?
(too old to reply)
17 years ago
Never be tortured!
I'm curious what people think about the Grey School of Wizardry
(greyschool.com). It was apparently founded by Oberon Zell-
that sounds right, yes.
OZR was on the cover of Pan Gaia's most recent ish...I
don't really know anything more about him.
it's a stormy but intriguing road to follow in Z-R's wake.
his involvements with the Council of Themis, CAW, and
editing of Green Egg, and involvement with such efforts
as Forever Forests and Annwyfn (sp?) are fairly well-known.
the fact that he is a wonderful sculptor and storyteller
typically require an encounter with the man to ascertain.
I have thumbed through his big grimoire ("Grimoire for
the Apprentice Wizard") in the bookstore a few times,
which I understand is the basic course material for the
my understanding is that there are (or were) 2 such books
which formed the basis, 2 volumes, effectively. one is
"Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard" and the other is
"Companion for the Apprentice Wizard". the second is
described at google books as consisting

"...not so much of informational lessons
and teachings, as with the Grimoire, but
rather focuses on practical exercises
derived from them to develop psychic skills,
plus instructions and templates for many
projects to make and do."
accessed 1/12/08

these books are part of my occult library, and i've
scanned them briefly, finding them inspiring and amusing.
having met and spent a little time with their author,
i think that his heart is in the right place, and that
many will find in the books something to assist them
with their magic studies.
It looks somewhat Harry Potterish....
its (the Grey School's) relation to "Defense of the
Dark Arts" definitely gives this impression, yes.
The "faculty" seem a reasonable bunch.
list them and comment upon them in this thread.
It looks like it started out as geared for kids
that was their first platform, yes.
but has added adult curricula.
last i heard this was in the works, yes.
I'm asking as an adult. I'm interested in the
Grey School as an opportunity to acquire a good
thick basic level of knowledge.
it has thickness in particular dimensions only,
but they are apparently trying to expand that,
and i hope they succeed in broadening so as to
include a greater diversity and insight.
My background is in wicca and (somewhat
discongrously, perhaps) chaos magick.
the Wicca of a stripe will fit with the Neo-pagan
character of R-Z's general background. the Grey
School's expansion of curriculum so as to
incorporate additional occult dimension shows
promise that they may well have something to offer
someone who has an interest in Chaos Magick.

that said, there are turbulent waters and storms
in the social wake of Z-R's previous involvements,
and so far i have heard little to indicate that
this has reproduced or followed him into the school.

I wish Oberon and the school the best, hope to see
the improvement in accuracy in their reflection
of religions, and will watch for reviews from
students and graduates in the years to come.


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17 years ago
Happy Spring!
thanks. below is a faculty listing, MINUS duplications.

there are more departments than this, but some of them
had no unique or first-unique faculty so i skipped 'em.
you can get the full curriculum in the PDF. a name
listed below may reappear countless times in other depts
and levels. many of the teachers instruct across a
multiple of subjects and levels, though Susan "Moonwriter"
Pesznecker seems to be the most common name encountered.
credentials encountered once were appended on this list.

first appearance during my scroll through the PDF is
what is reflected below. only 1 of these names sounded
familiar to me (Trina Robbins, a longtime friend of
my Beloved and well-known from comics). she teaches
a course on Goddesses and Heroins and one on making
ritual garb.

Dept of Wizardry
Hillary "Grey Panther" Fischer
Elizabeth Barrette
Uta M. "Rainmaker" Stelson
Susan "Moonwriter" Pesznecker, RN, BA
Katrina "Tigersmoondiva" Flanary
David "Duir" Smith
Solaris Kirby

Dept. of Nature Studies
Anna "Rilana" Fox

Dept. of Magickal Practices [sic]

Dept. of Mind Magicks
Crow Dragontree
Rainbow Stonetalker
Estara T'shirai, BA

Dept. of Wortcunning
Ellen Evert Hopman

Dept. of Divination
Robert Lee "Skip" Ellison
Ash "Cala'Sanjaru" DeKirk

Dept. of Performance Magicks
Jim Fish

Dept. of Alchemy and Magickal Sciences [sic]
David Smith

Dept. of Lifeways
Lilana d'Venus
Brighid Delphinos

Dept. of Lore
Trina Robbins

Dept of Wizardry
Quaesitor Theurgos
Jeremy Brown

Dept. of Mind Magicks
Donata Ahern, M.S.W.

Dept. of Performance Magicks
Jillbe Badb

Dept. of Beast Mastery
Raven Stone


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17 years ago
of the people
there, since my father's settlement amongst them.

There was also the last spring and summer a wonderful work of God
carried on at Coventry, under the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Meacham. I
had opportunity to converse with some Coventry people, who gave me a
very remarkable account of the surprising change that appeared in the
most rude and vicious persons there. The like was also very great at the
same time in a part of Lebanon, called the Crank, where the Rev. Mr.
Wheelock, a young gentleman, is lately settled: and there has been much
of the same at Durham, under the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Chauncey; and
to appearance no small ingathering of souls there. Likewise amongst many
of the young people in the first precinct in Stratford, under the
ministry of the Rev. Mr. Gould; where the work was much promoted by the
remarkable conversion of a young woman who had been a great
company-keeper, as it was here.

Something of this work appeared in several others towns in those parts,
as I was informed when I was there, the last fall. And we have since
been acquainted with something very remarkable of this nature at another
parish in Stratford, called Ripton, under the pastoral care of the Rev.
Mr. Mills. There was a considerable revival of religion last summer at
Newhaven old town, as I was once and again informed by the Rev. Mr.
Noyes, the minister there, and by others: and by a letter which I very
lately received from Mr. Noyes, and also by information we have had
other ways. This flourishing of religion still continues, and has lately
much increased. Mr. Noyes writes, that many this summer have been added
to the church, and particularly mentions several young persons that
belong t

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17 years ago
heard him awhile, she went
away to her father, who was in the shop, and entreated him to give that
man a cow: and told him, that the poor man had no cow! that the hunters,
or something else, had killed his cow! and entreated him to give him one
of theirs. Her father told her that they could not spare one. Then she
entreated him to let him and his family come and live at his house: and
had much more talk of the same nature, whereby she manifested bowels of
compassion to the poor.

She has manifested great love to her minister: particularly when I
returned from my long journey for my health, the last fall. When she
heard of it, she appeared very joyful at the news, and told the children
of it, with an elevated voice, as the most joyful tidings; repeating it
over and over. Mr. Edwards is come home! Mr. Edwards is come home! She
still continues very constant in secret prayer, so far as can be
observed, for she seems to have no desire that others should observe her
when she retires, being a child of a reserved temper. Every n

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